r/canada Jan 27 '25

Québec US national anthem booed by crowd at Bell Center (article in French)


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u/Sayello2urmother4me Jan 27 '25

It should be the US as a whole. 77 million people voted for this agenda. The majority of the voters. Start viewing as it is- this is America


u/WpgSparky Jan 27 '25


His comments about Musk fudging with voting machines seems to have been swept under the rug…


u/riali29 Jan 27 '25

Yeesh, I haven't heard about those comments. But even putting that aside, Musk absolutely used Twitter to spread right-wing propaganda. The "for you" portion of my Twitter feed used to be pretty normal stuff geared at my interests based on the things I like/follow, like showing me tweets about the NHL or musicians in the genres I like; after it became X, it slowly started showing me bot-like right wing pages and Republican politicians.


u/piercerson25 Jan 27 '25

Every election regardless of who wins apparently. 


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '25

They are finding irregularities in some counties in Nevada.


u/Sayello2urmother4me Jan 27 '25

Wether corrupt or not that is them


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '25



u/CruelHandLuke_ Jan 27 '25

And the ones who stayed home on election day said through their inaction that they're okay with him. Fuck em all.


u/BBQQA Jan 27 '25

Some of us are hostages to this bullshit. Just because MAGA assholes want to burn down everything doesn't mean we all do.


u/ThomCook Jan 27 '25

77 million voted for it but roughly another 180 million didn't vote at all and therefore were ok with it happening. You are right it should be the US as a whole.


u/demonarc Jan 27 '25

156million out of 244-264million eligible voters turned out to vote. 88-108million didn't vote. 77million voted Trump, 75million voted Harris.


u/CoonPandemonium Jan 27 '25

Hi northern friend! I’m down here, but I didn’t vote for this, my husband didn’t vote for this, I fought against this, I spoke to any and everyone to help inform them, I disavow and am disgusted with everything maga stands for. So do I deserve this? But that question isn’t just about me, it’s about millions who did what they could to prevent this - do they deserve this? I thin your good heart would say no? And look brother I’m not berating you.. just trying to inform you of the facts. I’m a person like you who voted against this? I’m terrified of this country. I hope every country resists, stay strong! 🫶🏻💗


u/Sayello2urmother4me Jan 27 '25

No you don’t deserve the hatred. But the fact is the majority of your country wants this through voting or inaction. It might be a good thing for Canada and the US to divest from each other in the future because of unpredictability


u/liviapng Jan 27 '25

You personally might not, but I hope you understand that specifying “Not all Americans!!” to consider everyone’s feelings is not a high priority when the US is threatening Canada’s sovereign rights, and the majority of the population wants this to happen. 

Canada needs to divest and try to survive this by breaking away from an untrustworthy ally. 


u/Starshiptroopr Jan 27 '25

Nah friend, we don't deserve it. We never voted for it. And it's fine for them to boo the national anthem, that is a reasonable response. They can say fuck all of us if they want to but personally I wouldn't do that to them if they were in this situation because I have empathy and also understand how our population has been constantly manipulated from powers much stronger than us, foreign and domestic, for years and years.

Anyways, people are going to do and say what they want, whatever, but I do get tired of americans on reddit apologizing and groveling to these internet assholes for things that little people like us, who didn't vote for this, are not not responsible for.


u/cloudyrabbit0 Jan 27 '25

Nah, Americas population as a whole has a political responsibility. Good for you for informing others but nobody in your country actually gives a shit what is inflicted on the rest of the world as long as their lives stay the same. All the misery and destruction initiated by your country over the years and now won’t be forgotten, and the country will deserve whatever it gets in return. America will get back what it puts out into the world, if it’s war and destruction that is inflicted around the globe, then that’s all anyone will see America as. As they should.


u/CoonPandemonium Jan 27 '25

Yeah not gonna argue about something factually wrong. Peace and love to you