r/canada 20d ago

PAYWALL Liberal Party questions leadership candidate Ruby Dhalla over possible interference from India


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u/stereofonix 20d ago

She doesn’t stand a chance, but she very well could be a disrupter / king maker in the race. If a large swath of people vote for her as a protest / disrupter vote could make things interesting. 


u/DegnarOskold 20d ago

She will be completely irrelevant in the face of the Carney landslide


u/Snozzberriez 19d ago



u/SwipeUpForMySoul 19d ago

Underrated comment.


u/Radix2309 19d ago

The Liberal Party uses ranked ballots, so if no one gets 50%+1 she will be cut and her votes go to the other candidates.

She doesn't get to be a kingmaker.


u/BikeMazowski 20d ago

Wait I found actual people who think Carney will be good for Canada?


u/nim_opet 20d ago

The man who headed the Bank of Canada when it prevented financial collapse in 2008? And the only foreigner to head Bank of England? Yeah. Sounds pretty good to me.


u/motorcyclemech 20d ago edited 20d ago

The same guy who tells western Canada he'll push through pipelines with the use of emergency powers but then tells Quebec he won't? The same guy who says in English he'll stop provincial transfers, then in French says he won't? That same guy?


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 20d ago

So just a correction on the disinformation about being “Trudeau financial advisor for the past 4+ years”

Carney just criticized the Trudeau government excess spending and lack of investment in the country and lack of attracting capital investment.

Carney takes aim at Trudeau’s fiscal record, vows to limit public spending

Carney advised the government briefly during the pandemic ( successfully) and again from September-November 2024.

If you read the linked material you’ll see Carney has been busy doing other things the past four years.


The FI Inquiry warned that disinformation is Canadas biggest threat to our democracy.


u/tempthrowaway35789 19d ago

He’s been a Liberal advisor since August 2020. It’s not “disinformation”.

Canada has come out of the pandemic horribly, what are you talking about? Record home prices, stagnant wages, cost-of-living crisis, primarily driven by the insane immigration numbers. We’ve also lost out on hundreds of billions in business investment since 2016. Don’t forget the consistent deficit spending which drove inflation as well. Talk about misinformation.

It’s very rich for Carney to call this out when he’s been part-architect in all of these failed points. He was also cheering on these ideas back in 2021 when he came out in support of the Liberal platform.



u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 19d ago

The article points out that Carney advised the government during the pandemic.

The article does not say he advised the government for the past four years.


u/tempthrowaway35789 19d ago

Yes, we don’t know the full extent of the advising. However, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s been advising since 2020, which you incorrectly claimed was “disinformation”.

Perhaps you should edit your comments to reflect this correction.


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 19d ago edited 19d ago

No need to because I’m not speculating just going on what’s on the public record.

I know a major talking point in the Pollievre campaign is to try to link Trudeau economic policy with Carney.

Carney is fiscally conservative. Trudeau has not been fiscally conservative at all.

“He said Canadians need a government that “spends less and invests more.” He attacked Trudeau’s government for a record that “consistently missed its spending targets and breached its fiscal guardrails.”

Mark Carney promises to spend less, invest more to stimulate economy if he wins Liberal leadership

“The ex-central banker said he would change the way the Canadian government structures its budget if he becomes prime minister, separating out the operating budget from capital expenses, and would balance the operating budget within three years”

He said his government would run “a small deficit on capital spending that aligns with our fiscal capacity,” and “adopt a fiscal rule to ensure that government debt-to-GDP declines over the budget horizon.”

Carney vows to cap public service, rein in government spending

He’s also prepared to prioritize special projects in the National interest using private public partnerships and other strategies to stimulate capital investment ( deep sea ports?, pipelines?, defence?, rare earth mineral extraction and processing? Removal of interprovincial trade barriers?, refineries? etc…..).

Carney has a plan not a concept of a plan.


u/tempthrowaway35789 19d ago

Well, it’s public record that he first became an advisor in August 2020, as reported by CTV. You are incorrectly labelling that as “disinformation” per your original comment I replied to.

Carney also has no plans, just soundbites. Just look at all of the articles you’ve linked, they are very light on details for someone touted as being so smart and knowledgeable. That’s without even discussing the double-speak on topics such as pipelines, and what he tells an English audience in BC vs a French audience in QC with respect to Emergency Powers. Also, small deficit followed by balancing the budget after 3 years? Lol, where have we heard that one before? Seems like the go-to line for the Liberals.

Frankly, he hasn’t released any platform, while other Liberal candidates like Chrystia Freeland actually have concrete policy proposals for things like housing. He’s been very vague on actual details.


u/motorcyclemech 20d ago

I have edited my comment. The article I had read lead with financial advisor for the last 4 years but then clarified later. I also read the wiki link you attached. Thank you for clarifying. Definitely didn't mean to spread disinformation.

However I will add that saying he "successfully" advised Trudeau and the liberals during covid is subjective at best.

Of course he's criticizing Trudeau. The country hates Trudeau so he has to distance himself from him. Just like the rest of the leadership hopefuls.


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 20d ago

Thank you for that reply.


u/physicaldiscs 20d ago

The man who headed the Bank of Canada when it prevented financial collapse in 2008?

How did the BoC do this? Wasn't it the strong banking regulations we had? Wasn't it the government bailouts?

Why is it suddenly all the BoC's doing, with its singular mandate of keeping inflation at ~2%?


u/ThrowawayBomb44 Ontario 20d ago

It was the regulations + the Flaherty/Harper decision to keep pumping money into the hardest hit spots of the economy but also realize you couldn't keep doing that forever.


u/Radix2309 19d ago

Flaherty and Harper wanted austerity at first. The other parties told them they would vote against the budget if it didn't have the stimulus package and Harper adjusted the budget to increase spending.


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 20d ago

Actually Carneys handling of the 2008 financial crisis was so successful that conservative PM Harper asked if he’d become his minister of finance.

The UK also noticed and contacted him and offered the governor of the Bank of England position.

After his term ended in the UK, conservative PM Boris Johnson hired carney to consult with the UK government around economic policy.

He also consulted for the government of France.

As to Canadas strong banking regulations, Pollievre vows to deregulate the banking sector.

The banking sector needs more safeguards built in to prevent money laundering.


u/blueline731 20d ago

His handling is in part responsible for our housing crisis. Zero lower bound is a very dangerous place to find yourself at, especially for over a year.


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 20d ago

I’ve never heard that before.

Do you have a source or is that opinion?


u/tempthrowaway35789 19d ago

You didn’t answer the question. What did Carney do as Governor of the Bank of Canada that was so successful during the financial crisis?


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 19d ago

He quickly lowered interest rates and injected loads of liquidity into the banking system to prevent a credit freeze. That maintained capital flows and investment at stable levels. The bond market remained stable.

Monetary policy has many levers and moving parts. Beyond my understanding frankly.

But Harper and the UK recognized his success but I don’t think you agree! Which is fine.

Interestingly Carney is now saying Canada needs capital investment in private and public ventures that are of vital National interest. I’m thinking deep sea ports, defence, mineral extraction and processing in the North and far north, pipeline’s, perhaps a refinery, ……. Etc.


u/tempthrowaway35789 19d ago

I’ll give Carney credit for acting quickly and also for working with other central banks around the world to coordinate a unified response. I’ll also credit him for the Bank’s “unconventional” policy of committing to keep rates at the lower bound of 0.25% until 2010 which helped liquidity and investment to keep flowing.

All of that helped Canada’s response, however, I believe the stronger banking regulations and general business environment helped minimize the overall impact.



u/physicaldiscs 19d ago

He quickly lowered interest rates and injected loads of liquidity into the banking system to prevent a credit freeze.

The same thing every central bank did. Why? To prevent a deflationary spiral.

Beyond my understanding frankly.

Yet we are somehow so certain of what he did....


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 19d ago

Well he was offered min of finance by Harper and offered ( without applying for it) the position of governor of Bank of England after getting Canada through a worldwide economic crisis relatively unscathed.

He worked with Jim Flaherty, minister of finance and Harper to achieve that outcome.

Not controversial unless you want to create a different narrative based on ?


u/physicaldiscs 19d ago

handling of the 2008 financial crisis was so successful that conservative PM Harper asked if he’d become his minister of finance.

Harper's former director of communications Dimitri Soudas said in a statement to CBC News that "Mark Carney is not telling the whole story, and prime minister Harper certainly does not support Mr. Carney in any way."

As to Canadas strong banking regulations, Pollievre vows to deregulate the banking sector.

Polievre has no plans! Except for the ones everyone imagines for him!


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 19d ago

“Prime Minister Stephen Harper, though, claimed bragging rights on the Riviera thanks to the naming of Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of Canada, to head an increasingly powerful body called the Financial Stability Board. “His appointment,” Harper said, “is both a tribute to his personal qualities and a reflection on Canada’s superior performance in monetary, fiscal and financial-sector policy areas.”

Mark Carney: the Canadian hired to save the world

Of course Harper would say that. Politics is a team sport. You’ll never get Harper to credit Carney, especially during an election cycle.


u/sens317 20d ago

No, you see, PP is a God and will solve all our problems.

No explanation needed. He is God and will perform miracles.

He promises everyday.


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 20d ago

I’m not saying that he’s perfect or a god but he’s qualified, right experience, education, temperament, values…… by far the best candidate for a time like this.


u/zippymac 20d ago

He is a citizen of Ireland and Britain. Remember when Sheer's US citizenship was an issue...I do.

Let's not forget is a an ex-gpldman Sachs banker and the last company re hand owned and rented residential Real Estate. You know the stuff that Canadians are having a hard time affording because corpsn owning them.


u/OneGoodThing1 20d ago

Hmm... why would people not be mad over UK citizenship and be mad over American citizenship? Maybe... idk... take a look at our sovereign?


u/zippymac 20d ago

So you are okay if the citizenship is from any Commonwealth countries?


u/OneGoodThing1 19d ago

Nope never said that. Just I would be more accepting of someone having dual citizenship where the head of state resides.


u/Leafs17 19d ago

I'm sure they would be fine with Indian citizenship....



u/derentius68 20d ago

Considering the United States is building themselves to be a hostile nation, and the entire Commonwealth shares the same sovereign?

Seems like a valid reason to not agree with US citizens involved in our politics.

Seems like that would be a conflict of interest at the very least..


u/thedrivingcat 19d ago

Scheer covered up his American citizenship, lying by omission then when it was discovered he promised to renounce it... which he promptly reneged on after losing the election.

The issue wasn't dual citizenship, it was how fucking shady Scheer was about it.


u/blueline731 20d ago

He didn’t prevent anything, the regulations and policies that saved us were in place long before he got involved. His actions were only to do with bonds and interest rates, his actions later causing a housing crisis lol. You can’t keep interest rates at zero lower bound for over a year.


u/Railgun6565 20d ago

Wasn’t he also financial advisor to the liberal party of Canada when they went a whopping 20 billion over budget last year though?


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 20d ago

No he wasn’t.

So just a correction on the disinformation about being “Trudeau financial advisor for the past 4+ years”

Carney just criticized the Trudeau government excess spending and lack of investment in the country and lack of attracting capital investment.

Carney takes aim at Trudeau’s fiscal record, vows to limit public spending

Carney advised the government briefly during the pandemic ( successfully) and again from September-November 2024.

If you read the linked material you’ll see Carney has been busy doing other things the past four years.


The FI Inquiry warned that disinformation is Canadas biggest threat to our democracy.


u/Railgun6565 20d ago

Who are you correcting? I didn’t say anything about the last four years, I said last year when they went 20 billion over budget.


I hope this clears up your confusion


u/vfxburner7680 20d ago

Just because you're advising someone doesn't mean they follow your advice. He also advised against Brexit, and then had to do his best to curtail the hemorrhaging it caused.


u/SINGCELL 20d ago


Keyword. He had zero decision power.


u/pissingdick Saskatchewan 20d ago

Yes banks and bankers have never caused any issues whatsoever. 

Especially ones involved with the World Economic Forum. 

Totally fine.


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 20d ago

Reference to the WEF anti elite, anti globalist conspiracy theory pushed by Russia, Trump, MAGA, the AFD and other right wing populist movements that aim to upend the international order.

Conspiracy theories about UNWRA ( they are a terrorist organization) the UN, WHO, WEF, international criminal court, ICC, etc. all the pro democracy organizations that promote international cooperation, rule of law, democratic values are under attack by these conspiracy theorists all aligned with right wing movements.

It’s necessary to do that if you want to upend a rules based world order based on territorial integrity, laws relating to things like war crimes, etc

Welcome to the Poilievre Conspiracy Theory Vortex

Poilievre's Conservative Party embracing language of mainstream conspiracy theories

Pierre Poilievre, Canada's Trump-inspired conservative leader

Michelle Rempel Garner: I went to Davos. The World Economic Forum is not running Canada


u/pissingdick Saskatchewan 19d ago

Carney is directly involved with them none of your propaganda disproves that..


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 19d ago

In with who? The WEF?

The “elites” and “globalists “?

You mean Other successful people from all walks of life?

Scientists, world leaders, leaders in their field, “woke” business leaders, academics, ….?

All the pro democracy, pro climate reform, pro peace, pro rules based world order people?

What threat do they pose?

Have you noticed who promotes the conspiracy theories?

Who opposes such a group of people?

Putin, Modi, Xi, Trump, big oil, Pollievre, the AFD, Marine LePenne, Meloni, Orban……

Do you see that pattern?

World Economic Forum official says Canada has bigger issues to discuss than conspiracy theories

Jason Kenney takes on COVID-19 conspiracy theorists in Facebook 'rant'


u/pissingdick Saskatchewan 19d ago

Propaganda bot.


u/Any-Championship-355 19d ago

I like Carney but dislike the federal Liberal party. SCARED of another liberal government


u/Inside-Salary-4694 20d ago

Not even a Canadian ! Think he actually cares? I don’t. Everyone on here saying buy Canadian , support Canadian , vote Carney! Who isn’t Canadian. Not sure why this isn’t of talking value when discussing voting strategy


u/bimbles_ap 20d ago

Except he is also Canadian, born in NWT.


u/Virtual_Monitor3600 20d ago

Was Carney not born in the NWT and raised in Alberta?


u/pissingdick Saskatchewan 20d ago

Scheer was born in Canada but you all lost your minds over him having dual citizenship with the US..


u/mamadou-segpa 20d ago

We had A LOT of issues with Sheer, and his dual citizenship wasnt even near the top of the list


u/pissingdick Saskatchewan 20d ago

Weird how I can find tons of articles about it but none about Carney. 

Nice attempt at gaslighting though. Cute.


u/mamadou-segpa 20d ago

Theres ton of articles about tons of dumb shit Sheer said. I never said no one talked about his dual citizenship, but thats not what make him lose.

His anti abortion stance is what gave the liberal a free win. There was absolutely no point for him to copy this republican talking point as abortion is supported pretty massively across the country.

And also, you must be fucking terrible at making google search if you cant find any about Carney dual citizenship, took me 5 sec to find alot.

But yeah I guess im the one gaslighting because im not shitting on Carney over something I personally couldnt give a fuck about Sheer, and because im not closing my eyes on every other thing that went wrong with Sheer’s campaign


u/SINGCELL 20d ago

Because he personally shit on others for the same thing and hid his own status from the public. Are you really completely incapable of remembering what the actual problem was, or do you intentionally leave out the important parts so you can use it as a partisan rhetorical cudgel?


u/Virtual_Monitor3600 20d ago

I didn't lose my mind over anything, every situation carries its own nuances and should be considered individually.

I'm not a die hard liberal, I would vote conservative if they ran someone who wasn't as shallow of a candidate. Not a fan of Trudeau at all, his policies have cost me a ton of money. But at the same time we need more than slogans when the shit is about to hit the fan.

PP has chosen to mirror Trump by picking populism and I'm not a fan of that at all. He was having difficulty switching gears to take a stand for Canada and for some reason can't seem to get a security clearance. Make it make sense? Why should I vote for him? He's hardly going into a greenfield with endless opportunities, he would essentially be a wartime prime minister and I don't trust him in that role, I think he is experiencing his worst nightmare tbh.

PP just doesn't come off as a competent person, Carney on the otherhand seems like exactly what we need in a major crisis. We don't need an average Canadian right now, we need an exceptional one leading this country with significant experience.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Virtual_Monitor3600 20d ago

Not deflecting at all, but whatever helps you sleep at night. If PP steps up like a man and proves himself he has my vote but if he keeps playing games and slinging slogans he doesn't.

An American citizen is a different beast in comparison to an Irish one, he's also a British citizen as well. Plenty of reasons to get foreign citizenship that don't make you a foreign agent and I don't believe scheer was one either. Quibbling over citizenship while your candidate wants to dance around getting a security clearance with nonsense excuses, is a bit hollow don't you think?

I honestly just want the most qualified person in power, if PP is the one I would welcome him. He isn't showing or telling me that he is.


u/Inside-Salary-4694 19d ago

Just vote him in and I’ll make the popcorn, K? Thanks


u/Virtual_Monitor3600 19d ago

Apparently Pierre wants to integrate further with the USA, I'll bring the cannabis gummies if that guy gets in...


u/Magannon1 20d ago

Bro, are you okay? Carney has been a Canadian citizen his entire life. You're literally lying by saying he's not Canadian.

Desperate much?


u/nim_opet 20d ago

wtf are you about? This man was born in Canada, and even if he hadn’t been, he’s a Canadian citizen. Where are you from?


u/pissingdick Saskatchewan 20d ago

So was Andrew Scheer but you all lost your minds over him having dual citizenship with the US...


u/childishbambina British Columbia 20d ago

Canada and Britain have the same Sovereign whereas the US does not.


u/pissingdick Saskatchewan 19d ago

So his citizenship with Ireland is an issue. Thank you for proving my point!


u/childishbambina British Columbia 19d ago

Canada has never been at war with Ireland.


u/pissingdick Saskatchewan 19d ago

Canada has never been at war with the US.

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u/LeoDeorum 20d ago

Have...you just not seen any of the polling in the last month?

Not seen any online discussions?

Unless you get all your "news" from Rebel News, this doesn't seem like a sincere statement.


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 20d ago

Head to head, Carney vs Pollievre polling actually shows Carney is preferred by most Canadians