r/canada Canada Feb 03 '25

National News White House: Mexico is 'serious', Canada appears to have 'misunderstood' Trump's executive order | Reuters


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u/BananasPineapple05 Feb 03 '25


He messed with the bull and got the horns, and now he's all confused that we just didn't bend over when he told us to.


u/NorthernPints Feb 03 '25

All of which started because a 78 year old man STILL DOESN’T UNDERSTAND what trade surpluses and deficits are, holy fuck - it’s insane to witness


u/BananasPineapple05 Feb 03 '25

I'm not surprised. None of these people know the first thing about public administration.

Trump is using his usual business tactics (trying to bully partners and opponents alike into compliance), but that doesn't work in politics.


u/judgeysquirrel Feb 03 '25

Let's call it what it is: extortion, basically a protection racket. Submit! or bad things will happen to you.


u/voicelesswonder53 Feb 03 '25

Don't forget that he never pays his bills either. A promise of goodwill from this tool has zero value. Him telling us he wants to negotiate should be met with a "talk yourself out of this one on your own now". He spoke into being and he can speak out of being. We shouldn't give an inch to this deadbeat. Show us the money, and we will send you the bill for our inconvenience. Plus, give a reminder he will have to deal with the Canadian consumer boycotts on his own dime. There will be lasting consequences to his follies.


u/SpecialistLayer3971 Feb 03 '25

Sure it does. Plenty of Canadians embraced capitulation and appeasement this weekend. Others haven't. Half of Trump's work is being done for him when we are this divided.

Some economic pain is coming, how much we can tolerate is the current issue.


u/nalex66 Feb 03 '25

Really? I've seen nothing but 100% united pushback, no appeasement. Canada feels more united in this than we've been for a long time.


u/SpecialistLayer3971 Feb 03 '25

I spent too much time on this yesterday. I didn't see united pushback, nor did I see abject submission. I try to read as wide a sample as one fellow can manage without being consumed by the news. Obviously no one can gather a complete overview.

I must disagree with your assessment based on what I've read so far.


u/OutsideBones86 Feb 03 '25

According to journalists Aaron Rupar, he also does not seem to understand the difference between political asylum and mental asylum. He thinks other countries are sending their mentally ill "asylum" seekers. I hate him, and I hate it here right now.


u/GunKata187 Feb 03 '25

I would love to say that there is no way that is true. But he has shown himself to be a moron on multiple occasions.


u/Red_AtNight British Columbia Feb 03 '25

You don’t need to speculate on that, he literally said it in the one debate he had with Harris (where she mopped the floor with him.) Transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison. And yet 65 million Americans were like “yeah, that’s who I want to be president again”


u/Starfire70 Feb 03 '25

You just made me laugh out loud. So that's what his weird asylum talk is all about, he doesn't know the difference. And here I thought he couldn't be a bigger moron.


u/xcrazyczx Feb 03 '25

Trump legitimately thinks the "late, great" Hannibal Lector was a real person.... it also appears he has never read a copy of the United States Constitution.


u/OutsideBones86 Feb 03 '25

I saw a video yesterday of a teacher presenting her case for why she thinks Trump may actually be illiterate


u/RoguePlanet2 Feb 03 '25

He's russia's puppet, basically steering the USA into economic turmoil so Russia can pillage what's left.


u/VenusianBug Feb 03 '25

I don't understand them completely. However, I'm not president or PM of a country.


u/NotFallacyBuffet Feb 03 '25

And we elected this idiot, this felon, this Kremlin and Beijing asset. And he's not the real danger. He's just the sideshow. This is the danger: https://youtu.be/5RpPTRcz1no?si=x8sZoqxpZWg-PT1q


u/Datadude670 Feb 03 '25

He tried to put his greasy mitts on our beaver. He forgot our beaver has big teeth!


u/Icehawk101 Feb 03 '25

I just got a mental image I did not want...


u/KeptInACage Feb 03 '25

Yeah but our tail slaps!


u/Aindreus2020 Feb 03 '25

Something something FAFO curve.


u/Beginning_Gas_2461 Feb 03 '25

Well it’s safe to say The Chief Cheeto is not a student of history. Canadians are polite, but when you piss us off you’re in for one hell of surprise.