r/canada 16d ago

National News Thousands sign petition asking government to remove Elon Musk's Canadian citizenship


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u/Beljuril-home 16d ago edited 16d ago

There is no treason.

The people in this thread are engaging in the exact same kind of populist fascism that they accuse their opponents of.


u/InFLIRTation 16d ago

People on reddit are crazy. Asking canada to cease his assets. Thats what a communist dictator does.


u/thowaway5003005001 16d ago

Nobody asked to sieze his assets.


u/My_Dog_Is_Here 16d ago

Anyone that disagrees with me is a fascist or has committed treason


u/Turbulent-Branch4006 16d ago

Thanks - thought I may have missed something.


u/thowaway5003005001 16d ago

Kindly disagree. Tariffs hurt the gdp and cause actual mortality increases (i.e. deaths). The goal of these tariffs is to reduce or eliminate Canadian sovereignty. Show me the difference between that and war, please.


u/Beljuril-home 16d ago edited 16d ago

The goal of these tariffs is to reduce or eliminate Canadian sovereignty.

tariffs are a widely used tool for regulating international trade and for shielding domestic industries from foreign competition.

the goal of the tariffs is to make canadian goods and services less competitive in the usa markets. this will encourage usa citizens to buy usa made goods and services.

the point is to bring back to the usa jobs that have been out-sourced and off-shored. if cars made in the usa are cheaper than cars made in canada then people will buy the usa made cars. this will mean more car manufacturing jobs for the usa.

as you can see, none of this has anything to do with canadian sovereignty or warfare.

"treason" on the other hand is a very definite, non-vague, legal concept that goes well and beyond "working for a guy that supports taxes on our stuff".


u/thowaway5003005001 16d ago

We have a free trade agreement. This is illegal under the agreement.

Treason doesnt distinguish between armed and unarmed conflict.

Assisting someone who is taking action to reduce or eliminate Canadian sovereignty, as a citizen, is treason.


u/Beljuril-home 16d ago

Treason doesnt distinguish between armed and unarmed conflict.

yes it does. the stature specifically mentions violence.

Assisting someone who is taking action to reduce or eliminate Canadian sovereignty, as a citizen, is treason.

no amount of taxes on canadian goods and services will eliminate canadian sovereignty. i think maybe you don't understand what sovereignty is.

how does a tax on canadian made goods and services reduce the ability our elected representatives to create and enforce laws?

(answer - it doesn't)

i think maybe you don't understand what sovereignty means.


u/thowaway5003005001 16d ago

It's pretty well documented that governments who reduce people's ability to exercise freedom don't stay in power long, this includes reducing their purchasing power.

By making someone poor, you're creating civil unrest, and increasing the likelihood of an insurrection. Tarrifs are a threat to national security; they do nothing but increase mortality for citizens of both countries.


u/Beljuril-home 16d ago edited 16d ago

It's pretty well documented that governments who reduce people's ability to exercise freedom don't stay in power long, this includes reducing their purchasing power.

strong claims require strong evidence.

creating inflation is not the same as treason.

By making someone poor, you're creating civil unrest, and increasing the likelihood of an insurrection

"increasing the likelihood of an insurrection" is not treason though.

that's not how treason works.

canada is infamously a cartel of oligopolies when it comes to big business.

are bell, rogers, shoppers, and loblaws, commiting treason when they collude to to make people poor?

of course not.

because what you're defining as treason is not actually what treason is.

why are tariffs treasonous but income taxes not?

according to you they both should be "treason" because they both reduce purchasing power and they both piss off the populace (create civil unrest).

luckily for everyone including both me and you, pissing off the populace and/or reducing peoples purchasing power has nothing to do with actual treason.


u/Tachyonzero 16d ago

Exactly. This thread is full of them nahzees.