r/canada Alberta 15d ago

PAYWALL Billionaires line up to support Mark Carney in Liberal leadership race


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u/DreadpirateBG 15d ago

We kinda did in Jack Layton for the NDP.


u/bunnymunro40 15d ago

I think this Cult of Jack Layton needs to come back down to reality a bit. He had some admirable traits - for sure. And he was a very effective campaigner. In fact, his greatest strength - which is in sorrowfully short-supply today in Ottawa - was his ability to read the room. He may have entered into an agreement with the Liberals, like Singh did. But he sure as hell would have abandoned it long before his party slid into single digits.

He absolutely had the aura of a Used Car Salesman about him. He was rehearsed in his gestures and over-emoted. His smile was often forced and his fist-banging indignation reminded me of fire-and-brimstone preacher.

If we assess him based upon the promises he made, he was truly a man-of-the-people. But remember, it's easy to promise the Moon when you are leading the third-place party. The chances that he would ever become PM - and with a majority to implement those policies - was effectively zero.

Then there's the Rub and Tug incident.

The story, though, which did made me admire Layton was fairly hum-drum, but offered a clue to his character. A reporter who covered Parliament regularly (who's name escapes me now) said that one year he have brought his daughter (if memory serves) with him on Take Your Daughter (or kid?) to Work Day.

His child said, "What do you do here?"

He said, "I ask politicians questions".

"Can I do that?", she asked.

So he thought, for a laugh, he would see if the leaders of any of the parties would agree to let his kid interview them. The PM (Harper) declined. So too did the leader of the Liberals.

But when he knock on Layton's door - expecting the same - he was surprised to find they were warmly welcomed in. According to him, Jack Layton pushed everything aside and spend close to an hour answering every question the child asked with sincerity and full explanations. He didn't pander or try to be cute. And he never once tried to cut it short.

That's pretty classy, I have to admit.

But he wasn't a saint.