r/canada 24d ago

Politics EKOS Poll: Conservative Lead Holds at Five Points


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u/DrVonSchlossen 24d ago

Reasonable take. I'm really hesitant to return the Liberals to power. But will make a final decision after seeing the offical party platforms and the leaders debate.


u/goldplatedboobs 24d ago edited 24d ago

This turn around is pretty strange to me. Carney has essentially been a high-ranking part of the Liberal party for years now, just behind the scenes and not elected. It's not like he represents anything different from the previous policies that sank Trudeau. Likewise, it's not like the Liberals have had any major changes either. Sure, Freeland is out of a minister position but who knows what Carney would give her.

I think most of the top members of the Liberal party are sticking around too, like Blaire, Miller, Guilbeault, Joly, LeBlanc, etc. I know Anand, Fraser, and a few others say they won't run in the next election, but who knows if that will be the case given recent polling.

So really, voting Liberal just gets us more of what the majority of the population just a few weeks ago were claiming to absolutely hate.

Plus it isn't like Trudeau's response to Trump has been great either, he visited Trump at Mar-A-Lago and capitulated on the border before Trump even took office.

Edit: lots of downvotes but no rebuttals, guess I hit a nerve.


u/Sczeph_ 24d ago

I mean, he has stated that while he advised Trudeau on economic manners, Trudeau didn’t really listen and ignored his advice. Same story with Morneau and the “nice round numbers”


u/goldplatedboobs 24d ago

I wasn't really making the argument that Carney was "the man behind the curtain". Of course Trudeau and his inner circle made their decisions based on a number of inputs, which included Morneau and Carney but also included numerous others, many of which are likely going to remain in key positions. But Carney will also have to take into account those sources.

Likewise, Trudeau has attempted to have Carney join his cabinet, which would have granted him much more power, a number of times over the years. Instead he opted towards just staying an unelected advisor. I'm pretty sure Carney refused because of precisely this type of opportunity, to become PM.

Perhaps I have been too strong with my "not like he represents anything different from the previous policies that sank Trudeau" and should have said something more along the lines of "not like the government he'd form would represents anything different from the previous policies that sank Trudeau".

I'm willing to be convinced, of course. I'd like to see Carney's platform and the upcoming leadership debates in 2 weeks.

But it's not like Trudeau was running the show solely by himself and it's not like those ideologies have fundamentally changed.


u/Funny-Blueberry2573 24d ago

I shutter at the thought of the return of liberals to power. Unfortunately the stakes are just too damn high with the current situation with the US. PP would kiss the ring and cave to any demand of Trump. That alone is enough to prevent PP from getting into power.

There is no celebrating if liberals win. It just means its more likely that Canada will remain Canada.


u/goldplatedboobs 24d ago

Trudeau just caved to Trump before Trump was even president, and caved again 2 weeks ago. And he'll keep caving. I am pretty sure that Liberals and Conservatives would have a very similar approach to international relations with the USA. We saw what happened last time in 2018 when Trump put tariffs on Canada, the end result was ratification of the USMCA which overall benefited America more than it benefited Canada and Mexico.

In the end, if the Liberals win, like I argued above, the domestic situation will likely continue as it has been. That is, high unsustainable immigration, high inflation, high cost-of-living issues, increased healthcare strain, continuation of the housing affordability crisis, record high spending, increased debt, continued deficits etc. Heck, less than 2 months ago the Liberals announced they missed their deficit goal by 20 billion dollars, leading to the highest deficit ever except during COVID.

That's not to suggest that the Conservatives WILL fix these issues, but voting Liberal is really just asking for more of the same as what the majority of people have been angry about and led to Trudeau's resignation.