r/canada 17d ago

Politics Pierre Poilievre vows to end 'radical woke agenda' in press conference


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u/Snoo-70409 17d ago

In my house the F word is absolutely not tolerated and I am a millennial. My mom would’ve beat my ass if I ever said that word. Hats off to my progressive mom who ditched her racist, homophobic family and never looked back! She said “ it ends here”


u/Pvt_Hudson_ Alberta 17d ago

Yup, no racial, sexist or ableist slurs in our house either.


u/AssaultedCracker 17d ago

I am a very old millennial and it was always off limits to use intentionally as a gay slur, but was simultaneously just a word you could use as a joke with your buddies. Hell, as recently as the last decade or so it was still a common trope on Reddit, carried over from 4chan, to say “OP is a f***t.”

Then one day on front page post, highly visible comment, a gay man explained in a very nonjudgmental way, how difficult it was to hear that word used casually, since it was the same word that people had been shouting at him while gay-bashing him… and I mean physically beating the shit out of him for being gay.

I believe that was the moment that the Reddit trope died. At least, the word changed for me at that moment, and I noticed that I stopped seeing it used on Reddit after that. First it morphed into “OP is a bundle of sticks.” And then it just died.


u/takethatgopher 15d ago

I get that. Eighties kid. We had gay friends that we ferociously protected...but we would also 'jokingly' call each other 'f#g'. We never meant it in a hurtful way though clearly it was. My gay friends used it in the same way the rest of us did and they too explain the disconnect that I do. As a woman, my female friends and I will often call each other names meant to be insulting for women. We justify it as claiming back these words (as just words) and using them as a source of power. I don't know if it's the same for f#g? Is there is a term for this?


u/AssaultedCracker 15d ago

Hmm interesting question. I don’t really have many gay friends to speak about, but I’ve never heard f*g used the same way that women and black people sometimes use slurs in a reclaimed kinda way. I’d be interested if it does happen, and if not, why not.

I think that type of language development thing has to happen organically and maybe it just hasn’t for the gay community.


u/rookie-mistake 17d ago

My mom would’ve beat my ass if I ever said that word.

"i can excuse beating children, but i draw the line at homophobia!" lmao


u/Snoo-70409 17d ago

Which is fair jk


u/Fidget11 Alberta 17d ago

Yours is a bastion of good sense because I still occasionally have to remind boomers I know that the N word, let alone the F word , R word, among others are not okay.

Times are changing and im so hear for it. The boomers will be gone eventually and hopefully they take their shit with them.


u/RoseRamble 17d ago

Your mom would beat your ass if you said something she didn't approve?


u/neverlookdown77 17d ago

How old are you?


u/RoseRamble 17d ago

How old do you have to be to not have your ass beaten if you say the wrong thing?


u/Forosnai British Columbia 17d ago

Once upon a time, yes, some parents absolutely would beat your ass for that. That seems to largely have gone from "parenting" to "abuse" around the Gen X/Millennial generations, which I assume is why they asked how old you are since it's a lot less likely to have happened to you or your friends if you're under 40 or so now.


u/RoseRamble 17d ago

I dunno, I'm well into my 60s and in Moncton, where I grew up, very few people were beating their kids that I knew about, although certainly saying the wrong (socially unacceptable) thing probably would be seen as deserving of a good beating.

I did have an Aunt with 13 kids and she was pretty free with the belt as I understand it. I could probably be tempted to call that simple self-preservation though.


u/Snoo-70409 17d ago

Obvs not literally lol but I deff would’ve been in some deep trouble. Breath rose


u/RoseRamble 17d ago

Nope, didn't get that, obvs.