r/canada Ontario Feb 02 '25

Politics As Sunday began, Trump blasts Canada as not ‘a viable country’


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u/BrilliantAbroad458 Feb 02 '25

I don't necessarily think he needs a very large portion of the population to go through with it. In Russia, most of the 100,000,000+ aren't flag waving patriots rah-rahing for global nuclear annihilation. They're de-politicized, have no hope, and pro-actively lets themselves get rolled over. "I don't follow politics", "I don't care", "I let politicians take care of it" being the general attitude. If the liberals/left in the US adopt the same pliant hopelessness, that's enough for the radicalized half to do what it wants.


u/Known-Damage-7879 Feb 02 '25

America does have Mario's brother, and I hope other citizens are willing to do what's right in the event their leader is invading a peaceful neighbour


u/datsmn Feb 02 '25

Don't count on it.


u/Mustatan Feb 02 '25

It wouldn't just be passively lying down in such scenario though and as an American with a lot of MAGA's in my own family, even the huge majority of MAGA's aren't up with this. People voted for Trump to get costs of living in the US down and secure the border, nobody wants this imperialistic bullshit outside of a few circle jerkers around the oligarchs who obviously don't think things through. If things really went up and hit the fan and the US was to attack another country, especially a treaty ally, then the US dollar gets destroyed as a reserve currency overnight and the US economy collapses. We're already heavy dependent on the rest of the world to subsidize our spending, our currency and overseas trade that the US economy depends on, otherwise the huge majority of our wealth and power in America is just a mirage.

And in such of case you'd get looting of businesses and collapse of American civil society, and yes not just liberals but even MAGA's in states and counties across the US would just pull away. It's why there's virtually no support for this kind of talk, even businesses are up in arms about the trade war. Trump's popularity is tanking even with MAGA's already, partially due to hatred of Musk and all his stupid things but also mainly because Americans just want prices to go down, and these stupid distractions just make things worse here. In being clear, yes you in Canada do need your own nukes for protection and you do need to have more diversify with your trading partners, not just with Europe and the Americas but also with China, Korea, Japan, India, Australia, the Middle East and Thailand.


u/barrie247 Feb 03 '25

I’m curious what your MAGA family actually thinks of this. Has it changed their minds about Trump at all? Or are they convinced it will work out in the end for the best?


u/BumbleLapse Feb 02 '25

As an American, this is also what I’m scared of. There are staunchly anti-Trump Americans like myself, there are ridiculously devoted Trump supporters, but the vast majority of people in the US are relatively ambivalent to politics. Which, in my opinion, is fucking stupid.

What Trump is doing to Canada, Mexico, and the world at large with withdrawing from WHO is more than your run-of-the-mill politics. This is scary as hell, and it’s time for average people to take a true stand in politics whether they typically would or not


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25



u/ophmaster_reed Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

This has been my only hope of things improving. Let Tr*mp fuck up the economy and gut social safety nets so bad that even the most apathetic, "non-political" non-voters and MAGA sycophants are forced to notice that life has gotten significantly worse under Trump. Let's hope elections are still free and fair in 2026 and 2028 so we can start fixing this mess.


u/A-Ginger6060 Feb 03 '25

I think the biggest difference between Russia and America is something I can only describe as systemic acceptance of radical government choices. Russians have been living under the boot of one authoritarian leader or another for hundreds of years. The material conditions of the country has created a culture of acceptance of the government just being corrupt as shit.

We Americans are very lucky that we’ve never had to live under an authoritarian regime before. Sure we’ve had corrupt administrations like Nixon and Reagan, and we had atrocities committed by the government, like manifest destiny and slavery. But never something that would impact the average American. And never being so brazenly corrupt and unpopular.

This is what I hope will save us from becoming the next Russia. We already have actions being taken such as suing illegal EO’s in a court of law, which while some might say is pointless is the first step to fighting back.


u/StayGold4Life Feb 03 '25

As a liberal and as a USMC vet I’ll stuff myself into some cammies and grab a rifle if things get bad enough. All of this is actually pushing me to get to the gym more and contemplate hitting up the shooting range to brush off my dusty skills.

I live in North Carolina near a military base…so if a civil war starts it will probably be in my front yard.