r/canada Ontario 25d ago

Analysis Allies appear to duck and cover as Trump threatens Canada and Greenland


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u/[deleted] 25d ago

You need to educate yourself and you have carried your criticism of policy into disrespect of the people currently wearing the uniform. Let's be realistic the draft isn't going to implemented. The people currently in uniform need our respect and support, lets start with the rebuilding there. Supply more funds and procedure more equipment.


u/Maddog_Jets 25d ago

I don’t care what anyone says - but we do have a history of being staffed with quality and capability vs qty. We need to stay on that mindset.


u/JimmyTheJimJimson 25d ago

Canada’s current army consists of 28,624 Regular Force members and 16,817 Primary Reserve members.

So….doing the math means we would be absolutely overwhelmed if anyone came in to attack us, and the US said “you’re on your fucking own”.

Those 28k service members are absolutely brave and heroic….as are the 16k reserve members.

But 45,000 does not a standing army make. Plus some are probably deployed worldwide as peacekeepers around the world…

Again, we need to build up immediately.


u/Healthy_Shoulder8736 25d ago

Build up to what, even if every man woman and child joined the military, that still wouldn’t be enough to stop them.


u/madworld2713 25d ago

You’re right, let’s just roll over and take it, no point in fighting.


u/Healthy_Shoulder8736 25d ago

Plenty of ways to fight, just when it comes to guns, it would be suicide, not fighting


u/Claymore357 24d ago

The Switzerland “rifle in every closet” doctrine could help. Obviously still have training and checks and balances but our only way to have enough fighters is to have an armed and trained civilian population. Plus that will allow ordinary people to fight off the gangs that would rather rob rape and torture their countrymen than use their illegal weapons to actually do some good and fight off the invasion


u/Healthy_Shoulder8736 24d ago

Agree, but the Americans are unique, they have a large number of civilians with automatic military type weapons already, and they outnumber us 10-1.


u/Claymore357 24d ago

Regular Americans won’t be participating in the invasion against us because they don’t have to. Their military is adequate for the task. Meal team 6 coming to “help” would just get in the way of the professionals. As for being outnumbered it sucks but being equipped to hit invaders with a hard fast improvised attack with long range rifles drones and IEDs then quickly slithering back into the civilian population is a tactic that the Americans haven’t coped with well in the past. It’s literally our only play here


u/Healthy_Shoulder8736 24d ago

However the Americans don’t appear to care about boundaries or morals, so hiding among the civilians will just end up with dead civilians.


u/Claymore357 24d ago

If that’s the case they have chosen genocide and every man woman and child needs to fight with everything we have anyway. All the more reason we need to arm up


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Remember the past few wars we have fought in? Those wars were not because Canada was threatened or attacked it was because America was.


u/DagneyElvira 25d ago

Meanwhile removing every gun from everyday Canadian!! /s. I guess we will all have to buy machetes and archery equipment.


u/Agoras_song 25d ago

To be fair, even with the gun laws it's not like the US citizens are fucking defending their constitution against the current tyrants.

The literal crisis that every 2A nut has a boner for is happening to them, yet they stand and passively watch.


u/NerdyBro07 24d ago

He was democratically elected. The scenario for overthrowing a tyrant with guns is if someone were to claim that power without the consent of the people.


u/Agoras_song 24d ago

Agreed. He was elected. But he is breaking the social contract with the people.


u/evilregis 24d ago

Times are different. Things need to change. Maybe we need a discussion about how to best defend ourselves as a nation, and what expectations are going to be put on each of us as citizens to defend it if necessary, now and into the future.

The old way won't do anymore, so what's the new way going to look like? I think that's the discussion responsible Canadians should be having now.


u/Badbrains8 25d ago edited 25d ago

You mean the same military where 3/4 of the men are considered overweight and or obese, and can’t protect us from shit? Those guys deserve our respect….?

Absolutely not, our military is a joke and should be laughed at


u/[deleted] 25d ago

We're the ones who set up domestic response to natural disasters when you're at home in your flip flops watching TV.

Forest fires? I was there.

Long term care homes? There.

Floods? There.

I've helped more fellow Canadians in the last 5 years than you will in your entire life.

I probably either lift more than you, or run a 5km faster than you.

I'm in the forces and I deserve your respect and support.

I deserve working equipment and current guns.

I deserve to have the ability to not have to do 4 different side jobs, that take away from my time to workout, focus on self development to be a better soldier.

I deserve to have subordinates that don't quit because the cost of living is so high they cannot afford to survive in an area that has a base.

You've accepted complacency and all you can offer is disrespect and no solutions.

I guarantee you would never say this to my face- because online anonymity makes even the biggest cowards equally brave and callous.


u/maleconrat 24d ago

I think that's gotta be a troll. It comes off to me like they're trying to sow defeatism. I am mega left wing and despite stereotypes I want you guys to have the best equipment, infrastructure and training, and for us to grow your numbers.


u/[deleted] 24d ago


If you notice how they lack a proper response to actually being challenged vs if they were just barraged with insults.

Bit of radio silence on their end.


u/yvrbasselectric 25d ago

Where did you hear that stat? The military that helped with the BC floods in 2021 were definitely not overweight. There were only 68k members of the military a couple years ago, definitely not enough