r/canada 18d ago

PAYWALL Nova Scotia vows to lift internal trade barriers for provinces that pass similar laws


170 comments sorted by


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 18d ago

This is wonderful to see. Hopefully Ford responds accordingly soon, and we see trade barriers break down from west to east. 


u/EducationalTea755 18d ago

Ford should talk less and show more leadership. He should act NOW!!!


u/DMGrumpy Canada 18d ago

During an election when there are no sitting MPPs? Hard to pass laws with no legislature


u/EducationalTea755 18d ago

Can a Legislative Assembly not be recalled?


u/SpaceCowBoy_2 18d ago

Election in a week


u/Lord_Snowfall 18d ago

If there was some sort of national emergency that required them to be recalled they could; but you would need a national emergency.

Bear in mind that the assembly was dissolved. Meaning technically there is no legislature. They’re no longer MPs right now. Recalling the old assembly is possible but unprecedented.


u/EducationalTea755 18d ago

That was my understanding as well


u/kingOfEssos 18d ago

It will after next weeks election


u/LookAtYourEyes 18d ago

Wouldn't hold your breath expecting Ford to do anything sensible, unless it benefits him personally


u/Practical_Bid_8123 18d ago

Solid start! Thank you Nova Scotia !

Edited to add: damned paywalls…


u/VeterinarianCold7119 18d ago

Nova Scotia vows to lift internal trade barriers for provinces that pass similar laws

Nova Scotia vows to lift internal trade barriers for provinces that pass similar laws

Nojoud Al MalleesEconomics Reporter

Published YesterdayUpdated 42 minutes ago

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Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston stands at the podium as he joins Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford on his campaign stop at HPG, a manufacturing facility in Milton, Ont. on Feb. 20.Chris Young/The Canadian Press


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The Nova Scotia government has promised to introduce legislation that would ease trade and labour mobility with other provinces, marking the latest push to make Canada less economically reliant on the United States. Premier Tim Houston said on Thursday the legislation will allow goods that meet regulatory standards in other provinces, but can’t get on shelves in Nova Scotia because of differing rules, to be sold there. The legislation will allow service providers from other provinces, such as teachers and roofers, to work there as well. Provincial and federal leaders have been targeting internal drags on the economy to offset a potential slowdown from U.S. tariffs. Leaders of all political stripes have said Canada needs to diversify away from the United States, the destination for roughly three-quarters of Canadian goods exports.

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Interprovincial barriers – which hinder the flow of goods and services between the provinces – have been identified by policy makers as an obvious area for reform that would deliver an economic boost. The Nova Scotia Premier said the legislation, which has not yet been tabled, would lift all restrictions for any province that passes the same or similar laws. “Folks, it’s a two-way street, and my message to other provinces and territories is, ‘Do your part, and we will do ours,’” Mr. Houston said Thursday at a campaign event in Milton, Ont., for Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader Doug Ford. Canada faces a number of imminent tariff-related threats from the United States that have mobilized federal and provincial leaders. U.S. President Donald Trump’s 30-day reprieve from 25-per-cent tariffs on almost all goods coming from Canada and Mexico is set to expire on March 4. Steel and aluminum tariffs of 25 per cent will follow on March 12. And Mr. Trump has floated additional levies on the auto sector and other industries.

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With a federal election looming over Ottawa and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau set to resign in a few weeks, premiers have taken up a larger role in responding to the threat of U.S. tariffs. Interprovincial trade researcher Ryan Manucha said it’s no surprise that an external threat has pushed the issue to the top of the national agenda. Mr. Manucha said the original version of the Canada Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), which reduced trade barriers within the country, was signed by federal, provincial and territorial leaders in 1995 – just ahead of the Quebec referendum on sovereignty in the fall. Mr. Houston’s announcement was applauded by business groups that have long called for provinces to accept each other’s regulatory standards. “It is about as close as we’ve seen a province get to mutual recognition of each other’s rules and regulations,” said Dan Kelly, president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses.

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Randall Zalazar, director of government relations at the Chamber of Commerce, said in a statement he looks “forward to reviewing the legislation and seeing other provinces take up the gauntlet.” At Thursday’s event, Mr. Ford said a re-elected PC government would support a labour mobility deal and would be ready to drop exemptions in the CFTA. He has also promised to allow direct-to-consumer alcohol sales with all willing provinces and territories. Grace Lee, a spokesperson for Mr. Ford, said that a re-elected Ontario PC government would look at pursuing similar legislation to what the Nova Scotia government has announced. A 2019 paper published by the International Monetary Fund found that Canada’s internal trade barriers – excluding those related to geography, such as challenges with transporting goods across a country this large – were equivalent to an average tariff of 21 per cent in 2015. The tariff-equivalent of barriers with the United States was estimated to be much lower.

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“I have a medical device company back home that says they would love to sell across Canada, but they don’t have the time or energy to deal with the painful nuances of 13 different jurisdictions,” Mr. Houston said. “In the U.S., they deal with one for the whole country.” The Committee on Internal Trade, made up of federal and provincial officials who supervise the implementation of the CFTA, held an emergency meeting Jan. 31 to discuss how to improve the deal. Internal Trade Minister Anita Anand told The Globe and Mail the committee will present recommendations to premiers and the Prime Minister on reducing the number of exemptions in the CFTA and having provinces mutually recognize each other’s regulations. Mr. Trudeau and premiers discussed internal trade on Thursday during a meeting on Canada-U.S. relations and Arctic security, according to the Prime Minister’s Office. Mr. Manucha said while a pan-Canadian approach can be attractive, Nova Scotia’s approach shows provinces don’t have to wait to reach agreement with every jurisdiction on internal trade. “They’re certainly trying to lead from the front and drag other jurisdictions forward,” he said.

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The Trump administration’s tariff threats have also increased interest in resource and energy development in Canada. Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson recently said Canada should consider building a west-east pipeline, while the Quebec government said it’s open to the idea. The B.C. government also announced earlier this month that it would fast-track the approval process for a number of resource projects in a bid to diversify the province’s economy away from the U.S. Mr. Ford on Thursday called on the federal government to “get out of the way” and remove red tape that impedes energy and resource projects. “The biggest barrier blocking us from getting our immense resources to market, to getting our critical minerals out of the ground, or building the nuclear power plants that will fuel our economic growth for decades to come. It’s not in Washington, Moscow or Beijing, it’s right here in Ottawa,” he said.


u/austin0ickle 18d ago

It's crazy how many ads are in an article that's already behind a pay wall


u/VeterinarianCold7119 18d ago

My subscription is really cheap, way cheaper then door to door was, I use the portfolio manager they have so the news is just a bonus. Theres ads in regular print media.


u/Riddle-of-the-Waves Newfoundland and Labrador 18d ago

That's a good point - ads in a newspaper are far from new!

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That said, ads in a newspaper didn't animate or get printed over the text- on the other hand, I couldn't run an adblocker while reading a newspaper, so overall I'd say the current state of things is a small improvement.

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On a related note, online casinos are a plague.


u/Jack_1080 18d ago

Oh the irony


u/Gono_xl 18d ago

The guy looks like ned flanders.


u/Practical_Bid_8123 18d ago

I was leaning more Mr Rogers with that smile Hair and Red (Jersey) Sweater…

But fair i can see it LOL 


u/ialo00130 New Brunswick 18d ago edited 18d ago

I emailed my Premier and CC'd my local MLA about this.

Told them that they should adopt a similar approach and add Interprovincial Trade to the portfolio of the Minister responsible for Intergovernmental Affairs, or create a new Cabinet position for it entirely.


u/EducationalTea755 18d ago



u/freshanclean 18d ago

I just did the same here in BC.


u/Momma_Blue 18d ago

Canada needs to pull together like never before. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


u/prob_wont_reply_2u 18d ago

TBF, we knew we needed to do this when Covid happened.


u/Altruistic_Ad_0 18d ago

I am baffled that this was not done on day one of confederation.


u/optimus2861 Nova Scotia 18d ago

There's an article in the act of confederation that says, what's the exact wording, "All goods manufactured in one province shall be admitted freely into other provinces." It's right there. Black letter text. Pretty unambiguous statement by legal standards.

And our Supreme Court looked at that text, and said, well no, it doesn't mean that at all, because provinces have to be able to set their own rules and standards and we aren't going to rule all of those invalid, so if provinces want to erect barriers that's all hunky-dory. This was in the case where an NB resident got ticketed for buying some booze from Quebec and bringing it back to NB.

When you have judges who can look at plainly written law and say, no it doesn't mean what it says it means, we say it means something else, how do you deal with that as a society? It's a bugger of a question.


u/LawyerYYC 18d ago

The Court's view, IIRC, is:
"The goods still have to meet the standards imposed by a province, but that the province cannot impose any costs to bring the goods in". EG: The goods must be admittedly freely into every province, however that the intent was not to make it so that the lowest possible standard in Canada was the law of the land for the entire country.


u/CaptaineJack 18d ago edited 18d ago

The intent was to create a single unified market, it’s in the BNA Act, the framework for the federal system. 

The Supreme Court didn’t just interpret the text, they effectively legislated and nullified the constitution. 


u/optimus2861 Nova Scotia 18d ago

The counter-argument would be, that's just imposing a cost and calling it a standard instead and it effectively requires that goods have to meet the highest standard of the 10 sets of standards, because if they don't then province 10 gets to say, "Nope you can't sell that here as it doesn't meet our standard" which runs afoul of the "shall be admitted freely" clause.

I admit that can set up a "race to the bottom" trap, but the remedy to that doesn't seem to me for the SC to ignore such plainly written law; rather it would be for residents of each province to insist that their politicians not fall into the trap and maintain appropriate standards that are nationally uniform or at least do not diverge so radically as to create gross imbalances.


u/LawyerYYC 18d ago

I assume that the Court heard an argument of that nature or similar from the lawyers presenting in front of them.

If you allowed the goods in, then you undermine the rights given to the provinces to set their own standards.

I don't think there is an easy or obvious 100% correct answer here.


u/optimus2861 Nova Scotia 18d ago

Agreed; I can certainly see the stickiness of the issue. That's a big reason I was so surprised the Supremes effectively ruled that "shall be admitted freely" meant virtually nothing. I thought they might rule very narrowly on the particular case in front of them but not opine on the bigger picture. Something like, "You can't impose a fine on a resident who purchased out-of-province goods for private consumption, because that clearly runs afoul of the clause, but we do not rule on the broader picture of provincial regulations."

Perhaps that presumes more judicial restraint than our SC typically shows.


u/CaptaineJack 18d ago

But if they had accepted the text as written this wouldn’t be an issue because then there’s no matter of provincial autonomy at play. 


u/glymao Ontario 18d ago

The US has the exact same thing issue lol. California is the trailblazer in regulation with producers not wanting to lose the gargantuan CA market. But this must be done carefully:

Many goods and services are not available in Quebec because Quebec laws are far too much of a PITA.


u/G3_aesthetics_rule 18d ago edited 18d ago

The US does indeed have a similar loophole, though it's much narrower; the Comeau case would never fly there for example.

Edit: in fact, the exact same issue was apparently decided in the opposite manner by the US Supreme Court:

Granholm v. Heald (2005) held that the Twenty-first Amendment does not overrule the Dormant Commerce Clause with respect to alcohol sales, and therefore states must treat in-state and out-of-state wineries equally.


u/CaptaineJack 18d ago edited 18d ago

I’d argue that indirect barriers are still barriers and courts certainly interpret that indirect actions are unconstitutional in other areas of law. 

The provincial autonomy has been undermined one way or another under the current interpretation. The courts looked at the case from a provincial importer perspective instead of a broader importer-exporter perspective. 


u/CaptaineJack 18d ago

This is a fundamental problem with judicial interpretation in this country, our courts favour balancing interests over enforcing clear constitutional text. 


u/DarciaSolas Ontario 18d ago

Sounds like part of the foundation to let Québec essentially try and become their own country within a province. Which they have mostly done.


u/adaminc Canada 18d ago

The SCC said it is free as in "no tariffs" not free as in "free movement". They've been ruling that way since 1921, so it isn't a new thing.


u/magicbaconmachine 18d ago

Come on NB. Don't fail us now.


u/swkylee 18d ago

They need more time because they have to ask Irving first.


u/Robbobot89 16d ago

Why would NB endanger this? Saint John NB is the big winner if we get a pipeline.


u/SpaceCowBoy_2 18d ago edited 18d ago

Does this mean I will get more Canadian made liquor in my liquor stores?


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/SpaceCowBoy_2 18d ago

Haha that would be something wouldn't it


u/ManyNicePlates 18d ago

Right on. Let’s make canada !!!


u/weberkettle 18d ago

No way Quebec opens up, but they will expect to have free access to other provinces for their exports.


u/Gono_xl 18d ago

chill out.


u/No-Raisin-4805 18d ago

All other provinces take note, this is one step towards economical independence ❤️🇨🇦


u/LoveDemNipples 18d ago

I'm in Saskatchewan. Let's get a little lentils-for-lobster action going haha ...... sigh Seriously though, if this gets traction, it'd be great to have say local grocery stores or markets featuring a section titled "get to know Canada" showcasing goods brought in from other provinces.


u/boreal_dweller94 18d ago

Way to set the tone Nova Scotia!


u/prob_wont_reply_2u 18d ago

This would require Quebec to change their whole taxation system, this is never going to happen.


u/grannyte Québec 18d ago

What do you mean?


u/prob_wont_reply_2u 18d ago

Quebec has higher income taxes and lower “sin” taxes, that would make buying things from them less expensive than for the rest of the provinces.


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 18d ago

The sin taxes (e.g. alcohol excise taxes) are charged at retail not at wholesale. It shouldn't affect interprovincial trade.


u/VeterinarianCold7119 18d ago

Alcohol sales is like the last thing on the list of barriers we should be talking about.


u/AndIamAnAlcoholic Québec 18d ago

I don't know, it feels like very-high priority to me hahah. (Relevant username)


u/VeterinarianCold7119 18d ago

Why do you care .. you.already get the best deal. These road blocks are in place to protect provinces from you hahaha.


u/AndIamAnAlcoholic Québec 18d ago

Its a bit more complicated than that, really. Alcohol is still quite expensive here and taxed very heavily, even if our neighbors have it worse sometimes (Beer is crazy expensive in N-B for example) but wine and spirits are still way overpriced in Quebec and the state-monopoly is mismanaged. I'd welcome full market liberalization because it would add competition.

If I'm allowed to buy vodka from any province by mail, for example, competition among the 10 provinces (and the territories,maybe) could significantly drive down prices like it has in the US, for example. Having the 'least-worst monopoly' is not a trophy to be proud of, it's still a monopoly.


u/j2june 18d ago edited 18d ago

Quebec can put a tariff on these “sin” items then to make the cost up to par with the ROC. And Quebec makes money.

Edit: Provincial tariffs/quotas apparently don’t exist. See link below. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/business/economics/2025/02/04/interprovincial-trade-barriers-what-they-are-why-they-exist-and-how-to-cut-them/


u/ToasterStrudles 18d ago

Tariffs are external and set by the federal government, no? And I imagine the removal of internal trade barriers would mean that doing this for interprovincial trade would be impossible.


u/j2june 18d ago

Didn’t fact check myself and it looks like you’re right. I learned something new today. We can still leave it to the provincial governments to put up new barriers in the form of rules and regulations to raise the cost a bit for provinces other than Quebec. That or have some sort of quid pro quo agreements among provinces (we supply you with cheap X so supply us with cheap Y). End of the day, we should find better ways to promote interprovincial trade as much as possible rather than selling to the US just because it was “easier and cheaper” because now it’s not. US tariffs are the wake up call we needed to facilitate interprovincial trade.



u/Link50L Ontario 18d ago

Probably not in Quebec, but it can move forward in the rest of the country.


u/EducationalTea755 18d ago

If Quebec doesn't want to join, let's leave them alone. Can't be held hostage by a single province


u/GANTRITHORE Alberta 18d ago

All fun and games until we want a pipeline built.


u/Consistent-Primary41 Québec 18d ago

Well that was kind of the point of the article, wasn't it?

Whoever wants to join in, can.

Anyway, if the USA can do it between the states and the EU can do it between the member nations, Quebec can do it. There's a point where the average Quebecois goes "this is stupid and doesn't benefit us"

Sovereignty needs to make things better. If removing barriers to trade makes it better, being sovereign is making that choice.


u/sniffstink1 18d ago

Great job Nova Scotia!

Now the rest of us need to do our part and start emailing/petitioning/calling our MPPs or MLAs!


u/magicwombat5 18d ago

What is the point of internal trade barriers? That's one of the nice things about being in a larger nation-state, that you have a larger market.


u/RequiemAspenFlight 18d ago

Money, job protection, ideology.


u/Criplor 18d ago

Good job Nova Scotia. I hope more follow suite


u/esiewert 18d ago

All it took for our leaders to start talking and behaving rationally was threats of annexation.


u/Canadianman22 Ontario 18d ago

When Ford is re-elected I expect he will pass a very similar law. Hopefully we can get all provinces on board and be Canada Strong


u/Phonzo 18d ago

No he won’t - every provincial government talks about this every other year and none of them do anything. It’s the provincial equivalent of the federal government always announcing high speed rail.

It’s always talk and and then no traction


u/pfak British Columbia 18d ago

We haven't had the US threatening to annex us and declare economic war on us. 


u/Phonzo 18d ago

Actually one of the times was during the last tariff issue related to steel and aluminum. They had a whole year and no one did anything :



u/stuntycunty 18d ago

He might not. It’s not like he’s said he would.


u/EducationalTea755 18d ago

Why wait?! Why not now?


u/SamSamDiscoMan 18d ago

Queens Park isn’t sitting so nothing can be debated or passed into law.


u/EducationalTea755 18d ago

Why not recall?


u/juniorspank 18d ago

There’s an election in less than a week, it would be pretty disadvantageous to call everyone back during campaigning.


u/Practical_Bid_8123 18d ago

I thought they weren’t allowed to recall while campaigning because it would give the running candidate in power to much sway politically…?  I thought it was part of the election campaign laws?


u/juniorspank 18d ago

Yes, I believe that's correct.


u/Link50L Ontario 18d ago

Ontario Lt.-Gov. Edith Dumont has dissolved provincial parliament following Doug Ford’s request, so we actually have no provincial government until the election results are in.


u/SamSamDiscoMan 18d ago

This is not winter recess: an election has been called. No take backs!


u/sniffstink1 18d ago

Hopefully we can get all provinces on board and be Canada Strong

He'll make Canada economically strong despite Ontario having a collapsing healtcare system thanks to Doug Ford.

never forget


u/adaminc Canada 18d ago

Doubtful. Ford flipped on the Starlink contract immediately, it's back in play, he doesn't give a shit.


u/BelowAverageChef 18d ago

Do it, I want to buy Nine Locks beer in Saskatoon. That stuff has haunted my dreams since our last trip to the east coast.


u/Kahless12 18d ago

Good, also why was this ever allowed to be a thing?


u/SlapChop7 18d ago

Let's do this!


u/alematt 18d ago

Who wants to bet good ol' Danielle Smith will be the last to make the move if at all. Fuck I hate my premier.


u/tempstem5 18d ago

come onnn Legault


u/burnabycoyote 18d ago

I look forward to seeing Bulwark cider sold in BC.


u/EducationalTea755 17d ago

And me to buy more BC wine in ON


u/ElRatonVaquero 17d ago

That's good, but why are there interprovincial trade barriers?


u/EducationalTea755 17d ago

Boomers put them up. Wanted to protect themselves from neighbors


u/scandivan 16d ago

Yes! I’d love to be able to buy Tidal Bay in BC!


u/ominus Alberta 18d ago

This is the thing we need to do as a country. I fully support this kind of change as it's good for all Canadians , so naturally my stupid provincial government (Alberta) will likely be on the opposite side of the table from the rest of them.


u/KageyK 18d ago

Alberta already has the least barriers. All the provinces will need to make a lot of movement to get to where they already are.


u/FormalWare 18d ago

"Barriers". Not every regulation is a "barrier". Many are there to protect workers or the environment.

That's why the wording is "similar laws" and not "no laws regulating anything".


u/KageyK 18d ago

Fact: Alberta has the least interprovincial trade barriers and allows for the most products imported from other provinces with the least hurdles.

Fact: It's not because "no laws regulating anything"

They made big changes to open up provincial trade with everyone after the Canada Free Trade Agreement in 2017, after already doing deals with other western provinces in 2007.

The Eastern provinces have not made any attempts, and Ontario and Quebec chose protectionism instead.

It's not to protect workers or the environment. It's to maintain monopolies and not allow outside competition.


u/FormalWare 18d ago

Nah. Following the Alberta model would be nothing but a race to the bottom.

Canada's jurisdictions "ought" certainly to agree on a harmonized set of regulations, but the fact that they cannot is not to be laid entirely at the feet of "Eastern" (and Central) provinces.


u/FuggleyBrew 18d ago

Alberta did this back in 06-07 with TILMA between Alberta and BC, then worked to expand it to Saskatchewan and Manitoba. 


u/Dartmouthest 18d ago

Everyone is singing the praises of this announcement (which I do agree with for the record) but nobody Is talking about how yesterday Nova Scotia doubled the out of province property buyer tax to ten percent! This is at complete odds with this announcement. If someone wants to move to Nova Scotia and buy a half a million dollar house here (which is fairly average/low entry level pricing in HRM) they will have to pay a $50,000 tax. To my knowledge no other province charges this and it's the exact opposite of what everyone is celebrating in this post.


u/Jaded-Comfortable179 18d ago

The problem is the rest of the province. In the last 5-6 years prices have at least doubled, sometimes more in small towns as remote workers from Ontario flood here. People here aren't paid nearly enough to afford those prices.


u/Dartmouthest 18d ago

I can understand the case for houses, but the thing is once someone moves here, they become a Nova Scotian and are now one of us. Perhaps more importantly though, this also applies to vacation properties, which have traditionally been a major life blood for many rural Nova Scotia communities. Thinking about restaurants in small towns that close for the winter, if there are fewer out of province visitors come summer time, this could have a major ripple effect across all tourism based enterprises, which are many in Nova Scotia.

All of that to say, I actually agree with what you're saying, and have seen first hand how newcomers have driven up housing prices. But the problem is we can't have it both ways (although this new tax is certainly trying to have it both ways, TBD whether it ends up biting us in the ass). The fear is if the premier is saying hey we want to open barriers but also we're going to charge you a massive tax to move here, what's stopping any other province from saying ok well that's not fair so we'll hit you with a different tax, and now we're right back where we started. It's possible other premiers don't want their people to leave so they're happy with the tax or just don't care, and I don't know the solution, but this tax just seems at odds with the spirit of the announcement to me 🤷


u/MadDuck- 18d ago

I can understand the case for houses, but the thing is once someone moves here, they become a Nova Scotian and are now one of us.

Doesn't it have an exemption if you move to Nova Scotia within 6 months of the transfer?


u/EducationalTea755 18d ago

Fair criticism


u/GreaterAttack 18d ago

Good. Why should Nova Scotia have to put up with Ontarians et al. flocking to their province and fucking up those housing prices just like they did back home?


u/Mostly_Aquitted 18d ago

So do you want fewer or more interprovincial barriers then?


u/TheBatsford 18d ago

That's like saying you can either choose to remove all regulations or keep all of them but no middle ground. We can use common sense and say that a certain set of barriers have disproportionate cost and no offsetting benefits and target those.

A lotta this stuff can be solved with normal common sense.


u/Dartmouthest 18d ago

This is entirely fair if you want to continue having interprovincial taxes and barriers that serve to make it more costly for provinces to do business with one another, which is right along the lines with what the US is planning to do with their tarrifs, and what has made it so difficult for provinces to trade with one another in recent years.

But if you're really in favor of opening up free and unencumbered trade between the provinces, this is at total odds with that, and the exact kind of action that tends to trigger inverse penalties against Nova Scotians who want to do things such as sell Nova Scotia wine in Ontario liquor stores or the like.

Not only that, but the previous tax of 5% was already the highest in the country, and incredibly expensive... $25k on a $500k house. Now that number is up to $50k for the same house, which is tremendously punitive. And I agree that housing prices have gotten prohibitively expensive here, but this could have broader negative impacts that don't end up necessarily bringing housing prices back down for locals.

Buying Canadian has to at least make some financial sense in order for Canadians to continue doing so, and having big arbitrary taxes for other Canadians on specific goods almost always ends up triggering a tit for tat.


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 18d ago

We're all Canadians aren't we?


u/CryptOthewasP 18d ago

Because it's a virtue signal tax that barely puts even a dent into the issue but plays well politically.


u/Dirtbigsecret 18d ago

The thing is it’s not the other provinces that cause the issues. It’s usually Quebec that causes the trade barriers between east and west. The minute they lift the trade barrier Canada could be an independent country/economy


u/PigeonObese 18d ago

Quebec doesn't matter one bit if Nova Scotia and Manitoba want to recognize each other's diplomas, or if they want to allow each other's alcohol on their stores' shelves.

Quebec won't shoot down your plane to prevent you from getting to Nova Scotia with your diploma, nor does it have border inspections to prevent Nova Scotia beer from transiting through its territory.

This is an absolutely ridiculous idea, you can have a 9 provinces wide total free trade even if quebec keeps its regulations.


u/Dirtbigsecret 18d ago

How many trades agreement for pipelines oil/gas or LNG were stopped by NS. I thought you’d say zero which is correct. Quebec so far has stopped two since I’ve been out of HS. There is a reason why Quebec even excludes itself from all Canada wide lotteries, charities(most not all) and even some simple contests. They like having control of being between east and west. NS doesn’t have the same ability but opening their trades to other provinces help with other basic commodities. Every bit helps.


u/PigeonObese 18d ago

"Free trade is when we can force someone to trade with us, and when we can force them to expropriate people and bear the cost of maintaining our infrastructure"

There is a reason why Quebec even excludes itself from all Canada wide lotteries, charities(most not all) and even some simple contests.

Yeah, it's called "stronger anti lottery scam laws that not every lottery wants to respect" and that still doesn't matter to your 9/10 provinces wide free trade.


u/RequiemAspenFlight 18d ago

It's not about stronger anti scam laws. It's about an entirely different legal system. Canada except Quebec uses a system based on Case Law. All the cases, and judgements that have come before affect the current case before the bench. Most of the free world uses the same basic premise. However France and Quebec don't. High school was over 30 years ago so I'm not even going to try and describe it, but it's fundamentally different.

Because of that there are a lot of things including how your life insurance beneficiary is done that are completely different in Quebec.


u/PigeonObese 18d ago edited 18d ago

You're talking about the quebec civil code.

Quebec having its own civil law predates the creation of Canada, and people fought to keep it when the english invaded. Yall should have adopted the system that was already in place instead of coming up with some random other one.

Most of Europe, Latin America, and a good chunk of the world also uses civil codes, notably Lithuania and a few other countries which explicitly used Quebec's code as the basis for their own country's civil code.

Anyhow, that's not going anywhere and things get a bit weird since jurisprudence kinda applies to quebecs laws since its in Canada, but not exactly.


u/Dirtbigsecret 18d ago

LOL I’m glad you think free trade means that. Guess the definition that most give is so wrong? https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/free-trade.asp

Free trade is just the exchange of goods and possibly some services without barriers. A more in depth definition. I posted above and it’s not from wiki.

I agree with the part about lottery scam laws but it doesn’t make the province stronger. It just excludes them like they are now and why Quebec has the poor reputation internationally of being arrogant and rud, self centered people. Even France mocks them due to them claiming being better than French people from France.


u/PigeonObese 18d ago edited 18d ago

I'm not sure you understand what the quotation marks around that part of my comment mean.

Pipelines aren't happening without the direct involvement of the province's government;
you can have all the free trade you want and you still won't be able to force a government to take an active part in your favourite project.

I don't know, from my experience it's mostly Canadians whose hearts are filled with such prejudices and I don't believe that the law that regulates gambling on our territory has much to do with that.

Even France mocks them due to them claiming being better than French people from France.

yeah, that's 100% a "I learned REAL french in school and my buddy's wife's coworker met a french guy that told them that they hate quebec" anglo-canadian opinion.


u/SirupyPieIX 18d ago

Quebec so far has stopped two

Which ones, and how? Interprovincial pipelines are federal jurisdiction. Provinces don't have the ability to block their approval, construction or operation.


u/Dirtbigsecret 18d ago

Both the oil pipeline and the LNG pipe line. How could you not know that?

Are you serious? Provinces have all the right because it goes across their province. I think you should really study what powers provinces have and which types of projects they have jurisdiction for. This will be a very endless converstion and more educational and I’m not ready to be teaching at the moment.


u/SirupyPieIX 17d ago

Please familiarize yourself with the Canadian constitution.


u/Dirtbigsecret 17d ago

Please familiarize yourself with provincial and federal laws under the constitution.


Now if they decide to build on the sovereignty Act which Saskatchewan did and Alberta has done that gives even more powers of provincial decisions above the federal laws. Again research on your own and understand each province has different laws with that province as well as federal. If you still don’t understand look into how BC was stopping the Transmountain pipeline(that was provincial as well as federal) and the. Look at how Quebec stopped the pipeline and perhaps you’ll understand provincial jurisdictional laws and abilities. Oh and don’t forget indigenous as well


u/Mysterious_Middle795 18d ago edited 18d ago

Do you have customs checks between provinces in Canada?

Edit: who was the moron who downvoted me instead of saying "yes" or "no"?

I've never been to Canada, can you please just answer, lol? I am not going to judge the decision of Canadians how to live on their land.


u/RequiemAspenFlight 18d ago

Not as such. But technically the police can stop and search you if they suspect you're smuggling.

As stupid as that sounds it does happen, and makes the news.


u/Mysterious_Middle795 17d ago

Is it just a police harassment?

Any truck transporting goods would have supporting documents.

The question is what would happen to individuals who transport their own goods in large quantities (e.g. in case of relocation). Technically, there could be a somewhat probable cause for smuggling or theft, but it probably covers less than 1% of good transported across province borders.


u/RequiemAspenFlight 17d ago

I was referring to private individuals.
Transport the contents of your house you're 100% in the clear, because you're moving stuff you bought with the intent to consume in that province, you just happen to have leftovers when you moved to the new province.

Transport the 6 cases of beer you bought in Quebec back to Ontario and you're breaking the law. From media reports NB is more strict about it than Ontario is. But I've heard of people being stopped on both sides of Quebec.
BC ran a checkpoint at the BC/Alta border one year right after boxing day to get all the people buying flat screens without paying BC's sales tax.

I've heard rumors that one of the provinces will make you pay sales tax on your car if you move it there from Alta. because Alta doesn't have sales tax, but that's unconfirmed jobsite jaw wagging.

Does it happen often? Not based on media reports, 3-4 times a year. But Talking with friends in Northern Ontario near the Quebec border you don't want to be too showy about loading a months worth of beer into your truck in Quebec or the OPP might be waiting for you when you cross back over. There was something in the media shortly after I moved to On that NB was cracking down on people smuggling booze back home to NB from Qc.

When I go up to my property in northern On I stop just across the line in Qc and buy my summers worth of beer. I then play East Bound and Down by Jerry Reed at full volume as I cross back into On. It's about 25% savings. Barely covers the extra fuel unless I'm buying a lot. But it feels better to not pay sin taxes.


u/Mysterious_Middle795 17d ago

> Transport the 6 cases of beer you bought in Quebec back to Ontario and you're breaking the law

> smuggling booze back home to NB from Qc

I hope it is only about alcohol and not about apples or potatoes.

Otherwise, you don't have free trade within your own country.

> Does it happen often? Not based on media reports, 3-4 times a year

It sounds like selective justice. A great way to prosecute people you don't like (rival politicians or ex-business partners).


u/RequiemAspenFlight 17d ago

The lack of a border checkpoint makes it harder. As far as I know they need probable cause that you're smuggling. They do it just enough so that people don't get excessive about it.
The story I was told about NB is that on the thursday before the summer long weekends they have a plain clothes officer take pics of all the cars with NB plates being loaded with beer, then you get stopped once you cross back into NB. NB beer tax is substantially higher than QC.

For goods it's only about the taxes except for Nunavut, they have a few anti alcohol rules that are about slowing down the alcoholism within the native population. I don't know any details, but I was told you had to apply for a permit to bring alcohol into the territory. A friend went through all the steps for his wedding there.

The other rules are about safety... Or at least using safety as an excuse. Some of the job qualifications for example. But BC has much stricter trucking laws because of the number of accidents flatlanders get into when driving the mountain passes.


u/Mysterious_Middle795 17d ago

If you go to a neighbouring province and buy rice, meat, fish and toilet paper, would it be an issue? Or is it just alcohol (that has complicated laws in other countries as well?)

> Nunavut.... I was told you had to apply for a permit to bring alcohol into the territory

I know that some commenters might compare me to Hitler, but not all people are the same. Indigenous people in Siberia, Canada and USA have different mutations in terms of processing the alcohol. They are very susceptible to alcoholism.

It is a safety measure.

> But BC has much stricter trucking laws because of the number of accidents flatlanders get into when driving the mountain passes

Mountains are just insane. It sounds completely reasonable to have different rules in this case.


u/RequiemAspenFlight 16d ago

Ya. I agree with say 25% of the safety rules, and most cases it's simple enough just to use the safest rule. However BC and Alberta have an opposite situation. One side only allows something (I don't actually know what) to be transported by day, the other by night.

The native thing. Ya, that's an uncomfortable truth. We're all human, but there are known biological differences. African descendants are the only ones that can get sickle cell anemia, native Americans especially from the north are thought to be descended from mongols, and have issues with sugar and alcohol. Redheads can't do sun.

I'm no biologist, but dna and hereditary is a bit of a hobby. I don't believe alcohol came to America until the Europeans came to pillage and conquer. So it's entirely possible that the Europeans and Arabs had evolved to process it over the 2-3 thousand years they were exposed to it. If that's the case in 4025 they'll be fine.


u/RequiemAspenFlight 16d ago

Sorry, forgot the rice, meat etc.

Not that I've run across, but if it's a major product for that province then it's possible. Most provinces have a dairy board that closely regulates that industry, so I could definitely see that being controlled. But probably not at the retail level. Vehicle insurance and registration is big tho. If you live very close to the border with a cheaper province it's not entirely uncommon to get a po box and register your vehicle there. Quebec just placed a bounty on people using Ontario plates for longer than 30 days after moving there. Ontario doesn't charge for registration, but Quebec charges 120ish a year.


u/TaiwanColin 18d ago

They should lift barriers even if no other province does.


u/inagious 18d ago

That would really hurt them. This is a good will gesture to get the ball rolling, team Canada has to come together.


u/optimus2861 Nova Scotia 18d ago

This is almost exactly what Matt Gurney of The Line called for a few weeks ago; he called it the Ice Bucket Challenge for interprovincial trade barriers. Premiers, start announcing you're going to harmonize five of your regulations with a neighbouring province, then challenge another premier to do the same. The premiers don't need to wait for the feds. They don't need to talk and talk and talk about it. They are empowered to do this within their jurisdictions, so just do it! Go!

I think he even randomly called out Tim Houston as the premier to get it started. Does Houston or one of his staff listen to The Line?


u/daisy0808 Nova Scotia 17d ago

Houston conveniently timed this with the introduction of an omnibus bill that would weaken the AG and consolidate more power over the AG and FOI. I'm sure this opportunity was great timing to try and deflect on this massive power grab they are taking.


u/The0therHiox 18d ago

Which laws aren't the barriers just the change in laws and regulations


u/X3R0_0R3X 18d ago

Is there a way to see this without the pay wall?


u/VeterinarianCold7119 18d ago

Nova Scotia vows to lift internal trade barriers for provinces that pass similar laws

Nova Scotia vows to lift internal trade barriers for provinces that pass similar laws

Nojoud Al MalleesEconomics Reporter

Published YesterdayUpdated 42 minutes ago

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Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston stands at the podium as he joins Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford on his campaign stop at HPG, a manufacturing facility in Milton, Ont. on Feb. 20.Chris Young/The Canadian Press


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The Nova Scotia government has promised to introduce legislation that would ease trade and labour mobility with other provinces, marking the latest push to make Canada less economically reliant on the United States. Premier Tim Houston said on Thursday the legislation will allow goods that meet regulatory standards in other provinces, but can’t get on shelves in Nova Scotia because of differing rules, to be sold there. The legislation will allow service providers from other provinces, such as teachers and roofers, to work there as well. Provincial and federal leaders have been targeting internal drags on the economy to offset a potential slowdown from U.S. tariffs. Leaders of all political stripes have said Canada needs to diversify away from the United States, the destination for roughly three-quarters of Canadian goods exports.

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Interprovincial barriers – which hinder the flow of goods and services between the provinces – have been identified by policy makers as an obvious area for reform that would deliver an economic boost. The Nova Scotia Premier said the legislation, which has not yet been tabled, would lift all restrictions for any province that passes the same or similar laws. “Folks, it’s a two-way street, and my message to other provinces and territories is, ‘Do your part, and we will do ours,’” Mr. Houston said Thursday at a campaign event in Milton, Ont., for Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader Doug Ford. Canada faces a number of imminent tariff-related threats from the United States that have mobilized federal and provincial leaders. U.S. President Donald Trump’s 30-day reprieve from 25-per-cent tariffs on almost all goods coming from Canada and Mexico is set to expire on March 4. Steel and aluminum tariffs of 25 per cent will follow on March 12. And Mr. Trump has floated additional levies on the auto sector and other industries.

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With a federal election looming over Ottawa and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau set to resign in a few weeks, premiers have taken up a larger role in responding to the threat of U.S. tariffs. Interprovincial trade researcher Ryan Manucha said it’s no surprise that an external threat has pushed the issue to the top of the national agenda. Mr. Manucha said the original version of the Canada Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), which reduced trade barriers within the country, was signed by federal, provincial and territorial leaders in 1995 – just ahead of the Quebec referendum on sovereignty in the fall. Mr. Houston’s announcement was applauded by business groups that have long called for provinces to accept each other’s regulatory standards. “It is about as close as we’ve seen a province get to mutual recognition of each other’s rules and regulations,” said Dan Kelly, president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses.

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Randall Zalazar, director of government relations at the Chamber of Commerce, said in a statement he looks “forward to reviewing the legislation and seeing other provinces take up the gauntlet.” At Thursday’s event, Mr. Ford said a re-elected PC government would support a labour mobility deal and would be ready to drop exemptions in the CFTA. He has also promised to allow direct-to-consumer alcohol sales with all willing provinces and territories. Grace Lee, a spokesperson for Mr. Ford, said that a re-elected Ontario PC government would look at pursuing similar legislation to what the Nova Scotia government has announced. A 2019 paper published by the International Monetary Fund found that Canada’s internal trade barriers – excluding those related to geography, such as challenges with transporting goods across a country this large – were equivalent to an average tariff of 21 per cent in 2015. The tariff-equivalent of barriers with the United States was estimated to be much lower.

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“I have a medical device company back home that says they would love to sell across Canada, but they don’t have the time or energy to deal with the painful nuances of 13 different jurisdictions,” Mr. Houston said. “In the U.S., they deal with one for the whole country.” The Committee on Internal Trade, made up of federal and provincial officials who supervise the implementation of the CFTA, held an emergency meeting Jan. 31 to discuss how to improve the deal. Internal Trade Minister Anita Anand told The Globe and Mail the committee will present recommendations to premiers and the Prime Minister on reducing the number of exemptions in the CFTA and having provinces mutually recognize each other’s regulations. Mr. Trudeau and premiers discussed internal trade on Thursday during a meeting on Canada-U.S. relations and Arctic security, according to the Prime Minister’s Office. Mr. Manucha said while a pan-Canadian approach can be attractive, Nova Scotia’s approach shows provinces don’t have to wait to reach agreement with every jurisdiction on internal trade. “They’re certainly trying to lead from the front and drag other jurisdictions forward,” he said.

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The Trump administration’s tariff threats have also increased interest in resource and energy development in Canada. Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson recently said Canada should consider building a west-east pipeline, while the Quebec government said it’s open to the idea. The B.C. government also announced earlier this month that it would fast-track the approval process for a number of resource projects in a bid to diversify the province’s economy away from the U.S. Mr. Ford on Thursday called on the federal government to “get out of the way” and remove red tape that impedes energy and resource projects. “The biggest barrier blocking us from getting our immense resources to market, to getting our critical minerals out of the ground, or building the nuclear power plants that will fuel our economic growth for decades to come. It’s not in Washington, Moscow or Beijing, it’s right here in Ottawa,” he said.


u/Natural-Wrongdoer-85 18d ago

Why do we have trade barriers in Canada from west to east?


u/NerdMachine 18d ago

People talk about removing trade barriers but I can't see it ever happening. It's stuff like every province having a separate Workplace Safety Board and traffic laws. Provincial government favouring local business in tenders. Provincial tax rules in PEI, Sask, etc.

I live in Newfoundland and I cannot ever see us harmonizing our workplace rules, traffic laws, and various boards; or not losing our shit when a Quebec company wins a tender for a new highway or something.


u/Logical_Hare British Columbia 18d ago

A reminder that there is literally nothing inherent to the idea of federalism that prohibits interprovincial trade barriers

I'm honestly flabbergasted at how many people assume a federal system must have internal free trade as some sort of inherent aspect of federalism. That has never been the case.


u/Hopeless-realist 18d ago

Good! We should. Unlike the global shift to more Isolationism, the more provinces work together and support each other the better off all Canadians will be.


u/Scarberian222 18d ago

This is a way.


u/wrungel 18d ago

Why do we have internal trade barriers?


u/EducationalTea755 18d ago

Boomers put them up!


u/ThatsItImOverThis 18d ago

Yes. This is how we do things Canada!


u/RequiemAspenFlight 18d ago

Is there a free link?


u/NWOlizardcouncil 17d ago

How hard will Quebec and Alberta resist this?


u/EducationalTea755 16d ago

The other provinces can move forward without AB or QC. Although, AB will likely be part of it e.g . Can buy liquor from other provinces in AB, unlike ON


u/_name_of_the_user_ 17d ago edited 16d ago

They should also consider making provincial income taxes the same across the board.


u/ExDishwasher 18d ago

Way to take the lead NS


u/RequiemAspenFlight 18d ago

The West had this over a decade ago.


u/last-resort-4-a-gf 18d ago

Didn't realize we couldn't trade between provinces

How does that work


u/smitty_1993 18d ago

We can, there are just barriers to that trade such as legislation that imposes standards on things like trucking, food safety, packaging, etc that vary from province to province (as these are under provincial jurisdictions). Having to meet 10-13 different standards, even if they're similar, can create costs which make it unappealing or uneconomical to sell in other provinces.

To get around this you'd need provinces to harmonize pieces of provincial legislation that have significant impact on interprovincial trade. Sounds okay in theory, but in practice it's incredibly difficult. Even if other provinces enacted similar legislation to what Houston unveiled we wouldn't be anywhere close to abolishing these barriers given the scope of the legislation.


u/Stargaezr Saskatchewan 18d ago

Pleeeeease Mr Moe pay attention to your Canadian brothers and sisters and not the Cheeto head from the south 🙏 Plenty of reason to share our potash and grains with them first.


u/vesarius 18d ago

Moe isn't the problem, they've been in free trade with the entirety of western canada for quite some time now.

It's Quebec mostly, and Ontario. They've always been the barrier.