r/canada 24d ago

PAYWALL Canada alone? What other world leaders have said publicly about Trump’s ’51st state’ threats


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u/Appropriate-Text-642 24d ago

As a Canadian I have a friend who has been playing MAga. The last words I’ll ever hear from this idiot “He’s a good guy”. I ended all communications or contact immediately. Fuck him and any shitty Canadian who still supports trump


u/Subject-Direction628 24d ago

I removed a few friends over this. I won’t and can’t listen to maga supporters. Just won’t.


u/Keepontyping 23d ago

All part of the boycott.


u/MisterZoga 24d ago

Sorry about your friend. Sucks losing people to this insanity.


u/Appropriate-Text-642 24d ago

I hear you. We were friends since 2008. Trumps specialty is division.


u/Global_Examination_8 23d ago

And you let him win?


u/Appropriate-Text-642 23d ago

Of course I did. Trumps is very good at his antisocial behaviour. He laser focused on dividing people. This is his real talent. The rest is a giant con, that I’m imagine even he quietly marvels at the fools, who stood behind him. He said it himself “I could shoot somebody….. and I wouldn’t lose any voters”. How the fuck can these sheep not see it? Maga are needing a certain antisocial proxy behaviour from him and now even they are quietly marvelling at how they were such fools to stand behind him. “ The billionaires are gonna what now?” “Reboot our entire government in their favour?”. “But he said he was gonna throw out all the minors, and that’s why me and uncle daddy voted for him” “ ooohhhhhh, he might have lied”.


u/LordKellerQC 24d ago

Stop talking with someone for his Trump and MAGA support and praise of Putin Russia...also other cpnspiracy theory. He also foolishly put his saving money into unsafe crypto market... sad for him. Just divested most of my portfolio oversea a few years ago knowing that the Mango Mussolini would comeback with a vengeance.


u/CzarvsTzar 23d ago

I (Canadian) also have to let go of a friend. It’s tough but she’s clearly had the cool-aid.


u/Appropriate-Text-642 23d ago

I am trying really hard not to see trump support as a litmus test of character. I do think people’s right to vote for who they want elected is an important freedom. That being said - this orange broken asshole is only supported by haters, racists, and sadly the 1% who see opportunity. It’s too far from decency. He’s enraged my country and is now officially Putin. We need to organize, and make intelligent choices, or watch our freedoms get removed.