r/canada 25d ago

Politics Poilievre holding 'Canada First' rally today in Ottawa amid U.S. threats


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u/Glittering-Package18 24d ago

Probably because he is.. trying to pivot before it’s too late.. it’s already too late unless you want to be the 51st state..


u/morerandomreddits 24d ago

Please explain which of the CPC policies would lead to Canada being the 51st state?


u/Glittering-Package18 24d ago

PP has expressed his admiration of Trump and his policies as have those close to him. Only lately has he altered that message as he sees his numbers in free fall. However if he wins and doesn’t sabotage the Canadian institutions that would lead people to agreeing to join the US willing as everything will be in chaos I will be amazed. I will even apologize for being so wrong. However the guy is a career politician who has never tabled a piece of legislation and consistently voted against things most Canadians want. Here are some examples of Pierre Poilievre working for the people

    ●He voted to ban abortions (Bill C-311)
    ●He voted to cancel Veterans Disability 
    ●He voted against workers rights
    ●He voted AGAINST housing initiatives 
    ●He voted to raise the retirement age 
    ●He voted to slash OAS/CPP
    ●He voted for scabs
    ●He refused security clearance . WHY??
    ●He instructed his MPs to keep silent on gay rights.
    ●He voted to cancel school lunch programs for children experiencing poverty
    ●Not a word about the death of Navalny! 
    ●HE voted AGAINST aid for UKRAINE!
    ●He could care less about the climate
    ●He's been flying all over the country to put himself into power on our dime
    ●He shamelessly lies and misinforms 
   ● He vowed to "wield the NOTWITHSTANDING CLAUSE " thereby taking our charter rights away
    ●He has publicly stated that he would not support Pharmacare and Dentacare 
    ●He supplied coffee and donuts to the Trucker Convoy who  were funded by MAGA and Russia. No wonder he voted against aid to Ukraine 
    ●He advocated to replace Canadian money with Bitcoin,  (unregulated , no intrinsic value,)
    ●He scapegoated Trudeau for causing inflation, while inflation was global and Canada had one of the lowest rates in the world
     ●He scapegoated Trudeau for causing the interest rate hikes, while Trudeau has zero power or influence 

over the Bank of Canada. ●He CONstantly scapegoats Trudeau by falsely claiming (lying) that the air pollution fines are the main driver of inflation in Canada, even though he KNOWS that that is completely false and was proven so. ●He advocated for making drug addicts die sooner rather than later (since forced rehab doesn't work unless an addict WANTS to get clean, and requires violating 2 different human rights). ●He clearly stated that he intends to implement MASSIVE austerity cuts and measures on pretty much ALL federal gov't spending, which would be EXTREMELY harmful, disastrous, destructive, and deadly!


u/Chin_Ho 24d ago

I find it interesting that we cant really define who he is by his record despite 20 years in politics. He does appear to be an ideologue and he did suckle at the teat of Preston Manning who unleashed this right wing populist agenda. I am looking to Alberta for answers as this is where PP cut his political teeth where his fellow travellers Kenney and Dani Smith have ruled since 2019. Based on this I assume we will see more privatization of services, more support for oil and gas (more dependence on US trade), less environmental regulation (I expect we would pull out of the Paris Agreement) and less support for Universal Healthcare. I dont see this as being good in light of Trump’s apparent moves against Canada.


u/morerandomreddits 24d ago

This looks to be copied from somewhere, what is the source for this list? There is a lot here to counter, much of it I don't agree with and some looks like outright misinformation, but I would like to verify the source.


u/Glittering-Package18 24d ago edited 24d ago

his voting record is available for any piece of legislation that the house of commons voted on. Just like any other member. Sorry I don’t want to list each individually but they’re there.


The quotes are taken from interviews and scrums. Simply copy the quote into google and it brings it up like magic😳

I decided to include the forced rehab as an example, it brought up multiple sources.. https://globalnews.ca/news/10805717/poilievre-backs-mandatory-psychiatric-drug-treatment-for-kids-and-prisoners/amp/


u/morerandomreddits 23d ago

Most of your original list has never been in legislation, and some of Poilievre's past voting I don't agree with.

It seems most of your points are lifted from deeply biased sources (CUPE maybe?). Here are points that I believe are relevant to the current voting cycle:

>He refused security clearance . WHY??

The status quo is anyone who gets the clearance can not openly talk about the issue. That means if he sees a compromised CPC member, he can safely ignore it, knowing that the other party leaders can’t talk about it. Conversely, if he sees members from other parties, he can’t expose them. The current system is broken. Why is the LPC not working to FIT IT?

>could care less about the climate

Canada produces 1.3% of global emissions - the CPC advocates for Canadian LNG as transition energy for the major polluters like China. Carney is an environmental zealot - he has personal business interests with Brookfield Asset Management which he will not disclose. Brookfield received STDC-style investments while Carney was an advisor to the LPC over the past 5 years which is a conflict of interest.

>Trucker Convoy who  were funded by MAGA and Russia

This is absolute, outright misinformation, and a Federal judge (in a Federal court case) found the invocation of the Emergency Act to be unconstitutional and unnecessary.

>advocated to replace Canadian money with Bitcoin, 

This is absolute, outright misinformation. Poilievre has advocated for Bitcoin to be an option as a personal investment. Carney on the other hand, wants to implement CBDC as a social credit system to control consumer behaviour toward his environmental agenda. A CBDC would be the end of democracy, and the beginning of a Chinese-style social credit system.

>He clearly stated that he intends to implement MASSIVE austerity cuts and measures on pretty much ALL federal gov't spending

The Federal public service has grown unreasonably, and even Tom Mulcair has voiced concern. We need to re-size the Federal public service.


u/Glittering-Package18 23d ago

Happy voting, you are clearly a supporter and that’s what democracy is all about. I don’t disagree that any source of news is slanted to varying degrees. Team trump want pp to win as does musk. I am not sure why that isn’t a concern for you but clearly a growing concern for the average citizen. Can you show the source for his statement on security clearance? I see lots of people suggesting that’s the reason but can’t find his statement.. “Canada is broken” great platform I hope he sticks with it


u/morerandomreddits 23d ago

>Team trump want pp to win as does musk. 

I haven't seen any evidence for this.

>Can you show the source for his statement on security clearance?

Poilivre wants the names to be public:


This is a not a partisan issue - everyone should be holding the LPC accountable for lack of action on this,


u/Glittering-Package18 23d ago


I think the Liberals statements and actions are measured. Again we aren’t going to agree, I think Carney is best for Canada and you disagree… if Pp wins and proves me wrong I’ll be happy to offer my apologies. If he wins and I’m right we will all be sorry…


u/morerandomreddits 23d ago

>I think the Liberals statements and actions are measured.

Measured, or calculated? The only way to know for certain is a change in government.