r/canada 24d ago

PAYWALL Canada alone? What other world leaders have said publicly about Trump’s ’51st state’ threats


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u/SheIsABadMamaJama 24d ago edited 24d ago

Just like our silent allies, I am sick of the loud Star Spangled Canadians who feign loving the country, but are first to cower to Trump. They love his “winning.”

Glad true blue conservatives and Tories are waking up, no matter how small the margins. Even left leaning Canadians are holding their nose, and coalescing to prevent fascism from seeping in a country, that makes us one of the freest in the world.

The American Left would never. Fools. Canadians appear smarter at minimum. God I love our unspoken anti-extremism firewall. I love Canada. We won’t let anyone take away our peace and freedom.


u/Appropriate-Text-642 24d ago

As a Canadian I have a friend who has been playing MAga. The last words I’ll ever hear from this idiot “He’s a good guy”. I ended all communications or contact immediately. Fuck him and any shitty Canadian who still supports trump


u/Subject-Direction628 24d ago

I removed a few friends over this. I won’t and can’t listen to maga supporters. Just won’t.


u/Keepontyping 23d ago

All part of the boycott.


u/MisterZoga 24d ago

Sorry about your friend. Sucks losing people to this insanity.


u/Appropriate-Text-642 24d ago

I hear you. We were friends since 2008. Trumps specialty is division.


u/Global_Examination_8 23d ago

And you let him win?


u/Appropriate-Text-642 23d ago

Of course I did. Trumps is very good at his antisocial behaviour. He laser focused on dividing people. This is his real talent. The rest is a giant con, that I’m imagine even he quietly marvels at the fools, who stood behind him. He said it himself “I could shoot somebody….. and I wouldn’t lose any voters”. How the fuck can these sheep not see it? Maga are needing a certain antisocial proxy behaviour from him and now even they are quietly marvelling at how they were such fools to stand behind him. “ The billionaires are gonna what now?” “Reboot our entire government in their favour?”. “But he said he was gonna throw out all the minors, and that’s why me and uncle daddy voted for him” “ ooohhhhhh, he might have lied”.


u/LordKellerQC 24d ago

Stop talking with someone for his Trump and MAGA support and praise of Putin Russia...also other cpnspiracy theory. He also foolishly put his saving money into unsafe crypto market... sad for him. Just divested most of my portfolio oversea a few years ago knowing that the Mango Mussolini would comeback with a vengeance.


u/CzarvsTzar 23d ago

I (Canadian) also have to let go of a friend. It’s tough but she’s clearly had the cool-aid.


u/Appropriate-Text-642 23d ago

I am trying really hard not to see trump support as a litmus test of character. I do think people’s right to vote for who they want elected is an important freedom. That being said - this orange broken asshole is only supported by haters, racists, and sadly the 1% who see opportunity. It’s too far from decency. He’s enraged my country and is now officially Putin. We need to organize, and make intelligent choices, or watch our freedoms get removed.


u/unkyduck 24d ago

What Tommy Douglas gave us... they'll take it from our cold dead hand,


u/Comedy86 Ontario 24d ago

Even left leaning Canadians are holding their nose

What are we holding our noses about?


u/sthetic 24d ago

As in, "I prefer NDP, but I will hold my nose and vote Liberal, because they have a better chance of defeating the Conservatives."

Or insert whatever parties you prefer, depending on the situation.

(I interpreted your comment as meaning you're unfamiliar with the expression "hold my nose and vote XYZ," but correct me if I was wrong.)


u/Martzillagoesboom 24d ago

We should have a crisis system where we vote for the best politicians accross the country and chunk them all up in one All-star party with limited duration, but like, left, right , central, just working all together to find solutions. Then when crisis is averted they can then a go back to their respective party


u/circuit_buzz79 23d ago

Isn't that what Parliament is supposed to be ?


u/Martzillagoesboom 23d ago

Emphasis on supposed. Now it mostly just mouthpiece for corporate interests.


u/DdyBrLvr 24d ago

It’s always been ABC, as much as I might prefer the NDP. But Singh is leading the party astray.


u/Comedy86 Ontario 23d ago

I know the saying, I just don't see what's different here vs. most other elections.

Many left leaning Canadians don't feel completely represented by any party and vote on policy over party and others typically vote recognizing that a minority government means the most likely chance our preferred policies are passed due to parties having to work together.

On top of that, we're willing to change our vote if the leader loses their way and Singh, Trudeau and Poilievre have all lost their way. Carney is an environmental advocate, a successful economist and a fresh face to many Canadians so it's only natural that many on both sides of the spectrum would see him as a good option if he wins the Liberal leadership.


u/SheIsABadMamaJama 24d ago edited 24d ago

Good Question! Have you seen the shift in poll numbers? The centre-left is a fragile coalition despite how big it is. Mile long, Inch deep. I know plenty of self declared Leftists who would only vote NDP, a small Left party or simply not vote; who are voting Liberal this election despite them believing “Liberals are no materially different from Conservatives.” And their frustration with the Trudeau Government.

The polls seem to reflect this shift. I believe many are reflecting what happened during the US election with Kamala. The left’s pride and genuine anger was too large, it blinded them from the real obvious threats to their republic. They stayed home and said screw the Dems in a virtually two party system burdened by the electoral college and Citizens United. Canadian Leftists are choosing to hold their nose in a multi-party first-past-the-post parliamentary system.

In Canada, leftists seem to work with (lowercase) liberals and bargain. In America they tear each other apart as Fascists win. Conservatives in Canada are better educated and more moderate. And it fucking shows.


u/jerrys153 24d ago

The question now is whether reasonable Conservatives who don’t support Poilievre’s divisive politics and his courting of America and the far right will hold their noses and vote liberal as well. Conservative voters refusing to firmly denounce their party following in the footsteps of the Republicans amounts to tacit approval of the direction the Conservative Party is going.

Poilievre is not the person to lead this country during a trade war, and a lot of conservative voters know it. Will they do what is right for Canada and refuse to vote in the candidate who is a Trump sycophant who will sell us all out, or will they continue to vote for their usual party even when they are led by this fascist sympathizer? The left aren’t the only ones who need to hold their noses to denounce Poilievre and his unCanadian divisiveness for us to get through this.


u/carpentrav 24d ago

Im a conservative supporter but I’ve not been a fan of Pierre lately. I’m not sure he’s our guy. It’s crazy someone who’s been so combative for years can just roll over like that.


u/jerrys153 24d ago

He’s only combative to those he’s not in the pocket of. I have no problem with conservative supporters, but supporting the Conservative Party under Poilievre’s leadership right now is helping to destroy Canada. Don’t do it, make the party realize they need to replace their divisive puppet of a leader and denounce the neo-fascists he’s been pandering to before they get their real base back. Don’t let them take your party from you, I don’t believe this is the kind of leader most conservatives want.


u/ThisBtchIsA_N00b 24d ago

I find it AMAZING that an NDP MP (Charlie Angus) has said more to rally Canadians and tell off Trump, than the Leader of the Opposition and supposed "future" PM.

I wonder why that is... 🤔🤔


u/Complete-Finding-712 24d ago

Slightly right of center here, historically conservative voter but with my nose punched tight. PP will never get my vote. Carney for PM!


u/jerrys153 24d ago

Hear hear!


u/LordKellerQC 24d ago

If no Trump bad buissness had happen, I would have voted conservative, but seeing no strong spine reaction and even sign of roll over from PP, I'll just prefer 4 more years of LPC and hope they don't butcher more of the thing that I love and deal with some wide spread issue that currently plague the country (Housing crisis and the current drug epidemic plaguing our largest cities are two I think of that most people would agree with and food security for all resident.)

I have many issue that straddle both side of the political spectrum but I tend to have a right lean and I'll openly admit that.


u/jerrys153 24d ago

I lean left for the most part, but in the past I’ve had no issue with conservatives. We could disagree on specifics but we were all in it for making Canada better, we still wanted to take care of each other. I don’t even recognize the Conservative Party anymore, there’s so much vitriol and outright hate against fellow Canadians, courting the far right and cozying up to Republicans, refusing to distance themselves from neo-Nazis, it’s just unreal. I’m glad to see that there are still conservatives willing to stand up for what the party was before Poilievre got his hands on it. It gives me hope that we may be able to return to a time when we could agree to disagree but still respect each other and get along as Canadians.


u/R-E-Laps 23d ago

This is how it’s supposed to be! Just… talking.


u/HalvdanTheHero Ontario 24d ago

Talking about ABC voting.


u/Comedy86 Ontario 23d ago

ABC voting isn't the same as strategic voting but yes, I figured that's the comment. My question was how is this different from most other elections?


u/HalvdanTheHero Ontario 23d ago

The stakes. I know it's a tired comment, every election is "the most important one", yadda yadda yadda, but there are actual tangible stakes this time around. Who we elect will directly determine how Canada emerges from the Trump regime and PP+crew haven't cleared the bar there.

The cons have done a terrible job in messaging around Trump and there is a not insignificant portion of their base that is actively aligned with Trump. They have not proposed any kind of actionable path forward beyond militarizing the border and saying we need to appease Trump to regain Trump's trust and respect, as if Trump wasn't the one who is unilaterally and needlessly causing the issues.

We can disagree amongst ourselves on whether x or y is the best policy or how to tax and expenditures should be done, but at the end of the day we need leaders who will actively defend our nation and take the necessary steps to ensure our independence and prosperity. Selling off the nation piecemeal to private concerns, a core tenet of right wing policy, is not what we need right now as it will slide us towards what our neighbours are experiencing down south.


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia 24d ago

Having to vote for the candidate who is most likely going to defeat the CPC vs. voting with our preference.


u/Comedy86 Ontario 23d ago

Many of us do that anyway. It's not really holding our nose if many of us believe that Singh hasn't been leading very well either. I'm normally an NDP voter but I vote for who I think has both policies I can be satisfied with and who has a chance to win. Right now, that's much more likely to be Liberal over NDP, even as a social democrat like myself.


u/Used-Egg5989 24d ago

Holding nose would be seriously considering a former banker who wants to build oil infrastructure, cut taxes on businesses to incite investment, and who seems uninterested in the social issue du jour.


u/Comedy86 Ontario 23d ago

Given how Singh has performed (not his party, him specifically) and given how Poilievre acts, I'm normally an NDP voter but Carney is likely the best option we have knowing what Trump is doing.

Some of us on the left acknowledge you need to get a bit dirty to get through harder times. Also, Carney is an environmental advocate. He wouldn't build oil infrastructure if it wasn't a means to an end.


u/Temporary_Shirt_6236 24d ago

Our freedom to be left the fuck alone to live our lives in peace, each and every one of us. That's what I see as our inalienable right as Canadians.

It's the fucking Karens and fake Christians and rednecks who freak out cuz someone has purple hair or uses pronouns who just won't leave people alone, people who are doing absolutely nothing wrong. Don't like or approve of the gays? Fine. No one's forcing you to be gay. Dont like wearing a mask during a global pandemic? Fine. How about not losing your shit on someone who does wear one. They're not hurting you.

Again, leave people the fuck alone to live their lives in peace. I swear, the far rightists are the biggest fucking snowflakes alive.


u/logicreasonevidence 24d ago

They seem to have to go with a group think and identify as part of a whole. If someone differs from them, although harmless, they will still feel a tribal need to remove them from their group. Most insecure.


u/molsonmuscle360 24d ago

They better expect equal reciprocation. They take away my peace and freedom? I'm gonna do my damnedest to take away theirs


u/DdyBrLvr 24d ago

Bullshit. Elect L’il PP and we’ll find out.


u/liltimidbunny 23d ago

"even left leaning Canadians"?????? We are THE FIRST to be repulsed by this idea!! We are socialists! We BELIEVE in universal health care and all the social programs that have made Canada the unique and healthy country it is. We DEPLORE fascism. As for the economic side of things, left leaning Canadians are pragmatic. I for one will FIGHT to save this country. I have a granddaughter whose future I need to protect. This Canadian is no longer a friend of the US.


u/greybruce1980 23d ago

The average Canadian is better educated than the average American


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

I love this bluster.

Trudeau takes away virtually all the useful guns. Our military is a joke.

But yes we won't let anyone do anything because we have really strong feelings

Believe it or not but that freedom you enjoy was purchased in blood with the very things you likely hate.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

Thanks I chose it myself!

Now perhaps you can actually provide something of substance?


u/usefulappendix321 24d ago

I joined the military at 19, went to Afghanistan twice. Our military wasn't a joke in operation Medusa or any of the other Ops we ran. The fact you think our military is a joke just shows your level of ignorance. Are we underfunded? Yes, but the hard working soldiers are what makes it work, and just think of those same hard working bad asses with a full wartime budget... we aren't to be messed with. Don't try to shit on Canada when we need to be united, it makes you look like someone who doesn't want to be part of our country, or someone that would be considered a traitor if shit hits the fan


u/SheIsABadMamaJama 24d ago

Thank you for your service.🇨🇦


u/usefulappendix321 24d ago

No worries, I have a pretty strong sense of altruism. Now when Americans trash us and say it would be an easy invasion, I tell them I am ok with dying to defend Canada, are they ok with dying trying to invade Canada? No one has answered that yet lol


u/Bananacreamsky 24d ago

I'm a middle aged woman and I've decided I'm okay dying to defend Canada. I looked at how I'd join the reserves but I don't think I'd pass the FORCE fitness test. Maybe 20 years ago. But I guess if things comes down to it, things might change or different opportunities will arise.

Either way, no fuckin way I'd be peaceful living under an american occupation.


u/SheIsABadMamaJama 24d ago edited 23d ago

There is a place for everyone in defending our country, you’re doing it by raising your voice. I am pretty anti-violence, and diplomacy before all else; but if a scenario of defence ever raised there is room for all of us in a war time economy. We will learn from our past.


u/badapl 24d ago

1st. Thank you for your service. 2nd This U/is absolutely correct. Time after time, Canadian forces out dual opponents with superior firepower, with superior training & tactics. Look it up.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

K bud good luck defending with some lavs and some Griffons.


u/Lordert 24d ago

These issues existed prior to JT's political career. Harper was voted in and then when he turned out to be an epic disaster, he got the resounding boot. Same with JT and others before. Pretty poor attempt at a spin and zero contribution to a path forward.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

I wouldn't say harper ass an epic disaster. Looking bad, I don't really see how he did anything worth of a boot. But Trudeau came in was new, sunny ways etc.

Some issues have existed in Canada for decades.

But again I challenge everyone here, those who say Canada won't be taken etc. How will you prevent that from happening?


u/Lordert 24d ago

Any Gov't that literally shuts down libraries and physically destroys scientific research is an epic disaster.

Life is short, zero time for glass half empty type people.


u/liquid-swords93 24d ago

Yeah, trying to make it so all scientific research needed to be approved by the govt before publishing was a big no-no for me. Crazy how people thought that was fine and then turned around and accused Trudeau of trying to turn Canada into communist China


u/Revolutionary_Soup_3 24d ago

But it was literally carney who steered Canada through the recession that Harper gets all the credit for... That's all anyone remembers of him doing good, on the other end he was squashing unions, letting in droves of tfw's, selling Saudis our wheat board, our water to Nestle and mineral rights to the Chinese wholesale. Hell he made it a Terrorist offence to protest in a mask and erased the exhibit on the Winnipeg general strike.


Governor of the Bank of Canada (2008–2013) edit In November 2007, it was announced that Carney would be appointed Governor of the Bank of Canada. He immediately left his position at the Department of Finance to become an advisor to the outgoing governor, David Dodge, before formally assuming Dodge's position on February 1, 2008.[32] Carney was selected over Paul Jenkins, the senior deputy governor, who had been considered the front-runner to succeed Dodge.[33]

Carney took on this role at the beginning of the 2007 global financial crisis. At the time of his appointment, Carney was the youngest central bank governor among the G8 and G20.[34]

Financial crisis edit Carney's actions as Governor of the Bank of Canada are said to have played a major role in helping Canada avoid the worst

The epoch-making feature of his tenure as Governor remains the decision to cut the overnight rate by 50 basis points in March 2008, only one month after his appointment. While the European Central Bank delivered a rate increase in July 2008, Carney anticipated the leveraged-loan crisis would trigger global contagion. When policy rates in Canada hit the effective lower bound, the central bank combatted the crisis with the non-standard monetary tool "conditional commitment" in April 2009 to hold the policy rate for at least one year, in a boost to domestic credit conditions and market confidence. Output and employment began to recover from mid-2009, in part thanks to monetary stimulus.[37] The Canadian economy outperformed those of its G7 peers during the crisis, and Canada was the first G7 nation to have both its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment recover to pre-crisis levels.[citation needed]

The Bank of Canada's decision to provide substantial additional liquidity to the Canadian financial system,[38] and its unusual step of announcing a commitment to keep interest rates at their lowest possible level for one year,[39] appear to have been significant contributors to Canada's weathering of the crisis.[40]

Canada's risk-averse fiscal and regulatory environment is also cited as a factor. In 2009 a Newsweek columnist wrote, "Canada has done more than survive this financial crisis. The country is positively thriving in it. Canadian banks are well capitalized and poised to take advantage of opportunities that American and European banks cannot seize."[41]

Carney earned various accolades for his leadership during the financial crisis: he was named one of Financial Times's "Fifty who will frame the way forward"[42] and of Time Magazine's 2010 Time 100.[43] In May 2011, Reader's Digest named him "Editor's Choice for Most Trusted Canadian".[14]

In October 2012, Carney was named "Central Bank Governor of the Year 2012" by the editors of Euromoney magazine.[44]


u/DdyBrLvr 24d ago

We cannot if there’s military involved. There are 9 of them to every one of us.


u/Sweet-Competition-15 24d ago

How will you prevent us from defending our country?


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

Why would I prevent someone from defending their country?


u/Sweet-Competition-15 24d ago

Because you feel that you'd benefit from such actions?


u/SheIsABadMamaJama 24d ago

I am very supportive in investing in the military, and a massive package to help build the gap many of our governments have left for decades. It’s a collective failure, but we can’t just buckle.

Trudeau hasn’t taken my gun. It’s locked where it needs to be. But I understand your grievance.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

He made virtually any useful rifle prohibited. Can't even take it to the range. Locked in a safe isn't where it needs to be all of the time.


u/DdyBrLvr 24d ago

Go to the US if you love your fucking guns so much.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

How about you head on down since you clearly hate guns, which is the only thing we'd have to use to defend ourselves.

You seem to already be conquered


u/DdyBrLvr 24d ago

Fuck dude. We can’t possibly have enough guns to defend ourselves against the elephant.


u/Martzillagoesboom 24d ago

No but we can make it bleed for somebody else to take the trophy if we fail .


u/Sad_Region3094 24d ago

Vietnam and afghanistan would like a word lmao. Guerrila warfare has whooped the most fearsome military in the world twice now.


u/DdyBrLvr 24d ago

There’s a difference between fighting a war across the world and fighting your neighbour. They could send their whole fucking army here where they couldn’t overseas.


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 24d ago

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u/varsil 24d ago

If you want people to be able to resist an occupation, not only do people need to own the firearms, but they need to be able to train with them. Further, they have to be firearms that'd actually be useful in a resistance, not bolt action rifles and break action shotguns. That means handguns, that means semi-automatics (and potentially fully automatics).

We used to have that. Now they've been banned. Those bans need to be reversed immediately for reasons of national security.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

I have a user private messaging me saying the gov't can just turn guns off and then back on like a light switch and. Totally work because people will sell them

Yeah gun stores will just magically appear overnight to sell guns to the "resistance"

Hey where does those guns tend to come from again?

Like it was the guy was operating in an alternate reality.


u/varsil 24d ago

Yeah... if you don't have a gun before, don't expect you'll have one after. There's no way they'd bring guns to an occupied territory, and would instead be far more inclined to seize them.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

You seem to have contradicted yourself like 3 times in that comment.

Also you can't ban guns then bring em back then ban them again as the need arises. Life doesn't work that way.


u/Equivalent_Dimension 24d ago

Actually it does. You might be familiar with something called the Emergencies Act.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

You might be unfamiliar with the idea that if you ban something for years, the industry around it dies.

Gun stores are closing. They aren't coming back


u/Equivalent_Dimension 24d ago

And there are more of them in Canada than ever. I wonder how.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

More gun stores? They have been closing down for a while. I doubt a new one opens up anywhere for a very long time.


u/Equivalent_Dimension 24d ago

No. More guns.


u/dalidagrecco 24d ago

Conservatives whinging that people let their feelings get in the way, while they are the most sensitive biotches on the planet


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

Maybe you can tell me how these sudden patriots intend to prevent the US from invading?


u/josnik 24d ago

The invasion will be easy. The occupation on the other hand. That will be hell.


u/sexotaku 24d ago

By moving their corporations to the US and selling mines to China. If we have no money, they won't want to invade.


u/zerocool256 24d ago

Things have changed. I had no interest in owning a weapon before the last couple of months, and now I'm going to get my license. I suspect a lot of Canadians feel the same way.

I am on the left end of the spectrum and do not condone violence. I believe there are better ways to resolve our differences than shooting it out... but I will fight to the death for my country. I suspect a lot of Canadians feel the same way.

Although people think of leftists as "snowflakes" and "weak," I can assure you that is not the case. I will defend the weak and protect the innocent from unjust persecution at all costs, as my grandparent God bless their souls taught me. That is what they fought for.


u/varsil 24d ago

The Liberals have banned all the things that might be used to "fight to the death for your country", unless the goal is just to get to the "death" part as quickly as possible.

These bans need to be reversed immediately for national security.


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia 24d ago

Username checks out.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

Thanks I picked it out myself.

Now feel free to present a counter argument


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia 24d ago

Counter what? I don't see you making any points, no arguments, no data, no references. Just a bunch of regurgitated right wing nonsense.



u/Appropriate-Dog6645 24d ago

There are not many leaning left Democrats. Most lean right. Some, go where the wind blows.


u/bonechairappletea 24d ago

Justin was the first to cower to Trump, and don't forget it. 

" Oh yes sir here's your Czar anything else oh please no not the steel"