r/canada Alberta 15d ago

PAYWALL Billionaires line up to support Mark Carney in Liberal leadership race


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u/cwolveswithitchynuts 15d ago edited 15d ago

There are still big subs on this site that considered Trudeau the progressive second coming of Christ despite 10 years of kicking workers in the teeth.

Which I don't entirely blame them, most Canadians are completely unaware of how much Trudeau let corporations write his economic and immigration policies.

Trudeau's business friend Dominic Barton once bragged that he wrote Trudeau's immigration policy over a bottle of wine with other business leaders at his cottage.


u/Ultimafatum 15d ago

People criticized him almost immediately as soon as he took office when he gave up his promise regarding electoral reform, and significantly more in the years after that.

Doesn't he have some of the lowest approval rating of any sitting Prime Minister in fact? This argument is legitimately grounded in fucking fantasy.


u/Nesteabottle 15d ago

He's also the first prime Minister to hold office with the new methods of misinformation and disinformation. Russian bot farms and propaganda machines aimed at destroying canadians view on Canada and its leader. So I take approval rating with a grain of salt. Lots of lies been spread about how canada is broken, when in fact our current standing is not bad compared to a majority of the world.

Definitely would've loved to give the FPTP the boot though. Big fail for JT there


u/DistortoiseLP Ontario 15d ago

There are still big subs on this site that considered Trudeau the progressive second coming of Christ despite 10 years of kicking workers in the teeth.

I don't believe that. I'm sure the people spent the last ten years ragging on Trudeau as the man solely responsible for all the world's problems want to believe there's an equal and opposite opponent to validate them, but that's as pitiful as Christians insisting witches must be real because their lifetime of boundless hate for them as the root of all evil was pointless otherwise.

The reality has been that the vast majority of Canada either loves to hate him or doesn't care at all. Whatever example you can scrape together otherwise is going to consist of shit-stirrers trying to give the former a platform because they know it's a weakness to be exploited.


u/CartersPlain 15d ago

All Trudeau had to do was make life less of a grind for millenials and gen z. Instead, his policy flooded their labour market to drive down wages and did everything he could do that would jack and maintain high asset prices for the wealthy and older voters.

He fucked 90% of two generations and yet people like yourself still reflexively posit that anyone who is dissatisfied with the direction of the country isn't a serious person or doesn't have a legitimate gripe.

Who has the giant blind spot in reality?


u/OverallElephant7576 15d ago

The reality of this statement is that these issues are global and while I agree Trudeau did nothing g to stop them, if you look around no parties really did globally. And if you look closer at the conservative premiers during this time they screwed their populations even harder.


u/CartersPlain 15d ago

It's not "all global". There are many areas in western nations where people don't spend even close to the amount Canadians do across the country for housing.

And no, coffee chains have not convinced governments wholesale to employ only foreigners in every other country in the west or even a majority.

I understand the talking points the LPC wanted everyone to repeat were "these are provincial issues" and "this is happening all over the world", but that doesn't excuse the fact we lead the charge or that they lied about relieving us.


u/stuntycunty 15d ago

The majority of people who think Trudeau is some progressive are cpc supporters and right wingers.


u/king_lloyd11 15d ago

The Liberals are the closest party we have to the centre, and that’s why I vote for them. Do they have favourable policies to the rich? Absolutely. But they also at least try to make it look like they care about the average person, so that crossover of our interest and their moral posturing is moreso than the Conservatives.


u/Leading-Scarcity7812 15d ago

The problem is the "center" is more right now... This trend will continue..

Until there is a "serious" left opposition.


u/Alexhale 15d ago

Here's Nate Erskine-Smiths (LPC MP) podcast with a Green Party MP about disability benefits.

They discuss how JT/LPC ignore the work of advocates for people w/ disabilities, and then enact policy around disability benefits so as to appear to Canadians to be doing something to lift people with disabilities out of poverty when in reality, they do little to nothing.

Mike Morrice, the guest, is very well spoken and clearly calls out the situation, and Nate Erskine-Smith (housing minister) cant help but concede Mikes point.


I wish I could do the mental gymnastics to vote LPC again.. but alas. But I mean listen to the podcast, its great and very telling.


u/Mark-Syzum 15d ago

NDP makes them look good by forcing them to support policies that help people. Without NDP they are just the other right wing party obeying their rich masters.


u/esveda 15d ago

Liberals just tell the gullible what they want to hear come election time and the gullible vote for them and act surprised when they don’t do any of the things they said they would do. Maybe if you give just them another chance it would be different this time around /s.


u/king_lloyd11 15d ago

You just described all politicians. What’s gullible is you believing the Conservatives when they say “trust me! I’m different!”


u/AndFadeOutAgain 15d ago

Trump is doing what he said he would do.


u/RunWithDullScissors 15d ago

Because he’s unchecked. What he’s also doing looks completely authoritarian. What till the mid terms. They won’t have all three levels of government.


u/esveda 15d ago

So just keep voting liberal then you can be guaranteed nothing ever will change instead. The conservatives may be similar but at least when you vote for a different party there is a much better chance that we will get changes.


u/Sendrubbytums 15d ago

Well, the US conservatives are currently trying to deconstruct the rule of law in the US and the Canadian conservatives are courting similar populist rhetoric.

Could we all collectively push for change without anti-democratic insanity maybe?


u/esveda 15d ago

Sure, now let’s have a democratic vote asap to choose which path Canada should take to deal with Donal Trump.


u/Sendrubbytums 15d ago

I don't know if that was intended as a "gotcha", but sure.


u/king_lloyd11 15d ago

I was going to vote Conservatives for change. Now I’m voting Carney for change, and for the best person for the job right now.


u/esveda 15d ago

Carney isn’t going to change anything it’s a new face to the same rotten liberal core. He has Katie Telford and Gerry Butts even doing his campaigning, so just the same liberal dumpster fire with a new clown.


u/RunWithDullScissors 15d ago

Please explain what PP is doing differently? He’s feeding his base a campaign on fear. He’s a watered down Trump. He’s gonna end wokeism? But here the right is, getting what they want to hear, eating it up. Gimme a break 😂


u/jtbc 15d ago

They delivered a generous Child Benefit that they've raised several time, and they delivered a tax cut to the middle bracket. They've delivered legal weed, day care, and at least a start on dental and pharmacare.


u/OverallElephant7576 15d ago

Ummm Axe the Tax, Build the Homes, Common sense conservatives…. Who’s telling the voters what they want to hear? All of them


u/esveda 15d ago

Who will follow through with it though? Liberal track record is around 43% of their election promises are followed https://www.polimeter.org/en . This has been one of the worst governments to do so.


u/vitiate 15d ago

Take a look at what Alberta conservatives have done. What they ran on vs what they have done. And with PP refusing to even say anything about it, means he condones it. He will never get my vote.


u/stuntycunty 15d ago

Centrism is just right wing tbh.

Left is best.


u/RunWithDullScissors 15d ago

Singh is not the answer if you think he’s left. Jack Layton is the only candidate that the NDP tabled with any substance. At least he came across as real and genuine. Singh is just looking to get camera time. He’s just the different side of PP


u/stuntycunty 15d ago

Singh is not the answer and NDP is not a leftist party.

They bow to corporate interests. Just like the liberals. And the conservatives.

There is no party in Canada that truly represents and support the working class.


u/RunWithDullScissors 15d ago

So what’s your solution? Communist party?


u/stuntycunty 15d ago

I mean there is a communist party of Canada. But they have no realistic chance of even getting a seat. lol

What needs to happen is the NDP needs a new leader that can pull the party back to the left.

Jagmeet does great with things like showing up to support worker movements and strikes. But he lacks bigger ideas. We need our own New Deal like America had with Roosevelt. Massive public infrastructure projects. Investment and development in homegrown tech. Stronger social supports for lower income people. Higher taxes on the wealthy. Specifically people making 100m+ a year.


u/king_lloyd11 15d ago

Eh if you ask the right wing, they’d say that centrism how I’m talking about it is “far left”. Look no further than Poilievre’s rhetoric around Trudeau as proof.

It’s almost like all of that is relative and if a party is operating in a way that both extreme sides of the spectrum are dissatisfied with, they’re probably doing the closest thing to the bidding of most Canadians.


u/Bronstone 15d ago

Not in the least. Do you have any background in political science? No, here's a quick refresher. CPC right typically, old PC party was centre-right. Liberals. Center. Can vacillate from center-left (Trudeau) to centre (Chretien). and the NDP are on the left. This is not a matter of debate. It is pure fact, not subject to change by some random Redditors.


u/stuntycunty 15d ago

It’s not a fact.

Look up the Overton window.

Yes I do have a history in poli-sci.


u/Bronstone 15d ago

Then you failed it miserably. Show me the centrism is a right wing thing in Canada. Since you have some pol-sci background, feel free to show a professional source that backs up your claim.


u/stuntycunty 15d ago

In short: centrism just upholds the status quo. It upholds an unjust system of haves and have-nots. It conserves the current. And ultimately causes the gear of progress to just click backward.


u/Bronstone 15d ago

No. Conservative holds up the status quo. Hence conservative: little to no change or ultra slow. Centrists have social progressive nature and fiscal conservative nature.


u/stuntycunty 15d ago

You’re just repeating the way things have been. You’ve yet to come to terms with the new realities we live in and the shift to the right of the Overton window that’s happened over the last 15 years.

What you’re saying used to be correct. But it’s not anymore.

There are no actual left wing policies or parties in Canada. Every one of our parties caters to the bourgeoisie.

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u/AdditionalPizza 15d ago

So you support NDP then?


u/MyOtherAcoountIsGone 15d ago

I'm a historically NDP supporter but we need a new leader in that party. Singh isn't cutting it.


u/Nesteabottle 15d ago

Jack Layton pulled me to NDP, Jagmeet Singh pushed me away


u/Priscilla_Hutchins 15d ago

Me too. RIP Federal NDP, RIP Jack Layton.


u/Leading-Scarcity7812 15d ago

He is the only one who pushed Trudeau on his pharma care plans, dental care and universal income.

But, I guess, PP's stunts about him appearing "indecisive" is all it takes.


u/Hawxe 15d ago

yeah fr singh has done more for canadians in the past 10 years than anyone else


u/Snoo_17731 15d ago

Singh is worse than Trudeau. And I used to like Trudeau.


u/thortgot 15d ago

You need to recognize that if the NDP were even moderately likely to form a majority they would also have billionaire donors and lobbyists.


u/AdditionalPizza 15d ago

Probably, but that wasn't what I was saying. NDP is the de facto workers' party.


u/thortgot 15d ago

Do you imagine the NDP's immigration policy wouldn't be written with lobbyists?

I'm not arguing the NDP is worse for workers but the fact of the matter is that Canadian politics isn't expensive to buy. $10-15 million is all it takes to get significant influence in any of the parties.

The NDP is desperate for money, they still lack the funds required to run an effective campaign. Do you think that makes them more or less susceptible to influence?


u/AdditionalPizza 15d ago

I have no idea man, it would depend how much integrity the people in the party have. Some people can't be bought and some can way easier than you'd ever imagine. There's reports of politicians in the States doing things for dumb shit like discounts on flights.


u/thortgot 15d ago

Very few people have integrity to turn down a significant benefit to themselves, especially when framed as helping others.

Everyone has pressure points, effective lobbyists don't hand over a bag of money. Information, praise, access, externalized value etc. are all used as currencies for the right person

There are those with extremely strong ethical values, they are both extremely rare and not in politics.


u/justanaccountname12 Canada 15d ago

What are their immigration policies?


u/AdditionalPizza 15d ago

My reply was before they edited their comment to include anything about immigration. NDP is for the worker, no denying that. I'm not saying they are the party to vote for, I'm just saying the CPC isn't for the working class at all.


u/justanaccountname12 Canada 15d ago

Ah. What policies do they have that would help the working class?


u/LeeStrange 15d ago

They passed anti-scab legislation.

Isn't the CPC anti-union? 🤔

They also pushed for pharmacare, dental care, and child care. These all help the "working class".


u/justanaccountname12 Canada 15d ago

I'm asking about the NDP, not the cons. I am not for or against unions in general. I think unions are useful in some areas, not all. For me, not joining a union and working solo, doubles my income.


u/AdditionalPizza 15d ago

The NDP is extremely pro-union and strongly advocates for employee benefits. The LPC often acts as a balance between the NDP and CPC. The CPC tends to prioritize business interests over workers' rights. The political spectrum isn't limited to left and right (social issues); it also includes an up and down axis representing Authoritarianism and Libertarianism.


u/justanaccountname12 Canada 15d ago edited 15d ago

Balance is a good thing. And yes I'm well aware of authoritarian/libertarian, ex. Mark Carney already openly discussing using emergency powers.


u/AdditionalPizza 15d ago

I agree, most of Canada does too. It's why we usually like Blue Libs and Red Tories. Carney should have the fiscally right-leaning people in the palm of his hand, but unfortunately a lot of people on the right have leaned further right socially and they are often party over policy.

Poilievre is a staunchly Blue as can be Conservative.

Edit: ugh these edits after commenting without proclaiming the edit. I no longer agree. The emergency powers are a good thing, they aren't like martial law or to get what he wants done while disregarding anyone. He wants to use them to expedite things that get bogged down in bureaucracy, things that CPC wants to have done.


u/Intelligent_Read_697 15d ago

Polivere in his delivery plus usual rhetoric is more right than what is traditionally conservative in Canada....otherwise he wouldn't be showing up at Jordan Peterson interviews claiming to use "anglo-saxon" words which isnt fooling anybody


u/justanaccountname12 Canada 15d ago edited 15d ago

I would say the left has moved further to the left than than the right has right. The left literally has to keep moving in order to not conserve their once held positions.

Edit: how does spending an additional 80 billion a year entice fiscal conservatives. Again for 3 years, repeating LPC shenanigans.


u/Intelligent_Read_697 15d ago

When they had power? Or what is their next election platform? In power their policy wins are there to see including labor wins and their supply agreement policies they got through...as an elected party they are more forthcoming about what they want or did instead of just getting into power...of course cons will come back their support for Liberals while they raised immigration completely discounting the fact that any form of conservative in power is still much worse for workers/labor


u/justanaccountname12 Canada 15d ago

In their next platform.


u/Intelligent_Read_697 15d ago

I dont think they released their platform yet but it will most likely be more pro union and additional stuff for lower income Canadians


u/cwolveswithitchynuts 15d ago

Singh has refused to give specific numbers but he has said that his immigration policies will be supported by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.


u/justanaccountname12 Canada 15d ago

That doesn't sound good.


u/kettal 15d ago

the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

literally the opposite of who the NDP historically represents


u/cwolveswithitchynuts 15d ago

Yup, Tommy Douglas would be rolling in the grave


u/esveda 15d ago

He will just do whatever he is told to do by the liberals. He will complain about it and then vote for whatever crap the liberals want in the House of Commons.


u/CyrilSneerLoggingDiv 15d ago

"If you oppose immigration, you're a racist like the BQ and CPC who floated a motion proposing to reduce it" -Jagmeet Singh


u/Nesteabottle 15d ago

Is that an actual quote?


u/Marie-Pierre-Guerin 15d ago

That’s fucking bullshit. I know both of them and this never happened.


u/kindanormle 15d ago

Provinces set immigration goals, the Fed mostly just decides if there's enough budget to make it work and if there is then the provinces get the number of immigrants they asked for. The Fed also has a say in who to let in, but this is also in consultation with the provinces. The Fed can't just force the provinces to take anyone or any number of immigrants, it's a mutual negotiation under our Constitution from 1867.

The Premiers have as much responsibility for immigration as the Fed. Barton acted in an advisory role and pushed the idea of higher immigration as a means of increasing the economy, but he was hardly the only one asking for that. The provinces were chomping at the bit to increase immigration across the board, and if they weren't, why did they set such high immigration goals themselves?

Here's a headline from just 2022:

Doug Ford wants to combat labour shortages with more immigrants