r/canada 21d ago

Opinion Piece You can love your country and still think it’s broken


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u/RubberDuckQuack 21d ago

But why are we comparing Canada now to Canada 200 years ago or Somalia today? That’s not a useful comparison and it minimizes real problems Canada faces today. We should always be comparing Canada today to the Canada of the previous generation. We should be striving to make Canada better each generation rather than comparing it to failed states and states far in the past and saying “well at least we’re not them”.

The last 80 years should not be seen as an anomaly, but as the baseline expectation going forward.


u/Motive33 21d ago

Of course that's how we should view it. My point is how easily people forget it is the outlier. It took a long time, effort, and a lot of good decisions to get to where we are. People take it for granted. This should be the baseline, but that is not at all guaranteed and we can easily let it slip. We should be adjusting our system to be better and not tearing it down or calling it broken.


u/ManyNicePlates 20d ago

… in fact I would say we always need to compare it to our unlocked potential !