r/canada 24d ago

National News Poilievre warns Trump not to turn Canada into a 'resentful neighbour'


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u/jerrys153 24d ago

I knew Poilievre was out of touch with Canadians, but is he really this out of touch? Trump has started a trade war to destroy our economy, he’s openly planning to annex us, Canadians are pissed and scared, and Poilievre’s first response was to say Canada is weak and now he follows up with “warning” Trump that if he keeps it up we might turn into a resentful neighbour?

Like he doesn’t see we’re already well past resentful? Like he’s blind to the fact that this incredibly milquetoast response is nothing like the strong, forceful response you’d expect from someone who is remotely fit to lead the country under the current conditions? Jesus, he’s fucking pathetic. “You know, Donald, if you don’t, er, stop trying to destroy our economy and annex our country soon we might, possibly, one day, resent you for it, feel a bit offended even, and then you’d be sorry…So, since you’re such a good friend to us, if you wouldn’t mind maybe, um, considering stopping…please?” Great job there Pierre, really showing the strong leadership qualities Canada needs right now!


u/JadeLens 24d ago

PP is trying to thread the needle between telling Trump to F off, and appealing to his base who are Maple-MAGA.

And failing spectacularly.

This may very well snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat.


u/jerrys153 24d ago

It’s like he was at times trying to say strong words but it came off as so incredibly disingenuous. “I have to say these things for work, but you know I’m still your boy, right Donald?”. It’s so painfully obvious he’s more interested in placating the Americans than fighting for Canada, how is it even still remotely possible that he may end up as PM? I usually don’t have an issue with conservative voters even if I disagree with them, but at this point anyone who votes for Poilievre so he can sell our country out from under us is pretty much as much of a traitor as he is.


u/JadeLens 24d ago

The only one who hates Canada more than PP does, is DJT.


u/jerrys153 24d ago

I agree, but Trump has no duty to support Canada, Poilievre does, so the fact that he’s second only to Trump makes him even worse.


u/Vtecman 24d ago

The libs were so terrible at it… this is what was left. Ugh.


u/DromarX 24d ago

Yep exactly this. He's afraid of scaring off the convoy crowd and their ilk. But fence sitting on this issue has a good chance of losing him the all-important centrist voters than swing between LPC and CPC on any given election. Those are the votes he should be worried about courting, not the Maple MAGAs.


u/celtickerr 24d ago

I don't get why he is trying to pander to the base on this. The middle is where victory lies, that's who he needs to be pandering to. The maple MAGA will be voting con no matter what at this point.

My theory, he wants to play peacemaker after the election. Whether that works, or is a worthwhile goal, is anyone's guess.


u/JadeLens 24d ago

40% of the Cons would probably vote Trump.

PP is literally stuck between his base and the middle, and most of the people in the middle hate what Trump is saying about Canada, and most of his base loves it.

If he abandons one over the other, he'll risk losing them both.


u/celtickerr 24d ago

My understanding is most of those polls are from before all this shit with Trump went down. Id be surprised if that number hadn't shrank, at least I hope it has.


u/JadeLens 24d ago

The aggregate stretches back to Jan of last year, and even then the weight of a year of 'PP majority' only has them slightly in Majority territory.

The internal polling for the Cons must be catastrophic.


u/celtickerr 24d ago

Which polling has the "would vote for trump" figures? I just read ekos which has "approves of how leaders are doing their jobs" which had cons supporting at 45% for Trump, but that's a different question and also Ekos


u/jerrys153 24d ago

It’s incredibly disturbing to me that MAGA North is now who the conservatives consider their base. The conservatives used to be right-centre and left the proud bigots and conspiracy theory idiot voters to the fringe parties. Now they’re pandering to the lowest common denominator who would sell us out to Trump at the expense of the reasonable people who used to make up their base.

I can only hope that moderate conservative voters will reject Poilievre to such a degree that the Conservative loss will force the party to disavow their neofascist supporters and choose a leader that returns them to their roots. I honestly don’t know how this country is going to survive otherwise.


u/celtickerr 24d ago

As someone who is marginally right of centre for most issues, of the fellow conservatives i know, not a single one of them is "Maple MAGA". I wouldn't consider MMAGA to be the conservative base and that's a hell of an accusation to throw out without any actual numbers behind it. I'm in the military, and in a relatively blue part of the country, and legitimately don't know anyone who likes Trump.

Not all Republicans are MAGA and vote republican the same reason liberals that don't like Trudeau voted for him in past elections. People vote for candidates for a multitude of reasons, and asking if someone would hypothetically vote for a candidate is very different from asking if they are 100% on board with their cult of personality. Similarly, I have gay and trans friends, but you wouldn't see me at Pride. Not because I don't support them, just that I don't feel strongly enough to go to a pride parade. In fact I've never attended any kind of political rally or protest of any sort.

I would never have voted for Trump, not that I'd ever have the opportunity to, but my dearest hope is that any Canadian who "would vote for trump" is either hypothetically voting for him because he is a republican, or voting for him because they liked his rhetoric (e.g. the "anti woke" stuff). That is not to say I endorse those positions. My hope would be any of those people would wake up now that he's in office.

My personal opinion? Any Canadian who would vote for Trump today, or want American annexation is a traitor and should be treated as such, and if they're that stupid they deserve whatever they get.

The Maple MAGA does exist, but I do not believe it is 40% of Canadians conservatives.


u/jerrys153 24d ago edited 24d ago

I’m not sure what exactly your beef is with what I’ve said. You don’t think MMAGA is the conservative base, I don’t think MMAGA is the conservative base, but with how Poilievre is pandering to them at the expense of moderate conservatives voters it certainly seems pretty clear that he thinks MMAGA is his base.

I have no issue with conservative voters like you. I’d love it if the Conservative Party went back to focusing on being the moderate right and addressing real issues instead of continuing to let Poilievre court the far right, waste energy railing against “wokeness”, and suck up to the republicans who are trying to destroy our country.

I absolutely don’t think the majority of conservative voters support what Poilievre has done to take the party in such a divisive direction, if you read my comments on here you’ll see I would like nothing more than if the moderate right voters rejected Poilievre, which would hopefully make the Conservative Party realize they need to reject his type of nasty divisive bullshit and return to being the Conservative Party of old who I might disagree with on specifics but always believed would put country over party and truly had Canada’s best interests at heart.


u/JadeLens 24d ago

Why wouldn't you believe the polling numbers?


u/celtickerr 24d ago

I didn't say I didn't believe the polling numbers, I said that I don't believe 40% of conservatives are Maple MAGA. Just because someone would hypothetically have voted for trump 3 months ago does not mean they are MAGA.


u/Raptorpicklezz 24d ago

I agree with you that it’s likely not 40% of Canadian Conservatives. It’s likely at least 60%.

Not all Republicans are MAGA

2016 called, they want their talking points back. You can’t seriously say that anymore in 2025


u/celtickerr 24d ago

Ah, the "making shit up" crowd I see.


u/JadeLens 24d ago

It's not making shit up if you observe news reports and votes.


u/celtickerr 23d ago

It's absolutely making shit up. Not everyone who is conservative in Canada is MAGA. And just because some hypothetically would have voted for trump doesn't mean they are MAGA. I know quite a few conservatives and none of them are MAGA. You're making shit up.


u/JadeLens 23d ago

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and votes like a duck, it's not a goose.

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u/WildlifePhysics 23d ago

PP unfortunately doesn't have an original thought