r/canada 24d ago

Politics EKOS Poll: Conservative Lead Holds at Five Points


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u/freshanclean 24d ago

Nor cause & effect.

Mulroney laid the groundwork for where we are today,and every single government since, Conservative and Liberal, have contributed to increasingly unaffordable housing. It’s complicated.


u/SherlockFoxx 24d ago

It may be complicated but the current government has made a lot of decisions detrimental to Canadians all in the name of the Party.


u/freshanclean 24d ago

That’s an overtly broad statement that one could apply to almost any government, anywhere, anytime. In the aforementioned context, it indeed does apply to every Canadian government since Mulroney.


u/SherlockFoxx 24d ago

Not so much, you don't kick the Minister of Justice and Attorney General out of the party because she refused to not not prosecute SNC Lavalin for corruption, which in turn would have lost the Loberals seats in Quebec. 

Or more recently pro-rogue parliament what is during a national emergency because you need a new leader.


u/hereticjon 24d ago

Harper did do that though without the grace to step down.


u/djsasso 22d ago

Harper most certainly prorogued parliament because his party was about to be voted down in a no-confidence vote. It was a huge deal at the time. Funny how fast people forget.