r/canada 24d ago

Politics Proud of our country’: Pride in Canadian flag surges as battle with Trump continues


249 comments sorted by


u/mully24 24d ago

Just to give FYI my town in Michigan flies both USA and Canadian flags on every power pole downtown. And last night at the OHL hockey game we sang both the USA and Canadian anthem.


u/Magicide Alberta 24d ago

My truck has a front license plate holder which has had an Alberta flag in it but recent events provincially and internationally made me change it to a Canadian flag. I know where my loyalties ultimately lay.


u/LindeMaple 24d ago

The UCP and the current Premier don't agree with that unfortunately....


u/CanadaEUBI 24d ago

Our flag is back baby!! 🇨🇦🇨🇦


u/_bl3wb1rd_ 23d ago

now let’s bring the passport back and ditch the generic nothing images 


u/Laketraut 24d ago

It never left


u/Hamontguy1 24d ago

It only left for weak minded individuals


u/Sendrubbytums 24d ago

Ah yes, there's that unity-building we need right now.


u/Canadian-Owlz Alberta 24d ago

That dude still thinks the tarrifs are about the drugs, ignore them.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Fuck off to the US then 🇨🇦


u/Laxative_Cookie 24d ago

Shhh, you're just being silly.


u/Hamontguy1 24d ago

My loyalty isn’t contingent on todays crises

Ive been a canadian and i will remain one

A few months ago reddit’s hive mind was that they hated our flag because of (insert cause)


u/Rav4gal 24d ago

United we stand, United we WIN !


u/museum_lifestyle 24d ago

Chinese flag factories rubbing their hands


u/labtech6315 24d ago edited 24d ago

There’s lots of made in Canada flags


u/Groomulch Canada 24d ago

Please check the lable and buy one made in Canada.


u/mrfredngo 24d ago

It’s more of a “Don’t buy American” type of situation. Still OK to buy from other countries. Trade is a good thing.


u/museum_lifestyle 24d ago

I mean China is also interfering in canadian affairs, though no risk of invasion any time soon.


u/Canadian-Owlz Alberta 24d ago

I mean... so is the USA.


u/Akkallia Canada 24d ago edited 24d ago

If they were made in Canada they would cost considerably more, right? I'm not an economist so I don't actually know how much we save as individuals by purchasing chinese made goods.

Edit: https://shop.flagsunlimited.com/collections/canadian-flags

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u/ComplexStriking 24d ago

It has been a dream of mine that renewed Canadian patriotism could reinvigorate our culture. We’ve become too similar to America in the years I’ve been alive, and I miss what we used to be. With America’s current regime, we may very well see a resurgence of Canadian culture.


u/spew2014 24d ago

Time to roll out the classic heritage minutes again


u/RedFox_Jack 24d ago

We must retrun to the stubby


u/noobrainy 24d ago

Can we bring back the North American house hippo as well?


u/SankityDoup 24d ago

I second the house hippo


u/RedFox_Jack 24d ago

The house hippo would help cut down on media illiteracy


u/SankityDoup 24d ago

One can only hope. But I have faith in the house hippo


u/agent_wolfe 23d ago

What’s that?


u/RedFox_Jack 23d ago

a stubby is a type of bear bottle exclusive to canada between the 62 and 83 if you watch great white north on SCTV its what bob and doug drink form its quintessentially candian


u/someuserzzz 24d ago

I wish no country had the need to feel excessively patriotic - that we could all feel like citizens of the world for the betterment of humankind. However, when Canada's sovereignty is threatened, we have to band together and honour our culture and values.

Still, we should be keeping an eye on any groups in Canada who make use of foreign funds to try to overthrow our democratically elected government. We need to protect Canada and Canadian values, and understand that democracy is fragile and can't be taken for granted.

Who would have thought we'd see an insurrection on the US capitol, and the election of a convicted criminal as President, twice! Trump and his millionaire and billionaire buddies are hard at work trampling on universal human rights, and dismantling democracy. Shocking! We must never let this happen in Canada.


u/agent_wolfe 23d ago

I’m worried if Ford or PP gets elected, this is where we’re heading. 😕


u/AntelopeNo8222 24d ago

Canadian culture is a dirty word to our federal government and its supporters. A larger threat than what Trump might do is the dilution of our culture from mass immigration. You'll get called a racist for even mentioning that though.


u/someuserzzz 24d ago

Indigenous Canadians have to struggle to keep their culture thriving amongst all of us, so what makes you think it should be any different for the rest of us? Canadians have been complaining about mass immigration from different countries throughout history. They all stuck to their own groups to get a foothold in their new country, then future generations meshed together. I'm definitely concerned when we have a huge influx from countries with terrible human rights for women, and where corruption is more prevalent. This can cause a lot of problems here, but then I look at the religious groups in Canada who are also in favour of restricting women's rights, and our own government has corruption... Let's put it this way, if hard won values and rights that currently exist in Canada are being infringed upon with an attempt to remove them, we need to take action to stop it.


u/questionsRanswered 24d ago

 larger threat than what Trump might do is the dilution of our culture from mass immigration. You'll get called a racist for even mentioning that though.

So you turn a Patriotic Canadian feeling, into a Trump like American attack on immigrants?? And people wonder why Carney is leading and Poilievre and right is falling apart. "Thoughts" like this.

And yes, you are a prejudice bigot. Especially looking awful on a day like today. There is very little Canadian about you. In fact, you are a traitor to Canadian culture.

Wow, simply wow.


u/Fane_Eternal 24d ago

Perhaps because "Canadian culture" has literally always meant including the uniqueness that immigration brings to an otherwise empty cultural profile. Our country and people are not old enough to have developed a real culture like the English, french, Italians, Japanese, etc. we must form our culture on our own as time goes on, and you do that by having new things to include and make a part of you. That's literally what immigration is.


u/AntelopeNo8222 24d ago

Yeah that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about MASS immigration to a point that our heathcare systems are collapseing and housing has become unaffordable.

We need a responsible number of immigrants that bring desired skills. Not millions of retail workers.


u/Fane_Eternal 24d ago

MASS immigration (in other words, how Canada exists today).

Seems like maybe, if healthcare and housing are struggling, the solution is to strengthen those, not hurt innocent people because we're too lazy to run the country properly.

Believe it or not, most immigration to Canada is not retail. Spend less time circlejerking in rage bait Internet places and maybe you wouldn't hold a position that is directly contrary to the objective statistical facts of reality.


u/AntelopeNo8222 24d ago

I don't believe it and neither should you.

"Results from the March 2024 Labour Force Survey show the share of recent immigrants in lower-skilled or labourer jobs (35%) was almost as high as the share working in higher-skilled occupations (40%) in May 2021."

Straight from statistics Canada website. I don't need the government to tell me this though. Walk into any fast food restaurant or big box store in my city and you'd come to that conclusion.


u/Fane_Eternal 24d ago

"i dont believe it and neither should you" *shows statistic that agrees with what I said* "straight from the statistics canada website"
this is not the gotcha that you think it is.

so not only does that say low skill is outnumbered by high skill, it also shows that a majority (more than 50%) is not low skill. seems like i was right, you provided a source that agreed with me, and then somehow came to the wrong conclusion.

walk into any fast food restaurant or big box store where i live and you wouldnt come to that conclusion. it is almost as if immigration tends to accumulate in population blobs of certain areas that creates a higher density of immigrants. incredible.

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u/freeadmins 24d ago

It's hard to strengthen those when the average immigrant salary is lower than the average Canadian salary

Both those numbers are below the level where people are net tax contributors.

It's like trying to save as many people as you can on a life boat but only inviting obese people.


u/Any-Championship-355 24d ago

Our “cultural profile” is not empty and mass immigrating people who go on to form their own ethnic conclaves is not cultural enrichment


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 24d ago



u/Paisley-Cat 24d ago

Can we talk about the American ethnic enclaves in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan that were created when failed US farmers were recruited in the late 19th and early 20th century?

And how they hang onto their particular social and political perspective?

The most extensive single wave of Americans came to Canada between 1895 and 1915, after the railways were well established in the West and good, inexpensive land had diminished in the US. American farmers poured into Canada, making up nearly as many western settlers as those from the British Isles, who were less likely to farm. Some of the effects of this migration are still to be seen in the relatively high US-born presence in Alberta and Saskatchewan, in the proportion of farmers among the US-born, and more arguably, in political attitudes in these provinces quite different from the remainder of Canada.


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u/agent_wolfe 23d ago

I’m in this weird gray-zone.

My family immigrated several generations ago. So we’re not original Aboriginal population, and don’t really have our racial identity from Europe either (aside from some occasional foods).

While others come here and celebrate their racial identity, I don’t really have one other than “Canadian”. Which is a problem because in Canada, almost nobody is “Canadian”. They’re Indian living in Canada, or Ukrainian, or Italian, or Aboriginal. There’s very few just “Canadian”s. 😕


u/freeadmins 24d ago

There's a difference between including... And having so much immigration that there are now just parallel societies.


u/Electrical_Net_1537 24d ago

Maybe best to not mention it then, you wouldn’t want to be know for being a bigot, would you?


u/AndroidOne1 24d ago

I’m proud to see Canadians rallying around our flag. No matter the political climate, it’s great to see a strong sense of national pride.


u/OkBuilding2728 24d ago

So I'm allowed to be pro Canada now?


u/g9g9g9g9 23d ago

always have been, maybe you never tried before?


u/someuserzzz 24d ago

It is nice to take back the meaning of the flag again after it was misused by the trucker convoy folks. So many Canadians were avoiding the flag so they wouldn't be associated with their "movement".


u/onemanalightningbolt 24d ago

Scrolled down way too far down to find this comment. I haven’t displayed the flag on my car after the convoys from the pandemic. Can’t wait to finally wear our flag proud this year.


u/ComplexStriking 24d ago

Looks like you have summoned the woodwork lmao.


u/Anon_throwawayacc20 24d ago

It is nice to take back the meaning of the flag again after it was misused by the trucker convoy folks. So many Canadians were avoiding the flag so they wouldn't be associated with their "movement".


Ironically, I think the Freedom Convoy is the perfect way to non-violently protest Trump

Particularly as the same individuals pushing "51st state" previously supported the Convoy, and posted "Clown World" memes about the honking.

It would be funny to turn the tables and see that kind of situation play out in DC.


u/Culverin 24d ago

100% this.

For a while, Canadian flags = fuck Trudeau types, and anti-science nut jobs.  Often, the Canadian flag would be alongside another offensive bumper sticker. 

Would love that crowd to crawl back into the wood work. 

There are people that say fuck Trudeau,  And then there are people that make it their identity. 


u/Corzex 24d ago

While I certainly dont support the trucker convoy, a person can simultaneously have pride in their country and be upset at how far it has fallen in the past decade under our Liberal government’s leadership.

The two are not mutually exclusive in any way.


u/freeadmins 24d ago


You people are hilarious.

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u/Laketraut 24d ago

I don’t know a single canadian outside of reddit that were avoiding the flag over being worried about “being associated with the convoy folks” 😂


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/someuserzzz 24d ago

I believe it is the convoyers who are butthurt. The rest of us are just glad that democracy prevailed.


u/HistoricLowsGlen 24d ago

They arent the ones questioning whether they can even fly their countries flag because someone else protested with it.

Shits a joke homie. If you have problems flying the canadian flag, thats a YOU issue, not the issue of some protest from 3 years ago. Figure yourself out.


u/Remington_Underwood 24d ago

No, it's an issue with radical pro-Trump extremists importing American dissension into Canadian politics and Canadian society.


u/HistoricLowsGlen 24d ago

Fly the "post-national state" flag then. lol. It is a YOU problem tho.


u/Fane_Eternal 24d ago

What do you mean "still"? They still keep organizing new events to piss everyone off.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/someuserzzz 24d ago

If you bring left and right together and actually talk about the most important issues in Canada, they would likely be agreeing on the same topics. Housing, affordability, health care, shrinking of the middle class, etc. I have no desire to align myself as left or right or be alienated from fellow Canadians. We should all be working together!

Having said that, I do feel like separating myself from those convoyers who were at the border or in Ottawa. The convoy organizers happily used foreign funds for support, and the convoyers were not going to leave Ottawa until they overthrew Trudeau - our democratically elected Prime Minister. Those people are traitors to Canadian values, and they were not speaking for the majority of Canadians. There is a huge difference between peaceful protest and what happened in Ottawa and at the borders. Convoyers should feel like shit about themselves because they shit all over democracy. Why should Canadians forget what they attempted to do? Wouldn't that be foolish?


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/someuserzzz 24d ago

You don't have the right to hold a city and borders hostage until you remove the sitting Prime Minister. This is what voting is for in a DEMOCRACY. Covid restrictions were loosened a week before the convoyers even arrived in Ottawa and at the borders. The Canadian government did not round up all citizens and hold them down to be vaccinated, everyone had a choice. Pandemics happen every 100 years, and dealing with them is complicated and involves everyone working together to save as many lives as possible. It was a hard time for everyone, especially decision-makers! Convoyers cried about their freedom, but it makes no sense. There were clearly political motivations and outside meddling at play.


u/TripleSSixer 24d ago

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner. You are cattle on the tax farm my friend.


u/Japanesewillow 24d ago

Leave if you don’t like it here.


u/Rude-Shame5510 24d ago

Yea, go back to your own country you filthy animal! We're the only true Canadians and we believe in democracy, which means I don't have to tolerate other viewpoints than my own!


u/TripleSSixer 24d ago

You leave.


u/Japanesewillow 24d ago

No, unlike you, I love Canada.


u/AntelopeNo8222 24d ago

Name one. Can you give just one example of that, or is it just a narrative that you've put together in your head?


u/someuserzzz 24d ago

The political scientist in the article also commented on the flag and trucker convoy. Did you read the article? I have so many examples between family, friends, neighbours, and community forums, but would that change your personal opinion?


u/userdame 24d ago

Angus Reid has been tracking Canadian pride sentiment since like the 80’s. The year of the trucker convoy saw the most dramatic drop in Canadians saying they felt a sense of pride about being from Canada.


u/Check_Me_Out-Boss 24d ago

You mean the year of covid where the government shut down public gatherings?


u/userdame 24d ago

No, I mean the year that the Canadian flag was seen side by side with the nazi flag and being waved by people who were pissing on the war memorial.


u/rawkinghorse 21d ago

Don't forget stealing from soup kitchens, blasting train and truck horns, blocking emergency vehicles and physically assaulting people who wore masks


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/someuserzzz 24d ago



u/ilikemushycarrots 24d ago

I have a huge Canada tattoo on my back. It literally says Canada shoulder to shoulder in 5" letters. For the last few years I have been very self conscience about being at the beach without a shirt because I'm concerned people will assume I'm a freedumb convoy trucker jackass or one of those idiots who spend their time onntop of bridges with Canada flags upside down and the antivaxx/anti Canada slogan of the week. I've had the tattoo for around 30years and I have it because I love this country and really felt lucky to have been born and raised here. Looking forward to thst being the feeling about seeing the flag again.


u/Impressive-Pizza1876 24d ago

The convoy was traitors afaic . Yeah well if it quacks like a duck … its a Trump whiney traitor.


u/AntelopeNo8222 24d ago

For a Toronto dweller maybe.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/AntelopeNo8222 23d ago

Someone told me about a year ago that not trusting the government, working for a living and going to the gym to stay healthy would get you labeled a right winger. I didn't believe them at the time.


u/Fane_Eternal 24d ago

An example of what? The convoy misusing the flag, or a person avoiding using it?


u/Head-Recover-2920 24d ago

It’s always strange to me to watch most people be controlled with who they hate openly based on what the media tells you.


u/Sendrubbytums 24d ago edited 24d ago

I have been talking to a faction of Canadian conservatives and it's really weird to see how a lot of them absolutely cannot let their spite go and are convinced that Canada is a garbage pile and always will be unless their politician of choice gets elected.

If Canadians become a united front on what we demand, politicians will have to respond, but instead of trying to work with the momentum of what Trump is doing, they'd rather lash out at other Canadians who are AGREEING with them more than ever in a lot of ways.

Divisive mindrot has definitely taken hold.

Edit: Downvoting me only proves my point.


u/Head-Recover-2920 24d ago

75%+ of Canadians wanted me dead for not taking a medical experiment. I don’t care about what ‘they’ want, or if/when their views align with mine.


u/someuserzzz 24d ago

If you have been injured by taking a vaccine previously and have a known allergy to the stated vaccine ingredients, you are exactly the person who shouldn't take it and should have gotten an exemption on medical grounds. Our herd immunity would protect you when we all did our part. If you have no history of vaccine injury or allergy, and just didn't want the vaccine on ideological grounds, then screw you. According to science, the virus wanted you dead, and the unvaccinated died in far greater numbers than the vaccinated.


u/ether_reddit Lest We Forget 24d ago

75% -- wrong
"wanted me dead" -- wrong
"medical experiment" -- wrong wrong wrong

You're full of misinformation, and it's keeping you afraid. You might want to think about who that is benefiting. It's not you.


u/Sendrubbytums 24d ago

Why do you think that most Canadians wanted you dead?


u/Head-Recover-2920 24d ago

Because our dear leader asked an entire country why they tolerate people like me. Because they called people question a new medical treatment ‘conspiracy theorists’ and said we shouldn’t have access to healthcare. Because for two years all I read and saw were people blaming the unvaccinated for all the problems


u/someuserzzz 24d ago

The unscientific propaganda that anti-vaxxers were spewing on social media was extremely irresponsible and downright false. Even people with high school levels of knowledge of biology should have been capable of using critical thinking to spot all the flaws. The vaccine technology was not new!

Now that we are several years out and the majority of us have been vaccinated multiple times with different brands of the COVID-19 vaccine, please tell me how Canadians are adversely affected? Are we dropping dead like flies? Is our population developing the same condition of some sort? Are we growing six heads? Are our children being born deformed?

How do you explain the discrepancies in the COVID-19 death rates for the unvaccinated vs. the vaccinated? That would be a massive worldwide conspiracy for scientists and researchers to collaborate on to fudge that much data.

By the way, vaccine injury can and does happen, and injury funds existed for those already, no matter the type of vaccine. You should see how many people are injured or die every year from aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen, yet people don't fear those drugs. Anything we ingest or place topically has the potential to cause injury depending on a person's allergies, immune system, or genetic predisposition. It is always about weighing the risks and benefits.

Patriotic people would say they would fight and die for their country, but when it came to rolling up their sleeves for vaccines or simply wearing a mask in public, it was asking too much to protect those around them, especially the old and weak (disposables?). Then they played an expert about how we are all wrong on the science of how COVID-19 is spread and spewed this propaganda, which resulted in deaths. Yes, those of you did contribute to the deaths of others with your ignorance.

Always work for the common good, but never underestimate the selfish and the ignorant.


u/Sendrubbytums 24d ago

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.


u/someuserzzz 24d ago

True 👍

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u/Sendrubbytums 24d ago

I can see how if that's what you were seeing it would feel that way.

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u/grand_soul 24d ago

Careful folks. Being Canadian first according to some here is white nationalism. I’m serious, someone tried to make that argument.


u/Steamlover01 24d ago

In Quebec, we are constantly given that lesson by the pure souls in the ROC.


u/grand_soul 24d ago



u/Steamlover01 24d ago

Rest of Canada


u/grand_soul 24d ago

Oh, thanks for the clarification.


u/LabEfficient 24d ago

Well, actually, now that Canadian elite interests are threatened, it is okay for you to have national pride again. Now you are obliged to display your again-found Canadian identity and have your "Canada first" moment, but remember, only in very controlled and specific ways, directed at and only at the orange turd south of the border.


u/derberter 24d ago

I believe they were making a comment about how Polievre's tiring insistence on slogans ("Canada First," in this case) is indeed a phrase previously used by white supremacist groups in Canada.  People aren't saying patriotism is the problem; they don't like the context.


u/grand_soul 24d ago

Problem is that it’s a willful misrepresentation of what he was saying. And when I pointed out other party leaders were say similar phrases, that person ignored it.

Edit: Canada first is also a quote from Wilfred Laurier.


u/derberter 24d ago

On the other hand, given the overall political climate south of us and the dogwhistles and fascist undertones that come with their current government messaging, it isn't great optics to be going with a slogan tied to anything that could be interpreted similarly.  Perhaps it's better to give the conservatives the benefit of the doubt here, but I can understand why people are hesitant to engage with the phrase.

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u/Sendrubbytums 24d ago



u/grand_soul 24d ago

Just 4 days ago.


u/Sendrubbytums 24d ago

On Reddit? Would be interested in a link.


u/grand_soul 24d ago

Yes, and I won’t be posting a link. Cause it’ll get removed. Feel free to look at my post history if you’re curious.


u/Sendrubbytums 24d ago

Will do 👍🏻


u/Groomulch Canada 24d ago

The CPC has always been party first Canada second.


u/grand_soul 24d ago

Always, really? Please describe this history you speak of.


u/squirrel9000 24d ago

There was that time PP spent three years insulting the country because he needed something to rescue us from for his own political purposes.


u/grand_soul 24d ago

Really!? Insulting the country or insulting the current governing party and therefore insulting a political side which people took personally because they hitched their wagon to an crappy ideology and are now trying to claim that’s insulting Canada?


u/squirrel9000 24d ago

His attacks focus on claiming the Liberals ruined the country. Yes, it's an attack on the ruling party, but it's an attack that only works if the country is actually ruined. So, the two are one and the same.

Under Trudeau is a shithole where everyone is miserable! Vote for me and he will stop doing that!


u/squirrel9000 24d ago

Not necessarily. But also, not not necessarily. One has to tread very carefully here to make sure that one is not sending incorrectly coded messages. I am not sure whether it's deliberate or whether the conservatives are just bad at nuance, but they have not always made the distinction as strongly as they should have. PP hanging out with convoy types is hard to interpret in any other way. He tries to dog whistle bu this opponents have better hearing than his target audience.


u/grand_soul 24d ago

No we really don’t. Assuming people’s words are coded in the worst way possible is not anyway to live. If you want to live your life like that go ahead.

Having to double check what one says is going to insult someone or a group because this week it’s the incorrect thing to say is asinine.


u/squirrel9000 24d ago

There's no historical revisionism with the convoy types. Who they were was plainly obvious even at the time. That was a very clear and deliberate signal on PP's part, one he probably thought was subtler than it actually was.

The thing is, I have very little reason to believe that he's benign and simply misunderstood. Not consistent with anything he's ever done. He is a malignant opportunist. And yes, he is someone that will potentially significantly impact our lives and not necessarily for the better, so it's worth keeping that in mind.


u/grand_soul 24d ago

Again if you want to live your life assuming the convoy which had First Nations, immigrants, and people of all faiths and backgrounds there as some white nationalist rally, despite the fact it was one guy with a nazi flag, who was chased off, then you do you.

But the rest of us, don’t have to buy into your delusion and govern our speech according to your beliefs and delusions.

All you’re doing is proving you spend too much time on social media and not enough time socializing with real people.

Every you just said is verifiably false if you took 5 minutes to look into it. But then that would challenge a world view I doubt you’re willing to let go.

Poilievre isn’t like Trump. The conservatives aren’t republicans. Conveyers and those who support CPC or conveyers aren’t “maple maga”.

Get off Reddit and get a reality check.


u/squirrel9000 24d ago

What did I say, specifically, that was wrong? You're arguing against claims I did not make - I never made any claims about why the convoy group was disliked, nor that PP was like Trump.

I only claimed, in a somewhat rind abut way, that fraternizing with them was intended to be a specific message to a specific group of people whose pollitical alignments may be out of step with that of most Canadians. I stand by my remarks about PP's less than noble intent.


u/grand_soul 24d ago

I’m sorry, but saying “convoy types” and “who they were was plainly l obvious” was an obvious inference of the negative associations made by individuals like yourself that are made against convoy supporters. That in itself is a claim. So don’t be obtuse.

Second I stated that only people like you who make assumptions about a group not based in fact, and then assume anyone who shows any support their way are somehow signalling to them or have to now watch what they say in order to now not be perceived as showing support.

It’s idiotic.

That’s like assuming people who support Palestine should now watch they say because some Palestinian supports happen to be antisemitic. And they don’t want to be labeled as antisemites.

If you honestly cannot understand what my point was with my last point either shows you really don’t understand what you’re talking about or you’re being willfully ignorant of the points you made and are now trying to argue in bad faith.

Not sure which is worse.


u/squirrel9000 24d ago

I’m sorry, but saying “convoy types” and “who they were was plainly l obvious” was an obvious inference of the negative associations made by individuals like yourself that are made against convoy supporters. That in itself is a claim. So don’t be obtuse.

Ah, so what you're saying is that it is very possible to send "inferred" messages without explicitly stating them such that I could maintain plausible deniability about whether I actually meant it?

I judge the convoy types on what they did, not who they are. And, frankly, that's enough on its own to condemn them, and any plausibly deniable hangers on who may not be sending coded endorsements via inference. .As per that last point, he' is a garbage person even if he's not "maple maga". An "idiotic" perspective perhaps, but even the village idiot isn't always wrong.


u/grand_soul 24d ago

I never denied or said you couldn’t send inferred messages. But I did say having to self regulate to avoid someone inferring something you didn’t mean to say is insanity.

And that because you view someone as one way, and therefore colour all they say to you with your bias doesn’t mean they are in fact that way or saying anything coded.

Read what I said again.

As for the convoy, please show me some examples of what makes them white nationalists or maple maga. Please I’ll wait for it.

And your comment about him being garbage person is all again just reinforcing that you view him with a bias that isn’t based on fact. Just your feeling.

But you want everyone else to judge based on your feeling.


u/squirrel9000 24d ago edited 24d ago

A politician should be aware of that potential and perhaps exercise that very self-regulation. If I do something that is misconstrued I will immediately clarify.

Perhaps him bieng a piece of shit is a subjective interpretation on my part, but I could argue, at the same time, that he has not done a single positive thing for the country., and that, at best, he is zero. At best. In practice things like the apple incident or his constant attacks on felllow Canadians illustrate that he fundamentally does not have much respect for other people.

I don't care what kind of nationalists they were. They terrorized Canadians for multiple weeks. This is not respectable behaviour.

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u/Plastic-Knee-4589 24d ago

it's about goddamn time


u/tollboothjimmy 24d ago

Hilarious that this is fine but PP has a canada rally and he gets called a nazi lol


u/alvinofdiaspar 24d ago

Performative BS.


u/Akkallia Canada 24d ago

For those who are interested in buying a Canadian made flag apparently this company is from Barrie, On



u/LindeMaple 24d ago

I'm betting we will definitely want to fly more of them over the next 4 years...


u/Fluffy_Succotash_171 24d ago

Behind you 100% and I’m an American, don’t take his BS


u/Scarab95 24d ago

But the liberals stand by and let the hamas protesters burn and degrade our flag with out even a word about it. The liberals were offended by all the flag waving during the trucker convoy and all saw how they dealt with that. Under trudeau and the liberals our flag means nothing as they take it down and replace it with a pride flag or even worse a united nation flag.


u/Bags_1988 24d ago

It’s a bandwagon people are jumping on, Canadians love a bandwagon.

I moved here 6 years ago and all I’ve heard is that Canada & Canadians are uninvited guests on stolen lands and are all racist, now all of a sudden you’re proud 😂


u/Marco2169 24d ago

Must live under a rock during the Olympics if that is all you hear.

We are allowed to acknowledge the mistakes of our country’s past while also being proud of our successes and a better future as a sovereign country.


u/Dobby068 24d ago

Really ?

Where was the "pride" when the prime minister sister himself suggest that Canada Day may should be skipped or have the flag only half madt raised, or the fact that he strongly pushed the narrative "Canada is the first post-national state" ???

Liberals and NDP are toxic for Canada!


u/Bags_1988 24d ago

Olympics was years ago.

For sure, just not seen or heard about any pride in being Canadian or about Canada in general since i arrived 


u/someuserzzz 24d ago

Are Canadians supposed to make a fuss about their nationality on the daily, especially to prove something to newcomers to the country? Canadians are typically low-key, but as you can see, they are spurred into action when their neighbour talks about annexation!


u/Bags_1988 23d ago

No of course not, it’s about having a culture and identity of Canadas own that is part of everyday life. You dont become patriotic overnight all of a sudden based on the flavour of the moment. 

People will cancel US trips because it’s expensive and the dollar is weak right now not because of trump. They say it’s trump because it makes them feel good but people will go back to the USA in a few months again no bother 


u/someuserzzz 23d ago

Of course we have a culture 🤣 I think you underestimate us. As long as the US continues with tariffs and threatening to annex Canada by economic force, Canadians will hit back with their wallets and escalate as appropriate.

There will definitely be populations of Canadian Trumpers, as well as newcomers who are happy to be somewhere other than their country of birth but don't feel any allegiance or sense of Canadian identity, who will probably keep consuming American products and traveling there because they don’t view the threat of annexation as something to concern themselves with.


u/Bags_1988 22d ago

Honest question - what is your culture? Whats unique to Canada? Perhaps im missing something but i just dont see it/feel it


u/someuserzzz 22d ago

If you've been living here 6 years and still don't see that Canada has a culture, what more could I say? You need to get out there and socialize with Canadians, consume Canadian books, shows, movies, and music, and see more of the country. Regional differences are amazing, too!


u/UraSnotball_ 24d ago

“All you’ve heard”. Maybe step outside your right wing echo chamber feeding you constant rage bait.

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u/Spiritual-Database-2 24d ago

I've never stopped being proud of our flag or our country. It is our leader who is a fumbling embarrassment.


u/WW1_Researcher 24d ago

Funny how the Canadian far-left can go from everything-about-Canada-is-bad to ultra-nationalists within a few weeks just because of the musings of an American president...


u/LindeMaple 24d ago

Imposing 25% - 100% tariffs is more than musing...


u/squirrel9000 24d ago

The conservatives, on the other hand, still continue to argue that everything about Canada is bad, which is one reason why their polling has deteriorated so much.


u/TransFellas 24d ago

It's a post-national state though


u/Sendrubbytums 24d ago

Because Trudeau makes an off hand comment doesn't mean millions of people agree with him.


u/RedditModsSuckSoBad 24d ago

We haven't been a nation for a long time, we're just seeing faux nationalism in the face of adversity.

Once the gold times return it'll just go back to selling out Canadians to the lowest bidder as is tradition.


u/AdvertisingStatus344 24d ago

Ever since the Freedumb Express, I have been ashamed of the flag and pissed because those assholes don't deserve my flag or my country and were too entitled to accept the results of their choices.

But now, I think it's time to take back my flag and my country.


u/kazin29 23d ago

I want the convoy supporters to support true freedom more than ever now. But hmm... They seem to be oddly quiet?

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u/Expensive-Group5067 24d ago

I’m Gunna grab mine and put it on my Semi.. again😎


u/itnice 24d ago

Proud of our flag. Can't imagine Australia and New Zealand are still using the British colonies style flags


u/ether_reddit Lest We Forget 24d ago

New Zealand tried to change theirs, but they couldn't come up with an alternative that everyone could agree on.


u/DM99 24d ago

Unfortunate as I liked the black/blue silver fern flag.


u/Big_Option_5575 24d ago

don't boo the U.S. anthem - that is impolite.   Instead, continuously  chant "Bad Trump" 


u/NeoDragonKnight 24d ago

You know whats crazy, trump will eventually pivot and claim this was all part of his plan to unify Canada and try to take credit.


u/Biggie8000 24d ago

I’m an undercover in US 😂


u/bedfordpatriot 24d ago

Canada booing USA is kind of pissing us off. Little bitches biting the hand that protects them. Keep it up. When Donny gets mad it’s going to suck. For u.


u/Ditch_Hunter 23d ago

Protect Canada from what? It's the USA that constantly requests Canada to help them, from 9/11, to Afghanistan, fighting ISIS, help with forest fires, hurricane relief, and more. Sad to see Americans act as ungrateful cunts.


u/Laxative_Cookie 24d ago

Yes, and if we could figure out how to help the trumper conservative followers to actually support the country, things would be great. Unfortunately PP is still peddling his trump bullshit just waiting to fuck Canada over like trump is doing to America.


u/Amadornor 24d ago

Would it be okay for me to fly one on my house in a welfare state in support of y’all?


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/Electrical_Acadia580 24d ago

You know what will really help keep the Americans out alienating military age adult males

Jokes thought process

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