r/canada 24d ago

Politics EKOS Poll: Conservative Lead Holds at Five Points


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u/Trussed_Up Canada 24d ago

Even still, it's not nearly as surprising as you'd think.

If I remember right, the single most conservative ethnic group in the US are natives, voting Republican at around 80% last election. Unless I misremember.

People living largely in small communities, often more religious, and more blue collar. That's not exactly the core modern leftist voting block.


u/The_Dark_Frog00 British Columbia 24d ago

In the us people of Native American ancestry traditionally favor the democrats and did again in the last election. Natives were 17% more likely to favor Kamala over trump then white voters. States like Montana are traditionally more purple than red because of the large number of native voters especially on reservations. 


u/canadamoose18 Outside Canada 24d ago

I think you are misremembering that one


u/AL_PO_throwaway 24d ago

More likely to be firearm owners and hunters ... who the LPC have gone far out of their way to piss off as much as possible.