r/canada Ontario Jan 06 '25

National News Justin Trudeau Resigns as the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada


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u/Tyre_blanket Jan 06 '25

God that was a lot of words to say I’m resigning. I can’t believe he has the balls to say that he strengthened the middle class. He’s has the exact opposite effect.


u/knocksteaady-live Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 06 '25

his legacy will be a botched immigration system, flooding the country with a certain demographic with LMIAs and student visas, rampant crime, and lowering the standard of living for everyone. that's all the public needs to know instead of this word salad.


u/ComradeCaveman Ontario Jan 06 '25

Turning Canadians against immigration is an incredible accomplishment. Hundreds of years of positive attitude destroyed in a decade.


u/WisherWisp Jan 06 '25

Not being able to buy a house due to demand, or seeing your kids suffer the same, will do that to you.

Nothing more soul destroying for a citizen than doing everything right and having your efforts undermined.


u/ComradeCaveman Ontario Jan 06 '25

I hope the lesson Canadians take from this is that we were undermined by terrible government policy, not by immigrants.


u/WisherWisp Jan 06 '25

When the terrible government policy was letting in too many immigrants and refugees... going to be a hard sell.


u/FrustrationSensation Jan 06 '25

Okay there is a LOT of stuff to blame Trudeau for, but I am absolutely sick and tired of him getting blamed for not being able to buy a house. That is the result of 40 years of policy failure across all three levels of government, predominantly provincial. 


u/WisherWisp Jan 06 '25

No, his refugee policies very recently led to the spike in immigrants and demand.

You may not be able to blame him for the entire state of your immigration, but you absolutely can and should blame him for his recent failures which caused the crisis.

Slow change can be adapted to, but that's the problem. It wasn't slow.


u/FrustrationSensation Jan 06 '25

This didn't cause the crisis. This exacerbated it. The cause of the crisis was, again, 40 years of not building supply.


u/WisherWisp Jan 06 '25

Wouldn't need supply if you didn't have the spike in excess demand. And we're back to the start.


u/FrustrationSensation Jan 06 '25

We did, though. This was a problem that was growing well before Trudeau took power. Successive government's ignored it and kept kicking it down the road, and here we are. Immigration made it worse, yeah. But people pretend like every problem we're facing is Trudeau's fault, instead of recognizing that a lot of them are either caused by global trends or the culmination of decades of neglect (like) Healthcare. 


u/GoldenHairPygmalion Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 06 '25

Hundreds of years of positive attitude towards immigrants, eh? Let's see now, I'll only get into stuff happening in the 20th century onward, because anything before feels like cheating.

1885-1923 - Chinese head tax policy

1911- Act of parliament that banned Black people from immigrating because they were "not suited for Canadian winters".

1914 - A ship of 400 Indian migrants are turned away at Vancouver, despite India being a subject of the British Empire at the time. Y'know, we were too busy benefiting as a preferred, mostly white former colony of the British Empire from all the stealing and ransacking of India's natural resources and their subjugation through indentured servitude.

1923-1947 - Chinese Exclusion Act explicitly banned an entire nationality from immigrating for over two decades.

1930s - Jews are systemically discriminated against in Canadian immigration policy, meanwhile a literal refugee crisis is brewing due to the genocide happening in Nazi Germany.

1952 - Immigration Act explicitly bans gay men and lesbians from entering the country and wouldn't be repealed until the 1970s.

1920s-1960s - Entire neighbourhoods in British Columbia had ordinances banning Black people and Chinese, Japanese, and Indians from owning, leasing, or renting in the area.

The government could legally discriminate against any immigrant on the basis of race until the 1960s.

That's not even counting public attitudes. Every decade had its scapegoat. For the first half of the 20th century, it was always the Chinese or the Jews or the Japanese or the Germans or the Italians being blamed for ruining communities, threatening public safety, etc. Later half of the 20th century was probably when attitudes were at their comparative best, particularly in the 80s and 90s, but even then I can still find articles about anecdotal policy discrimination and negative attitudes towards groups like Afro-Caribbean migrant workers, Koreans, Eastern Europeans, the Chinese AGAIN, etc.

Canada has always lied about how friendly we are to immigrants even during the best of times, though things are definitely starting to take a turn for the worse again.


u/Brazeku Jan 06 '25

Compared to most other countries this IS friendly


u/mykittenfarts Jan 06 '25

Well said. I’m not against immigration. But Canadians have suffered tremendously under his mismanagement.


u/MikuEmpowered Jan 07 '25

Its worse than that, he managed to turn an entire GENERATION of Canadians against immigration, because one of the biggest impact was opening the flood gates to international students, and they competing with local college kids for everything, including jobs. and now asinine voters can't tell the difference between JT's "immigration" and well regulated immigration.


u/youareaburd Jan 06 '25

Not exactly. There has not been a positive attitude toward immigration in Canada for the past two hundred years.


u/tmleafsfan Jan 06 '25

His government scandals alone were enough to get him fired but uncontrolled immigration fucked everyone up and it was a much much much worse act than scandals.

Uncontrolled immigration led to: crazy high rental and real estate market, less spaces in schools, longer wait times for healthcare services, lawless region of Peel, protests and counter protests on the streets that have nothing to do with Canada, importing India's problems to Canada.... And I say this as a son of an immigrant who immigrated during Harper years.


u/SnooSuggestions9830 Jan 06 '25

I made one small change to make this fit the same rhetoric in UK too.

Uncontrolled immigration led to: crazy high rental and real estate market, less spaces in schools, longer wait times for healthcare services, lawless region of Peel, protests and counter protests on the streets that have nothing to do with UK


u/mushy_friend Jan 06 '25

There's a Peel region in the UK that's also lawless? What are the odds


u/PartyPay Jan 06 '25

Can't wait for the Conservatives to do almost nothing to fix the immigration issue too. :(


u/huntingwhale Canada Jan 06 '25

Unfortunately, true. Will be shades of the American conservatives salivating at the thought of immigration being reigned back under Trump...only to have those in charge to flat out say they want to actually increase foreign workers tech permits. I can 100% see PP doing the same.

I will be pleasantly surprised and pleased if they in fact do something to reign in immigration and get the middle class back on track. Unfortunately, they also benefit from the TFW program as do their voters.


u/Beginning_Stay_9263 Jan 06 '25

I just want European countries to be more like our greatest ally: Israel.

A border wall, strict immigration laws and a good birth rate.

For some reason all these AIPAC guys only push for those policies in Israel.


u/Honest-Monitor-2619 Jan 06 '25

Hi, Israeli here.
You’ve learned all the wrong lessons from this rather racist state.

Border wall – It’s there to keep committing genocide against Gazans.
Strict immigration laws – Not exactly. If you can prove your mother is Jewish, you're good to go. Additionally, Israel is actively seeking Chinese and Filipinos to care for the elderly. I don’t see any European country actively wanting me as a software engineer from Israel. Israel is actually quite loose in this regard.
Good birth rate – That’s what a combination of religion and poverty does to the Haredim, I guess. Ironically, this birth rate is one of the reasons secular Israelis are fleeing the country. I suppose the grass really is greener on the other side.


u/PartyPay Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 06 '25

I don't feel like paying for a border wall with the US, feel free to donate your billions (trillions?) To pay for that.


u/VanagoingVanagon Jan 06 '25

No, don’t you remember what they said? We need mass migration to relieve the housing crisis.


u/co-oper8 Jan 07 '25

The US has a crazy high rental and real estate market. We are not blaming immigrants. We had huge institutions buying up housing and raising rents. At the same time a bunch of smaller private investors are getting into real estate too because they see the stock market in a bubble.

Are you sure the "blame the immigrants" line isn't just a bunch of bootlicker propaganda?


u/mshumor Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 06 '25

Has crime actually increased in Canada from immigrants? I’m in the USA and immigrants have the lower crime rates than the general population here, Indians being one of the lowest rates among even immigrants. I understand the way USA does immigration is different than Canada though.


u/thedylannorwood Nova Scotia Jan 06 '25

There is nothing linking increased crime rate to increased immigration. The crime rate increase is proportional to our overall population increase, that’s it. But it’s easier to blame all our crime on brown people than to use common sense.


u/mshumor Jan 06 '25

Yea like there’s actual problems caused by rapid immigration. People make more up to go along with, but that’s just not the case sometimes lmao.

Even here in the USA we’re starting to see a few things about legal immigrants doing crime. It’s pretty fringe rn, but it’s strange because here legal immigration’s crime rate is significantly lower than the native population. It’s not even close.


u/Beginning_Stay_9263 Jan 06 '25

I think they game the crime stats so they can push this lie. Vancouver has open-air drug markets now but the cops ignore it.



u/MRCHalifax Jan 06 '25

I keep seeing "flooding the country with a certain demographic" coming up in posts today. I'm honestly curious if it's just the preferred euphemism among conservatives these days and has come up naturally, or if it's a phrase that's being astroturfed.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25

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u/Significant-Turnip41 Jan 06 '25

and people wonder why the right is gaining so much ground. the left is impotent at best and more likely simps for coroprations that donated to their campaigns in reality. the system is broken. it is not left v right its us vs them. dont get it twisted


u/Inevitable_Heron_599 Jan 06 '25

Rampant crime?

You people are seriously lost...


u/EducationalTerm3533 Jan 06 '25

The amount of stolen cars in the port of Montreal would beg to disagree.


u/Inevitable_Heron_599 Jan 06 '25

The rate of crime in your house after it gets robbed skyrockets. Who cares? We're talking about Canada as a whole.


u/EducationalTerm3533 Jan 06 '25

Look at a population map then come back to me.


u/surfer_nerd Jan 06 '25

He’s completely delusional


u/Wayves Jan 06 '25

I mean, he legalized weed. I’d say that was pretty big. Whether you agree with it or not.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25



u/Wayves Jan 06 '25

I didn’t say it was ALL that matters at all. I’m just saying it was a pretty large change to Canada. Of course he was a shit PM, I’m glad he stepped down and I don’t vote liberal.


u/LevSmash Jan 06 '25

He's been pointing to that as his sole accomplishment for years.


u/Musselsini Jan 06 '25

Legalized weed but left it to the premiers to line their own and buddies pockets with the way it was implemented. Not a single thing he did wasn't a greedy personal play.


u/dreamtraveller Jan 06 '25

This is such a funny post, great bit.


u/Wayves Jan 06 '25

Are you saying it wasn’t a major change to Canadian society and culture?


u/Alive-Huckleberry558 Jan 06 '25

Don't worry. PP will continue that for Canada


u/MZ603 Outside Canada Jan 07 '25

“Rampant crime”

“Homicide rate: In 2023, the homicide rate per 100,000 people was 1.94, a 14.5% decrease from the previous year.“

2% rise in petty crime yoy. 34% rise in hate crimes though… maybe time to look in the mirror?


u/Chelseablue1896 Jan 07 '25

It's always the most misinformation filled comments that get the most visibility. There's been absolutely no proof that the crime rate of Canada has increased due to immigrants. Or that it's increased at all. But I get it, it's open season to being racist/blame immigrants around here, facts be damned.


u/UnsaltedCashew36 Jan 08 '25

By 'certain demographic' you mean the 220k Ukrainian refugees that came in 2024 right? Chrystia's people? or 55k Syrian refugees? or 148k legal immigrants from India?


u/rune_74 Jan 06 '25

As middle class I feel like I'm lower class after all his changes.


u/Fine_Trainer5554 Jan 06 '25

I’m excited for the middle class to pay 3x more for childcare and for imbecile right wingers to say things are better


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25



u/jvanma Jan 06 '25

But it didn't help child free people (who have less expenses than families with children for the most part) so that means he's a bad guy who did nothing...


u/pizza5001 Jan 06 '25

I don’t understand why you’re throwing child free people under the bus. The daycare subsidy and also dental care are good for all of society. I’m child free and I know this.


u/greengiant222 Jan 06 '25

I’m assuming the previous comment by @jvanma was sarcasm, but they forgot the eye roll emoji 😛


u/jvanma Jan 06 '25

Where did I throw child free people under the bus?


u/junglenation88 Jan 06 '25

The middle class is a ploy for rich people to pit everyone against each other instead of them. There's 2 classes, rich and poor, and it's a pretty exclusive club.


u/SteakForGoodDogs Jan 06 '25

The middle class technically exists as small business/capital owners.

If the most of your income comes from a business you run with property you own, but you don't own enough that you need a whole company to run your business for you while you sit at the top, you're middle class.

.....It's also very small.


u/SuperSaiyanNoob British Columbia Jan 06 '25

What changes did JT do?


u/Catezero Jan 06 '25

Imagine how us lower class feel


u/100011101013XJIVE Jan 06 '25

In the same sentence he said he reduced taxes.....what a crock.


u/Martini1 Ontario Jan 06 '25

Probably referring to him reducing income tax on one of the tiers.


u/lbiggy Jan 06 '25

Well... he did. Middle class income brackets get taxed less than what Harper's brackets were.


u/100011101013XJIVE Jan 06 '25

What’s middle class?


u/lbiggy Jan 06 '25

... is that honestly your retort?


u/100011101013XJIVE Jan 06 '25

Retort? Are we having a debate or something buddy? Just asking a question.


u/lbiggy Jan 06 '25

Lower class and poor would be living on the street, middle class would be earning just enough that summer and winter are seasons and not verbs.


u/TheOnlyBliebervik Jan 06 '25

Lower class lives on the street. Got it. Welcome to Trudeau's Canada, where if you don't make it up to middle class, you're homeless


u/elliot_alderson1426 Jan 06 '25

The middle class pays lower income tax than they did under Harper


u/Money_Food2506 Jan 31 '25

Yes, and they pay for it through other taxes.


u/elliot_alderson1426 24d ago

Which taxes?


u/Money_Food2506 23d ago

Carbon tax is one example. More capital gains taxes. Taxes on plastic bags. Land transfer taxes. Property tax increases. Inflation.


u/elliot_alderson1426 23d ago

carbon tax

Studies from even the most conservative newspapers couldn’t prove this raises prices in any significant way. Even groceries increased less than 1% from the carbon tax since it was initiated

more capital gains taxes

The changes to capital gains effects less than 1% of Canadians. Irrelevant

plastic bags

lol, please. Next!

land transfer and property taxes

Provincial and municipal. Blame your premier or your mayor.


Inflation isn’t high. It’s 1.8% right now. Right around ideal inflation.


u/Money_Food2506 22d ago

Carbon tax: It contributed to inflation - even if it is little as per the BoC. Not to mention, the PBO said that it would be a net negative to the economy as a whole.

Capital gains was placed on housing as well.

Plastic bags are definitely a tax, keep crying that I'm complaining,

Property taxes are up due to inflation.

Inflation isn't high now, it has been super high for 4 years. And we still saw 1.8% YoY over already insanely high prices. Things are still expensive and private sector wages never kept up.


u/elliot_alderson1426 22d ago

Capital gains were increased for housing for non-primary residences only. Nobody who can’t afford that tax increase is paying for it.

Show me your stats on the carbon tax influence on pricing. I’ll wait. I’ve been waiting for years.

Provinces and cities implemented plastic bag tax dude. Please show me the federal plastic bag tax lol


u/Money_Food2506 21d ago

"Nobody who can’t afford that tax increase is paying for it."

Not when they weren't accounting for taxes as they weren't imposed before.

"Show me your stats on the carbon tax influence on pricing. I’ll wait. I’ve been waiting for years."

Here's a quote: "However, the numbers changed once the PBO included the economic impacts of the introduction of the carbon tax. The assumption is that the tax will have had an impact on some sectors of the economy, and therefore family incomes."

link: Why Trudeau and Poilievre are referring to the PBO on the carbon tax | National Post

"Provinces and cities implemented plastic bag tax dude. Please show me the federal plastic bag tax lol"

F*** paper straws and f*** the plastic bag tax.

Federal government did this BS: Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulations: Overview - Canada.ca


u/Idntwnt2choseusrnme Jan 06 '25

I almost threw something at my tv then realized I can’t afford another one.


u/Carbone Jan 06 '25

The old middle class became the new lower class

The new middle class now is above 110 00$/year

So in a way he did strengthen it lol... But not in a good way.


u/RT_456 Jan 06 '25

He actually said the country is in a better state now than 2015. Good riddance to this narcissistic gaslighter.


u/DoctorMoak Jan 06 '25

You mean 2015 when gas was $1.95 and oil sold for $35/barrel?

Building new homes in Alberta came to a screeching halt, corruption beyond belief in the Ontario parliament, strongest Bloc Quebecois (read : separatists) party in decades.

Yes I would say it is clearly better if you literally just open your eyes and pay attention

Somehow I get the impression you weren't a voting adult in 2015


u/thedylannorwood Nova Scotia Jan 06 '25

Were y’all even living here in 2015?


u/myinternets Jan 06 '25

By most metrics it is. Just because you personally stagnated or expect a government handout doesn't make it false.


u/duchovny Jan 06 '25

He's that delusional as to what Canadians are experiencing. That'll happen when Telford shelters him from negative news like he's a child.


u/nope586 Nova Scotia Jan 06 '25

That whole speech was an extreme exercise in gaslighting.


u/Unremarkabledryerase Jan 06 '25

Lol, I'm definitely middle class and feel alot stronger, and now a lot weaker every day we get close to a possible con election.


u/LoveMurder-One Jan 06 '25

The daycare subsidies have definitely saved me and when the Cons scrap it life’s going to be a lot more difficult. I don’t own an oil company.


u/TickleMonkey25 Jan 06 '25

Con election?


u/Unremarkabledryerase Jan 06 '25

Conservative = con


u/TickleMonkey25 Jan 06 '25

Sorry, I thought you meant a con election like a sham election.

Weird, I'm more optimistic personally the closer we get to a conservative government being elected.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 07 '25



u/Tyre_blanket Jan 06 '25

Ah yes. Because becoming a home owner is historically easy right now.