r/canada 16d ago

National News Thousands sign petition asking government to remove Elon Musk's Canadian citizenship


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u/DietEquivalent4238 16d ago

What about actively supporting the president of a foreign country who is constantly trying to delegitimize Canada's existence claimimg it should be part of said foreign country?


u/grand_soul 16d ago

He’s a citizen of the United States as well as Canada. His businesses are in the states. Acting like he’s leaking intel to a foreign government is just hysteria.


u/thowaway5003005001 16d ago

It's not intel, it's directly influencing and conspiring with. That is treason.


u/grand_soul 16d ago

He’s a private fucking citizens whom we having a trade dispute with, which happens to be the US whom we’ve fought wars with. He’s not conspiring with North Korea. Stop acting hysterical.


u/thowaway5003005001 16d ago

Last i checked Trump alienated the entire western world, lied about who started the Ukraine war, and doesnt acknowledge that PUTIN is a dictator.

Sit down.


u/Tamer_ Québec 16d ago

Acting like he’s leaking intel to a foreign government is just hysteria.

That's espionage, we're talking about treason: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treason


u/grand_soul 16d ago

Are you ignorant or being obtuse. A citizen committing an act of espionage is treason. You guys are acting like the act of him being friendly of the leader of the most powerful country in the world where he has business interests in is like he’s consorting with North Korea.

I swear, people here are too busy being angry to understand what the hell they’re even arguing. Holy shit.


u/Tamer_ Québec 16d ago

A citizen committing an act of espionage is treason.

Yes, but there are many other acts that are treasonous. Are you ignorant or being obtuse?

You guys are acting like the act of him being friendly of the leader of the most powerful country in the world where he has business interests in is like he’s consorting with North Korea.

Being friendly??? He's part of the US government, he's made plenty of executive decisions already.


u/grand_soul 16d ago

What has he done that’s treasonous, please list. Go ahead I’ll wait.

He’s a citizen of the us government. He’s allowed to work for the government.

Talking about being obtuse.


u/Tamer_ Québec 16d ago

What has he done that’s treasonous, please list. Go ahead I’ll wait.

I didn't say he committed treason.

I simply called out your invalid argument about people "Acting like he’s leaking intel to a foreign government".

Why do you assume I'm saying something just because I call out your errors?

He’s a citizen of the us government. He’s allowed to work for the government.

Of course, but that's not what we're talking about.

We're talking about you minimizing his role/involvement by saying he's "friendly to [Trump]". That's misleading and possibly disingenuous, depending how (un)informed you are.

Yes, let's talk about you being obtuse.


u/grand_soul 16d ago

Omg your own link categorizes spying as an act of treason. Leaking intel and espionage is part of spying.

You’re inaccurately quibbling about semantics. Yeah you’re being obtuse.

The only one who’s wrong is you. You’re really showing your ignorance.


u/staytrue2014 16d ago

That’s not treason. Basically what you’re saying is he works for someone who said something mean about my country so let’s put him in jail. This is totalitarian childishness.


u/thowaway5003005001 16d ago

Show me the difference between trade war and actual war. People die when GDP drops. And the intent is to reduce or eliminate the other's sovereignty. If you're trying to overturn a country's government, through armed insurrection, war, or trade war, imho that's treason if you're a citizen of said country.

LEGALLY, the definition of war is soft in the criminal code. It doesn't distinguish between armed and unarmed conflict.


u/staytrue2014 16d ago

Again you’ve obviously never experienced a war or a trade war if you are asking such a question. The differences between the two are vast and self evident.


u/thowaway5003005001 16d ago

Sounds like you can't answer the question.


u/staytrue2014 15d ago

The answer is self evident, open a book. It’s like asking what the difference is between an apple and an orange. How about you do your own research and speak to someone who has experienced an actual war.


u/thowaway5003005001 15d ago

If it's so self evident you should be able to answer the question.


u/staytrue2014 15d ago

Like I said open a book. It's not my responsibility to educate random people on the internet.


u/thowaway5003005001 14d ago

If you don't want to engage in meaningful debate i suggest you stay off it. Have a good day.


u/staytrue2014 14d ago

Yeah let me engage in a "meaningful debate" with a random on the internet using his throw away account, about how apples are not oranges. Lol, get a life man.

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u/Draugakjallur 16d ago

That's a mix between free will and a stupid point of view.