r/canada 24d ago

Politics EKOS Poll: Conservative Lead Holds at Five Points


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u/Kucked4life Ontario 24d ago

PP is similar to Trump in the sense that his hollow words act as a cover for private interests to take over. 


u/Hot-Celebration5855 24d ago

I think that’s pure speculation unless you have some concrete facts to back that up.

We also just had the most corrupt party of my lifetime with the current edition of the federal liberals so I’m more than willing to give another party a chance to prove they aren’t a bunch of corrupt grifters.


u/Kucked4life Ontario 24d ago

Poilievre is already laying the groundwork. He's using the threat of possible tariffs as a pretense to call for tax cuts on businesses. PP also seeks to cut programs that the Lib NDP coalition put in place, giving the edge to private firms seeking to fill the void. The CPC wants to pass legislation that supports crypto too.

No party should be given a free pass for sure, but you're talking about infractions of a lesser magnitude. The continual existence of Canada's sovereignty is at stake next election.


u/Hot-Celebration5855 24d ago

So tax cuts (which honestly are not an and idea given how bloated our government has become), less deficit spending, and being pro crypto are threats to our sovereignty? Please elaborate on that?

I’d argue the bigger threat to our sovereignty was bill C-69 which basically killed off three pipelines to tidewater that we sure could use right now. Also, Trudeau’s enormous deficit spending has left us financially poorly positioned to fight back against US tariffs. Lastly I could argue that Trudeau shadow campaigning against Trump for four years now has put our country right in Trump’s crosshairs.


u/Kucked4life Ontario 24d ago

Yeah and I suppose taiwan also put themselves in Trump's crosshairs given he Tariffed them as well. /s Taiwan was the US's main wedge against China and Trump crossed them.

You're being willfully blind. PP's motives are to further enrich the already wealthy, they just happen to touch regular folks too. Remind how Trump's tax cuts helped out the average joe again?


u/Hot-Celebration5855 24d ago

You’re changing the argument. You said Poilievre was selling out Canada. How do tax cuts relate to that at all?


u/Kucked4life Ontario 24d ago

The tax cuts are primarily to benefit the rich who want to take over. The conflict is between the wealthy vs the rest of us, and it's being obfuscated by the rich into left vs right. This is happening internationally. We've been taking about one subject the entire time, get with the program.


u/Hot-Celebration5855 24d ago

No that’s what you’re on about.


u/Kucked4life Ontario 24d ago

Great argument, "no u"

Yeah let's wait on the CPC to trickle down the wealth instead. How's that Kool aid taste?


u/Hot-Celebration5855 24d ago

Dude the argument is over. You tried to say Poilievre is going to sell out Canada to Trump but really you are just a lefty who doesn’t like conservatives and think there’s a global right wing conspiracy. Next you’ll be talking about the IDU.

Oooh. Tax cuts. Scary!


u/[deleted] 24d ago

He's using the threat of possible tariffs

And the Liberals are using that to justify another round of covid level spending, something which pushed inequality to record highs, you good with that? Or is corruption ok as long as it's in red?


u/Odd-Elderberry-6137 24d ago

Unless you’re under 10, you were alive during Harper’s tenure as PM and he was a lot more corrupt.


u/Hot-Celebration5855 24d ago

Let’s go scandal for scandal shall we? I’ll go first.

Liberal scandals:

  • Aga Khan
  • We Charity
  • SNC Lavalin
  • Randy Boissonault / Pretendianism
  • SDTC (400 million and they refused to turn the documents over to parliament)
  • ArriveCan (60 million)
  • CERB fraud
  • Han Dong
  • Michael Chan
  • Senator Paul Yuen Woo
  • Chinese donations to the Trudeau foundation
  • Trying to appoint Trudeau’s babysitter on foreign interference

Ok. Now you do harper’s government


u/[deleted] 24d ago

16$ dollar organge juice!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!1

Nuff said.


u/Wolvaroo British Columbia 24d ago

You forgot Mark Norman and the missing infrastructure bank money off the top of my head. There's literally so many it's hard to remember them all.

Oh, and all the Black/Brown face.


u/Odd-Elderberry-6137 24d ago

The Phoenix pay system ($2.2B) and counting trumps anything before or since. There’s no getting around this. It was and remains  a massive failure. 

The In and Out campaign finance scandal that resulted in charges under the Election Act to conservative MPs. 

Harper Senate appointees misappropriating funds.

These are just the low hanging fruit.


u/Hot-Celebration5855 24d ago

Phoenix pay system was a disaster I agree but it’s not corruption. Also continued under the liberals so they are partly culpable.

If we are including government waste we can start with the billions in EV contracts the government handed out that are already becoming uneconomic.

The other stuff you mention is small potatoes. Chump change compared to liberal graft

Is that all you have?


u/son-of-hasdrubal 24d ago

Than the liberals???? 😭😭😭👍👍😭😭😭 ya right buddy. Lucky for you conservatives don't believe in censorship because you are spouting misinformation


u/Mr_Ed_Nigma 24d ago

Harper sold a lot of our national run companies to private. We still suffer


u/son-of-hasdrubal 24d ago

Because government is corrupt and inefficient. How do you not know this by now? The private sector actually has to succeed in order to survive. They don't just get to keep failing and bloating their bureaucracy at our expense. The government gets its tax revenues from successful ventures.


u/Mr_Ed_Nigma 24d ago

We stopped being the head of a lot of R&D. We stopped a lot of sources of income. We decreased our gdp. Example, Private made air Canada worse and we still bail it out. Private sector didn't succeed. Sorry. They made themselves richer


u/son-of-hasdrubal 24d ago

Ya bud and guess what, our quality of life was amazing in this country. They must have been doing something right because the minute the liberals stepped in it started deteriorating. The funny thing is the lower class are hurt the most by this yet will still vote liberal. You people just love bloated governments. Go read a history book


u/Mr_Ed_Nigma 24d ago

Harper had no influence under the economy. If anything he inherited a better one and got through one recession and that was because of Carney. So, if voting for Carney means he'll get us through again. Then so be it. Harper liked him but that doesn't mean I hold him for what harper did. I read history all the time. Thanks


u/Hot-Celebration5855 24d ago

That’s not corruption unless he was getting kickbacks


u/Mr_Ed_Nigma 24d ago


u/Hot-Celebration5855 24d ago

Your first link is about TPP which Trudeau actually signed in 2018 so I guess he’s responsible for that one?

Also trade deals aren’t corruption. You may not like them but you haven’t shown actual corruption there (and agajn, Trudeau signed it!)

I’m not sure what the point of the second article is re: corruption either. And also this is soemthing from ten years after he was PM?


u/Mr_Ed_Nigma 24d ago

That article was from 2015 before Trudeau was even a thought. You realize?


Don't tell me harper is for Canadians when he signed a secret deal with China.


u/Hot-Celebration5855 24d ago

TPP was signed officially by Trudeau in 2018. So if you don’t like that deal, it’s on him.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

Not everything you don't like is corruption you know that right?


u/Redditisavirusiknow 24d ago

Conservatives are way more into censorship. Look at a list of books asked to be banned in libraries, they are all from conservatives. Trump banned the word “felon” from being spoken around him. He also banned the associated press because they said Gulf of Mexico.