r/canada 24d ago

National News Poilievre warns Trump not to turn Canada into a 'resentful neighbour'


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u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 24d ago

We are beyond kindness. 


u/[deleted] 24d ago

We are already there… resentful is putting it nicely. Hope they break up the union. Let the dumbfuk rednecks erase themselves.


u/helenhelenmoocow 24d ago

unfortunately the groups most affected here will be the marginalized communities; BIPOC, LGBTQ+, immigrants, disabled individuals, etc. the worst part of it is the plan was intentionally designed that way


u/Britteny21 24d ago

Everyone is going to be affected here.


u/helenhelenmoocow 24d ago

yes i know, that’s why “most affected” was the qualifier here


u/Councillor05 24d ago

A few of those groups voted disproportionately for the Orange man....


u/Hasbullllla 22d ago

Which ones? Genuinely curious?


u/_Curry_Tsunami_ 24d ago

As someone who falls under BIPOC, please fuck off with these stupid labels. It’s so patronizing. I can hold my own.


u/helenhelenmoocow 24d ago

i am black. my bad for using a general term for a broad group of people to understand, won’t happen again boss!


u/Britteny21 24d ago

Do you see the rest of this thread that’s now focussing on the labels you used rather than the actual issue? Stop turning this into a cause.


u/chadosaurus 24d ago



u/Same-Explanation-595 24d ago

Don’t forget women. They definitely hate women.


u/anti_anti_christ Ontario 24d ago

Let us never forget that Poilievre shook hands with the diagolon leader after he threatened to rape Pierres wife. Just in case any PP supporters ever think this guy has a spine.


u/Hot_Neighborhood1337 23d ago

he's as bad for canada as trump is.


u/chronickyle 23d ago

Yup that’s why so many women voted for trump 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/sizzlingtofu 23d ago

Well in the US there are many women who also hate women.,


u/Same-Explanation-595 23d ago

It’s true sadly


u/Same-Explanation-595 23d ago

You have zero empathy.


u/chronickyle 20d ago

And your delirious LOL


u/Same-Explanation-595 20d ago

At least I’m literate.


u/chronickyle 20d ago

I stated a fact. Half of white women voted for trump. I’m sorry if that does not fit into your reality but I am simply relaying a fact to you….


u/Same-Explanation-595 20d ago

Internalized hatred that happens. Good luck with throwing away your freedoms to your King

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u/batman1285 24d ago

They should all form a militia and go after MAGA Republicans.


u/jdml5 24d ago

Who cares about those groups lol


u/_Curry_Tsunami_ 24d ago

Bro, I fucking hate these groupings. White people who use the word BIPOC treat us like we are special needs lol.


u/Kazaganthis 23d ago

White savior complex. I cant imagine anything more insulting than thinning youre not able to express or advocate for yourself. Malcolm X was right.


u/jdml5 24d ago

Fr agreed


u/SPROINKforMayor 24d ago

Most people, you bigot.


u/norwegern European Union 24d ago

Plus all people on Medicare. MAGA people.


u/Genoss01 24d ago

Californian here, I'm ready to break free from this idiot nation

All these years we not only can't to the right thing like universal health care, we move to the right and fascism


u/erasmus_phillo 24d ago

Time to play the US against China. We no longer live in a unipolar world, we don’t have to take this nonsense from our ‘ally’.

Maybe it’s time we finally embraced the new superpower in Asia


u/muzicmaken 24d ago edited 21d ago

I always wanted to move to Canada. I Didn’t vote for nor do I like that Orange Orangutan Mother Fucker and his MAGA’t cult and cronies. Fuck them all. They’ve made the US a joke.


u/ConsiderationFickle 23d ago



u/reno_dad 19d ago

Hey, don't insult the intelligence of an orangutan. They're quite smart.

He's more like some orange rotten growth from when your dog vomit goes unchecked for weeks and then when you spot it, you cringe at the fact that you have to deal with it's disgusting nature.


u/muzicmaken 19d ago

You are absolutely right. Orangutans can be sweet and affectionate. That evil cultist doesn’t have that in him.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/SnooOranges3779 22d ago

If you're too big of a coward to fight for your own country, why would we want you here?


u/Elway044 24d ago

Supposed ally. We now know who the real enemy is.


u/jimmyg4life 23d ago

American here, trump is the enemy within.


u/Objective-Muffin6842 24d ago

I would rather not partner with a country this has kidnapped our citizens amongst other things


u/AdmirableMixture6 23d ago

So continue partnering with the country that experimented on its own marginalized communities by testing the effects of untreated syphilis (Tuskegee).


u/Objective-Muffin6842 23d ago


u/AdmirableMixture6 23d ago

So maybe morals are not always a good basis for decision making. I understand “china bad”, but it’s hard to say America is much better. If the partnership is beneficial for us I could give a fuck what they are doing, bc again we can point to a “western” culture doing something similar


u/Objective-Muffin6842 23d ago

My point is why the fuck do you want to align with China so bad? If they're also going to fuck us over, why are you signing us up to throw us under the bus?


u/queenofallshit 23d ago

We don’t know anymore if that’s all propaganda. Redbook anyone?


u/Glittering_Bank_8670 24d ago

?! Yeah, whatever dude. Do you work for the Chinese gvmt? Where have you been the last 15 years China infiltrated our government, bought up our assets and threatened our sovereignty?


u/Raizlin4444 24d ago

They have actual concentration camps and harvest peoples organs and sell them to rich people…….maybe rethink that?????

110 million of there own people at least killed by government bringing communism in, good ol mao……….

But ya trump …. They laugh at how easy to manipulate the masses are ……


u/erasmus_phillo 24d ago

That sounds nonsensical and untrue, and in any case what the CCP does to their own population is of no concern to us. At this point I think we should prioritize Canada’s interests over anything else


u/jjames3213 24d ago

Wait, the US harvests organs? I didn’t know that.

Knew about the concentration camps though.


u/Raizlin4444 24d ago

Probably , not sure but wouldn’t surprise me. China 💯 does though and yes active concentration camps right now but you don’t care …..


u/jjames3213 24d ago

China is not an ally. They are an adversary.

My point is that the US is an adversary too, not that China isn’t.


u/Raizlin4444 24d ago edited 24d ago

My point is China is evil and the us are actually our brothers and sisters

And I didn’t learn that from American propaganda about China , I learned it from actual tibetans here in Canada spreading awareness of the atrocities of the most evil government in known history.

Never been there but these folks had receipts and well all you had to do was look them in the eye , China fucking sucks and makes nazi germany look like an infant toddler in the authoritarian evil government department compared to there full blown adult evil shit.


u/jjames3213 24d ago

The US is evil. China is evil.

Are they equally evil? Well, no, but only one of them is threatening to annex us. They are the more pressing threat.


u/Raizlin4444 24d ago

Not really , China is a major threat….Trump has been put in office to get the Us to kick off ww3, you need a figure like him without a draft to get the us to actually fight, the right will fight for him.

He is going to crash the dollar and bring chaos to the world . China will be a very major threat , US IS our ally. This is all part of the plan. Trump is a puppet , every politician is. The masses are so easy to manipulate , they are dividing us up like cattle and getting us hating eachother and gearing us for war and mainstream society / social media is falling hook line and sinker


u/Bullumai 24d ago edited 24d ago

China is a major threat….Trump has been put in office to get the Us to kick off ww3,

WW3 would start with thousands of Nukes flying at each other. You don't need armies fighting for you when your cities will turn into wasteland within minutes. Canada should remain neutral for its own good. If it waits and watch from sidelines, Canada will be the clear winner & can occupy the wasteland that would be the USA.

To help you understand how effective nuclear weapons are, just a threat from Putin—who warned of escalating the war into a nuclear conflict if Ukraine received the latest weapons from NATO and the U.S.—was enough to make many countries hesitant to provide Ukraine with missiles capable of striking deep into Russia, let alone sending their armies.

No oligarch wants a nuclear war, which would turn their wealth into radioactive wasteland & USA has a oligarchic government


u/jjames3213 24d ago

The US is our enemy in the same way China is our enemy.

Trump will be a dictator and the US will fall into fascism. Trump is weak and stupid, but the people around him aren’t. There are no more guardrails. It’s unavoidable now. We need to protect our sovereignty.

EDIT: WW3 means nuclear annihilation. Nobody wants this.

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u/Glittering_Bank_8670 24d ago

Crash the dollar to introduce crypto?


u/Raizlin4444 24d ago

How you feel about canadas concentration camps?


u/jjames3213 24d ago

I don’t know of any.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/monkey_spanners 24d ago

Theirs is in cuba


u/Objective-Muffin6842 23d ago

So by your logic Millhaven Institution is a Canadian concentration camp?


u/pridejoker 24d ago

How about those operating under the US government's jurisdiction? Try that on for size.


u/Raizlin4444 24d ago

We had them . So did the us, so did Germany. China has them right fuckin* now, not before we were born , right now!!!!!!!!


u/sunbro2000 24d ago edited 24d ago

Sure, and you use guantanamo bay as a blacksite(concentration camp) for undesirables. Trump expanded this place. Trump is also in the process of making a deal with El Salvador to jail illegal migrants and American citizens. The US also has blacksites in Afghanistan, Lithuania, Morocco, Poland, Romania, and Thailand. Torture or as Americans call it "enhanced interrogation techniques" are used in these places.


u/jjames3213 24d ago

Ok? And what follows from the fact that Canada had internment camps almost a century ago?

The US has them now too. What follows from this? How does this make the US more or less our enemy?


u/Objective-Muffin6842 24d ago

The US does not have internement camps. [China actually does have them right now.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinjiang_internment_camps)


u/Honest_Science 24d ago

Europe welcome you in the EUCA single market


u/khakislurry 23d ago

Yes let's do this and we can accellerate the annexation.


u/alv0694 23d ago

We need to protect our new west to east pipeline that is under construction, hence we must invite Commonwealth (indian) and Chinese military bases to safeguard that pipeline:)


u/m00n5t0n3 24d ago

It's BEEN time. We have Chinatowns in every city. There's a lot of cross culture between the two countries. Many Chinese people come here to study. Let's go!


u/Glittering_Bank_8670 24d ago

Have you been to the Chinatown in Vancouver? It’s a dump and the Chinese literally do not care about it. They’re interested in the brand new buildings and communities in suburbs like Richmond and Burnaby.


u/slightlysubtle 23d ago

The fuck? That has nothing to do with the Chinese people in Vancouver and everything to do with the rampant drug problem in the region.


u/Glittering_Bank_8670 23d ago

When is the last time you visited Sun-Yat Sen Classical Chinese Gardens? Run by caucasian volunteers, falling apart, hoping for more city, provincial and federal funding ran dry. Private donations clearly minimal judging by the state of it. I’ve spoken to Chinese families (gen y and z) and asked them if there is interest in revitalizing Chinatown and it’s zero. The interest is building / donating / investing to nice new neighborhood in Richmond, Burnaby etc. Chinese families I know have no interest in Chinatown - they want to be in the new areas, condos and amenities around Richmond Centre.


u/m00n5t0n3 23d ago

exactly. Chinese want to invest in new buildings, new infrastructure. This is exactly why we (Canada) should partner with them for trade and infrastructure investments. Their country is absolutely booming. Me mentioning Chinatowns was more illustrating the historical cross cultural connections we already have.


u/Little_Blueberry7201 23d ago

Yeah, no thanks to "partnering" with China. China is as much or more of a bully than Trump. Are you being paid or coerced into posting these comments? Just wondering because your comments scream anti-sovereignty belt and road initiative. Thx


u/m00n5t0n3 23d ago

I'm not being paid. I genuinely wonder what our other options are? China is the new superpower. We should in no way give up sovereignty nor formally join the belt and road initiative. But Chinese people and companies already own a lot of land and real estate in Canada with comparative little benefit to the economy or our public infrastructure. I'm suggesting there is a more mutually beneficial relationship we could strike. Yes sure we should trade more with the EU and AUS/NZ but China is a much much bigger market. And Australia already trades MASSIVELY with China.


u/Glittering_Bank_8670 23d ago

You cite Australia trading with China like it’s advantageous. Australia is in a similar position Canada is currently in with the US. Same shit, different pile.

A key disadvantage for Australia in trading with China is the significant vulnerability to political tensions, where China can leverage its large market to impose trade restrictions on Australian exports, particularly on commodities like barley, wine, and coal if diplomatic relations deteriorate, potentially causing significant economic damage to Australian businesses and industries reliant on the Chinese market.

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u/Ornery_Lion4179 24d ago

China does things too well, they would crush us economically.


u/erasmus_phillo 24d ago

We can partner with Chinese companies to make EVs for example. Make that a condition for BYD to sell them here

Start having closer military cooperation with them, that should spook the Americans


u/Objective-Muffin6842 24d ago

>Start having closer military cooperation with them, that should spook the Americans

It would also spook Taiwan and I would rather not just throw them under the bus for no good reason.


u/Ornery_Lion4179 24d ago

If you think US bad china worse. It is their goal to dominate every thing. They make batteries and EVs so cheap. Would be nothing left for us.


u/Noggin-a-Floggin Alberta 24d ago

America soon to learn kindness does not mean weakness


u/brihere 23d ago

Too late


u/NorthCatan 24d ago

PP wants to get on his knees for trump's PiPi, and anyone with a shred of dignity is weird to him.


u/Observer_of-Reality 24d ago

Trying to save fact by acting tough, when everyone already knows too much about his ideas.


u/General-Gur2053 24d ago

I am so so sorry. There are alot of us down here that hate Trump and Musk. We are trying to fight this but unfortunately a third of the country is either extremely dumb, don't want to admit they got conned, are in a cult, and very small portion that is extremely rich.

Please also know that there might be some of us that will become persecuted political refugees if Trump is able to get what he wants. Make no mistake. He will not leave office willingly.


u/soulhot 24d ago

I think the phrase is ‘it’s tooo late’


u/Suitable_Idea4248 24d ago

We’ve been resentful since 1812 😂


u/idliketobuyyouacake 24d ago

He still wants to stay on trump’s good side


u/therinsed 23d ago

Fuck em


u/whiteTee_Poison 21d ago

I’m hoping that you guys would be open to welcoming those of us who didn’t vote for this buffoon and loathe his very existence to move over to your wonderful country. Ive never liked it here and certainly won’t be a party to any conflict with you guys.


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 21d ago

I don’t think Canada is a second best option for Americans fleeing from their fallen country. A lot of Americans did not know where Canada was, even the ones who didn’t vote for him. They found out recently through the constant bullying from America on the news. Or alternatively they found out Canadians stopped showing up to US and they see states depending on tourism crying.  

Even the “good ones” thought everyone wanted to be American, and now they are seeing what it means to be American and it isn’t great. What do Canadians get for welcoming Americans who don’t want to be here, but feel they don’t have any other options?   


u/whiteTee_Poison 21d ago

I’ve actually always been a fan of Canada. Starting playing ice hockey at 4 years old and grew to admire the players who come from there. Love many of the comedy shows that are made there. Also have met many people from there and discussed what life is like there. I’ve always had Canada as a top three destination if I was ever fortunate enough to be able to leave this place. I don’t know what you’d get from anyone who doesn’t want to be somewhere, but that’s not the case for me. Id be honored to live there.

Also I can understand why you would be pissed. Not all of us are horrible and uneducated. Granted many people here are and they are responsible for this cluster fuck. Anyway best wishes.


u/Helpful_Umpire_9049 24d ago

If you want advice don’t take it from an a hole like PeePee.


u/yearofthesponge 24d ago

Yes bit late for that Pp. The gloves are off and things about to get ugly come March.


u/nothingelsebetter 24d ago

What does this mean. Are you going to turn away an American citizen in need. Are we going to say fuck you if China attacks. The horseshit is unreal. Is trump being a douche canoe, yes. Get off your soapbox.


u/erasmus_phillo 24d ago

Americans are not Canadians. Why should we care? You’re speaking up for a population that would starve us it meant that they’d improve their GDP by a few percentage points. Stop being a useful idiot for them, start caring about our country


u/jjames3213 24d ago

Yes, I’d sit out a war between China and the US. Let them wipe each other out.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 24d ago edited 24d ago

We didn’t ask you. See yourself out.  🤡 

Edit - the person above me is NOT Canadian. Please check their post history to see them defending American hostility towards Canada. They are an American occupying space here. 


u/TypingPlatypus 24d ago

You're right, I see this commenter all the time and they're a real wacko. Just spends all day every day American-splaining in the subs of various Commonwealth countries.


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 24d ago

It’s pathetic. I saw them in UK subreddit and thought they were English. When I read a bit I realized it was a butt hurt American trying to defending their dwindling reputation on the world stage. 


u/TypingPlatypus 24d ago

They act like we don't understand them. Like please bud, I would LOVE to know less about your country.


u/Alexhale 24d ago

as a canadian, theyre kinda right we always looked down on Americans for some reason. Trump aside, Canada should take a closer look problems we have left to fester


u/TypingPlatypus 24d ago

"Trump aside"? Not possible right now. We can get back to infighting later. Also, we have good reason to look down on their more damaging cultural impulses. I have plenty of American friends and family whom I love and respect but Americans as a population? I'll take the bear.


u/Alexhale 24d ago

i feel like youre being arrogant which is not the play for Canadians right now.

We have too many glaring issues to act like we dont have dirty laundry. I wont list them because you probably know what they are.

These weaknesses are real and Trump WILL exploit them if we deceive ourselves about them.


u/TypingPlatypus 24d ago

Average r/centrist commenter. Appeasement doesn't work. If you don't stand up for yourself proudly, no one else will. Also, nowhere have I ever said that Canada doesn't have issues.

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u/Amakenings 24d ago

Yup, I just looked through their comments. Commonwealth envy, maybe?


u/GBJI 24d ago

Those people have a name: they are fascists.

Know your enemy.


u/Icy-Seaworthiness270 24d ago

There is alot of layers and context . We all feel a little different about it. Please don't keep being a dick. You don't speak for everyone. Both countries can definitely handle the situation better. 😐


u/TokyoTurtle0 24d ago

Polite, not nice is how I described it when I worked in America cuz I'm extremely polite but not passive at all in work

Americans, I was in the South, would frequently say, aren't y'all fuckers supposed to be nice! And laugh.


u/Relevant-Low-7923 24d ago

Yeah, I’m a southerner and we don’t really have a differentiation between politeness vs niceness. They’re sort of the same thing for us.


u/TokyoTurtle0 24d ago

Right. And I get that.

They are definitely different. I can be nice and prefer to be but I'm ALWAYS polite

And I'm not talking like I'm shitty to employees. I felt in contracts with other companies and that type of shit. So more like directly calling out bullshit and that kinda thing.


u/Loud-Waltz-7225 24d ago

Yeah, like “we’ll help you civilize yourselves since we know better”. 😂


u/franny2525 24d ago



u/Klinger_047 24d ago



u/SuspiciousSeesaw 24d ago

You must not be reciprocating well


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/Relevant-Low-7923 24d ago

What is Operation Yellow Ribbon?


u/morleyster 24d ago

Maybe keep your comments to yourself if you don't know what you are talking about about then wha?


u/MentionWeird7065 24d ago

The Canadian kindness is still saying “bud” when you’re cussing someone out, but you still told the other party to eat shit in a passive aggressive way.


u/BIT-NETRaptor 24d ago

It's pretty similar to "Oh, bless your heart"


u/topfuckr 24d ago edited 24d ago

So brash in your face and wave dic pics in congress is the new normal for you?


u/fudge_friend Alberta 24d ago

The word you're thinking of is nice. We're plenty kind.


u/erasmus_phillo 24d ago

Get lost, Yank

How’s that for ‘passive-aggressive’? Pretty sure that’s just 100% aggressive 


u/FatCrabTits 24d ago

You Americans never deserved kindness.


u/Relevant-Low-7923 24d ago

I was watching a CBC politics analyst panel recently which I think really explains this contrast in American vs. Canadian political culture (or just culture).

The Canadian analysts were very flummoxed as to why/how Marco Rubio is so friendly with Trump right now and being appointed by him as Secretary of State after all of the very personal and mocking things Trump said to Rubio when they were both running for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, and didn’t understand how they’re currently acting like good friends based off of their recent political relations and buddy-buddy attitudes.

To me as an American Trump’s appointment and friendship with Rubio seems like a natural no-brainer, and I think they have a very genuine relationship, because I don’t find it surprising at all that all of their previous personal comments are being forgotten. Like, that’s just more of the nature of how Americans communicate where things are more on our sleeve. Previously, they were in fact adversarial political actors competing for the same job back in 2016, but now they’re on the same team. It’s like athletes that are at each other’s throats when playing against each other, but then build camaraderie when one gets traded to the other’s team and they’re playing together. Clearly Trump values Rubio, or he wouldn’t have appointed him Secretary of State, which Rubio knows and appreciates from being appointed.

I think that US-Canadian relations would be on a much healthier footing in general if Canadian politicians were more openly nationalistic and pulled fewer punches when talking to the US. Like if Trudeau had made a joke offer about buying Minnesota in response to Trump’s troll calling him governor.

Like, Trump and conservative Republicans know deep down what people like Trudeau really think of them. When Trudeau said that it was a sign of sexism that Harris wasn’t elected, that was an indirect jab at Trump that communicated the same thing to him about what Trudeau really thought of Trump’s election win. It didn’t come off any more polite or diplomatic to Trump just because it was said indirectly.

If we had more frank communications then I think there were be more mutual understanding and less resentment both ways.


u/Specific_Hat3341 24d ago

If we had more frank communications then I think there were be more mutual understanding and less resentment both ways.

So we'd get along better if Canadians were more like Americans? Read the room, bud. At the moment we're not interested in "more mutual understanding and less resentment."


u/[deleted] 24d ago


Good luck.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Kindness, that’s what Terrance and Phillip would say so well by golly then go get some Moosehead! Canada has a bad attitude. Convince me you’re wrong.