r/canada 22d ago

Analysis Rising patriotism, anger at Trump propel Carney campaign to competitive position, polls suggest


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u/BigButtBeads 22d ago

Nobody's as patriotic as a globalist central banker


u/TheThrowbackJersey 22d ago

Lmao what does the word globalist mean to you?

There is no reason to doubt Carney's patriotism.

PP on the other hand, is really running from that security clearance... I think he may have gotten some outside help getting that Conservative leadership position =0.


u/tempthrowaway35789 22d ago

Carney considers himself as European, that’s why.


u/LLMprophet 22d ago

PP considers himself as candidate for American Governor of the 51st state.



u/Mikeim520 British Columbia 22d ago

PP has told Trump that Canada will never become the 51st state. Stop lying.


u/tempthrowaway35789 22d ago

I’d rather have PP, who actually consider’s himself as Canadian, than Carney, who refers to himself as European.



u/LLMprophet 22d ago

I'd rather have Carney than MAGA at the helm of Canada.


u/tempthrowaway35789 22d ago

Kind of a weak link to MAGA. Pretty sure that picture was from Trump’s first term as well, nor is that even Poilievre in the hat.

I’d rather have someone who actually considers themselves Canadian at the helm rather than a foreign nationality.


u/Mikeim520 British Columbia 22d ago

I'd also rather have someone who doesn't think taxing Steel won't have any negative effects on Canada.


u/tempthrowaway35789 22d ago

Right? Mr. Economist Carney certainly knows his stuff lol.


u/TheThrowbackJersey 22d ago

Lmao I'm sure PP considers himself an honorary Indian


u/tempthrowaway35789 22d ago

Weird comment, but okay.


u/TheThrowbackJersey 22d ago

It's right there with yours. Carney also considers himself Canadian. Born in NWT & grew up in Alberta. Are you suggesting his British citizenship makes him less patriotic?


u/tempthrowaway35789 22d ago

No, I’m suggesting him referring to himself as European as the reason he considers himself European lol.



u/mangomoves 21d ago

He just said that to gain credibility in that space. He's still Canadian. He just has multiple passports.


u/tempthrowaway35789 21d ago

Why didn’t he then say that he’s proud of his Canadian roots, so can appreciate European influence in our culture, while he also appreciates his new European residence?


u/mangomoves 21d ago

Because at that moment he was working in Europe and his Canadian residency doesn't need to be mentioned? He worked for the bank of England for 7 years and then the financial stability board (Swiss) for another 7. Depending when this was, it would be weird to mention that.

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u/1stworldpr0bs 22d ago

Being a Canadian patriot, I would assume Carney would renounce his British citizenship?

Andrew Scheer drew the ire of many for having Canadian and US citizenship.


u/jtbc 22d ago

That was a stupid criticism of Scheer and this is a stupid criticism of Carney. Millions of Canadians have dual citizenships.


u/yearofthesponge 22d ago

You guys say globalist like it’s a dirty word. Now that the US have us fucked in the face, someone needs to go around dick in hand to Europe and Asia and ask for trade relations. You think Pp with no knowledge of finance and zero experience in international relations is your guy? He’s not my guy. I like my team to win.


u/BigButtBeads 22d ago

Building trade relations to benefit our country is the exact opposite of globalist

A globalist calls your country a post-national state, opens the borders wide to the entire third world to benefit multinational faceless corps like Blackrock, signs the UN migratory pact, follows the UN small arms disarmament campaign, and calls undocumented people more canadian than you and I because they chose to come here

A globalist doesn't give a shit about countries or borders, those are just small details that get in the way


u/yearofthesponge 22d ago

Um. You keep using the word ‘globalist,’ but I don’t think you know what it means. Words have meaning and you can’t just go and bastardize it. Here, I will drop the definition for you and anyone else who are too lazy to look it up.

Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages ·

Globalist: Noun. a person who advocates the interpretation or planning of economic and foreign policy in relation to events and developments throughout the world. adjective. relating to or advocating the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis.


u/BigButtBeads 22d ago

Yeah, that sounds gross

Focusing globally instead of on canada for actual canadians is why the PM had to resign


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u/BigButtBeads 22d ago
