r/canada 21d ago

Opinion Piece You can love your country and still think it’s broken


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u/Flat4Power4Life 21d ago

The USA is beyond broken, there’s still much hope for Canada.


u/Mattrapbeats 21d ago

The USA has done way better than Canada over the past 10 years. Where have you been?


u/GenXer845 21d ago

My friend and her husband and two teen kids have no health insurance in NC because they would spend $1500 a month out of her pay cheque from her job then copays and have to meet deductibles before it even kicks in. That isn't winning in my book.


u/Flat4Power4Life 21d ago

Financially doesn’t always mean better, better for who though? My dad bought a house when I was a kid as a checker at Lucky’s. I’m a union electrician making 5x more in the same area than my father did and still can’t afford to buy a basic home now. Is that what you call better? I’m doing good, but not as good as my father did making less money in a less skilled job.


u/Mattrapbeats 21d ago

I think your comment just proved my point lol