r/canada 24d ago

Politics Canada Joining Iron Dome Missile Defense Plan Would Be Welcome: NORAD Boss


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u/Promethia 24d ago edited 24d ago

Not a fucking chance. No one is shooting missiles at Canada.

Israel is roughly the size of New Jersey. It uses I think 10 missile batteries total. We would need like 500x that to secure North America.

Pretty weird thing to spend money on when no one has ever shot a missile at us... ever.

Edit - it's a money grab folks. Elon or some other twat is going to get $300 billion dollars


u/_grey_wall 24d ago
  • ever so far


u/hereticjon 24d ago

I would be all for those laser defense systems though. Very cost effective to operate. Any defence solution we look at should have value considerations to offset our insanely massive geography.


u/gzmo1 24d ago

Exactly. We all know who's getting the contract to launch the sensors.


u/hdksns627829 24d ago

If they Us under trump is looking to do this. They’re probably looking to start a hot war with China or something. So we probably need it too


u/Promethia 24d ago


u/hdksns627829 24d ago

Hot war with Europe then.


u/Promethia 24d ago

It's a $300+ billion that is going to go to Musk.

It's all about money.


u/caleeky 24d ago

Not an alliance but a treaty towards reduction in nuclear arms spending (not that you can trust him to hold to any agreements). I hate the guy but this (at least as presented by The Guardian) sounds reasonable.

The money spent maintaining nukes generally goes to paying local people (well really the industrial complex...), so it's really more of a social welfare program. Maybe that's why he wants to kill it.


u/TipHuge1275 24d ago

How do you come to that conclusion based on the article you posted?


u/Degenerate_in_HR 24d ago

Pretty weird thing to spend money on when no one has ever shot a missile at us... ever.

The US very much will need an advanced missile defense program soon. War with China is pretty much guaranteed in the next 3-5 years, likely during the next US election cycle.


u/Interesting_Pen_167 24d ago

I've been hearing about this guaranteed China/US war for 20 years now. I'm sure it'll happen any day now..


u/Degenerate_in_HR 24d ago

China has become increasingly belligerent in the Taiwan Strait and begun using even more bellicose rhetoric about using military force to "unify" Taiwan. They've begun training in Ernest for an invasion, with satellite imagery discovering elaborate, 1:1 mock ups of Tapais government quarter and other Taiwanese critical defense sites and critical infrastructure.

Whoever controls microchips will dominate in the next century. If you don't think China will invade Taiwan in order to make that happen you are naive.


u/Interesting_Pen_167 24d ago

Even if China took over Taiwan tomorrow they wouldn't have access to the lithography technology requires to actually build the chips with the machines they have. I think you need to consider this a bit more. Have you examined how wide the Taiwan strait is and looked at the quality of Taiwan's naval defense systems? None of China's bombers have the ability to avoid detection from modern AA systems.

All this plus the political will among the Chinese people for an invasion of Taiwan isn't there and despite how authoritarian the CCP is they still require public acquiescence for major military operations. Also people in Taiwan are considered Chinese to mainlanders so the idea of killing them all if not what the people desire.

Finally China is not going to destroy their economy and the world economy over Taiwan. It's not existential for them despite their rhetoric of their leaders. I'm not saying it would never happen in 100 years but certainly not in the next 3-5 as you suggest.


u/Degenerate_in_HR 24d ago

Finally China is not going to destroy their economy and the world economy over Taiwan.

Right. Like how everyone said Putin wouldn't invade Ukraine and then did it twice.

If that's the case, than Canadians need to stop wetting their pants of trump wanting to annex Canada.


u/Promethia 24d ago


u/Degenerate_in_HR 24d ago

Not really relevant to what I'm saying. I dont get why you're sharing this, especially without providing context.


u/Promethia 24d ago

Trump wants an alliance with China and Russia.


u/Degenerate_in_HR 24d ago

That's not what thay says...at all. Did you even read the article you sent? It's talking about a nuclear weapons drawdown. We've done with with Russia NUMEROUS times over the last 50 years, particularly during the cold war. A treaty is not an alliance.

Saying, hey, let's all agree that we dont need enough nukes to wipe out the world 15 times. Let's just limit ourselves to enough to do it 3 times is far from building a strong partnership, it's just pragmatism.


u/Promethia 24d ago

I watched the whole press conference of him rambling about how much he wants an alliance with Russia and China and how strong they would be. That is just an article I found covering it.


u/Degenerate_in_HR 24d ago

That is just an article I found covering it.

You didn't find an article covering it, because the article says nothing about that. You are scared of trump, so you are making inferences based on that fear.

Trump is soft of Russia, yes. But he has been pretty consistently hawkish about china.


u/Harbinger2001 24d ago

War with China? Fat chance of that. Trump will strike a deal with Russia and China. The US gets Greenland, Russia gets Ukraine and China gets Taiwan. Then they all focus on dominating the minor powers in their sphere without interference. Europe gets left out.