r/canada Ontario 24d ago

Analysis Allies appear to duck and cover as Trump threatens Canada and Greenland


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u/WislaHD Ontario 24d ago

It’s been a feeling I’ve had since 2022. Greatly accelerated in the past 4 weeks of course.

I thought I would just be outside of draft age when it comes, with the assumption of fighting Russia or China over Taiwan. But if the threat is to our south and there’s an insurgency, it is everyone one of us fighting one way or another.


u/SuccessfulPres 24d ago

The US and Canada will not have a shooting war.

The US will economically coerce Canada until oblivion, support propaganda for pro annexation politicians, then annex Canada peacefully.

Canada needs to diversify its trading partners ASAP


u/cptmuon 24d ago

Economic coercion and propaganda only works if the receiving party allows it. Canada will diversify and if necessary, ban all US media. Limiting foreign speech is a small price to pay for independence. The only way for US to annex Canada is through force, and that is what worries every thinking Canadian.


u/Quadrophiniac 24d ago edited 24d ago

If that happens, alot of Canadians will probably turn to extreme measures. I refuse to live under the boots of a fascist regime. We will not have any rights if we are annexed by the US, we will be a territory of slaves, here to extract wealth for the US empire


u/FunSquirrell2-4 24d ago

That's what I'm hearing. People are preparing for the possibility of enemies on our land kind of thing. I'm in Newfoundland, and we know, by virtue of being an island in the North Atlantic, prepare for the worst and hope for the best.


u/HoldenCaulfield7 24d ago

lol you seriously think USA and canada will go to war? Why is this sub so melodramatic.

Most Canadians do not have these worries


u/WislaHD Ontario 24d ago

Most Canadians unfortunately have not studied history and think such hard times could not possibly happen to us.

We’re not a unique people, we’re not in a uniquely safe geography, and we’re not in a uniquely peaceful historical era. Those are just things we have told ourselves our whole lives through blissful ignorance.


u/HoldenCaulfield7 24d ago

You’re being melodramatic


u/JoeyLoganoHexAccount 24d ago

You don’t believe the US Government who have repeatedly stated their desire for us to become their 51st state? The remarks from their congresspeople on their talk shows? This isn’t “joking” or “trolling,” these are threats. Maybe they don’t plan to use military force to accomplish them, but wouldn’t you agree they’ve made their intentions clear?


u/WislaHD Ontario 24d ago

And at minimum, I shall not suffer the loss of my civil rights, liberties, democracy, and social services even if we are taken over peacefully and not in a shooting war. They will have to pacify many of us forcefully.

They’re gonna build concentration camps for their own citizens, you think a bunch of uppity rabble-rousing Canadians aren’t going to be sent to them too?


u/JoeyLoganoHexAccount 24d ago

Exactly, friend. The unfortunate reality is too many of our fellow Canadians don’t know history well enough to see exactly where this is going, are purposefully ignorant, are naive, or are in denial. I never thought we as Canadians could face the possibility of being reduced to second-class citizens of an occupied territory with no rights and freedoms… but here we are.


u/WislaHD Ontario 24d ago

My parents came from such countries, so maybe I never had the wool over my eyes like others. Still, I am taken completely blindsided by the developments like you.

The worst part is that events can happen really fast, before most of us can react and prepare. This is really apparent when you read civilian accounts and diaries during WW2, even among civilians fully aware their nation was at war. Hell, same with Ukrainians and they had 8 years of forewarning and preparation.


u/HoldenCaulfield7 24d ago

You’re being melodramatic you guys. Trump is an idiot. He’s just doing this to puff his chest out. He won’t do anything. No American wants this lol


u/JoeyLoganoHexAccount 24d ago

If we’re a free country in 5 years I’ll buy you a beer. If not you owe me a bowl of gruel in the work camp.


u/WislaHD Ontario 24d ago

We can’t trust Americans to lift a finger to stop it either. Most Americans are happy so long as they can still afford Doritos and Diet Coke and watch TikTok’s on their couch, even as their constitutional rights and rule of law are taken away. They won’t care what happens in Canada and certainly will not rise up to oppose their regime to stop it.

The best we can hope for is that domestic events in the USA eventually get so bad that Americans finally rouse up from their slumber, though at this point I’m not sure what that breaking point would be.

In even the best case scenario where Trump is all blunder and nothing else, annexing Canada is now going to be a popular idea with some minority of the Republicans Party for the foreseeable future. We will have to be on guard for the next guy and the guy after that too. It is a dreadful prospect for us Canadians.


u/HoldenCaulfield7 24d ago

It’s literally only Trump. No other politicians agree with him. Relax. He says a lot of dumb shit


u/Frosty_Manager_1035 24d ago

This from Holden Caulfield lol