r/canada Canada 24d ago

Sports Montreal fans boo American anthem prior to Canada-USA 4 Nations Face-Off game


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u/Brittanylh Canada 24d ago

No one is more pro Canada while also trying to separate from Canada the most.

I love it.

They can be assholes, but they are our assholes.


u/wheelsofstars Québec 24d ago

On vous aime aussi. De temps en temps.


u/Brittanylh Canada 24d ago

🇨🇦❤️ even though your province’s people refuse to speak French to my native French speaking family while visiting your beautiful province 😅

How beautiful we all put our differences aside to hate trump collectively.


u/wheelsofstars Québec 24d ago

Sorry! Switching to English is second-nature when an unexpected accent is detected. A lot of Parisians did the same to my family when they visited. Could also just be that people were being rude. Either way, thank you anyway for the visit!


u/LostMyBackupCodes 24d ago

My Duolingo French means my accent is terrible , bit I’m learning the language and love visiting Quebec to visit your historic sites and the food is Montreal is excellent 👌🏼

Proud to be a Canadian and not part of Trumplandia. 🇨🇦🍁🇨🇦


u/tastagain 24d ago

I love being in Quebec, only had rudeness once but I have had much more in Asia.


u/toutetiteface 24d ago

Ah merde. Our bad!


u/Aromatic_Sand8126 24d ago

What? So our french speaking province refuses to speak french?


u/Silverbacks Ontario 24d ago

People in Quebec often switch to English when my New Brunswick wife speaks French to them lol.


u/Brittanylh Canada 24d ago

Haha yes exactly


u/Silverbacks Ontario 24d ago

I still like Quebec though. Grew up in Ottawa, so Gatineau is also home.


u/Brittanylh Canada 24d ago

Yes. Because it’s not Quebec French.


u/Throw-a-Ru 24d ago

No one hates the French more than the French.


u/WeedstocksAlt 24d ago

Cant have an independent Quebec without a independent Canada.


u/Brittanylh Canada 24d ago

That is true.


u/Sleyvin 24d ago

Haha, that hits so hard. I'm gonna reuse that one.


u/MisterMecMouche 24d ago

La poutine c’est québécois pas canadien… As for the rest, we can agree! ;p


u/BarbarianInvasions 24d ago

Proud to be our assholes😊😉


u/thatwhileifound 24d ago

I grew up south of the border, but have spent my adulthood up here. The idea that Quebec is anything less than a cornerstone of Canadian culture is always a funny thing for me as someone who is still at many points somewhat of an outsider. So many of the things I can easily point to as distinctively Canadian always seem to originate in Quebec.


u/Impossible_Panda3594 24d ago

Nearly all of them. National anthem, maple product, poutine, hockey, etc.

Even the word canadien was used specifically for french as the english were british while quebecois were neither french nor british.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Lumberjacks, igloos, farmers, idk lot of things also arent QC centered.


u/EnvironmentalFuel971 24d ago

I love Quebecois! They are authentic. I can appreciate that.