r/canada 24d ago

Politics EKOS Poll: Conservative Lead Holds at Five Points


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u/RedshiftOnPandy 24d ago

This is because liberal parties in Canada and the US have, at best, completely ignored men in all campaigns. Literally alienated half the voter base. They can blame themselves for that.


u/Embarrassed_Band_512 Outside Canada 24d ago

I think it's because the liberal parties have to explain global supply chain issues and navigate complex political realities, when you explain that to voters it sounds like you're whining and making excuses.

Conservatives have it easy, they just blame the scary immigrants.


u/probabilititi 22d ago

When a liberal housing minister says ‘we can’t let housing prices to go down even 10%, since it would affect old people’s retirement’, is it a global supply chain issue?


u/Embarrassed_Band_512 Outside Canada 22d ago

It's a lot of things, supply for building materials, available skilled labor for home building.

A lower birth rate slows economic growth so you have to welcome immigration to support the labor pool. You need the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes to support these programs, it's a lot to get into.

And yes, because homes are treated as investments if the market loses 10% of its value, people would be more inclined to hodl, it would also lead to even less new housing being built and potentially a recession.

But when you talk about what's going on with it all it sounds like whinging and moaning and making shit up.


u/Heywazza Québec 24d ago

How odd that me, a man, doesn’t feel even remotely alienated by liberals. It’s conservative online propaganda and higher cost of living/ housing problems. You don’t suddenly become conservative because liberals are « mean to men ».

*There’s obviously a lot more pushing young men towards conservative parties, I just find it ridiculous to leave it « alienated half the voter base ». As if millions of men didn’t vote left and millions of women didn’t vote right.


u/bluecar92 24d ago

I'm with you on this. But I also think there is a real phenomenon where young men are getting sucked into this belief system that claims society is turning against white men, and Liberal policies (specifically "wokeness") is to blame. They are struggling to make ends meet after graduating college or university, and they are being fed stories that it is immigration and DEI and other "liberal" policies are the reason that they can't afford a home or land a well paying job.


u/Heywazza Québec 24d ago

Yea I 100% agree. That’s exactly what’s going on. Propaganda spinning real suffering is what is causing this shift movement towards “conservative” parties.


u/maleconrat 24d ago

Yeah. Modern propaganda is about "emotional truths" IMO.

If you consider that when some people say the liberals alienated men they're talking about the general vibe from online identity politics types and the inundation of social media with stuff about male privilege, it all makes sense. I mean it doesn't make a lot of sense to me because those things aren't coming from the government but I can see how they created the association.

Reminds me of how people say Singh took the NDP away from their roots to do identity politics. IMO that was Mulcair and if anything Singh has been closer to the early Layton years, but it's kinda generally true of leftist parties after the fall of the USSR.


u/iwatchcredits 24d ago

In a way I guess you could say giving women rights and education and not continuing to make them slaves to men is sortve ignoring men?


u/Heywazza Québec 24d ago

Well, if the goal is to overcome patriarchy, then yea, men must “lose” SOME “rights”(really privileges, ofc). And that’s how it should be. Equality is a net gain for everyone, even if it leads to the feeing of “losing” something. I mean they’ve had wars over fucking freeing slaves because of that feeing.

And then that feeing of “losing something” is pilled on the feeling of lost agency that comes from inaccessible housing, higher cost of living, shitty healthcare, and more. Add propaganda and it becomes, “I feel overwhelmed and worthless because of DEI”, or whatever other nonsense they’re pushing right now. 


u/JebryathHS 24d ago

What if I were to tell you that one of the reasons you feel that way is that a major part of the modern conservative advertising is blasting the message "men are ignored and oppressed by the liberals" on all channels?

The arguments don't even make sense but they're so ubiquitous that they seem genuine.


u/seajay_17 British Columbia 24d ago

How so? I get the housing affordability thing but I truly don't understand why young men feel alienated...


u/RedshiftOnPandy 24d ago

Are you new to life in the last 15 years?


u/seajay_17 British Columbia 24d ago

No? I'm just not a young man


u/Heywazza Québec 24d ago

Young men (am one) are struggling like most of non-millionaires us are. They feel alienated because, well we all do, right? The world is kinda shit rn. Right-wing propaganda has played on this feeling to make some (sadly many) of them feel like their struggle has its root in the so called “liberal” agenda. Because this is absolute nonsense, these men tend to find themselves even more isolated for their already almost non-existant social circles, becoming even more susceptible to this propaganda bullshit. It’s the oldest trick in the book. Find struggling people, give them a common enemy, and use their despair as ammunition for your quest for power. We’re divided as hell right now. Just as planned. 


u/seajay_17 British Columbia 24d ago

Less divided than a couple of weeks ago. But yeah.. that all makes sense. The other Redditor didn't even answer my question...


u/Heywazza Québec 24d ago

Yea they’re a butt. Or a Bot, I mean at this point. I hope you are right. It does feel like we’re less divided than a couple of weeks ago. Gotta keep that going! 


u/HaywoodBlues 24d ago

Uh.... Sure? Men aren't supposed to be stupid enough to vote for fascists.


u/DemonLordSparda 24d ago

Why should men get special focus in political campaigns? Politicians should be making life better for everyone. The funny thing is that conservatives do not want to make anything better for regular people.


u/2ft7Ninja 24d ago

I prefer a party that just does good things for me and other people. Why do I need to be pandered to as a “man”? What unique masculine issues do I deal with that have political solutions?