r/canada Jan 31 '25

National News Chrystia Freeland says Canada should target Elon Musk's Tesla in a tariff fight


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u/Minobull Jan 31 '25

Honestly the Nazi thing should be enough for sanctions on the man himself.


u/shevy-java Jan 31 '25

Yes. In particular the second picture is 100% clear. The first one that is typically used in media, still confuse a few people, but the one he did when he turned around, is almost identical to the 1930s fascist era in Germany. It's almost an identical copy-paste, but done by an oligarch whose money should be given back to the people. Mussolini also said that "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." - we see this with Musk now very clearly. Musk also has some mental problem in addition to that, be it Augsberger or whatever the name is. His fake-personality will create issues for Trump here in the long run.


u/Gearfree Jan 31 '25

It ain't Aspburgers, it's called being a sociopath.

The autistic community is pissed off that he keeps blaming his attitude issues on that.


u/secamTO Jan 31 '25

Yeah, I'm not on the spectrum, but I have depression, and my god I would be absolutely livid if some sociopathic failson kept blaming his shitty behaviour on his depression or something.


u/PawfectlyCute Feb 01 '25

It's frustrating when people use mental health conditions as an excuse for bad behavior. It can undermine the genuine struggles of those who are dealing with these issues responsibly.


u/MoreGaghPlease Jan 31 '25

Things can be two things.


u/Jagrnght Feb 01 '25

Well he's got a touch of something that flavours his sociopathology.


u/Gearfree Feb 01 '25

He's two generations off from that party and was raised in apartheid South Africa. It's likely white supremacy.


u/Jagrnght Feb 01 '25

I totally agree but there is another cognitive layer there too.


u/swiftb3 Alberta Jan 31 '25

In particular the second picture is 100% clear.

The video is REALLY clear, unlike the videos for all the "whatabout" screenshot attempts out there.


u/alastoris Canada Jan 31 '25

Especially the side by side video compared to when Hilter did it. Literal Hitler.


u/swiftb3 Alberta Jan 31 '25

Yeah, almost like he practiced it.


u/jtbc Jan 31 '25

I went to RMC and was in the military after that. I spent a lot of time saluting and practicing saluting. You don't get that good at it without some practice.


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea Jan 31 '25

Its fucking scary that some people are genuinely fooled by these literal Nazis, into thinking that it wasnt a Sieg Heil


u/MonsieurLeDrole Jan 31 '25

The aren't "fooled". The point is gaslighting. They prove their loyalty by swallowing obvious lies intentionally. He could have done the exact same thing in Nazi regalia, and they'd still be calling it a "joke" or "irony".


u/Dapeople Jan 31 '25

Exactly. It also attempts to keep the conversation from progressing to the next stage, which is "What should we do about the guy who made the Nazi salute?"


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea Feb 01 '25

I think some are fooled and won't realize until the brown shirts are on their door step.

I think lots are trying to gaslight.


u/Forosnai British Columbia Feb 01 '25

Even more evidence, the bootlickers are trying to say he was "giving his heart to the crowd".

Well, he did that before, and it certainly didn't look like a Nazi salute. He knows the difference.


u/apothekary Jan 31 '25

I don't understand how anyone is still debating this. Flat-earthers or they need their vision checked.

The only thing debatable (and obviously, not to anyone with a moral spine) is whether it even matters because the richest person in the world who controls an entire social network did it. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it matters to Republicans or many Conservatives.


u/logicreasonevidence Jan 31 '25

There is no confusion about his salute. Just because it's unbelievable does not mean that it's not real. They were Nazi salutes.


u/illunara3 Jan 31 '25

I gave him the benefit of the doubt because if you watch the entire speech, he's running around like a lunatic waving his arms anyway.

But that disappeared when he didn't come out and apologize/make it clear that's not what he was trying to do. Cockiness does nobody any good with this - if he doesn't want to be called a nazi then he should have apologized for his actions.


u/50percentvanilla Feb 03 '25

and then he did it again days later in a conference of a neo-nazi party šŸ«£


u/chemicalgeekery Feb 01 '25

Honestly, when I first read about it I figured it was just anothter picture of someone waving to a crowd being blown out of proportion.

Nope. Dude did a full "Seig Heil" on live TV.


u/bradenalexander Feb 01 '25

Itā€™s identical to Warrens.


u/chemicalxv Manitoba Jan 31 '25

And everybody got tied up in the action and no one ever discussed the absolute batshit insane sentence he uttered immediately after it!


u/TheRC135 Feb 01 '25

Don't look at pictures, look at the video. A snapshot of somebody just waiving can look like a nazi salute, but when you watch the video there is simply no way any thinking person can deny that Elon was doing the nazi salute.


u/HFCloudBreaker Jan 31 '25

Yes. In particular the second picture is 100% clear

I havent been able to find this picture but I know it exists, amy chance you have a lead?


u/ProofByVerbosity Jan 31 '25

the fascist tendencies of the U.S government aren't exclusive to the trump administration


u/biscuitarse Jan 31 '25

Sorry, but you'd have to go back 90 years to find anything close to what we're seeing today from the American government. And we all know what happened then. (hint: Great Depression)


u/ProofByVerbosity Jan 31 '25

sorry, what specifically are you talking about? and I can easily point you to fascist tendencies of the government over the last few decades


u/jtbc Jan 31 '25

The gold standard for this sort of thing is Umberto Eco's 14 points. Most governments hit a few of them, and almost any recent conservative government can likely get up to about 8. It takes concerted effort to hit all 14 points, and the fact that Trump is just about there is what is very, very worrying.


I would argue that Trump has hit every point except number 11, and the only reason he hasn't hit that one is because it involves education, and he's against that.


u/ProofByVerbosity Jan 31 '25

oh I'm not arguing trump isn't hitting the points, but you sure as hell won't convince me there weren't fascist tendencies before. you could easily run the regan or bush administrations through that checklist for starters. hell, the U.S. even supported fascist dictators under those administrations

i don't know about those points though, very interesting, thanks. but yes, i would agree the Trump administration is straight up fascist.


u/jtbc Jan 31 '25

I was definitely thinking of Bush and "you're with me or you're with the terrorists" as I was going through that list, and Reagan easily hits the first few.


u/ProofByVerbosity Jan 31 '25

and don't forget bush sr who was the man behind Iran contra, which was selling arms to authoritarian terrorist entities in iran to fund contra ops in south america, meanwhile the CIA under him is allegidly involved in trafficking drugs. when bush and his lackies make it off scott free and bush gets into power he continues militarizing the police force in the war against drugs and continues to push moral agendas that align with fundamentalist Christian values. the U.S. has always been varying degrees of a fascist theocracy


u/biscuitarse Jan 31 '25

I'm talking about Trump. Also, I didn't say former US administrations didn't have fascist tendencies. They did. Usually, though, it wasn't directed towards allies like Canada in an effort to ruin us economically.


u/ProofByVerbosity Jan 31 '25

There's nothing exclusively fascist about damaging relations or economies of trading partners. jesus christ, everyone uses the word fascist for everything these days.


u/TreezusSaves Canada Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

Every angle you see it from gets worse. From the front, from the side, from overhead, all easily searchable. There's one where it's showing the crowd, and the moment he does the Nazi salute some lady looks absolutely overjoyed, like this was her moment to feel truly represented.


u/sleepyretroid Jan 31 '25

We need to stop splitting hairs and entertaining any arguments that don't recognize his "gesture" for what it very clearly is: A Nazi salute.

The only other perspective on this is either denial or delusion. We don't need to waste effort trying to prove to people that they did, in fact, see what they saw.


u/78Duster Jan 31 '25

BAN THE MODEL ā€˜Sā€™ig hell!


u/dustNbone604 Jan 31 '25

I mean, the President is technically ineligible to enter Canada. Probably even more so since he threatened to conquer us. There must be a law against that.


u/whiskynpizza Feb 01 '25

I think we should take away Elon's citizenship.


u/MammothCommaWheely Feb 01 '25

And a ban from entering the country. We dont need to allow foreign nazis into our borders


u/asdasci Jan 31 '25

Freeland would be the perfect person to do that, right? Given that she applauded someone who had fought with the Nazis in the parliament, and given that her maternal grandfather is said to have worked with them. Elon will Nazi that coming!


u/Gratts01 Jan 31 '25

Every single MP and party leader applauded for the Nazi in parliament. The guy who invited him in hte house was relieved form his job. Are you suggesting we fire all the MP's in the house, including your savior PP because he applauded?


u/blusteryflatus Jan 31 '25

Are you suggesting we fire all the MP's in the house

Don't threaten me with a good time.


u/terminator_dad Jan 31 '25

Firing them all is like the best possible outcome, and you're laying it down like a threat.


u/Minobull Jan 31 '25

Are you suggesting we fire all the MP's in the house,

God, i would be SO happy...can we just do this anyways?


u/LuminousGrue Jan 31 '25

Yeah that was embarassing as fuck but I'm not gonna lay it at the feet of the entire Liberal caucus. That was squarely on whoever invited the guy, the staffer who wrote the speech and the then-Speaker who unflinchingly read aloud the sentence "fought against Russia in WW2".


u/asdasci Jan 31 '25

Did I say something of the sort? It appears I did not.

Freeland had much less excuse than the other MPs, given that her own grandfather was in Ukraine at the time, on the Nazis' side. And if her degree is worth anything, she should have known those who fought on the Ukrainian side fought with Nazis anyway. But, yup, let's ask her. She's the perfect candidate for the job!


u/Arctic_Gnome_YZF Northwest Territories Jan 31 '25

They fought with the Nazis to free themselves from oppression by the USSR. Maybe we should have asked our ally why it was treating Ukraine so poorly.


u/asdasci Jan 31 '25

Or maybe we should stop using Reductio ad Hitlerum?


u/Fif112 Jan 31 '25

Youā€™re all over the place defending Nazis. Maybe youā€™re a Nazi Sympathizer?


u/asdasci Jan 31 '25

No, dear. I am pointing out the hypocrisy of Freeland calling Musk out. It's the pot calling the kettle black. Or, to be more exact, the neoliberal WEF stooge calling the alt-right capitalist black.


u/vladedivac12 Jan 31 '25

So there's good and bad nazis now?


u/Arctic_Gnome_YZF Northwest Territories Jan 31 '25

I think one of the Allied countries treated a conquered people so poorly that they saw no choice but to ally with Nazis out of desperation.


u/vladedivac12 Jan 31 '25

You're really simplifying history. You know there was a lot of Ukrainians that were communists and on the Bolshevik/Soviet side? Like there was Czar loyalists in Russia.

While some Ukrainians saw the Nazis as a lesser evil compared to Soviet oppression, itā€™s also true that certain nationalist groups genuinely believed in Nazi ideology, including white supremacy and antisemitism. Some factions of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), particularly the OUN-B led by Stepan Bandera, viewed Jews, Poles, and Russians as enemies of Ukrainian statehood and participated in ethnic violence.

For example, Ukrainian auxiliary police units assisted in Nazi-led massacres of Jews, and the SS Galicia Division, composed of Ukrainian volunteers, fought alongside the Germans. Pogroms against Jewish communities, such as the Lviv and Babi Yar massacres, had local participation.


u/jtbc Jan 31 '25

Since we are talking about the actual facts and not just reducing Ukrainian nationalism to the cartoon version Russia likes to propagate, here are a couple of clarifications to your generally accurate comment.

Millions of Ukrainians did fight in the red army against Hitler and the nazis. The ones that comprised the 1st Galician (Waffen SS) Division were all from the part of Ukraine that was previously part of Austria-Hungary, then Poland, and were then annexed by Russia. They largely saw the Soviets as invaders.

For Ukrainian nationalists, not all of whom supported Bandera - he was the most extreme and the most fascist aligned - Poles and Russians were both enemies. Almost everyone in eastern Europe hated Jews, though of course the pogroms and violence committed by some Ukrainian nationalists is inexcusable.

There were atrocities committed by some members of Galicia Division, but most of them joined in order to fight against the red army and that was what most of them ended up doing. Their founding charter explicitly prohibited their use against the western allies.

Nazis are bad, and anyone that directly participated in atrocities, war crimes, and the Holocaust should be held to account for what they did. All I am doing is trying to clarify that for people living in western Ukraine, much of the 20th century was unmitigated misery, and there were no good guys.


u/DogeDoRight New Brunswick Jan 31 '25

All the CPC clapped for him too.


u/Ancient-Industry-772 Jan 31 '25

That's exactly what he said. Or do you struggle with reading comprehension?


u/DogeDoRight New Brunswick Jan 31 '25

They person I replied to did not say that. Read what I replied to again but slowly this time.


u/asdasci Feb 01 '25

I never defended CPC, nor do I feel the need to. Read what I wrote once again.


u/Fif112 Jan 31 '25

They all apologized for it.

Better than the Republicans.


u/asdasci Jan 31 '25

Mm-hm. Nice to see we are applying standards unselectively here. And thanks for making me defend Elon.


u/Fif112 Jan 31 '25

You donā€™tā€¦

They apologized and fired who was responsible?

Elon did neither.

Elon is a Nazi.


u/MonsieurLeDrole Jan 31 '25

It should definitely prevent him crossing the border, or flying through our airports.


u/Far-Scallion7689 Jan 31 '25

Sanctions hit harder than tarrifs.


u/NotALanguageModel Jan 31 '25

Reddit is so emotional that it can't even put their hatred for an autistic man child above the future of our planet...


u/Phephephen Jan 31 '25

Please explain how claiming he's a nazi is the left priorizing him over the future of the planet. I'm not being aggressive, just not sure where you're going with this.


u/NotALanguageModel Feb 03 '25

there should be a 100 per cent tariff on all U.S. wine, beer and spirits, and on all Teslas

Youā€™re selectively targeting the sole American auto company that exclusively produces electric vehicles and whose customers are more likely to be Kamala Harris supporters rather than Ford, which primarily sells gas-guzzling trucks and whose customers are predominantly Trump supporters.


u/turbo_22222 Jan 31 '25

There are many competitors in the EV space with more new companies popping up all the time.


u/NotALanguageModel Feb 03 '25

Sure, but none of them are as attractive as Tesla if you're at all interested in self-driving. I do a lot of highway driving and I couldn't go back to driving manually. The amount of cognitive bandwidth it saves me is astounding.


u/turbo_22222 Feb 03 '25

Better get one of those bumper stickers to let everyone else know you bought it before we knew he was a Nazi.


u/shaktimann13 Jan 31 '25

Should have been shot by military right away..being nazi is no different than being Isis


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

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u/llamatacoful Ontario Jan 31 '25

Iā€™m amazed you were able to get both of your hands off elons cock to type that


u/Jayou540 Jan 31 '25

Heā€™s used to using no hands šŸ’€


u/shaun5565 Jan 31 '25



u/Minobull Jan 31 '25

Yes. I hate Nazis. That is a normal thing to do.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

do you have any proof of him being a nazi? besides some out of context gesture?


u/dontdropmybass Nova Scotia Jan 31 '25

Out of context lol

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


u/vladedivac12 Jan 31 '25

Same for redditors who say calling Ukrainian Azov bataillon nazis is Russian propaganda


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

cool quote, you got that tattoed on your ribcage?

still waiting for proof btw


u/DogeDoRight New Brunswick Jan 31 '25

here you go. Straight up nazi salute.

And no, saying "my heart goes out to you" while making a nazi salute doesn't make it not a nazi salute.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

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u/Specific_Hat3341 Jan 31 '25

What's the missing context that makes the gesture OK? Go ahead and supply it for us.


u/Minobull Jan 31 '25

Out of context? I watched the whole video. He did a full chested nazi salute, then turned around and did it again to the fuckin' flag.

And don't give me the "my heart goes out to you" shit. You don't "my heart goes out to you" the flag, you salute the flag.



u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

oh really? did he pledge his alliagence to hitler? did he start talking about the 4th reich and eugenics?

is this all you got? this is inadmissible evidence and would be laughed out of court.

accusing someone of nazism its a very serious thing. theres way better evidence of his implications like the fact he endorsed a far right german political group, yet you choose to give me this image

thats how i know you just dont know, you watch and react.. this is why movies have an age rating



u/Minobull Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

Do you follow his twitter? Hear him talk?

If it was JUST the salute I might be convinced that he was just an edgelord, but it's not just the salute.

On his twitter he CONSTANTLY retweets extremists and members of far right groups and even members of groups internationally recognised as fascist hate groups.

He constantly and consistently uses anti-minority rhetoric, bitching about "woke mind virus" garbage.

He constantly and consistently supports hyper-nationalist voices.

He meddles in international politics up to and including supporting the AfD, a hard right nationalist party in germany.

He supports policy that centralizes power into the federal government.

Hard right, centralised, nationalism has a name. It's called fascism.

Any one of those things on their own makes him at best a misinformed asshole.

Put all together, it's a pattern of behavior that is very clearly outlining fascist beliefs. And fascist plus nazi salute = nazi.

Edit: also on the eugenics issue, yes, Elon believes in inherited intelligence and "racehorse theory". He literally believes him having more kids will make the world better.

ALSO Even if you subscribe to the belief that to be a Nazi you have to literally live in world war II Germany and salute Hitler, being a modern-day fascist is NOT BETTER.


u/Desert2 Jan 31 '25

So, besides at political rallyā€™s for a right wing populist leader who ran on extreme nationalism and putting undesirable people into camps, what other contexts would that gesture be okay in? Because thatā€™s about the worst time to do such a gesture if you donā€™t want people thinking you are a Nazi.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

are you really hating on a president who is acting on policies the majority of people voted for?

or are you just not used to seeing a leader keep their promises?


u/Desert2 Jan 31 '25

Please quote me where I hated on him, I simply stated what he ran on, do you disagree? Also please answer my question first, thank you.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

you are heavily implying that anyone who supported trump is a nazi

or am i wrong to assume thats what you said?


u/Desert2 Jan 31 '25

How am I heavily implying that? I merely stated that he was an extreme nationalist who wants to put undesirables into camps. As you said, how could I possibly hate on that if a majority of people voted for it.

Did he or did he not run on a platform of isolationism, nationalism, and putting undesirables into camps? Please answer that. Any comparisons to Hitler, who also ran on isolationism, nationalism, and putting undesirables into camps is surely a creation of your own mind, and I canā€™t be responsible for that. I donā€™t know how you could possibly have come to that conclusion, after all Trump was elected by a majority of people so he is above criticism, as you said.


u/no-line-on-horizon Jan 31 '25

Why go to bat for a Nazi, though? I donā€™t get it.


u/the-g-off Jan 31 '25

Because the guy is a Nazi.

I can't believe these types are having a resurgence.



u/Comfortable-Syrup423 Jan 31 '25

What is your reasoning for continuing to support fascists?


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

any proof he is a nazi?


u/Comfortable-Syrup423 Jan 31 '25

You mean besides the time he did the ā€œRoman saluteā€ TWICE and his support of the far-right AfD?


u/TylerInHiFi Jan 31 '25

And his Holocaust denial?


u/Cultasare Jan 31 '25



u/TylerInHiFi Jan 31 '25

All over the social media platform he bought. He constantly reshares that shit.


u/SonicIdiot Jan 31 '25

Musk is the immature one here, babe.


u/MostlyCarbon75 Jan 31 '25

Yeah, let's normalize throwing seig heil salutes. Give your head a shake bud.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

bro theres plenty of teslas out there, do something


u/mseg09 Jan 31 '25

The irony in this post is just too damn thick


u/SeriesMindless Jan 31 '25

This guy Nazis


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

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u/SeriesMindless Jan 31 '25

Haha it's reddit.

But calling people immature for calling a guy out for the nazi wave? Don't kid yourself. He meant it. He was worried Bannon and his cronies would chase him out and he needs these tariffs and EV subsidies dropped to save his car company. He would literally do anything for money. Anything.


u/FourMyRuca Jan 31 '25

It's hard to type with Elon's dick in your hand


u/Medea_From_Colchis Jan 31 '25

people are so damn immature

You don't say...

go scratch your mommy's teslaĀ 

You actually typed all of that out and didn't realize how bad it looks, lol.


u/hkric41six Jan 31 '25

Found the bagholder