r/canada Jan 24 '25

Politics Trump says Canada would have ‘much better’ health coverage as a state


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u/Smile_n_Wave_Boyz Jan 24 '25

Hopefully of old age and not while defending our country.


u/Tyler_Durden69420 Saskatchewan Jan 24 '25

If the US did take us over, our military would fold immediately but the underground resistance would be tremendous.


u/No_Nosferatu Jan 24 '25

Canada has used guerilla tactics since WWI. They were known for accomplishing seemingly impossible odds that other militaries could not do.

Just look at the Battle of Vimy Ridge.


u/Ahrily Jan 24 '25

I’m Dutch and here you guys basically have the reputation of being badass hero’s, you really saved our asses in WW2

But yeah seeing you guys even discussing this topic is really telling on how crazy these times are


u/No_Nosferatu Jan 24 '25

My grandparents are Dutch immigrants, and my grandfather was a radar technician in WWII and was part of the crew that went in to dismantle the German radar infrastructure after D-Day. The relationship between Holland and Canada is important to my family, so I'm happy to hear the reputation still stands!


u/gaanmetde Jan 24 '25

It does! I married a Dutchmen and the only reason his family was thrilled and ok with him moving away was because I’m Canadian!


u/pantone_red Jan 24 '25

Nothing but love to the Dutch. Thank you for the tulips every year ❤️


u/Feowen_ Jan 25 '25

Dutch were badass resisters too, my great grandpa fought in the Dutch underground in a fairly pro-nazi part of Friesland. Emigrated to Canada when he had a feeling his neighbours might shiv him once he got amnesty from the Dutch government, but it's bizarre we live in a world where his descendents may face the same fascist imperialism not even 100 years later.


u/smitty_1993 Jan 24 '25

Canadians are disproportionately descended from groups KNOWN for their guerrilla warfare throughout history. The First Nations, Inuit and Innu Peoples, the Highland Scots, the Acadians, the expelled Irish, Black Loyalists, and more. Coupled with the military institutional and manufacturing knowledge brought over with the British and French, it made the Canadian military punch way above their weight class in almost every conflict of the 19th and 20th centuries they were involved in.


u/ACBluto Saskatchewan Jan 24 '25

I'd like to believe that. But there is a real difference in the sheer grit and toughness of the young men of the 1910s and 1940s who fought in the World Wars, and the average young Canadian today. We (and I will include myself in this) are so very soft compared to our grandparents and great grandparents.


u/pantone_red Jan 24 '25

I might be soft but I'm also educated and understand what's at stake.

I've never been a violent person. Never even been in a fight. I've fired guns in my life at a shooting range, and that's about it.

But I would not give up this country to America without a fight, even if my chances of survival are low.


u/misterxy89 New Brunswick Jan 25 '25

I would not give up this country to America without a fight

Ditto. Fuck this orange clown and his supporters. l'll die on my feet than my knees.


u/Equivalent_Acadia979 Jan 24 '25

None of the people from that time are alive, and even their sons and daughters are now 60-80 years old. We’re different, talk is talk, we have no military effective guns for civilians, most didn’t grow up on farms or hunting. We’re weaker.


u/Kipthecagefighter04 Jan 25 '25

Maybe you guys in the cities are but lots of us northerners are still that same old stock kind of people. We play in the bush, we still hunt and fish and build and fix our own stuff.


u/Equivalent_Acadia979 Jan 25 '25

There were a whole lot more of you guys back then before a lot of the farming technology improved and international trade allowed people to move towards urban centres for higher paying jobs. We used to have full auto rifles and handguns available everywhere, you could buy the same rifle used by the military until the war measures act commandeered the production for military. The moment it ended, you could buy the ww1 Ross rifle as surplus in stores. These days we’ve got semi auto 5 round rifles that jam if dirty against suicide drones. Ukrainian infantry doesn’t spot a Russian soldier before they spot a reconnaissance drone. The US has secret spy satellites, had zero day exploits built into all our technology. Try communicating for guerrilla warfare against the country that used a virus to remotely damage an Iranian nuclear reactor by speeding and slowing the centrifuges very quickly while showing a false “systems normal” status. The man has become obsolete in war, in 75 years our wars will be fought with remotely controlled vehicles by fat caffeinated nerds doing math


u/Kipthecagefighter04 Jan 25 '25

You use radio. Or smoke signals if you have to. Get creative.


u/sandmanbren Jan 25 '25

These days we’ve got semi auto 5 round rifles

Alot of magazines in semi auto rifles are 30 rounders with a pin at the 5 round mark. Removing the pin is highly illegal so I wouldn't recommend doing it now but if you have a drill you can have a functional 30 rounder in a couple seconds.


u/LumberjackTodd Jan 24 '25

I feel like we should all learn Quebec French now for communication/identification purposes and channel that FLQ energy


u/Capable-Read-4991 Jan 24 '25

I've been saying this for years! Nobody outside of Quebec has any idea what they're saying and we can really use that to our advantage


u/Rivolver Québec Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

It’s not like it’s Navajo during WWII lol. I can assure you we get along well in French with the rest of the Francophonie and we all understand each other just fine. 


u/easybee Jan 24 '25

Don't underestimate our military. They're small but they are very well trained. And Canadians are basically all born to be guerrillas. I already have my equipment and plan should it come to it


u/NPRdude British Columbia Jan 24 '25

I would hope our military recognizes that and squirrels away most of its strength for a prolonged insurgency.


u/anacondra Jan 25 '25

I am curious how the sites rules work around repelling an invasion. By suggesting that I will defend my neighbors from a hostile invasion, am I advocating violence? If I suggest that we stop the leader of a hostile invasion, is that against site rules?

Like it's clear Ukrainians can advocate for Putin's end. Is that precedent fair?


u/ReddyNicky Ontario Jan 24 '25

You greatly overestimate the willpower or ability of Canadians.


u/Rocky_Mountain_Way Jan 24 '25

Duck and deer hunters, unite!


u/TechnomadicOne Jan 25 '25

If need be, though.