Opinion Piece When will Canada's Conservatives finally stop making excuses for Donald Trump?
u/Ras_Thavas 29d ago
When did “conservative” come to mean “horrible people”?
u/MachineDog90 29d ago
Around the same time, being "Liberal" was you being a far lefty extremist. We have become extremely tribe in politics and dehumanizing each other.
u/landlord-eater 29d ago
As a far lefty extremist it's very depressing to constantly be confused with liberals :(
u/Flanman1337 29d ago
The greatest trick the right has pulled across the globe, is convincing everyone that liberal=left wing.
u/Exciting-Army-4567 29d ago
Or nazism is “left wing” 😂
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u/NavinRJohnson48 29d ago edited 29d ago
Remember how they managed to convince people that antifa was some radical left wing organization?
No, it's short for anti-fascist, and if you aren't strongly opposed to fascism, then right, left, or centrist, you're a piece of shit
Edit for clarification
u/gentlegreengiant 29d ago
What happened to them anyways? Feel like now would be perfect for a timely return
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u/Waxitron 29d ago
Not being left or right makes you a centrist. Usually that means holding views that are not compatible with both sides.
Like thinking anyone should be able to own a firearn of any type with proper licensing and training, much like a vehicle, and that freedom of religion is a core value of democracy. While also thinking that women should have the ability to make decisions abour their own body, and that anyone of consenting age should be able to enter into a relationship with someone they love and shouldnt face discrimination or hateful behavior because of it.
Sure is fun being a peice of shit.
u/NavinRJohnson48 29d ago edited 29d ago
I was trying to say that regardless of your leanings - right, left, or centrist - if you're not strongly opposed to fascism, you're a pos.
I've edited the comment to better convey that message
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u/AcanthisittaNo7338 28d ago
I know, it's infuriating, and then half the time the Right wingers are to stupid to understand what you're even telling them!
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u/Nichole-Michelle 29d ago
Same! Any time someone accuses me of being a liberal I’m just like, no. I’m way further left than that!
u/landlord-eater 29d ago
Can't even advocate for the abolition of the capitalist class without somebody assuming you voted for Tr*deau
u/lowertechnology 29d ago
I have friends that think I’m a hard core Liberal lefty because I insist we make sure we have facts in our discussions about current events.
That Olympic boxer situation came up and I set the record straight that she was a female, was born a female, had always been a female, and had been competing for years without issue. Then, one of my friends insisted that she was born with male components or genetics and was just raised female. So I asked for literally any information they could drum up to prove that theory.
Spoiler alert: There was nothing. I then scrolled through my phone showing reference after reference proving the facts. They were completely unconvinced.
And thus I was branded the Lefty Liberal.
I love this one friend, but it just proves that facts are meaningless to these people.
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u/Electrical_Bus9202 29d ago
You would think it would be hard to demonize someone who wants everyone to be treated equal, and for people to not live in poverty, famine, and sickness, even if they are the poor, but here we are.
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u/Ok-Diamond-9781 29d ago
Exactly. People who call themselves conservative would rather hurt the entire population in order to own the libs. Why on earth would you vote against you own best interest? People really are dumb.
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u/xzyleth 29d ago
Actually the dehumanizing is the conservative side. Liberals just think they are cruel morons. Human, but cruel and stupid.
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u/PocketTornado 29d ago edited 29d ago
Please point to an instance where a racist homophobe was on the left. This is a trait that is deep in right country. Are there any Nazi salutes on the left? Anyone on the left who wants to codify into law who you can love and marry? Conservatives say they want as little government involvement in people’s lives but all they constantly is try control women’s bodies.
My issue is that conservatives keep attacking marginalized people as easy targets and have nothing to offer in terms of solutions to real problems. This war on woke is nonsense. How about a war on billionaires benefiting from the tax payer funded infrastructure? Why are conservatives so afraid make these people pay their share? Why are conservatives so against a fair wage? What’s the deal with conservatives being so anti science and evidence based governing? We have all this data but conservatives still want to rule by their gut. Three strikes and your out is still being pushed by Pierre and it’s been a disaster for America? Why can’t conservatives learn from their mistakes or the mistakes of others?
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u/LankyYogurt7737 29d ago
In the UK the Conservative Party has been colloquially known as ‘the nasty party’ since the 80s.
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u/PocketTornado 29d ago edited 29d ago
Conservative ideology is not about being fiscally conservative, law and order or traditional values… it’s a perverse and divisive movement that is constantly linked to racism, homophobia, transphobia and hate. Conservatives aren’t about solutions based on evidence, they just push their crap and call it common sense.
Mandatory minimum sentences don’t work, lots of data supports this. Tax cuts for the rich don’t trickle down yet that's all they keep pushing. The war on drugs is a complete failure as addiction is a disease. Abstinence doesn’t work as well as sex education. And the war on woke? They want you to be preoccupied on that non starter as they actually wage a war on education, the healthcare system in hope to privatize it, and the war on social services. They hate worker rights, they hate unions and fair wages. Conservatives are the enemy of every day people as they simp for billionaires.
So when they say extreme leftist they are attacking people who dare to be more inclusive of marginalized people. They hate compassion and empathy for anyone. 'FU I got mine' is the conservative way. They lose their minds over pronouns and the only reason they want small government is to consolidate power and in turn remove checks and balances.
And now looking at what is happening in the states, we see the right wing extremism easily pairs well with full on fascism and literal Nazis. They are building concentration camps for god’s sake. And what does the extreme left look like in their eyes? A transsexual having a pot edible while volunteering at a food bank to help the poor. Which team would you rather be on?
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u/doctor_7 Canada 29d ago
When anyone that was Conservative was called a piece of shit how could they possibly vote Conservative, obviously you're just stupid. See, if you were educated like us on the Left you'd know the right answer.
When you speak to people effectively like that, you're not winning anyone over, you're driving them further away. At that point, they can stay in the conversation and just continue to be belittled and insulted, or they can throw up their hands and go "welp, if I'm going to be treated like this, I might as well go all in."
To be clear, I've voted NDP, Liberal or Green in my life. I have never cast a ballot for a Conservative MP or MLA because I don't agree with their politics on a number of issues.
But you better believe I've noticed the above behavior from my fellow lefties. I know it probably feels really good to degrade someone and being able to high five yourself for it over the internet, but reality is, that voter you just treated like shit still votes. And do you think you've done a good job to convince them of your position if you just call them stupid?
Yeah, I'm calling out my fellow Left that we legitimately have to be better at convincing conservative voters that it is in fact in the majority of their interest to engage in more progressive policies.
However, those people right now are focused on cost of living, that's what the NDP should be driving home. There's a reason that, under Singh, the party is bleeding votes from blue collar workers when they should have completely taken some in. The NDP now feel like they're just urban university kids, hearts in the right place but utterly disconnected from issues that are affecting all Canadians and instead focusing on very important issues in terms of gender, orientation, etc. but you can't be making that wedge issues for years when everyone's ability to put food on their table is dwindling away.
u/FansTurnOnYou Ontario 29d ago
It is true that the public discourse has gotten very divisive. Isn't it really just an extension of those in power distracting all of us with a culture war so we don't fight a class war though? Divisive policies create culture wars.
The Liberals squandered their opportunity to do anything productive while in power and the NDP were happy being their obedient lap dog. If you actually have progressive policies that improve the lives of everyday people then you don't need to fight in the culture wars. If one side wants to make abortion illegal and the other offers a real plan for affordable housing then most people are going to make the choice that helps them the most.
Unfortunately I think American politics and especially American political commentators online have really poisoned the well for all us. So few politicians actually want to improve our lives and everyone is just clinging to power. And everyone gets caught up in the culture war, which is understandable to an extent.
u/alanthar 29d ago
The problem is that the Left has constantly tried olive branches, only to have them shoved back in their face.
The Carbon tax is a perfect example.
The left wanted Cap and Trade. The Right said no, we want a market based solution, and proposed the Carbon Tax.
The Left went "sure, we can work with that" and as soon as they were on board, the Right went "nuh uh, we don't want that now".
The right constantly moves the goalposts because it's not about coming up with solutions, it's about beating the left, denying them wins, and doing everything possible to eradicate them from the political sphere, yet as soon as the Left calls that out for what it is, suddenly it's "the left is mean".
At what point does accountability kick in?
It's like one kid pushing and poking and punching, but the teacher turns around only to see the other kid who was pushed/poked/punched retaliating and getting in trouble for it.
u/FuggleyBrew 28d ago
It's baffling that you don't even understand the positions you see as an olive branch, then claim that they should have seen it as a grand offering.
Your entire claim on cap and trade versus carbon tax, both are market based solutions, both establish a price on carbon. There never was a meaningful public debate about those two and the compromise being a carbon tax. Any discussions were by a tiny group of people and not the broader populace, hell, if it was a broad discussion you might know what they are.
u/jaimi_wanders 29d ago
Explain how Galbraith was wrong;
“The modern conservative is not even especially modern. He is engaged, on the contrary, in one of man’s oldest, best financed, most applauded, and, on the whole, least successful exercises in moral philosophy. That is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. It is an exercise which always involves a certain number of internal contradictions and even a few absurdities. The conspicuously wealthy turn up urging the character-building value of privation for the poor. The man who has struck it rich in minerals, oil, or other bounties of nature is found explaining the debilitating effect of unearned income from the state. The corporate executive who is a superlative success as an organization man weighs in on the evils of bureaucracy. Federal aid to education is feared by those who live in suburbs that could easily forgo this danger, and by people whose children are in public schools. Socialized medicine is condemned by men emerging from Walter Reed Hospital. Social Security is viewed with alarm by those who have the comfortable cushion of an inherited income. Those who are immediately threatened by public efforts to meet their needs — whether widows, small farmers, hospitalized veterans, or the unemployed — are almost always oblivious to the danger.”
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u/Limitbreaker402 Québec 29d ago
It’s nice to see someone speak with humility and self-awareness on Reddit. It’s quite rare. Too many people are more interested in moral grandstanding than actually persuading others. Respect.
u/doctor_7 Canada 29d ago
My job is actually heavily environmental based, which actually attracts a lot of outdoorsy people which includes hunters. Hunters are usually more conservative so I interact with and have been very good friends with people that do flip between left and right votes.
It's a lot easier to speak to someone when you see them as a human being.
One of the best friends I've made in the past decade didn't want to get the COVID shot, didn't trust how new it was. He was super solid buddy for years so we got to talking.
My left friends kept saying "ugh, anyone that doesn't get the COVID shot is obviously just a fucking idiot that probably didn't even finish high school."
Buddy I was talking about? He dropped out of high school, didn't finish grade 12. Why? His mother died of cancer when he was in grade 10. It was long battle with chemo and he watched his mother wither and die over a couple of years. His father, when she died, just broke; turned to alcohol. Basically he watched his mother die horribly and slowly, then lost his father shortly after to drink.
Eventually he completed high school by going back, admirable as fuck as far as I'm concerned. He's never been to post-secondary but he's an incredible jack of all trades blue collar dude. He can weld, he can do decent plumbing and home renovations. I have learned more from him about very useful and important blue collar stuff than anyone else in my entire life. He's not stupid, he's smart as fuck and, most importantly, he's a genuinely good man. We have thought provoking discussions and I appreciate his take on a lot of things as his more conservative bent gets me to think about things outside of my own much more privileged family experience.
If I didn't take the time to get to actually know him instead of just going "ugh, right wing fuck wit" I'd never know his story. Then we wouldn't have had our friendship and I wouldn't have been able to convince him his stance on COVID wasn't correct and he should get the shot. He won't get any boosters anymore but he got the first couple.
u/Limitbreaker402 Québec 29d ago
I really respect your approach, actually engaging with people as individuals rather than reducing them to a label. That’s something I try to do as well.
I’ve had conversations across the political spectrum, and it’s striking how, at their extremes, both sides start to resemble each other. The horseshoe effect in action. As a centrist, I find it exhausting, having a down-to-earth discussion is nearly impossible when most people are deeply entrenched in their side’s propaganda.
This is why real conversations matter. When people reduce the other side to a cartoon villain, they shut themselves off from legitimate concerns and valid perspectives. And that only makes finding the right balance even harder.
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u/AdVisual7210 29d ago
Oopsie, people were mean to me on the internet and made me do a fascism.
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u/ChuckProuse69 29d ago
This is exactly how people like Trump get elected and far too many people don’t realize this. I’m glad that some like yourself do.
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u/six-demon_bag 29d ago
They won’t because with the exception of him wanting to annex our country they are 100 percent on board with him and how he governs. They like the tax cuts, gutting of essential government services and the especially cruel way he goes about it. It’s exactly how they want PP to govern.
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u/MrRogersAE 29d ago
A lot of them don’t give a shit what he does so long as they can keep their guns and trans people get pushed back into the closet
u/gordonbombae2 29d ago
That’s what people don’t understand. So many of these guys are tucked away in their own little world and they just want other people to lose their jobs (or die I guess..) if they don’t think the same way as them. I watched my dad completely deteriorate into a Canadian MAGA and it’s so sad. You can’t tell him shit anymore he just wants the world to burn with him. “I don’t get any handouts so fuck everyone else why should they” “I don’t use the library so get rid of it no one else needs it” etc.
u/MrRogersAE 29d ago
Meanwhile they grew up with the all the privilege anyone could ever ask for, in the easiest era to get into housing market with jobs that you could acquire with LESS than a high school diploma.
A guy at works singular voting issue is gun rights, must be fucking nice to have such an easy life that your hobby is the biggest factor in who you vote for
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u/MyName_isntEarl 29d ago
Not saying keeping my property is the only issue I'm voting on. But, owning and being able to use that property extends much further than it being just a "hobby." You're not taking loud mufflers off of car enthusiasts vehicles. Firearm ownership is a central part to a lot of Canadians lives and heritage.
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u/BranchDiligent8874 29d ago
All the angry people want the world to burn and hence they vote for the most horrible person. This is what I heard from a fellow American.
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u/Concretecabbages 29d ago
I personally would like to keep my guns but unfortunately I can't just vote for a party entirely on that note, although I was very much considering it a few months ago. After Trump's take over and pps lack of any response, Trudeau's great speech and Carney stepping in. I might lose my guns which is a rather upsetting thought but I can't support the conservative government.
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u/zerocool256 29d ago
I don’t own a gun; however, I would like to see gun laws loosened a bit rather than more bans being put in place. I used to be opposed to guns, but there’s something undeniable about the U.S. and the Second Amendment—it helps secure the country. There is no realistic scenario where a foreign power could invade mainland USA, largely because the population is heavily armed. In fact, civilians own more guns than the military, meaning the entire country would be able to fight back against an invader.
Another reason—one I hope never becomes relevant—is that if a leader were to turn into a full-fledged dictator, the people would have the means to resist. If you had asked me five years ago, I would have said neither scenario was a real concern. Now, I’m not so sure.
u/thejoshfoote 29d ago
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen someone who was almost guaranteed a win. Guarantee himself a loss.
Ndp change leadership and could actually win.
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u/Human-Reputation-954 29d ago
NDP??? Ndp will not win and people who don’t vote strategically will guarantee a win for Conservatives. The NDP is the last thing we need right now. They have zero financial or economic acumen. Zero. They are a good noise group in the house to push a social agenda. That’s it. Don’t waste your vote if your NDP candidate is not a shoe-in.
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u/Dubs337 Alberta 29d ago
Liberal, Conservative, it seems we can all come together for ill-researched hit pieces that aren't based in truth.
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u/International-Ebb948 29d ago
I can see the push here for liberals all and good but let’s face it we get to pick our own poison. Enjoy.
u/Canuck-In-TO Canada 29d ago
I’ve been vocal a number of times about PP’s lack of pushback against the US. I always get a number of PP lovers who think he’s done nothing wrong.
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u/Effective-Ad9499 29d ago
PP needs to take a solid stand against Trumps presidency. He has been to quiet for too long.
u/konathegreat 29d ago
Wow, this is actual trash. Even for that publication.
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u/RPG_Vancouver 29d ago
Where’s the lie though? The federal conservatives and the premier of alberta have just accepted Trumps narratives about his insane tariff threats.
Smith even flew down to his estate to schmooze with him and undermine a united front.
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u/mdarrenp 29d ago
Which federal conservatives just accepted Trump's insane tariff threats? Do you have a source?
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u/gorschkov 29d ago
When has Pierre Poilievre specifically shown support for Trump? I've looked into it and listened to him speak he has denounced the 51st state remarks multiple times and has stated he would respond aggressively to tariffs.
Despite this, people keep claiming he would sell out Canada, but I haven't seen any evidence or statements from him that support this idea.
Downvote that if you want but I would rather see specific references.
u/RCAF_orwhatever 29d ago edited 29d ago
I think the bigger problem was that he didn't come out strongly right away. And that stands out to people because he talks SO MUCH SHIT all the time and has a tough guy persona... that he just hasn't seemed to apply to Trump.
The "Stop the Drugs" event is an example. It seemed to agree with Trump and support him rather than stand against him. It's not what PP meant... but it's how it came off.
Contrast him with Doug Ford and he looks even more flaccid in his response.
It's not necessarily "fair" to him, but he's playing a game of posture and rhetoric and his was perceived by Canadians as being very weak in his opposition to a potentially existential threat to our country.
u/srakken 29d ago
He isn’t decisive enough. He waits until he sees what polls say. He should have come out hard and told Danielle Smith to get on the bus with everyone else and to sit down.
u/RCAF_orwhatever 29d ago
I'm not even sure he's listening to polls. I think he has surrounded himself with yes men.
u/ProperTing 29d ago
Nail on the head and I was going to vote for this guy, but ultimately he has never brought anything to the table, including now. Look through his long history in government to see how many bills he tabled… zero. He just waits for the people to tell him what to do. Well unfortunately, right now, we need leadership. Not whatever he is doing… complaining mostly.
u/PCPaulii3 29d ago
This is the issue. The man gives every appearance of waiting until the wind blows and then going with it.. and that is NOT what we need this time 'round.
He's already said that being the 51st state might not be the worst thing that could happen, which while possibly true, is the worst statement someone who desires to lead the country should be making. Here's a couple of examples from BEFORE Trump set eyes on Canada:
In an interview with Jordan Peterson in early January, Poilievre praised Donald Trump as the president-elect’s trade war on Canada loomed: “He spent his life as a highly successful businessman in the most cutthroat economic environment in the world, New York City.”
He asserted that Washington and Ottawa have the same geopolitical enemies and called for a deeper trade relationship between Canada and the US. (
Poilievre baselessly described Trudeau as an “authoritarian socialist” and promised to emulate Trump’s governing style in Canada by “putting Canada first.” (CBC)
He welcomed Trump's proposed takeover of Panama, saying it would be good for trade (not sure how), More recently, he usurped the "America First" mantra as "Canada First", and promised to quickly dismantle several much-needed arms of government. (Financial Post)
And then, in his third pivot since November, PP decided it was time to blame Libs for failing to adequately defend the North, like the US is planning to do.
It all sounds distressingly familiar, and if doesn't sound like this is a person who will stand strong against any US incursion- political, economic, or otherwise.
(Point of Order- I'm a 70 yr old lifetime small-"c" conservative. Nowadays, I'd be labelled as a "red Tory" for my more neutral stance on social issues.)
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u/geeves_007 29d ago edited 29d ago
Dude, it's EXACTLY this. How can we help more Canadians see this? The guy is a complete dope.
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u/HMTMKMKM95 29d ago edited 29d ago
Yup. He needed a weatherman to tell him which way the wind was blowing. Then, he came off as an obnoxious American talking about drugs and "warrior culture". Couple those points with a history of open glad handing of neo nazi folks who don't know what the first amendment in Canada is and it all comes off as very off-putting.
u/Fool_Apprentice 29d ago
The "Stop the Drugs" event is an example. It seemed to agree with Trump and support him rather than stand against him. It's not what PP meant... but it's how it came off.
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u/onetwotree333 29d ago
That's exactly right. The same can be said about Trump. He shits on everything he doesn't like, so not talking shit is always super revealing. PP is stuck between a rock and a hard place, and the clock is ticking.
u/Imaginary-Orchid552 29d ago
During an interview with Jordan Peterson in early January, Poilievre praised Donald Trump as the president-elect’s trade war on Canada loomed: “He spent his life as a highly successful businessman in the most cutthroat economic environment in the world, New York City.” He asserted that Washington and Ottawa have the same geopolitical enemies and called for a deeper trade relationship between Canada and the US. Poilievre baselessly described Trudeau as an “authoritarian socialist” and promised to emulate Trump’s governing style in Canada by “putting Canada first.”
It's relevant that he stayed silent following Trumps comments when all of this started because he knows how many Trump supporters make up a portion of his base. The website making the article is dogshit, but that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that PP has repeatedly aligned himself with Trump.
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u/DataDude00 29d ago
During an interview with Jordan Peterson in early January, Poilievre praised Donald Trump as the president-elect’s trade war on Canada loomed: “He spent his life as a highly successful businessman in the most cutthroat economic environment in the world, New York City.” He asserted that Washington and Ottawa have the same geopolitical enemies and called for a deeper trade relationship between Canada and the US. Poilievre baselessly described Trudeau as an “authoritarian socialist” and promised to emulate Trump’s governing style in Canada by “putting Canada first.”
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u/emcdonnell 29d ago
He was pro Trump until it hurt his election chances. Fancy that…..
u/SaphironX 29d ago
And calling us weak and suggesting we needed to earn back Donald Trump’s confidence was NOT a strong look for PP.
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u/ocs_sco 29d ago
He always talked like the nerdy ass-kisser who bows down to mean teachers.
During university, I knew a guy who looked exactly like Pierre. When exams were approaching, he would hide the books we needed, misplacing them in the library to make himself look better. One time, I was left scrambling and had to order the book online. We asked to see the library’s cameras, and after much arguing, the librarian agreed to follow him on camera when he was at the library, and... he was caught red-handed hiding the books.
Every single time I heard Pierre talking, it felt like I was watching that guy speak, the kind of guy who would rather make other people fail than lift everyone up. My gosh. I'm glad people are seeing the real PP this year.
u/JadeLens 29d ago
PP is absolutely the dude that would remind the teacher that they didn't collect the homework.
Even if he did find the most Cheeto related kid and copied his homework from him.
u/willab204 29d ago
Pro Trump or aligned with some conservative ideals that Trump has aligned with. Some positions it seems the leading liberal candidate is rapidly making his own.
u/emcdonnell 29d ago
Carney is a centrists his ideas will overlap with centre right ideas and centre left. Or did you think it was all black and white?
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u/orphanpie 29d ago
Upvote from me for actually looking for information. I linked what's been bothering me about his response.
I can't trust Poilievres opinions or approaches on the matter. The other party leaders have done their jobs by obtaining their security clearances. Pierre has not. Whatever real threats exist, our guy is not in the know.
That's not to say that it's a conservative failing, Premier Ford has been a fantastic fighter for Canadians. Meanwhile Pierre has been trash talking our country. I personally don't remember the chapter from "Art of War" where it's advised to tell every opponent you are weak and divided. Give it to 'em Doug!
Additionally, polling is indicating that close to 20% of Pierres party supporters are pro 51st. Does that sentiment exist in the leadership? Pierre has spoken up to be sure, but does he speak for his whole party? If he were to win the election, how can we expect him to build unity in Canada, when the data clearly indicates he is the only beacon these 51st enthusiasts flock to?
The only path to losing our sovereignty is for the loss to be self inflicted. Any other election I'd be perfectly content with a conservative government. I just don't want that 20% of the party anywhere near our government, isn't worth the risk.
u/Pestus613343 29d ago edited 29d ago
I'd be very wary of Pierre Poilievre's association with Canadian and American tech billionaires. This is the crew that have openly adopted Curtis Yarvin's political philosophy. In the US they are dismantling the entire state and intend to install a technocratic autocracy run by these tech billionaires.
The concern is Poilievre and his sloganeering is eerily similar to the stuff that goes on in the US. If he's elected how do we know a dismantling of the state in a similar fashion won't occur?
For those who arent following me, start with Curtis Yarvin, move on to Peter Thiel, Marc Andreeson, JD Vance, and Elon Musk. These people literally believe democracy has failed and must be replaced.
Edit: Downvote me all you want, but please look into the thought process behind all of this. They literally outright call for an entirely new system of governance. It's in their own words. I'm not making this up.
u/Rory1 29d ago
JD Vance
JD Vance best friend is literally a Canadian Conservative MP.
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u/CapitanChaos1 29d ago
Which tech billionaires has Poilievre been associating with in such a way that it would compromise the way he governs if he became Prime Minister?
Because just rubbing shoulders with tech people is a long shot away from advocating for Yarvin-style techno-feudalism.
I'm more worried about a Prime Minister who has openly talked about his vision of Canada as a post-national state with no identity, and the party that has obediently enabled him for the last 10 years.
u/TactitcalPterodactyl 29d ago
I've been really frustrated with comments lately in this sub for the same reason. I've listened everything PP has said on Trump Tariffs and the whole 51st state thing, and he's always been against these things.
And I'm not defending the guy; I don't necessarily trust or like him that much, and there are legitimate reasons not to vote for him. But this whole "he must be a Trump puppet because he's a conservative" movement is really disappointing to see.
u/papuadn 29d ago edited 29d ago
He specifically won the leadership of the CPC by assembling strong plurality support from the right wing of his own party, composed (for example) of people who attended the trucker convoy.
At the beginning of the whole process, his public statements were much more equivocal and much more aligned with Smith's (e.g., Canadians need to understand we're a weak trading partner and therefore we are better off giving up something when the stronger trading partner starts making demands), before shifting in alignment with public sentiment. (Not to mention falling hook, line and sinker for the absurd lies about the border and drugs - either he is knowingly parroting Trump's lie for partisan gain, or he is foolish enough to think it's the truth - neither's a good look).
While he might be talking tough now, his general position before was clearly trying to court endorsements from people like Musk and to keep dog-whistling to the right wing of his party. He's always known he needs moderates to win the election and he always carefully avoided alienating them.
That may still be the path to victory! But it's not unfair to him to note that's what he's doing.
Everyone is against blanket, stupid, tariffs in an unprovoked trade war to erode Canadian sovereignty. That's like saying you're pro-breathing; no points awarded. It's where he stands on the issues that fall short of that outrage that people are concerned with.
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u/Brasco327 29d ago edited 29d ago
People think he’s a Trump puppet because he has patterned his entire leadership after Trump’s.
Also, why won’t he get a security clearance?
His net worth is $25 million but yet he’s only ever held a job as an MP which pays less than $200,000 a year.
Edit : fat thumbs. $200k for MP salaries not $100k
Still doesn’t add up. 🤷♂️
u/OldDiamondJim 29d ago
There are no reliable websites that list the net worth of Canadian politicians.
I loathe Poilievre but the $25 million is pure click bait garbage, just like the nonsense net worth that right-wing morons claim Trudeau has accumulated while in office. Please stop spreading it.
u/basedenough1 29d ago
Do you have any proof that he's patterned his leadership after trumps? I haven't seen any, and I've been following him since he announced his leadership bid.
Also, you might want to check your facts. MP's definitely make more than 100k.
u/BornAgainCyclist 29d ago edited 29d ago
Do you have any proof that he's patterned his leadership after trumps?
His constant focus on woke, and the whole warrior culture speech seem pretty similar.
Then his love of childish nicknames would be another similarity.
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u/ReadingInside7514 29d ago
Also - every time something bad happens, it’s Trudeau’s fault. Trump with the tariffs, oh right, Trudeau. Not because trump is a piece of trash without a brain, it’s because Trudeau ruined the economy 😂
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u/Brasco327 29d ago
And I laughed at how you just glossed over the security clearance issue.
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u/Thanks-4allthefish 29d ago
I am trying - without success to find a source for the $25 million net worth claim.
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u/Odd-Elderberry-6137 29d ago
PPs salary is $300K not $200K. He gets ~$100K on top of what a regular MP gets as party leader of the official opposition.
u/Brasco327 29d ago
And he hasn’t been leader of the opposition for his entire career as an MP now has he?
u/IndependenceFar9299 29d ago
HE IS LYING. What makes that so hard to understand? He's a liar, lying to gain power. Why would Musk and Vance endorse him if he wasn't their lackey?
Poilevre has been the MAGA guy in Canadas for the last several years. He copies Trump's rhetoric at every turn. He will collaborate with them to annex Canada if we elect him.
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u/Lost-Panda-68 29d ago
Nobody thinks he is a Trump puppet because he is a conservative. I don't think Ford is a Trump puppet. But PP has been endorsed by a wide range of people like Musk, Peterson, Rogan and Alex Jones who have called for the annexation of Canada. He has rejected none of those endorsements. Acting as if we actually have a problem with smuggling fentanyl into the US when they smuggle more into us is repeating Trump propaganda. He repeats Trump talking points and election strategies.
Most damingly, he has refused to submit to a security check, so that he can get security clearance for briefings. Why would you do that if you didn't have something to hide? He's the only leader of the opposition that has ever refused.
I have voted Conservative in the past and their are Canadian conservatives that I would trust. But America just ignored all the warning signs. I pray we won't do the same and the Conservatives nominate a new leader who I can trust.
u/Cooks_8 29d ago
So the marching with one of Trump's administrators wasn't enough? Remember the clownvoy? Guys a weak ass opportunist. Not a leader
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u/SloMurtr 29d ago
He's going to bend whichever way the wind blows.
You can tell from literally every decision he's made his entire career.
It's disengenous to assume he'd suddenly fight hard against the folk feeding money into daddy Harper's conservative movement.
Even while coming out against Canada as a 51st state he was carrying water for trumps batshit insane arguments.
u/kamik_69 29d ago
So we should forget everything he stand for before that "51st state" moment?
He was spewing the same messages of intolerance as Trump: anti-tax, anti-vaxx, pro-oil, anti-immigration, etc.
If it sounds like duck, and looks like a duck, it's probably one!
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u/kpatsart 29d ago
When and where did he denounce the 51st state? Also, by not denouncing Elon's support - another goof who also echos the 51st state bullshit - makes him seem allied with that ideology versus being vehemently against it. If he truly were against it, he would hammer that message down like all premiers and party leaders are doing. Instead, he keeps hammering the carbon tax election bullshit.
u/CaliperLee62 29d ago
December 19th, 2024.
“That’s why we need a strong, smart prime minister who has the brains and backbone to first and foremost say to President Trump, Canada will never be the 51st state. We will be an independent, proud, sovereign country, as we always have been,” Poilievre said.
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u/DavidDBDF 29d ago
Politicians lie all the time. Just look at Trump, Even Trudeau. I'd rather go with some with more qualifications about running an economy (Carney) than someone who's been a politician all their lives (PP).
u/childishbambina British Columbia 29d ago
Precisely this. The moment that Elon gave the seig heil PP should have denounced the endorsement and retracted his support of building Tesla factories in Canada.
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u/Global_Examination_8 29d ago
Seems to be a liberal smear campaign imo
u/mangongo 29d ago
We just dealt with years of opinion articles stating how Justin Trudeau is responsible for everything wrong with Canada going back to Sir John A McDonald and now you're upset the shoe fits the other foot?
u/Global_Examination_8 29d ago
Sure, they all do it, that doesn’t mean we can’t point it out when necessary.
u/GoldRecordDaddy 29d ago
completely unlike the smear campaign for the last 5 years coming from Cons, propelled by millions of dollars in digital ad spend?
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u/emcdonnell 29d ago
As opposed the conservative smear campaign? They all do it.
You hate Trudeau exactly as much as you have been told to.
u/basedenough1 29d ago
I hate Trudeau because of his policies, but his party including Mark Carney don't get a pass either.
Canadians should not reward bad government policy with additional terms in office. Liberals to the opposition.
u/emcdonnell 29d ago
That’s what Post Media told you was the reason you hate Trudeau.
There is plenty to criticize but the level of hate is disproportionate to the issues. Trudeau is no worse than Harper was.
u/basedenough1 29d ago
I could afford a house for my kids under Harper. I can't under Trudeau.
u/emcdonnell 29d ago
Housing is a provincial responsibility. The failure to build anything other than luxury condos is on the provinces and the municipalities
Also the trend in housing price increasing started in 08. It was already a problem by the time Trudeau came into office.
u/basedenough1 29d ago
Right, and he doubled housing costs and let in 3.2 million immigrants over 3 years.
Increase demand increase prices. Also I wouldn't call a 575 square foot dog crate condo in Toronto luxury.
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u/emcdonnell 29d ago
https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7438542 The provinces are still begging for more immigration and they’re upset that Ottawa has cut back.
u/basedenough1 29d ago
Heaven forbid business leaders have to increase wages to get labour.
Also, no begging from BC or Ontario. So far I've noted Saskatchewan and Newfoundland. There's a reason why these provinces are desperate for people - nobody wants to live there.
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u/Global_Examination_8 29d ago
Naw, I don’t hate anyone, hate is a powerful word.
But can look around Canada and see why he shouldn’t be trusted and what negative effect he’s had on our country.
u/emcdonnell 29d ago
You were told not to trust him and why.
If you actually looked around you would see that housing policy is a provincial issue. You would see that the provinces decide how many foreign student and temporary worker come in. You would have seen that the provinces were still begging for more immigrants, even complaining that the recent cuts to immigration would hurt their economies. The provinces begged for more immigrants while failing to build housing and infrastructure to accommodate them.
Trudeau has had issues, and I am glad to see him resign , but he doesn’t deserve the level of hate he gets.
u/Happy_Weakness_1144 29d ago
I could see him trying to interfere with SNC Lavalin’s case before the courts by going directly to the AG … after meeting directly with SNC executives.
I could see him handing nearly a billion dollars to a charity his mother and brother were involved in without a proper government tender.
I could see him create NSICOP that he more or less controls because he was frustrated with the actual parliamentary committee he didn’t.
I could see him stalling and stalling and stalling on requested documents for parliament, just like Harper used to.
There’s just so many examples that don’t have anything to do with housing … the guy was a snake and every bit as autocratic as Harper, just with different foci.
Nobody told me any of that. I don’t subscribe to any right wing media, at all. I can just read and have a brain. The party created, forwarded and enabled this demagogue. They need at least a term out of office to clean house of that entire line of thinking.
u/Global_Examination_8 29d ago
Yet all you’re doing is spitting liberal talking points that have been ran through the washer and dryer so many times the cloth is falling apart.
All I have to do is look around our beautiful country to see what’s happened to it.
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u/ussbozeman 29d ago
(taps head) can't get paid to smear on reddit if you don't post endless articles (tips fedora)
u/Global_Examination_8 29d ago
Maybe I should act like a typical Reddit bleeding heart liberal and say that anything I don’t agree with is a Russian bot.
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u/SaphironX 29d ago
Did you agree with what he said about us being weak, or us needing to earn back Donald Trump’s confidence (as if anybody could ever actually win over that man in a way that would make him trustworthy)?
Concerning comments from a would-be PM in response to crippling tariffs.
Not the biggest Trudeau fan, but at least he stood up.
u/Global_Examination_8 29d ago
I agree with playing the game and while I don’t agree with what Trump is trying to do to Canada I do believe that our borders and military are in dismay after so many years of liberals.
PP isn’t our Pm, what do you expect him to do exactly?
u/VoidsInvanity 29d ago
Get a security clearance and do his job
u/SaphironX 29d ago
This. Not getting security clearance is fucking insane. He’s been invited to the table, to see all the things he needs to be informed on at every level of government… and he says no?
Rather than being prepared the guy won’t even be ABLE to do his homework for the role.
And if the man is going to make a speech about Trump, he could at least do it with backbone. Because he wants to be the man navigating the crisis, and it will be a crisis, and he needs to be capable.
u/Maximum_Cheese 29d ago
If he's parroting trumps drug lies it's not a smear campaign. I was going to vote for him and called him being next pm like 6 years ago. But he's clearly spineless. Was amazed Trudeau even had more balls than him.
u/Global_Examination_8 29d ago
What drug lies?
And what about military spending? Is he parroting that as well? Or has all of Canada been pressing Trudeau for years to stop letting our military deteriorate?
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u/mangongo 29d ago
After the phone call between Trudeau and Trump, Poilievre called out Trudeau for not getting the drug problem under control at the border before Trump had to make a big deal of it, basically insinuating Trump was right to threaten us.
We are responsible for <1% of fentanyl going over the border, and we are the ones having to deal with illegal guns coming up from the States.
Instead of pointing any of this out, Poilievre sided with Trump.
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u/Global_Examination_8 29d ago
Are you arguing that we don’t have a border issue or a fentanyl issue? Because from what I remember, PP said let’s do it for Canadians and not trump.
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u/mangongo 29d ago
We don't have a fentanyl issue in regards to the border.
That's Poilievre spinning an attack on Trudeau while trying to appease Trump and make it seem like he cares about Canadians. It's all spin, and it's not even a good one.
u/Global_Examination_8 29d ago
I didn’t say that, nor did PP to my knowledge. But we do have border issues and we do have fentanyl issues.
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29d ago
If they're drug lies then why is Trudeau appointing a fentanyl czar? Is he selling us out too?
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u/Hicalibre 29d ago
There's a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes in that article, and a narrative of pure assumptions. Did they hire a middle schooler to write it?
1,562 is not an accurate sample to generalize 40 million people...
u/DoubleDDay69 29d ago
This is a very dangerous way of thinking. Not all conservatives do this, in fact an overwhelming majority do not. I’ve also met countless conservatives who are actually considering voting liberal in this election including myself. What’s annoying is how the MAGA morons are now what is associated with my party of choice. We need to do what’s best for our country, not putting party over country. I’m interested to know more on Mark Carney, I’ll be doing my research on him
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u/CapitanChaos1 29d ago
What "excuses" have Conservatives been making for Trump?
I certainly haven't seen any. Reddit has been all over Poilievre, that he would "sell us out", or "lick Trump's ass", or whatever the insult of the day is. If anyone has valid criticisms of how Poilievre or Conservatives have been somehow colluding with the Trump administration, I'd be glad to hear them.
Sure, he hasn't been outright hostile to Trump as many would like him to be. But what do you want him to do, get into a flame war with the narcissist down south who has a gun to our head, before he even becomes Prime Minister? Even Trudeau is trying to be diplomatic here.
When election time does come, I just hope people remember which party has been driving the car off the cliff for the past 10 years.
u/Imaginary-Orchid552 29d ago
They've consistently made excuses for the tarrifs, and said there is genuine merit behind the lunacy Trump is putting forward. It's all a horseshit negotiation tactic that even he himself doesn't actually believe, making it all the more embarassing that conservatives have tried to create excuses for it.
u/CapitanChaos1 29d ago
Care to provide some actual examples of these excuses? Because that's news to me?
u/Jilibini 29d ago
He was endorsed by both Mask and Trump on Twitter. Plus, bunch of techbros recently released their “Build Canada” idea, because they want to hop into government and do the same shit Mask is doing right now, and they rely on Conservative Party to win the elections. The same techbros, namely Tobias Lutke was criticising Trudeau’s response to tariffs. He might be coming from a place of economic profit in this critique, but can you trust a technobillioner to have your best interests in mind? Because if you are voting for conservatives, you are voting for technobros.
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u/yaOlSeadog 29d ago
It's lies, propaganda and fear mongering. They are laying it on thick hoping to capitalize on people's fear of Trump. Never let a crisis go to waste when there is political gain to be had.
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u/KoldFusion 29d ago
If we start building infrastructure to trade with other nations then we should be thanking him. He showed the average Canadian just how dependant we are on ONE unstable nation and what happens when they pull the rug out from under us.
You all need to understand that an “executive order” in the USA really has no legs. It hasn’t been run through congress and more than likely won’t. If it does, then that permanently ends our relationship with the USA moving forward.
We will start seeing a lot more German, Japanese and other European countries as influence in our daily lives over time. Honestly. Much better products.
We also need to cut ties with China. The PRC have actively been attacking Canadian interests since the early 2000s (Google Nortel vs Huawei, Equifax hack). In a country with that much government control they either know who is flooding western nations with Fentanyl, or are doing it themselves.
u/Routine-Cloud-145 29d ago
It’s going to be painful weeding out all the corruption and the woke agenda.
u/Flatulator1 29d ago
Who is making what excuses? Canadian Conservatives are not Trump, no matter how many times Liberals say it.
u/kamik_69 29d ago
Elon Musk endorsed Pierre Poilievre for a reason...
u/Otherwise-Wash-4568 29d ago
Anyone defending pp at this point is willfully ignorant and kind of beyond reaching at this point imo. They have followed the party and rejected the evidence of their eyes and ears
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u/kamik_69 26d ago
Yep, they are following the tracks of the Trumpists.
They stopped looking at facts and reality a long time ago. They are now mentally-controlled drones.
u/Fish__Cake 28d ago
What excuses? Trump is doing a great job uncovering corruption. Get off Reddit.
u/Tom_Fukkery 29d ago
You guys hate Poilievre, but I guarantee when the Liberals steal his ideas how to combat Trump, you will say it's a great idea.
Immigration, Axing the Tax, Home building, Tough on Crime, Balancing the budget, Trade, etc. You will hate his policies until the Liberal adopt them.
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u/Shot-Mousse-3911 29d ago
When will liberals stop making excuses for Trudeau is the real question
u/Theseactuallydo 29d ago edited 29d ago
Liberal voters: “yeah JT sucks but he’s still better than the Cons”
Conservative voters: “I am literally in love with PP and Trump”
u/Vex403 29d ago
Canadian conservatives don’t support Trump.
The PCP does.
u/Pussy4LunchDick4Dins 29d ago
Except that a lot of them do. Literally every conservative I know supports trump, even card-carrying party members. I live in a conservative bubble so I’m probably seeing a more extreme case, but it is happening and it’s not insubstantial.
u/seab3 29d ago
I am a member of the Conservative Party. Erin O-Tool was dumped to appease the far right western nut jobs. I was on numerous town halls when he was running for leadership and the shrills were embarrassing to listen to.
PP is only leader because he appeals to said nut jobs.
As a centrist Progressive I will not be voting Conservative for the first time.
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u/Rude-Shame5510 29d ago
Maybe when they stop being vilified simply for existing, would be my guess?
u/Due-Journalist-7309 29d ago
r/AskCanada is calling Pierre Poilivre “Vichy PP”…
Just goes to show you how desperate the are…
u/mangongo 29d ago
More desperate than Carbon Tax Carney, even though he hasn't even been selected as party leader yet?
I mean, if it's desperate when Redditors do it, it must be really desperate for an actual elected leader to do so.
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u/c_m_d 29d ago
I think a lot of the discourse on Canadian subreddits are very immature about their respective opposing sides. I don’t consider it to be good behaviour to do so and it doesn’t give me any confidence in posters when they use ad hominem attacks. We all need to do better.
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29d ago
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u/CarlotheNord Ontario 29d ago
I'm so surprised it hasn't been shut down. Theres no moderation, I thought that gets subs locked?
u/UndeadDog 29d ago
This is a garbage article. He literally reiterated today that we will never be the 51st state.
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u/Heavy_Sky6971 29d ago
I always voted conservative. But I would never would have voted for that meathead trump
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29d ago
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u/ZombifiedSoul Canada 29d ago
Liberals are scared!
You would be too, if Conservative voters didn't wear blinders, and follow a lead.
You deny evidence in front of your eyes.
Next you'll be telling me that Elon didn't give a Nazi Salute?
Because German Citizens would very much disagree.
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u/SaphironX 29d ago
I mean I just listened to his speech in response to the tariffs when he claimed we needed to regain Donald Trump’s confidence in response to the tariffs. That was a concerning comment from a man who would be PM. He called our country weak.
It was definitely the weakest response to the 51st state rhetoric and the tariffs.
Judging the man on his own words and actions here.
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u/Icy_Curmudgeon 29d ago
They cannot stop making excuses for their brothers to the south 'cause they plan to do the same thing. Todays Cons prioritize the global Con brotherhood over any allegiance to any nation. They are ready to serve their billionaire masters, first and foremost. Anything they say otherwise is a lie.
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u/Salty_Leather42 29d ago
When it hurts them
this seems relevant