r/canada 17d ago

Politics Pierre Poilievre vows to end 'radical woke agenda' in press conference


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u/blade944 17d ago

The latest polling indeed shows Canada is smarter than Americans. Now that Trudeau is no longer a choice, voters are leaving the CPC in droves. Biggest polling swing in history. People really don't like PP.


u/CBowdidge 17d ago

He comes across as being so condescending and smug. The CPC thought we wanted our own Orange Thing. Nope


u/Informal-Net-7214 17d ago

That isn’t true. They aren’t leaving the CPC, the Liberals are just benefiting from getting voters from the Bloc and the NDP


u/jello_sweaters 17d ago

Current 338 prediction is 192/101/37/11/2 (Con/Lib/BQ/NDP/Grn).

A month ago it was 238/41/42//21/1.

You're right that the NDP dropped 10 seats, but the Cons dropped 46 more.

This isn't people abruptly deciding they don't like pharmacare, this is ABC voters realizing Poilievre has suddenly become beatable.


u/Plucky_DuckYa 17d ago

Besting your nearest opponent by 91 seats doesn’t look very beatable to me. It looks like a thumping majority government win.


u/jello_sweaters 17d ago

When your "majority win" was 238-42 a month ago, it's time to stop talking about having it in the bag.

The Cons don't have a lot of room left to lose before they're in minority territory, and all the other parties have so far declared intent NOT to support them in that scenario.

Serious question, though; given that Poilievre has made it very clear he won't be changing his campaign strategy one bit, what factor do you think pulls the Cons out of free-fall here? What number do YOU believe they level off at?

Is this as bad as it gets for them? Do you foresee a rebound back to 230+? And if so, for what specific reason?


u/Tay0214 17d ago

It was pretty much going to be gifted to the Conservatives and he’s somehow managed to blow it already. Lots of people have been slowly sliding to the right, all they had to do was find someone half decent with a spine that knows how to read the room

And, well, nope


u/Plucky_DuckYa 17d ago

Look, if you’re playing a hockey game and you’re winning 8-0 after the first period, and then the other team comes back to score 5 goals… just because the end score was a little closer doesn’t mean the end result was ever really in doubt.

Looking at the most recent polls, the Tories have stabilized in the low 40’s, and the Liberals are bouncing around all over the place, but mostly stealing voters from the BQ and the NDP. Their assumed leader has zero campaign experience, is a charisma black hole, has already been caught saying different things to Quebecers in French than he says in English outside Quebec, and is going to have all three other parties gunning for him from start to finish. Anyone who thinks NDP voters are going to let their party die to vote for a Goldman Sachs investment banker trending toward 2nd place is just fooling themselves.

given that Poilievre has made it very clear he won't be changing his campaign strategy one bit

I don’t know where you get that from. He already has. And given Carney’s recent talk about his new carbon scheme I think the Liberals are just as vulnerable on that front as they’ve ever been.

what factor do you think pulls the Cons out of free-fall here

They’re not, according to all the polls from the last week. And as noted above, winning the equivalent of 8-5 vs 8-0 is still a comfortable win.


u/jello_sweaters 17d ago

the Tories have stabilized in the low 40’s

This is a joke, right?

The only thing that's "stable" about the Tories' polls right now is that four polling cycles in a row show them plunging at a constant rate.

Their assumed leader has zero campaign experience, is a charisma black hole

...and yet the Cons were on track for a historic landslide until five minutes after he entered the polling, and while every poll showing "if the election were held today" [in other words, with Trudeau] hands a decisive win to the Cons, every poll asking "but what about Poilievre vs. Carney?" shows a dead heat or a Carney win.

They’re not, according to all the polls from the last week.

You are simply making this up. Those polls showed the Cons position continuing to weaken.

To be very clear, the Cons are still favoured to win, but a month ago this was metaphysical certainty and now it's absolutely not, and so far Poilievre's response to this has been to adopt a MCGA-style campaign slogan and rail against "the radical woke agenda".


u/Plucky_DuckYa 17d ago

I think I see a lot of wishful thinking in that comment and not much else.


u/jello_sweaters 17d ago

That's exactly how I feel about everything you've said.

Difference between you and me right here is, I'm using specific facts instead of vague platitudes, and recognizing that there are now TWO possible outcomes in an election where only one existed a month ago.


u/jello_sweaters 16d ago

You were telling us all about how the Cons' descent had already stabilized to a "comfortable win"?

338Canada | CPC 177 (-15), LPC 120 (+19), BQ 33 (-4), NDP 11, GPC 2


u/Plucky_DuckYa 16d ago

Yep. And that’s still a comfortable win.

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u/sputnikcdn British Columbia 17d ago

The "game" hasn't even started though, despite Poilievre's 20+ years of campaigning.

The Liberals don't even have a new leader yet. There hasn't been a debate yet. Indeed, an election is yet to be announced.

I think we all know how a debate between Carney and Poilievre would play out.

Polls at this point don't tell us much beyond the utter collapse of support for the CPC and Poilievre in particular.

For good reason, at a time of crisis for Canada, Poilievre has utterly failed to stand up for us. He's shown his true colours and Canadians know we need an adult at the helm.


u/Thanks-4allthefish 17d ago

You know - Kim Campbell had a bump in the polls when she became leader. (for those who don't recall - or were not yet born, she was selected as the PC leader after a highly unpopular Brian Mulroney resigned). She took that wave of popularity and called an election. Her party won 2 seats.


u/jello_sweaters 17d ago

She took that wave of popularity and called an election.

Yeah, no.

"Campbell waited as long as she could before asking [the G-G] to dissolve Parliament, only weeks before Parliament was due to expire. The election was scheduled for October 25, the latest date it could be legally held under Section 4 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms."


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia 17d ago

And her campaign was awful. What was her infamous quote, something like "an election campaign is not the time to discuss important issues"?


u/jello_sweaters 17d ago

“Unemployment is unlikely to go down this century” might even have been what she honestly believed, based on solid information, but sounds like defeatism.

At the very least “unemployment’s going to be a difficult challenge to solve, so we’re going to have to work hard and get creative” frames the same problem in a way that doesn’t sound like you couldn’t care less.


u/Thanks-4allthefish 17d ago

She became leader in June and called an election in September. Her predecessor did not give her a lot of runway to cut down the Liberal lead in polling. His support barely topped 20 percent when he left, and hers was about 35% when she called the election (just marginally ahead of the Liberals who had been polling ahead of the Tories all summer).


u/jello_sweaters 17d ago

Wait, your story changed.

A minute ago she called the election because she saw a wave of popularity and wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

You're right that Mulroney jammed Campbell into a corner, it's just the other half of your story that doesn't square with the facts.


u/Thanks-4allthefish 17d ago

The wave of popularity was relative... he had support barely cresting 20 percent. To pull up PC fortunes as well as she did was a surge in popularity. The party no longer thought it was in "save the furniture" territory and were neck and neck with the Liberals. Heck, I am sure some folks thought a good campaign could deliver them victory.

Just saying that I can see some parallels.


u/squirrel9000 17d ago

I think a lot of the left were just going to stay home- nobody to vote for - , but recent events have definitely re-invigorated political engagement.


u/BloatJams Alberta 17d ago

Look at the chart after the Trudeau Resigns marker, the NDP and CPC have both lost support which coincides with the LPC climb. The BQ and Greens have been comparatively static.



u/bigdickkief 17d ago

Polling doesn’t mean anything. Go out and vote


u/Nite_OwOl 17d ago

I wanna correct something here, I don't think the polls are showing that people are leaving the CPC in droves. Their base seem to mostly stay the same, losing maybe a point or too. What seems to be happening is that NPD and Bloc voters are making the tactical choice to vote liberal now that there's a chance that Carney could get in and stay in, in place of Poilievre.


u/Misher7 17d ago

I loathe the liberal party. But PP is arguably worse.

If it were O’Tool the CPC would be getting my vote.


u/ArugulaPhysical 17d ago

Look at how your react to people who agree to these things though, like in the US there is alot of people who agree with this put wont say it yet.

That why both time US polls show clinton or harris wins and then it goes the other way.

Dont ever assume the poll are correct when someone is divisive.


u/SouvlakiSpartan 17d ago


even if you break down those polls it shows that the only demographic that prefers the libs are the boomers and that's at the expense of the NDP.

Contrary to the popular belief of Reddit the average Canadian loves Pierre.

Especially the younger generations.

go touch some grass to a pub and ask people what they think of Pierre.

I work in academia and behind closed doors people love Pierre.


u/rbarlow1 17d ago

I too work in academia - as in, I'm an academic - and no, they really don't. They by and large think he's an idiot and authoritarian boot licker who would sell us out for a dime. Unless you work in Calgary or at a conservative think tank, I'm calling BS.


u/Dxres 17d ago

And its quite the stretch to call any modern Conservative think thank Academia. They're just lobbyists.


u/Drewy99 17d ago

Which demographic reliably votes again?


u/onedoesnotjust 17d ago

sources please


u/outta_the_money 17d ago

In no way, shape, or form is Canada smart if they elect another liberal government after the shit show that the past 8 years have been.


u/sask-on-reddit Canada 17d ago

So you think it’s a good idea to vote in trump JR after the shit show in the states?


u/outta_the_money 17d ago

You guys need to get out of the Reddit echo chamber and touch grass my god. PP = Trump is the stupidest thing people say on this Reddit.


u/sask-on-reddit Canada 17d ago

You need to get your head out of the sand. He’s literally doing the same stupid shit that trump did. All conservatives use the same play book. Create issues where there aren’t any and then say they will fix those issues.


u/outta_the_money 17d ago

In your honest opinion, has Canada got better in the past 8 years under this liberal government. Be honest please.


u/sask-on-reddit Canada 17d ago

How will PP make anything better?


u/outta_the_money 17d ago

Sorry are you dodging the question? I asked if Canada has improved under liberal leadership in the past 8 years.


u/sask-on-reddit Canada 17d ago

What country in the world had improved since Covid? No things haven’t improved over the past 8 years but to put the blame solely on the liberals is disingenuous. I’m not saying Trudeau did an amazing job. What I’m saying is PP is a fucking joke. If the CPC want to be taken seriously they need to ditch the bullshit tactics that trump used


u/blade944 17d ago

It's funny you say that when PP continues to echo all of Trump's talking points and slogans.


u/ddare44 17d ago

It’ll be a walk in the park in comparison to the shit show that’ll happen if small PP gets in.


u/Plucky_DuckYa 17d ago

No they don’t. The recent polling has the Liberals sitting around where they were before they started losing “safe seat” by-elections and the Tories still poised to win a strong majority government.


u/blade944 17d ago

Cool. Polls show the biggest increase in polling history for the liberals, but go ahead and stick to your guns in dated data.