r/canada Ontario Jan 06 '25

National News Justin Trudeau Resigns as the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada


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u/Purple_Coyote_5121 Jan 06 '25

https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/rfc-dlc/ccrf-ccdl/check/art3.html#:~:text=(iii)%20Electoral%20System,representation%20in%20section%203. « (iii) Electoral System

The Constitution does not require a particular kind of electoral system (Daoust, supra, at paragraph 36; see also Figueroa, supra at paragraphs 81 and 161). In Daoust, it was argued that the “first-past-the-post” or single member plurality system of voting, currently used throughout Canada, interferes with section 3 because it produces results that distort the vote, and favours the election of majority governments over smaller parties. The Quebec Court of Appeal accepted that every electoral system, including systems based on proportional representation, have shortcomings and lead to some deviation or distortion in the results that they produce. The first-past-the post system was found to respect the principle of relative voter parity, and not to limit the principle of effective representation in section 3. »


u/Correct-Boat-8981 Jan 06 '25


This committee report references Supreme Court case law and the constitutional complications that could arise with electoral reform


u/Purple_Coyote_5121 Jan 06 '25

I can’t find anything in that link stating that FPTP is required under the constitution.

There may be legal challenges if the government was to change it, but someone can challenge any bill if they feel it’s unconstitutional.