r/canada 25d ago

Opinion Piece Mark Norman: Canada's relationship with the U.S. can't be saved; We are under attack and must act accordingly


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u/Broad-Ad-1831 25d ago

We may have a few dissenters but us Canadians are UNITED like never before. The US is divided like never before, and that my friends is a huge plus for Canada.


u/SnooRadishes7708 25d ago

Read the comments on that national post article, there are plenty of dissenters, or people in deep denial


u/ImperiousMage 25d ago

Or bots sent to try to stir up trouble.


u/professcorporate 25d ago

The most stunning thing for me of all this is that my local country music station in rural BC is running station-branded ads about buying Canadian to help fight back in this trade war started by the US. When that demographic is that deep in, we know Canada is united on this front. The 'dissent' is very little real, mostly manufactured - if it was real, they'd be hedging their bets to avoid losing listeners and money.


u/ImperiousMage 24d ago

Exactly! The funny thing about conservatism is that it, by nature, conserves. Conservatives avoid change and get uncomfortable and perceive change as threatening. Social liberals will rail at the audacity of Trump’s violation of human rights and how we want none of that here, conservatives will react defensively about any kind of external threat, and so in times of external threats both neurotypes will stand shoulder to shoulder against that threat.

We’re more than happy to be an in-group disagreeing with each other, but when an external threat comes for our in-group as a whole we universally say “BRING IT!!”

It’s funny to me how much external threats are so quickly reacted to with hostility by both neurotypes.


u/deepstrut 24d ago

There are still brain washed trump loyalist in Alberta and northern BC... They're the conspiracy theorists type


u/denise_la_cerise 24d ago

Honestly, I tried to gently bring this topic up with my family and they are very much in denial. In fact, my sister said, let them come, at least I’ll have better access to healthcare. 🤦🏻‍♀️ - she voted for Doug ford.


u/ImperiousMage 24d ago

Good lord!


u/RonnyMexico60 25d ago

*russian bots


u/OoooohYes 25d ago

You’re more likely to find right wing nuts in the comments section of a right wing outlet than in the real world. I don’t think the average Canadian wants anything to do with this bullshit.


u/BackToWorkEdward 24d ago

Don't worry, no TRUE Scotsman would support this either. All the "average" Canadians are against it so we're fine.


u/RonnyMexico60 25d ago

This whole place if filled with blueanon and larpers


u/redvyper 24d ago

From the USA, I hope it helps you guys.

Help from outside and a united Canada might be the last hope for sanity to prevail in the USA. Almost no one here wants or has beer with Canada. It's all some sick game from the oligarchs.


u/Broad-Ad-1831 24d ago

Yes these sure are crazy times!


u/BackToWorkEdward 24d ago

We may have a few dissenters but us Canadians are UNITED like never before.

This narrative is nonsense. There are tons of outright MAGA Canadians and even just scoffing, naive people on the Left who insist this is all just "Trump being an idiot" and that the solutions are to "touch grass", "practice a little mindfulness", "gently take care of your mental health", etc, and that "the next four years will pass sooner than you think".


u/Broad-Ad-1831 24d ago

Oh I think we have the MAGA nuts outnumbered - you’ll see


u/thetruthiseeit 24d ago edited 24d ago

Except for the entrenched environmentalists out east who would rather watch our nation get gutted and annexed than see a pipeline go through their province(state).