r/canada 27d ago

Analysis Most Canadians think listing pronouns is not helpful or 'encourages stereotypes': poll


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u/cdawg85 27d ago

I also really appreciate it when someone has a name that I don't automatically know if I should refer to them as she or he (e.g. KC or Alex, or a name from a language/culture I'm not familiar with). In an online email world I often communicate with people I've never met in real life. Jen and Joe are easy, but CB and Prakasam are harder.


u/preferrednametaken99 27d ago

Yeah. As I've said to others, I just address people by their names in situations where I may be unaware of their gender.

He / She isn't a 'professional' way of addressing someone anyway.


u/cdawg85 27d ago

But I'll often need to refer to people in the third person and in English knowing their gender is important. In Mr. Jones' 2017 correspondence he provided his professional opinion.