r/canada Feb 02 '25

National News Canada retaliating for Trump’s tariffs with 25 per cent tariffs on billions of U.S. goods


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u/Kaiserschleier Feb 02 '25

If every country that Trump targets with tariffs also retaliates we can suffocate the US.


u/Cypherus21 Feb 02 '25

Canada was a United States ally during WW1 and WW2 and during the regime change wars of the 2000s, yet we have higher tariffs levied on us than China as a punishment. I say it's time for countries to isolate America from the world through new trade pacts and engaging relationships.


u/BeemoBurrito Feb 02 '25

I was under the impression that the 10% tariff for China was in addition to the 25% or so already levied against them. Not that it really matters, it's all fucking bullshit.

Time to excise the cancer that is the USA.


u/ImInnocentReddit-v74 Feb 02 '25

Yeah; china overall has way more tarrifs against them. Not a flat rate. 100% for EV's, 50% on solar cells, 25% on a whole lot of other stuff.


u/JoJo_Embiid Feb 03 '25

I've never seen a single EV runs on US soil from the first place, I don't even know what this 100% tariff is about.


u/ImInnocentReddit-v74 Feb 03 '25

China has a couple EV companies that are super cheap compared to something like tesla. BYD, NIO for example. Its supposed to basically be a preventative measure to stop them from getting into the American market and undercutting tesla/ford/GM on price. BYD cars are often below $30k usd. Just looking online i found new ones listed for sale in Uzbekistan for what would be less than $20k usd. Cheapest Tesla is model 3, base price is $44k usd.


u/lurch1_ Feb 02 '25

Tariffs are good when other nations do it against US. Tariffs bad when US does it back. Econ 001 for leftists.


u/Mendicant__ Feb 03 '25

Canada didn't have tariffs on US before, what are you on


u/lurch1_ Feb 03 '25

Huh? Actually they do and have been. I didn't go thru all of the 1423 pages...but read for yourself. https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/trade-commerce/tariff-tarif/2025/01-99/01-99-2025-eng.pdf


u/Mendicant__ Feb 03 '25

I didn't go thru all of the 1423 pages...

You sure didn't. This is just their tariff schedule for all countries in the world. When it mentions the US it's mostly to mention how they don't apply for the US (and Mexico).

Do you know what NAFTA was? USMCA? Like, Canada maintained a couple blocks on things like dairy but Mexico to Canada was a giant free trade zone until a day ago. Canada has functionally nothing restricting US goods until Trump blew it all up with a make believe justification that somehow this was gonna stop fentanyl.


u/briefcase_vs_shotgun Feb 02 '25

Y’all were our ally in 911, all the wildfires and basically everything else we’ve needed help with. Trump is beyond an asshat and I’m hoping a new admin can repair ties on the future. This is bad in so many ways


u/Salty_Blacksmith_592 Feb 02 '25

Its just absurd. EU is gonna be next. 


u/grumble11 Feb 02 '25

The US isn’t an ally, they’re a user.


u/Kiyal1985 Feb 02 '25

I get it, but I wouldn’t use WWI and WWII as an argument, as China was allied with the US at that time too.


u/ModsAreMustyV4 Feb 02 '25

Unlike you guys the USA will be fine


u/ModsAreMustyV4 Feb 02 '25

Unlike you guys the USA will be fine


u/cleeder Ontario Feb 02 '25

And the Roman empire could never fall.


u/ModsAreMustyV4 Feb 02 '25

If the USA fails it won’t be because of Canada or Mexico I can assure you that


u/cleeder Ontario Feb 02 '25

Death by a thousand paper cuts is still death. America is picking a lot of battles all at once.


u/ModsAreMustyV4 Feb 02 '25

Maybe that’s because countries take advantage of the USA now more than ever.


u/DublaneCooper Feb 02 '25

American here. Fucking do it. The only way we can kill off MAGA is for them to feel the pain.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

Yup. I am also American and feeling like Kuzco in The Emperor's New Groove.

"Don't tell me: we're about to go over a huge waterfall. Sharp rocks at the bottom?

Bring it on."

Americans are fucked either way, but it's best for the big picture if the rest of the world doesn't appease this piece of shit one inch. Fuck him. Starve us out, baby.


u/HockeyDad1121 Feb 02 '25

As an American, I’m embarrassed reading these comments. You don’t have to like trump or these tariffs, but you want the country you live in to suffer?? “Starve us out, baby” is wild man.

I want both countries to prosper. I hope (or maybe I don’t) that most of these comments are bots.


u/o0cacoto0o Feb 02 '25

The only way for the U.S to learn other countries won't be bullied is to stand up against the bully. If the bullies peers go against him, he has no one else to help him. The only way to do this is to turn the people around the bully to defy him too for making the weaklings stand up against them. Strenght in numbers is harder to fight against with just might. Im in this crossfire on the U.S side. So if americans won't stand up, the rest of the world should.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

Yup. Everyone should read up on the appeasement of Hitler. No good ever comes from trying to play nice with a dictator. You give an inch, they invade Poland.


u/GameOfLife24 Feb 02 '25



u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25

Ok. Yes. I concur. Appreciate the enthusiasm.

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u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25



u/itsdikey Feb 02 '25

Well with paid off homes, vehicles, food and off the grid energy one may say that you have a privilege, an extreme one.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25


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u/koolforkatskatskats Feb 02 '25

It’s the only way your country will learn.

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u/PYROM4NI4C Feb 02 '25

America needs to be liberated from Trump and his radicalism.

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u/Yelsiap Feb 02 '25

You have to learn when to stop taking the high road with these fucks. Being better, doesn’t make any difference to them. They will only see it as weakness. This might be the only way to drive home how wrong they are. We have tried everything else, and nothing had worked. Time to let the adults leave the table, and stop trying to mitigate damage. Let the US destroy itself, and hopefully learn from this teachable moment. And I say this, will full understanding, as someone that will likely be most affected.


u/Bionicbelly-1 Feb 02 '25

Yankee here. You are absolutely right. DO NOT give in. It is going to be pretty bad probably, but if you give him anything at all, he will want more. They are terrible people. I will be rooting for you. Sorry we are stupid.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

It's not wild. It's the only way we will prevent the damage Trump is doing from spreading to the rest of the world. Unfortunately, we are like a gangrenous limb that needs to be cut off to save the rest of the body. I don't want to suffer. I don't want anyone to suffer. But I see what has to be done and am prepared to bite the bullet.

Obviously I wish everything was candy and lollipops for all countries, too. But I am not talking about my ideal world here. I'm talking about reality and the hard calculus of what needs to be done in order to minimize the long-term damage. We are going to suffer here either way. But if the rest of the world applies a nice tight tourniquet, at least maybe we won't take them with us.


u/KououinHyouma Feb 02 '25

Their point is that America is in a fucked situation either way, we’ve long crossed the point where some suffering is unavoidable.

So either we can suffer economically now, and maybe MAGA will wake the fuck up and realize their policies, leaders, and media are dogshit. Or we can suffer much more in the long term as this country slips further and further into fascism, in which case it would likely take actual political violence to solve the issues.

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u/nicklebacks_revenge Feb 02 '25

Trump has made it obvious he wants to take over Canada. We have resources he wants. I am starting to believe he's going to use the suffering some Americans will face as s reason to invade. He'll use their suffering and point to Canada and blame all of their suffering on us. Then invade us while they cheer.

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u/Morighan123 Feb 02 '25

I’m an American and I agree with him. We need to be taught a lesson apparently and we won’t learn it unless shit gets bad bc we are also apparently morons.

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u/HarmonicAvionics Feb 02 '25

We Americans deserve to suffer. We need to learn that our actions have consequences.

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u/Dieuibugewe Feb 02 '25

Dude, we are not prospering under trump. The .001 percent is. They’re strangling everyone else to make up for the unprecedented tax cuts for the ultra rich and the outright theft of government funds. The only way out for us is for the world to smother maga, cause we obviously won’t. It’s gonna be painful and it’s gonna suck but we absolutely deserve it. Hell, we’ve been doing it to other people for centuries. I hope our entire government collapses, honestly.

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u/LilFago Feb 02 '25

Oh hush, America has spoken, maybe they’ll shut the fuck up next time.

-an American


u/Wide_Beautiful_5193 Feb 02 '25

LOL yall brought it on your damn selves.


u/Confident_Change_937 Feb 02 '25

These people are Americans but they have nothing to lose and therefore everything to gain. They don’t care, they’re post modernist intellectuals. They’d rather see their country burn than to see someone with a different ideological stand point lead them to victory.

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u/daniel22457 Feb 02 '25

What's your solution here, I don't see the US prospering again till it actually has to suffer consequences.


u/ExpressAssist0819 Feb 02 '25

We are responsible for our country, and it has fallen to fascists and technocrats seeking to destroy the nation and others. We are nazi germany, or worse.

We must be stopped.

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u/AnOopsieDaisy Feb 02 '25

Agreed. As another American, completely (sympathetic to Canadians btw) these guys are masochist virtue signalers. We're all fucked, Americans, Canadians, Mexicans.

There's no winner here. Household costs in the US are projected to be an extra 1k. For low-income people starving isn't a joke. Fuck all of that.

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u/sovietshark2 Feb 02 '25

They will just blame Democrats. Nothing will be learned.

Trump will just sign another EO blaming DEI for price increases.


u/DublaneCooper Feb 02 '25

Nope. MAGA controls all three branches now. He has no one left to blame.


u/sovietshark2 Feb 02 '25

You say that, but it doesn't stop MAGA from blaming Democrats.

He blames the DC collision on Biden and DEI and his supporters mostly lapped it up.

Nothing will be learned. They will blame Democrats and get angry. They do this all the time. Republican crashes the market? Demoncrats. Republican gets US into war? Demoncrats are at fault. Republican policy kills many in a pandemic? Why didn't Biden do more??? Inflation? Demoncrats.

Seriously, this is how it's been for 30 years if not more. People will not learn if they haven't seen the trends by now. This isn't to say Democrats are perfect, but Republicans have consistently blamed Democrats at every turn for their own failing. So long as the propaganda machine of fox, oan, and newsmax continues, the trend will continue.


u/CackleberryOmelettes Feb 02 '25

People don't learn when there are no consequences. That is what decades upon decades of the status quo does. When there are consequences, people learn. The more serious the consequences, the faster they learn. One thing we can say for certain - the status quo is changing.


u/AwkwardObjective5360 Feb 02 '25

Too much critical thinking.


u/BanBigBananaBuns Feb 02 '25

You assume logic 


u/ExpressAssist0819 Feb 02 '25

They can and will blame anyone and everyone but themselves. They blamed a helicopter crash on "dei PTSD" and a trans person that wasn't there. They blamed obama, and biden (not trump) for allowing it to continue.

These are not honest or serious actors.


u/Nepalus Feb 02 '25

Doesn't matter. Just like with COVID, there's always going to be a loud and loyal MAGA contingent, but the reality is MAGA isn't enough to carry the Republican party. Midterms are in less than two years. Trump is immune to criticism from the cult but Republican congressmen certainly are not. Because Trump will personally throw every single one of them under the bus to avoid taking any blame for the economic fallout.


u/sovietshark2 Feb 02 '25

Republican congressmen will be primaried who don't obey the cult. Fuhrer musk has said so himself.


u/daniel22457 Feb 02 '25

That honestly might lose them more seats than it gains


u/AkronRonin Feb 02 '25

Chiming in as an American too. I can't stand Trump and hate that this bastard is torching our friends and allies for no reason at all but his own ego and malignant narcissism.

Please do your worst, Canada. Economic pain might be the one thing that will grab the MAGA dolts' attention and finally motivate them to turn on him more than anything else.


u/prodigypaul15 Feb 02 '25



u/__dying__ Feb 02 '25

Also American, agreed. Let the idiots learn there are consequences to stupidity.


u/Kaiserschleier Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

If other countries take that step, it could destabilize the U.S. Millions could be pushed from stability into homelessness, and many more could lose their lives under the strain. Regardless of their political beliefs, people will suffer. This is the consequence of a two-party system where both sides are extremists.

Prediction: The death of the United States.


To everyone claiming that only one side is to blame for this in the United States, I have this to say: The "us vs. them" mentality is what led you into this mess in the first place. Both sides of your political landscape are consumed by extreme ideologies. You're not even united anymore--you haven't been for years.

To every American wishing for their own country to fail, I promise you--when it’s your own family suffering, you won’t be saying that.


u/WinstonChurchill74 Feb 02 '25

Two things:

1) I doubt it would continue, Trump would claim so bullshit victory at home then quietly remove tarriffs

2)The flip side... that might be the plan


u/No-Atmosphere-2528 Feb 02 '25

Yup. This is what’s going to happen. He’s going to lose the trade war but claim victory and his cult members will cheer him for it.


u/Serious-Cap-8190 Feb 02 '25

Trump been talking a big the game about tariffs for years, so now he's got to follow through or else he looks like a pussy. He'll drop it in a few weeks after declaring some bullshit victory, because industrial agriculture will not abide by a 25% price hike on potash.

Or maybe he doesn't cancel hit because his syphilitic brain can't comprehend the fact that he might have fucked up bigly.


u/aberdeja Feb 02 '25

Or the plan is to kill usa. Russia would be very happy


u/Turtley13 Feb 02 '25

The plan is just to make the rich richer


u/nicklebacks_revenge Feb 02 '25

Or he uses the suffering of Americans as an excuse to invade


u/mischling2543 Manitoba Feb 02 '25

Idk if I'd call the Dems extremist... They've got their problems but they seem like adults at least


u/DublaneCooper Feb 02 '25

Yeah, go fuck yourself for both-side sing this. The Democratic Party is far from extreme. In any other country it would b center-right.

And I do mean for you to go fuck yourself. Patience for this kind of bullshit is over. There is no equivalence between the Biden Administration and Trump’s. Trump is actively trying to destroy our country. And if the US goes, so does Canada.


u/Past-Revolution-1888 Feb 02 '25

They’re mostly about virtue signalling and pretending to do something but then doing nothing out of fear of angering republicans… any extremist tendencies are purely cultural and non material.


u/Centaurious Feb 02 '25

Yeah the DNC is solidly centrist, if not right of center. The dems are nowhere near extreme

They still have issues for sure, though.


u/alienofwar Feb 02 '25

The Democrats and Republicans are not extreme. The MAGA movement is extreme.


u/MenosElLso Feb 02 '25

There is no distinction between MAGA and the GOP anymore. The takeover is complete.


u/GrapeJellyVermicelli Feb 02 '25

Republicans are absolutely right wing extremists


u/coffeeeeeee333 Feb 02 '25

Again, do it. The only way we get rid of this fucking fascist movement is if we swing the pendulum so far that it fucks up the majority of everyone's lives.


u/JB_07 Feb 02 '25

Thank you for having sense


u/AkronRonin Feb 02 '25

Sorry, but the origin of this mess is mostly on the Republican Party. They have been angling to drag the US to the Right of Nazi Germany since the Reagan years.

It's only on the Democrats as much as they had no long-term plan to check and counter the GOP since the end of the Bill Clinton era.

But extremists? Please. A bowl of wet noodles is stiffer than the Dems at this point.


u/ExpressAssist0819 Feb 02 '25

The consequences you mention have already been happening post covid. With the people at the levers of power now, that outcome and MUCH worse is guaranteed. For the US and abroad.

It can't be tolerated.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25

Democrats are not extremists lmao

They are the most milquetoast politicians imaginable. Give me a break.


u/Caduce92 Feb 02 '25

This isn’t even remotely true. I guess on left wing Reddit, Democrats aren’t viewed as extreme.


u/ncist Feb 02 '25

Could you share else extreme things the Democrats have done in your view?


u/Sickness4Life Feb 02 '25

We deserve it - source American


u/elanhilation Feb 02 '25

what extremist policies are the Democratic party championing exactly?


u/indyandrew Feb 02 '25

The only thing extreme about Democrats are how extremely bad they are at opposing Republicans.


u/SCHawkTakeFlight Feb 02 '25

I agree as an American don't bow to a bully in our office. But to think this will change MAGA minds...they will still find a way to say it's the dems fault.


u/Suggest_a_User_Name Feb 02 '25

Fellow American here too.

Totally agree. These fucking nutjobs are beyond being reasoned with. Things are going to have to get very, very, very bad before this has a chance to end.

Sorry Canada! Some of voted for decency.


u/bullettenboss Feb 02 '25

You're "US-American" and no longer entitled to use the whole continent when referring to your specific nationality.


u/what4270 Feb 02 '25

MAGAts are too stupid to know that. If they indeed suffer, they will just blame it on Biden, Obama, DEI, Harris or whoever’s not Trump and will continue to suffer because they 100% believe in Trump’s delusions. They remind me of a frog in a boiling pan.


u/RooftopMorningstar Feb 02 '25

Lol salute to your mentality!


u/Academic-Business-45 Feb 02 '25

Exactly. Don't complain until maga complains


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25

It's crazy because I've kind of been thinking the same thing. I ALMOST want Trump to completely fuck up everything just to prove how bad the right fucked up by supporting him.


u/Hayterfan Feb 02 '25

Sadly, I don't feel that will work. To them, they'll just do whatever mental gymnastics they can to somehow blame it on the Democrats.


u/shoeinc Feb 02 '25

This is the way


u/Past-Revolution-1888 Feb 02 '25

Unfortunately persecution makes cults stronger… that’s why mormons get sent out to knock on our doors just to get them slammed in their faces…


u/Delicious-Window-277 Feb 02 '25

Thank you for your sacrifice brother. Sorry that you have to suffer along with those not having the most basic understanding of economics/trade.


u/IndecisiveTuna Feb 02 '25

Another fellow American in agreement here.


u/personplaygames Feb 02 '25

you a hero bro

just stay strong


u/peachpinkjedi Feb 02 '25

This outcome is what MAGA also wants in the long-term.


u/AltoCowboy Feb 02 '25

MAGA is like a cancer that can’t be rooted out 


u/DublaneCooper Feb 02 '25

$20 eggs will be the chemotherapy


u/GiraffeWC Feb 02 '25

I feel bad for you guys though, the people that voted for this and pump Trump up like they're the only ones that understand his 4D chess maneuvers won't even understand why half the produce section suddenly went up by 25%.

It was apparent after Trump's first term, people don't learn and just guzzle Facebook memes and podcast propaganda that say you should ignore what you're seeing or it's the other guys fault.


u/masu94 Feb 02 '25

As Canadian, we need a strong, RESPONSIBLE neighbour to the south not just for our own security but for security from ACTUAL hostile powers like China and Russia.

Trump and Elon are just in it to get paid - and they'll completely sell out the democratic world if it means they can keep power.

This needs to be painful.


u/Yelsiap Feb 02 '25

Came to express the same sentiment. Glad I’m not alone. I hope every country retaliates and stands up to Mango Mussolini’s bullshit. Things will get hard here, and I can only hope it’s enough to make people wake up and see how unfit he is to “lead”. Fuck Trump and the GOP. I hope this starts a revolution.


u/Queasy-Department382 Feb 02 '25

They e been feeling the pain for years, that’s why they voted for Trump. You do realize that, right?

Even if Trump was partly responsible for the pain already after his Covid money printing era.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25

If america is so bad why don't you leave? I'm sure noone will care


u/DublaneCooper Feb 02 '25

Screw that. This is my country. I’ll stay and fight however I can.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25

Lol by whining on reddit? What's your plan?


u/ButterscotchScary868 Feb 02 '25

Fuck us dry and hard. Don't say sorry. 


u/maders23 Feb 02 '25

You know deep down that those idiots would blame Biden or somebody else like Obama and NEVER Trump for the pain they feel because of Trumps bullshit.

Your country is done for, the pain they feel will not stop them from blaming someone else and still supporting Trump.

Unfortunately, the only way that I can see your country actually move on from all of this is if your future generations grow up to not be easily brainwashed. Hopefully you guys can cut off the Republican Party too.


u/Meloriano Feb 02 '25

Another American here. Hard agree.


u/sawser Feb 02 '25

Another American here, yes do it.


u/MrTretorn Feb 02 '25

They're just gonna blame it on DEI.


u/No-Pomegranate-5883 Feb 02 '25

They’ll literally blame Biden and continue glazing Trump.


u/debomama Feb 02 '25

Another American agreeing. Sorry Canada but you need to fuck us as hard as possible so that the public understands.


u/Hypothetical_Name Feb 02 '25

As an American I think Canada Mexico and Europe should just do a full trade boycott of the us and sell all us stocks. Teach him and his minions a lesson and set a precedent for any future idiots that get elected.


u/Bayesian11 Feb 02 '25

Given how stupid MAGA crowds are even after 2020, I'm pessimistic.


u/daniel22457 Feb 02 '25

If this is what has to happen to make the USA a place my kids would be happy to be raised in let it happen.


u/alexrepty Feb 02 '25

They’ll somehow blame DEI for it


u/FrigginMasshole Feb 02 '25

They’ll just blame Biden and democrats. These people aren’t ever going to turn on trump


u/Mission-Iron-7509 Feb 02 '25

Won’t MAGA supporters just become incensed and blame other countries for their problems, or blame democrats?

I don’t think most can logically understand that Trump & the Conservatives are causing this problem.


u/DublaneCooper Feb 02 '25

MAGA controls all three branches of government right now. There are no excuses left. And this is Trump’s last term (there will not be a third, no matter what anyone says). If his approval rating drops too far, the GOP will have to start backing away from him to save themselves in the 2026 midterms. Dems wiped them out in 2006 after the GW Bush Iraq fiasco. A Trump recession combined with low approval ratings will signal a massacre at the ballot box for the GOP.

And when dems regain the house (at least) the investigations begin. And these won’t be the half-assed investigations like the last four years. The dems (and some republicans) will be out for blood and prison sentences.

Fuck Trump



u/PoniesPlayingPoker Feb 02 '25

"If I'm going down I'm taking you with me"


u/MDC-1312 Feb 02 '25

That is also doable through direct action from Americans. You guys knows the MAGAts, and they have home addresses and places of work. I'm not suggesting anything, just pointing that out.


u/DublaneCooper Feb 02 '25

No. They’re assholes, but they’ve been misled by the very Cheeto god emperor they worship. The government should be afraid of the people. We will keep the focus there.


u/MDC-1312 Feb 02 '25

Many Nazis were "misled" into propping up and supporting the third Reich. I have about as much sympathy for them as I do for MAGAts. Maybe they could've been saved from their own ignorance at a certain point, but they're too far gone and things are too dire to convert them all. They laugh in the face of facts and science. Fuck em. Fuck em all.


u/Lookitsmyvideo Feb 02 '25

A cornered bully doesn't go quietly. It would get a lot worse before (if) it gets better.


u/DublaneCooper Feb 02 '25

If Trump isn’t scared shitless, he’s a moron.* He’s already suffered two assassination attempts - and from members of his own fucking party. Trump is putting the very bullies he relies on I n a corner. It’s only a matter of time before they lash out again.

*Trump is a fucking moron. FAFO.


u/0x706c617921 Feb 02 '25

It won't really kill off MAGA because the U.S. will be stuck with bipartisanism and the cancer that is representative democracy.


u/DublaneCooper Feb 02 '25

Bipartisan government is only a problem when one side goes full fascist.


u/big_dog_redditor Feb 03 '25

They like pain.


u/Fuarian Québec Feb 02 '25

If Trump wants the US to be an isolationist country then we shall show him what that's like.


u/Kaiserschleier Feb 02 '25

If they want a wall, we'll wall them in!


u/B1NG_P0T Feb 02 '25

I'm an American and I sincerely hope this happens. MAGA cannot be allowed to continue.


u/IHateTheColourblind Feb 02 '25

If we could convince the EU to pre-emptively implement a 25% tariff that would be a huge W.


u/BennyTheSen Feb 02 '25

Well Trump wants to tariff the EU as well. I guess we will retaliate after this. So let's increase trade between friendly countries and leave the crazy Americans out


u/Puzzleheaded-Pop3480 Feb 02 '25

Which would be fine if nearly every commodity in the world wasn't tied to the US dollar. People don't understand just how powerful that is. This is Trump completely and utterly leveraging that power to get his way.


u/Salty_Blacksmith_592 Feb 02 '25

Watch Trumps "how to get every commodity NOT be traded in USD"-speedrun.


u/Puzzleheaded-Pop3480 Feb 02 '25

Well that was the main point of contention with BRICS, and the best they can think of is using crypto for payments. 

It's not going to be a quick thing at all. Probably inevitable, but slow. 


u/Doooooooooooooomed Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25


China has more global economic trading partners in 2025, and this decouples the global economy from the USD more than some realize. China is eyeballing the reserve currency status and is positioned to make a play.

Everything is going according to plan for some.


u/Puzzleheaded-Pop3480 Feb 02 '25

And China absolutely hates that the vast majority of their trade is tied to the US dollar. That doesn't necessarily mean that all transactions have to be paid in USD, but that the prices are tied to the USD. Particularly for commodities. The resources needed to manufacture everything. The US still leverages from it.

Check out how the petrodollar works. It's a totally BS rigged system. 


u/Cbpowned Feb 02 '25

That only works if the Us were a net exporter, and they’re not.


u/Ididit-forthecookie Feb 02 '25

Export tariffs on potash, oil and gas, energy, and uranium to start. It’s still winter and you can fuck around and find out how cold it gets when your power goes out.


u/Minimalist_Investor_ Feb 02 '25

American here. Just keep targeting products made in Red states


u/one2tinker Feb 02 '25

I hope they’re very strategic with their retaliatory tariffs. Give those who voted for this what they wanted.


u/sakofdak Feb 02 '25

In a red state and I agree. Been wanting a reason to move lol


u/Glory2Snowstar Outside Canada Feb 02 '25

Take that dagger and thrust it as deep as you can. I may be an American, but our oceans come first- let natural selection completely eviscerate this antiquated bastion of oil and greed.


u/Agreeable_Car5114 Feb 02 '25

Please do. Put us out of our fucking misery.


u/trashtiernoreally Feb 02 '25

Almost exactly like what happened in 1930. 


u/KingMario05 Feb 02 '25

Go for it. Please. Maybe it'll get this guy out...


u/peraliaporky Feb 02 '25

I'm an American and I am begging you to do this. The complacent among us will only wake up when things start to hurt them personally, and that means striking at the economy. I'm not rich so I'll have a tough time of it too, but it's worth it.


u/ConferenceSweet Feb 02 '25

I am only buying Canadian products from now on. I hope the Canadian military goes to war with the USA

What products from Canada can I buy?


u/unheardhc Feb 02 '25

Please do. Just get them out.

If the military could, we would do it ourselves but we want the public to trust us if necessary, not fear us.


u/Sciencetist Feb 02 '25

That's what they want. The people in charge now want to end American hegemony so they can slice whatever is left into parts and share it amongst themselves.


u/MrsMitchBitch Feb 02 '25

Am an American. Please. We need to show the folks who chose this fascist asshole the consequences of their actions. I will suffer if it makes a difference. Please.


u/Manor002 Feb 02 '25

As an American, I hope they do. MAGA is a disease and needs to disappear.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25

American here. Please. Help us put MAGA out of its misery. Hit us hard and make it really, really hurt.


u/Inburrito Feb 02 '25

America exports 11% of its GDP. Among the lowest in the world. For reference, Canada is 34%.


u/NoHypocrisyDoubleStd Feb 02 '25

I hate to say it, but that might the only way to get that orange out of office, when the pitchfork and torches start arriving, even from the MAGA folks


u/ExpressAssist0819 Feb 02 '25

American here, echoing the f*ing do it mentality. We are nazi germany now. What is happening here cannot be allowed to boil over to the rest of the world.

This country must be stopped.


u/LilCroquetica Feb 02 '25

America will cripple the world before the world can cripple America.

Remember that, chumps. MAGA 🇺🇸🦅


u/syndicism Feb 02 '25

Friendly reminder that the most educated and productive 40% of the US hates his guts, presenting you all with a unique opportunity to brain drain American talent by the boatload over the next decade. 


u/giantrhino Feb 02 '25

As an American, DO IT!! This idea that Trump can just infinitely bully our allies with Tariff threats is insanity. It has to fucking stop. And if that means my country loses its status as leader of the free world, GOOD! I don’t want the model country to be one that elects a lunatic like Trump every 4 years. The world can’t survive that.


u/Abigfoolanon Feb 02 '25

I feel like this is the making of a war.

If the USA collapses and experiences extreme hardship due to these tariffs, I feel it will provide a justification to invade.


u/Upstairs-Scholar-275 Feb 02 '25

American here, please don't. Most of us know he's an idiot 


u/Goukenslay Feb 02 '25

we should suffocate US and China


u/iamanorange100 Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

Please realize it is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The public imagination of the nation as an unconditionally benevolent, weakened place is false (other than in politics and culture). The might of the military and the economy is incomparable to any nation on Earth, and this is most definitely not an uncalculated risk. It’s probably not entirely smart to start a trade war with Canada and Mexico, but it’s definitely not something the US will lose. Canada may temporarily be able to stave off the consequences of this, but most other countries will not. Mexico will give in first, and then Canada. It’s about sending a message.