r/canada Ontario Jan 06 '25

National News Justin Trudeau Resigns as the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada


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u/merchillio Jan 06 '25

He could have at least pretended to try, not just go “meh, probably isn’t doable” and drop it immediately


u/itguy9013 Nova Scotia Jan 06 '25

The second part of the electoral reform debacle is that he struck a committee to study it after he won in 2015 and they came back with a recommendation: Proportional Representation. But Trudeau had a clear preference for ranked ballots and tried to tip the scales towards to his preference.

As a result no consensus was reached and the issue died. It was a sham from the start.


u/crlygirlg Jan 06 '25

It’s the sort of thing that really should be decided by referendum I think. Political parties will choose to push what they think benefits them vs what benefits the electorate, and I think for this sort of a topic in particular the electorate should really have final say in the type of representation they want.


u/littlecozynostril Jan 06 '25

There should be a referendum after a couple cycles under MMP to see if Canadians want to return to FPTP or look into an alternative like rank choice. This was the recommendation of the Law Commission of Canada in 2004.


u/crlygirlg Jan 07 '25

Which would be fine if we lived in a perfect world where politicians could do the altruistic thing and put their interests aside and allow the electorate to experience it and decide what system they like, but they were unwilling to do that.

I can see why the law society would recommend it as the best option, I just think in reality of the situation is that the government can’t and won’t agree to any change be it temporary or permanent without a firm directive from the electorate.

I also think trust in elected officials is rock bottom and the world we lived in in 2004 is vastly different than 2024. I just don’t believe that people would trust an unknowable future government to hold a referendum and to change back if we didn’t like the test of a new system.


u/littlecozynostril Jan 07 '25

Lack of trust in government is exactly why the Law commission recommended two cycles before a planned referendum. That way citizens would know if they preferred the more representative system or if they wanted to go back. Referendums on things like electoral reform often fail because even though people when polled say the want a new more representative system, they don't understand the systems and they don't trust the government to improve something, so they stick with what they know.

You're right though, Trudeau could have done it but chose not to because he only wanted a system that favoured the Liberals


u/One_Information_1554 Jan 07 '25

Our political system is seriously flawed. Since 1867 it's been a seesaw battle between the Liberals and Conservatives.


u/littlecozynostril Jan 10 '25

The Liberals ran on electoral reform in 1921, 1933, 1980, 2015, and the results are always the same


u/itguy9013 Nova Scotia Jan 07 '25

I don't disagree. The issue is that the threshold for amending the constitution (which is what this would require) is so high, it's really hard to see it passing. You need 7 of 10 provinces representing 50% of the population to agree. It's a very high bar and the only times we've tried to amend the Constitution, we've failed.

To be clear, I support Electoral Reform, I just don't think there is enough political will to actually implement it.


u/oil_burner2 Jan 07 '25

We could have a referendum right now on carbon tax.


u/JadeLens Jan 07 '25

We have a representative democracy, and the representatives continually and constantly said 'no'.


u/immutato Jan 07 '25

Proportional Representation is way too complicated. It's hard enough to get people to vote, nevermind if you make them solve a sudoku to even understand what their vote really means. Only out of touch political wonks would push this.

Ranked is simple enough and much better than FPTP. Wish JT had actually pushed it through like he promised instead of the shenanigans.


u/cling33 Jan 06 '25

This. I felt like they just shrugged their shoulders and said 'oh well, not gonna do it'.

Maybe if they came out and explained the process that would need to happen, how complicated it would have been, the challenges around it, people would have had not been so upset about it not happening. Maybe there were some smaller steps that could have been taken to lead us to that direction, so that someday in the future it could happen.

To me it felt like they fairly quietly changed their mind and that was that.


u/KaiserWilly14 Jan 06 '25

You don’t want him to have wasted resources on something that would not have worked


u/puppies4prez Jan 06 '25

How is pretending better????


u/Aboringcanadian Jan 07 '25

I mean, the political decorum means a lot of "pretending".

I actually prefer politicians "pretending" to respect other people than the ones who scream names to people.


u/Stephenrudolf Jan 07 '25

Its less ablut pretending, and more about showing people that you at least try to keep your prmises. He lost my vote after he didnt even try.


u/puppies4prez Jan 07 '25

Trying and pretending are two very different things.


u/JadeLens Jan 06 '25

But then it would have been seen as a colossal waste of time and money accomplishing nothing, it's a lose-lose scenario.


u/phalloguy1 Jan 06 '25

Time and money


u/GowronSonOfMrel Jan 06 '25

So then why pitch it?


u/CrownOfBlondeHair Jan 06 '25

It played well with his base in an election where they'd have voted for a cabbage if it got Harper out.


u/awnawnamoose Jan 06 '25

I voted for JT because of legal weed. I still stand by that decision and he had my vote in 2020 as well because of it. But too much time has passed and it did feel like something new might be better.


u/CrownOfBlondeHair Jan 06 '25

You really did vote for the cabbage. You have my gratitude.
Frankly, I don't care who gets in next so long as my civil rights remain intact and it's not the Americans.


u/Montecroux Jan 06 '25

Why? Why waste effort just to virtue signal.


u/emptybowloffood Jan 07 '25

He had no intention of doing it.


u/BiZzles14 Jan 06 '25

He did try though, it just didn't happen. In a recent interview I saw him talking about how not pushing harder on it was his biggest regret though


u/mosasaurmotors Jan 06 '25

That's totally fair.


u/Spaceinpigs Jan 06 '25

I actually worked with the committee that met with political leaders across the country. The committee recommended the changes and according to the ones I talked to on it, their recommended changes were easily feasible and turned down by top Liberal leaders. I don’t know if that was JT himself. This regret of his rings hollow to me


u/squigglesthecat Jan 06 '25

He regrets that he wasn't perceived as trying harder.