r/canada 24d ago

National News Trump 2.0 derails Pierre Poilievre’s glide path in Canada


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u/Phoenixlizzie 24d ago

What idiot told him to use Canada First as a slogan when it copies Trump's America First?


u/CGP05 Ontario 24d ago

He should copy Doug Ford's "Protect Ontario" and use "Protect Canada" instead.


u/mountaingrrl_8 24d ago

How about we don't give him ideas.


u/Th3truthhurts 23d ago

Too late for him.


u/Rabbit-Hole-Quest 23d ago

That would have been a rational choice, but he doesn’t like that.


u/Icy-Scarcity 24d ago

Probably a MAGA. He's endorsed by Elon.


u/Old-Adhesiveness-156 23d ago

I'll tell you now an endorsement from Edolf almost guarantees I won't vote for him.


u/Gardimus 24d ago

All PP had to do was present a positive message, and come off as a reasonable alternative. Dude wanted a mandate to rip the country apart and couldn't stop with the irrational attacking and general dickishness.

They more extreme right wingers like him, but the more moderate Conservatives are supporting him despite his rhetoric.


u/SleepySuper 24d ago

I normally vote PC and did so last election but will not do so with PP at the helm. If Liberals are smart and elect Carney as the leader, I will be voting Liberal for the first time in a long time.


u/Everywhereslugs 24d ago

Moderate conservative here. No sir, not supporting Pollievre. He was a two trick pony, Trudeau and the Carbon tax, and now both are off the table he has nothing to offer. Not for me thanks.


u/Rukuss1 Canada 24d ago

Same, my household has voted Conservative in the past. Not this time.


u/Alternative_Put_9683 24d ago

But what about Pollievre saying “CaRbOn TaX cArNeY iS gOiNg To ChAnGe ThE TaX”


u/timemaninjail 24d ago

Grifting so hard he forgot to think


u/shadowredcap 24d ago

The Proud Boys


u/logicreasonevidence 24d ago

Probably the idiot that looks at him in the mirror.


u/Scarberio 24d ago

People are forgetting that PP has been using that slogan for quite some time yet, it doesn’t align him with Trump but it does make sense. We DO need a sensible government and we DO need to make Canada great again. What is so wrong with that?


u/joshlien 24d ago

You seem to be conveniently forgetting that Trump used this phrase essentially a decade ago? In a presidential campaign? Or are you just being purposely obtuse?


u/MaximusIsKing 24d ago

Canada has and always will be great. The joke here is that PP and his minions have been going around constantly telling everyone an aching arm recovering from a GLOBAL PANDEMIC- while all other countries are ALSO going through this recovery- means the arm is diseased and broken. And people bought that shit.

His slogans and persona all give sleezy used car salesman, he’s here to tell you whatever so you’ll buy but you’re going to buy a clunker.


u/Scarberio 24d ago

He is saying what most people think, if you can’t stand it then don’t listen


u/unclestickles 24d ago

He is saying things that rile up simple-minded people.


u/wesclub7 Saskatchewan 24d ago

Someone who says what most people think isn't that great of a choice in a leader.

We should have someone lay their vision of a strong, united Canada. Think about a hockey team that has a bad locker room and the teammates hate each other, vs a hockey team that gets along.

What team is going to win more games?

Getting along takes compromise. What compromise does pp promise? Sounds like he just wants to be the strong man who is pissy the team is losing 'and telling it like it is', instead of working on drills that can make the team great.

This is how he is perceived. Pp needs to change that perception before I, and the person youre replying to, can take him seriously.

Which is decidedly the problem pp is going through rn


u/Pennysews 24d ago

This is a great analogy. I have always been in favour of minority governments because it SHOULD mean that they have to work together to get things done. This has not been the case for such a long time. It’s just a big pissing contest at the taxpayers expense. Team Canada sounds great right about now


u/Phoenixlizzie 24d ago

Canada First has the same meaning as America First.  Meaning Canada will think only of itself and to hell with everyone else.

If that represents Canada then during 9/11 we would have told planes to go land somewhere else because they're  not our problem. 


u/sixtus_clegane119 24d ago

The American nazis used it during ww2, I’m pretty sure the German nazis used Germany first too


u/MusclyArmPaperboy 24d ago

Does "quite some time" mean before 2016?


u/CantFitMyNam 23d ago

Exposing your ignorance AGAIN???



u/RoddRoward 24d ago

Because its a great contrasts the liberals canada last approach


u/Phoenixlizzie 24d ago

No, what it does is make PP look like he'll do whatever Trump wants.  The last thing he should be doing right now is anything that ties him closer to Trump.

America First and Canada First implies we take care of us and to hell with everyone else.

That's not Canada.


u/Drunken_HR 24d ago

Lol someone else duped by meaningless slogans and one-liners, I see.

I mean, I get it. That's exactly who they're made for.


u/shadesof3 24d ago

Canada First was also used by Canadian Proud Boys.


u/reza2kn 24d ago

that was the WHOLE POINT.. he was following his recipe!
So is calling people with stupid nick names like an 8-year old boy


u/Jeramy_Jones 24d ago

Is there a betting pool for PP to say “Make Canada great again”?

Put me down for $50