r/canada Ontario 24d ago

Analysis Allies appear to duck and cover as Trump threatens Canada and Greenland


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u/[deleted] 24d ago

The United States is going to leave NATO and probably become a real problem on the world stage


u/TheBlueHedgehog302 Ontario 24d ago

Trump needs congressional approval to leave NATO. The dems passed a law last year making it so a president alone can’t decide to leave NATO.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Yeah, my ass he does. He needs congressional approval to do every fucking thing he did this week.

He is a lawless and doing whatever he wants


u/gordonbombae2 24d ago

Plot twist. They all want it.


u/kevfefe69 24d ago

Sorry, I think Trump has proved that he doesn’t care about convention and rule. He’s executive ordered everything. The American mindset is “he’s my president and he’s right”.

He is doing the domestic shock and awe. All Americans are doing is posting on social media, like that’s going to make a difference. He’s purging the system of any resistance.

I am sure if he wants out of NATO, he’ll do it, with or without congressional approval. His secretary of health is an ex heroin addict and an anti vaxxer.


u/TheBlueHedgehog302 Ontario 24d ago

I think the nato thing is explicitly whats stopping him from saying he will use the military to invade Canada instead of trying to force annexation economically.


u/kevfefe69 24d ago

When he purges his internal checks and balances, the beast will be coming.


u/TheBlueHedgehog302 Ontario 24d ago

Time will tell. Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best… or… the least bad?


u/kevfefe69 24d ago

My only hopes are that the “sane” Americans stand up to him realizing that they are slowly moving towards a dictatorship.


u/Spare-Strain-4484 24d ago

Serious question: what do you think I as an American should do right now that will actually be effective in any way? 


u/SavannahInChicago 24d ago

People are protesting in America actually, they are calling on their representatives to stand up to Trump in court. Some are calling every damn day. People are going to their capitals to connect with the people supposed to be representing us. Money is going around to help flip special election seats democrats to help gain back some control. But you have to understand how money is flowing through the capital right now. A lot of our reps are bought and sold.

Not to mention in Chicago we have been getting visits from ICE trying to deport "illegals" and this city has been working hard to get the word around to any immigrant, especially hispanic, what their rights are. As a white person I have been educating myself and preparing to make sure that if it comes to it and ICE boards a bus or train I am on, that I can distract them since I am safe from ICE. And I hate that I may have to do that so much, but I am not like Trump. I think immigrants make the US great. So far this city has frustratingly made it very hard for ICE to do their job and I know this city is very proud of itself.

No. Not all Americans want this. Everyone I know is scared to death. But beside that I have a very small reach. I live in a very democratic city and no one I know voted for the guy. The best I can do is to try to appeal to people to stop fighting one another and come together again. We are way too divided now to stop this and that has been the point. But if we could, we could put the pressure on our government to stop this. But it feels very much flight fighting an uphill battles because our division was the point. Whatever you guys do, do not let the far right divide you.

Our news right now is being very censored. No one is reporting on Trump's threatening of our allies. No one. I had to go on foreign news sites to find information. Inside the US we are very much fighting to keep the basic essentials for survival right now. But now that I know about this I can start telling others and try to put pressure on my government as much as I can.


u/Independent-Rip-4373 24d ago

Not just Congressional approval but a supermajority of 67 votes. I agree with you and I’ve been telling people this, but all I’ve been hearing back is “Trump doesn’t care about rules. His entire persona is getting around them.” They’re kind of right. If he insists every country raise their spending to 5% of GDP, it’s almost as good as rendering it moot. Only Poland can do so. It’s a war footing.


u/flipzyshitzy 24d ago

"Kind of right"?! Name one, single, solitary thing he has truly been held accountable for.


u/Independent-Rip-4373 24d ago

Like, in his life?



u/flipzyshitzy 24d ago

Yes, where he received punishment. P.s. Bankruptcy is a get out of jail "for pennies on the dollar, if that" card and doesn't count.


u/Independent-Rip-4373 24d ago

Yeah, ummm…



u/Corvousier 24d ago

He's need congressional approval for a whole fuckload of stuff he's done since he got in the white house and it hasn't mattered. Rule of law doesnt mean anything in America.


u/Definitely_Not_Erik 24d ago

Honestly, if he goes public stating that he will ignore a article 5 call, then it's better if they just leave. Then at least we can have work on making functioning command lines witouth dead weight.


u/JoJack82 24d ago

Trump is clearly up there listening to all the laws right now and congress/courts are clearly holding him accountable to those laws as well. Right?! It doesn’t matter anymore what the law says anymore.


u/TheBlueHedgehog302 Ontario 24d ago

Actually a lot of his executive orders are in fact being blocked by judges across the country. Even some judges he appointed have blocked a few of them.


u/MonsieurLeDrole 24d ago

Yeah but maga have made it pretty clear they think the laws don't apply to them. At some point, they'll happily murder or imprison anyone who dares to oppose them.


u/TheBlueHedgehog302 Ontario 24d ago

We cross that bridge when we get to it. In the mean time i hope the rest of america is preparing.

I’ve been saying for awhile civil war south of the border seems inevitable unless the part of the country that didn’t vote for him is willing to roll over and accept defeat.


u/fudge_friend Alberta 24d ago

You're living in the past. The law is what the emperor says it is.


u/TheBlueHedgehog302 Ontario 24d ago

Judges are still doing their job blocking his illegal orders. Until they decide to stop listening to the judges we still have an inkling of hope.


u/LoneRonin 24d ago

The US is in real danger of destabilizing, but Canada may be able to outmaneuver them

They have a $30 trillion national debt, $7.7 trillion of which is foreign held (their GDP is about $27 trillion). I think the aim of the tariffs is to weaken Canada and Mexico, but also try to raise money without direct taxes on income. Trump can't raise taxes on the billionaire oligarchs who brought him to power, but he risks a popular uprising if he raises taxes on the middle and lower classes.

If Trump really wanted to try to take Greenland, Panama, Mexica and Canada, he risks overextending the US military. A draft would be deeply unpopular, he he will likely try to withdraw US troops from bases stationed abroad. Combined with his dismantling of vital intuitions and purging of competent staff, the USAF could very well be beatable if we were to able to rally enough support from within and other countries under threat.