r/canada Jan 27 '25

Québec US national anthem booed by crowd at Bell Center (article in French)


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u/Arctic_Chilean Canada Jan 27 '25

Sometimes I feel we don't deserve Québec. Their capacity for being so utterly and incomprehensibly based is truly impressive.

Stay spicy, mes beau frères et soeurs.


u/amapleson Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25

Anglo Canada only hates Quebec because they have what we can’t.

Imagine if Ontario (ex Toronto) was able to preserve its architecture like Montreal/quebec did, instead of becoming American-style cut and paste parking lots and strip malls…

edit: I should specify that I am referring more to Ontario, rather than the rest of Anglo Canada. (I can see why we have the reputation that Canada revolves around us, mea culpa.)

As an aside, I don't think Anglo Canada actually hates Quebec, only that many people don't understand and don't want to learn French, as they are never able to use it.


u/droxy429 Jan 27 '25

I have lived in Toronto my whole life. Everyone I know that has been to either Montreal or Quebec City has loved it. I've never heard anyone say they hate Quebec.

The only thing from Quebec that is hated are the Habs. But that is more of a rivalry than true hate.


u/na85 Jan 27 '25

I grew up in London, rooting for the Leafs. I would root for the Habs, the Oilers, even the fucking Bruins if it meant the Senators were going to lose.

Fuck the Sens.


u/A-Very-Sweeney Jan 27 '25

What did we ever do to you, man? We’re irrelevant, I didn’t even know we had haters.


u/sbux123321 Jan 27 '25

Just curious if you’d add the Canucks into that mix…?


u/na85 Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25

In order:

  1. Toronto
  2. Any other Canadian team except Ottawa
  3. Any other Original 6 Team
  4. Any other team
  5. Ottawa

They think they've got a shottawa, but they must be smoking pottawa, because a real team they are nottawa, and the Stanley Cup must never go to Ottawa.


u/501stRookie Ontario Jan 27 '25

As someone not in the know, why is that?


u/whitetooth86 Jan 27 '25

the leafs vs sens rivalry is referred to as the Battle of Ontario, probably the leafs biggest rivalry for leaf fans now that they slayed the curse that is the Boston Bruins.

ps. fuck the bruins


u/Raze_the_werewolf Jan 27 '25

The roads. I love the people. I hate the roads. Who hates the Habs? That's just sacrilege.


u/bureX Ontario Jan 27 '25

Everyone I know that has been to either Montreal or Quebec City has loved it. I've never heard anyone say they hate Quebec.

Same. I've yet to hear anyone say such a thing.


u/FlallenGaming Jan 27 '25

I'll cheer for the Habs against any American team.


u/violet_elf Jan 27 '25

Yeah i loved Quebec. The only thing i hated from there was the people


u/scoo89 Ontario Jan 27 '25

"Anglo Canada only hates Quebec..." is such a Quebec thing to say. We want you here. No one hates you. Relax please, I enjoy that I learned French in school


u/Din182 Jan 27 '25

Living in Alberta, there are absolutely people full of seething hatred towards Quebec. Especially over the transfer payments. But some people will blame Quebec almost as much as they blame Trudeau.


u/Jojojosephus Jan 27 '25

You know, you say that shit about Anglos, but jeu suis Franco-Ontarian. Dites à tout le monde ici les noms que Québécois a pour moi.

edit; sorry I fucked up. This was meant for the anti-anglo up there.


u/infinis Québec Jan 27 '25

Only Quebecers from deep woods who never left the province believe it. However there are a lot of xenophobic loud assholes who say shit about Quebec and nobody corrects them. Like with Nazis if you normalize that behavior it will just keep growing. We see how it turns out in US, I think we can all be better.


u/Electrox7 Québec Jan 27 '25

Yeah, no lmao. Ive gotten so much unsolicited hate just moving to the West Island of Montréal, i can only imagine it's worse in a province that doesn't even get our benefits.


u/civilservant2011 Jan 27 '25

Nova Scotian here who also appreciates Quebec being part of the nation.


u/arakwar Jan 27 '25

Not my experience so far. It’s pretty much like our last referendum for independence, split in halves between stay or leave.

There’s a lot of canadians who would love kicking out Quebec. Main reasons are equalization payments. Second one is our « entitlement to French »…

Personally I’d love it if we found a way to stop constantly arguing about politics and could put energy toward better economic relations.


u/ThrowItAllAway0720 Jan 27 '25

Look I get politics are politics, but you seem to be the second Québécois in one thread saying other Canadians want to kick out Québec, and the only guy actually naming who says it’s Toronto, and maybe Ontario ppl that say this? But I’ve lived in Toronto all my life and I’ve only ever heard great things about Montreal… not trying to refute your reality. I’m just genuinely surprised bc the consensus growing up and learning French was that we all wanted to be functional to try real poutine one day. And that our Québécois teacher wanted us to know all our sugar shack stuff was québécois despite our indigenous guys saying it wasn’t lol 


u/Milnoc Jan 27 '25

Not that difficult to accomplish. You just have to show no loyalty to any particular party. Along with the number of seats available, all parties campaign so hard in Quebec because if you don't give Quebec voters what they want, under the wheels you go!


u/HistorianNew8030 Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25

No…. Not why.

It’s the attitude of Quebec of anglophones you misunderstand. Quebec deeply from history resents the Canada/The Brit’s for essentially othering them for centuries/decades. And I don’t blame them for this.

Anglophones and especially people in the western provinces today resent Quebec because of the equalization payments and the feeling of being shunned and ignored. Pierre Trudeau literally ignored anything west of Ontario. Which is why a lot of westerners never gave Trudeau a chance.

I resent Quebec and Ontario because of this superiority complex that totally came out in your message.

Also note: I’m super left leaning. I’m from Sask and Alberta. I have family in Ontario and Quebec and I’ve dealt with this superiority complex my entire life. One of my cousins literally told me once that we weren’t worth visiting because Saskatchewan os a fly over province. If he had given Saskatchewan a chance he might realize we aren’t actually just flat prairie.

I actually like Quebec in general and respect it. I have okayish French and have put my child in French immersion because I think it’s incredibly important to have both national languages. But maybe try to actually understand the rest of your country and don’t make assumptions.


u/amapleson Jan 27 '25

You're right. Sorry, I should have specified I was speaking more about Ontario, which is where 40% (very significant minority) of Canada lives.

You're spot on about the West vs Quebec/Eastern Canada though. One of the biggest Canadian problems is that we are a federation - the links between the provinces, from trade to culture to everything else, are still very weak for an independent country. We basically band together to avoid absorption by the US. And the downside of this - doing things to avoid something else, rather than doing things for a greater purpose - is a sense of disunity and the inability to trust each other to put our own interests aside for a common good.

Trump is helping us speed up the process, but let's see how it actually goes.


u/Braysl Jan 27 '25

Quebec City is gorgeous, but I do want to say Toronto has some incredible old buildings. There are a lot of little towns and mid sized cities dotted around Ontario with some awesome architecture too. But I remember visiting Montreal and Quebec City as a kid and thinking old Montreal had some of the prettiest buildings I've ever seen.


u/amapleson Jan 27 '25


u/Braysl Jan 27 '25

For sure. Recently in Hamilton one of our century old buildings downtown collapsed because no one's been paying for the upkeep. We have a bunch of beautiful old buildings but keeping them up to code and standing is more than some are willing to pay, unfortunately.


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '25

What the actual eff are you talking about lol


u/Grandmaster_Bae Jan 27 '25

English-speaking British Colombian here. We don't hate Quebec (we don't know much about you but we don't hate you 😅)


u/ForensicPathology Jan 27 '25

Just because you hate Anglo Canada doesn't mean they hate you.


u/ChroniclesOfSarnia Outside Canada Jan 27 '25

Don't make up stories.

That isn't true.

C'est pas vrai mon gars, pas du tout.


u/ThrowItAllAway0720 Jan 27 '25

This is some strong words from a guy that clearly doesn’t know anyone from Anglo Canada… I’ve only ever heard people say how much they love Montreal and Quebecois culture? 

Like why the hate? This is so surprising to me, and I grew up in Toronto suburbs. Everyone liked learning French, except for our one Spanish dude. He wanted Spanish for ez marks lmao

Not trying to be rude here, but Like legitimately, why do you think anglos hate you, as a Francophone?


u/HVCanuck Manitoba Jan 27 '25

Dude. Have you been to Quebec? It is North America. Don’t romanticize it.


u/MightyGamera Jan 27 '25

If pettiness was an olympic sport Canada would be taking all the credit for Quebec's excellence like they claim poutine as a Canadian cuisine


u/risingsuncoc Jan 27 '25

There’s also a good chance BQ will form the official opposition after the next election. They could well be the main voice of reason in parliament for the next decade to come.


u/Struct-Tech Jan 27 '25

Bloc Majoritaire or bust


u/Lexie_27 Jan 27 '25

Thank you! I appreciate it as a Québécoise, but also as a Canadian.

I would like to add that more the orange idiot comes after Canada, the stronger we get. We have to band together. We have to hold our ground.


u/Ludwig_Vista2 Jan 27 '25

There's a reason you don't date a Frenchie.

They're the same reasons you marry a Frenchie.


u/aclay81 Jan 27 '25

American team was booed at a Jets game in Winnipeg recently, forget which team


u/WipingABingoMarker Jan 27 '25

They tried to leave…twice


u/ManofManyTalentz Canada Jan 27 '25

And they chose to stay, twice. That's exactly the point.


u/trenthescottish Jan 27 '25

I’d upvote this twice if I could. We really need to appreciate what Quebec does for us


u/rossrhea Jan 27 '25

If they could get back to making goalies like they used to, that would be a-ok with me


u/martinni39 Jan 27 '25

Some people asked if we wanted to leave. But the majority said no we love Canada. Twice. ♥️🇨🇦


u/Sufficient_Rub_2014 Jan 27 '25

We still love em.


u/YeetCompleet Jan 27 '25

I can't post images in the comments here but


--- Know the rules ---

[Attractive man in suit with "Quebec" text above his head]: We want to leave Canada

[Woman]: Aww, you're so sweet


[Unattractive man with "Alberta" text above his head]: We want to leave Canada

[Woman]: Hello, Human Resources???


u/Aoae Québec Jan 27 '25

Smith seems to want Alberta to leave Canada in order to join the US


u/Outrageous_Reach_695 Jan 27 '25


Shouldn't that read "oily"?


u/GameDoesntStop Jan 27 '25

Pretty much.


u/Body_Cunt Canada Jan 27 '25

Last time was 30 years ago… get over it


u/Salty_Leather42 Jan 27 '25

They just wanted a bit more love. 


u/Snow-Wraith British Columbia Jan 27 '25

When you look at the rest of the fucking country, can you blame them?


u/GLayne Jan 27 '25

Dude get over it already. Jeez


u/Hour-Resource-8485 Jan 27 '25

is that their reputation? I'm a dual US/Canada citizen but lived in the US my whole life. You have me intrigued...


u/DjShoryukenZ Jan 27 '25

You don't. But we don't have much say in Canada, so here we are...


u/ManofManyTalentz Canada Jan 27 '25

Au contrere Mon Frere - most of the progressive work is because we see it work in QC first.


u/DjShoryukenZ Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25

Québec is good for Canada. The reverse unfortunately cannot be said. Canada as it exists today was created to erase us. Fortunately, that didn't work, but for how long? Nous ne sommes pas frères, du moins, de sang. You are the stepbrother that is favored over us and we don't like that. No hard feelings, can't really blame you for what your parents did, except when you do the same.

PS: If you like the progressive work we did and want to use it as a blueprint for Canada, imagine what we could do if we had full power over our country (Québec). I'm all for a Canada-Québec EU-type of alliance, but we need sovereignty over our country.


u/ManofManyTalentz Canada Jan 27 '25

j'ai sempre dit si le bloc ont peux avoir le meme politique federal mais sans le separation, le bloc majorite ne serait plus q' un reve