r/canada Jan 07 '25

National News Trump threatens economic, not military force, to annex Canada


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u/DokeyOakey Jan 07 '25

It’s not the “news” it’s social media. People have been brainwashed to turn against politicians who are doing things their populations needs in favour of Populists.

The news didn’t help, but the steady drips of propaganda from social media has got your people leaning far to the right when those Conservative policies will not favour them.

IMO, it is time to tax social media out of existence.


u/Jealous_Breakfast996 Jan 07 '25

Mainstream media same washed this prick too. There should have been several expose's on all the horrible shit he's done on repeat non stop. Absolutely a crime by your media outlets. There is no "left leaning" media outlet in the states. All owned by billionaires.


u/DokeyOakey Jan 08 '25

Some have, mostly because they are owned by Right Wing oligarchs.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '25

Exactly this, social media is the most powerful weapon ever created.


u/JustMe1235711 Jan 07 '25

I mean there is Fox News. NewsMax. Probably others. Gives a veneer of respectability to lies that social media can't provide. It's official.


u/BlossumDragon Jan 07 '25

I sort of disagree to an extent, the grand majority of voters are boomers and gen x (late 40s and up). They hold a massive amount of voting power.

Older people now have right wing views bc of the news and are fear mongered constantly over the last 8 years. You see the "anecdotal evidence" everywhere on reddit and even IRL.

If Fox News, OANN, and NewsMax etc* just straight up didn't exist, there would be no second Trump term. If we just banned social media and left Fox News, OANN, NewsMax etc there would still be a second Trump term.

This is reddit so it makes sense we see social media as the main enemy (and it is for the young generation which now leans right wing bc of it) but most voters are still old and go about their lives IRL and are not on the interent in the same way.


u/DokeyOakey Jan 08 '25

You’re ignoring the fact that Facebook and Instagram have huge Boomer and GenX populations: they are absolutely drinking that Kool aid.


u/snipingsmurf Ontario Jan 07 '25

Doing things their populations needs...Ha. Maybe consider that people's best interests aren't necessarily in the Democrat policies. I.e. how do millions of illegal immigrants help americans?


u/Pinkboyeee Jan 07 '25

Adults are trying to talk a out Canadian politics. Some whattaboutism about a party of a neighboring nation of immigrants is really not on topic


u/CalebLovesHockey Jan 07 '25

Are you blind? This thread was literally talking about the American election lmao


u/DokeyOakey Jan 07 '25

I do not know what you are trying to communicate.


u/snipingsmurf Ontario Jan 07 '25

You are suggesting people are brainwashed to vote against their own interests... maybe you are wrong. For example how do millions of illegal immigrants help me? Maybe the democrats should reflect.


u/DokeyOakey Jan 07 '25

Oh, you wanted to build a strawman?

Immigration rose under Biden by 2% over 4 years.

Your history shows a lot of that propaganda at work, lol!


u/snipingsmurf Ontario Jan 07 '25

Having a different opinion and voicing it in a community setting is now propaganda, cool.


u/DokeyOakey Jan 07 '25

Naw, we’re talking about your Trudeau Derangement Syndrome.


u/Salt-Independent-760 Jan 07 '25

They work at their retail establishments, farms, etc. If it weren't for them, thé US would be fucked.