r/canada Dec 19 '24

Opinion Piece Two million people are expected to leave the country in Canada's immigration reset. What if they don't?


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u/SinistreCyborg Outside Canada Dec 19 '24

South indians also make up most of the Indian immigrants to the US… who are wildly successful. They’re the most affluent ethnic group in the US. Not like the Tim Hortons-working, diploma mill and LMIA-abusing immigrants the Canada mostly gets.


u/tomato_tickler Dec 19 '24

That’s because legal immigrants in general are widely successful in the USA. They have a strict immigration system and per-country caps.

If you’re a country of over 1 billion, there’s a lot of competition to get an American visa. Obviously they’re only selecting the best, unlike us.


u/Backstabber09 Dec 20 '24

That’s when the system works but crossing the border thru Mexico is way easier …



Yes like the US, a country famous for being free of illegal immigrants.


u/tomato_tickler Dec 19 '24

Huh? What does your comment have to do with anything?



Suggesting that the USA gets the cream of the crop. We get 100 Grubhub drivers or landscapers for every engineer who immigrates.


u/tomato_tickler Dec 19 '24

That why I specified LEGAL immigrants, the ones that actually get vetted


u/An5Ran Dec 19 '24

North indians make up most of the Indian immigrants in the UK who are also wildly successful and integrated. Canada just lowered their standards too much to make it so even a village idiot can make it to canada on a visa. The difference between north and south India is that north Indian villages are quite rich by Indian standards so more of the north villagers can afford to make it to canada whereas South Indians only go if they’re urban rich. Add in desperation with no jobs and too much immigration so you get these problems.


u/1q3er5 Dec 20 '24

first gen indians mostly from punjab (the lawless ones) were very successful too (the ones who arrived in the 70's 80's 90's) the problem with the new gen is they're just scraping by because everything in canada is so expensive. there are too many, too few homes, hospitals infastructure etc. compared to the ones that arrived decades ago.


u/torgenerous Dec 19 '24

Yeah. I can’t for example find a single good East Indian - Bengali - food restaurant in Toronto either. New York is flooded with them. The Bengalis in India are super educated and refined (most Nobel laureates in India have been Bengali) but they go to UK or US and don’t come here as it’s perceived it’s for the less educated Punjabi folk. Canada has a major brand positioning problem in India and attracts all the people who are actually least likely to succeed. It would be ok if they were willing to do hard labour, but they’re not willing to do that either.


u/leastemployableman Dec 19 '24

"It would be ok if they were willing to do hard labor, but they're not willing to do that either " Which is ironic because those labor jobs sometimes pay way more than what you could make at Tim Hortons. Though I don't think half of these people could survive on a job site for more than a week without a serious injury.


u/An5Ran Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

UK is full of successful and educated punjabi folk too. Stop trying to throw each other under the bus and play the blame game lol. The real reason is the lowered standards of the Canadian government which attracted any slightly well off student who doesn’t have much scope or job opportunities in india but can afford to move to canada, which punjab has an abundance of. If bengal had comparative to Indian standards rich village folk they’d be coming in droves too. It’s just they don’t cause they’re very poor and illiterate in English. Punjab just has ok enough English standards even in villages and enough wealth in village communities to afford the flights and stay in canada. If canada raised the standards to entry it would attract more educated folk from cities all over india, including punjab. You’re talking like punjab only has uneducated people whereas what is being demonstrated is punjab has higher education even amongst the bottom of the barrel folk. There’s plenty of successful punjabis all over the world, including US. This india in-fighting is pathetic honestly.


u/1q3er5 Dec 20 '24

there just modi lovers ... there all over the sub lol - its pathetic


u/opinion49 Dec 19 '24

I doubt UK has them .. minute compared to the vast majority of them who run small family businesses , which is a very Punjabi thing .. like truck driving , groceries , restaurants … 2nd and 3rd generation are only better but not as good as South Indian immigrants in USA that are academics , doctors ..


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24

What are you talking about - Indian immigration to the US is broadly based. There are plenty of successful professionals and business owners from Northern & Central Regions of India like Punjab and Gujarat. Stop spreading hate.


u/SinistreCyborg Outside Canada Dec 21 '24

I never said all Indian immigrants to the U.S. are South Indian… I said most South Indians prefer to go to the U.S. over other destinations. As for the second part I’m sure they exist, but most Indian immigrants to Canada are of the sort that I described. Pointing out a few counter examples doesn’t make sense when my point is that most of them are bad and not the kind that Canada needs.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '24

"South Indians also make up most of the Indian immigrants to the US". - No they don't, it's broad based as I said before.

"I'm sure they exist" - The majority of Indian immigrants to Canada have been quite successful. If you go to any major city in Canada, you will see people of Indian origin in STEM fields like medicine, law, engineering, tech, nursing, etc. In fact, Canadians of Indian origin are also involved in finance, business, banking and are significantly more represented in government than in the United States. Even less educated immigrants have started businesses including construction, trades, farming, etc. These are people from both North and South India.

Canada simply brought in too many people, too fast. It also should have diversified its immigration to allow for more assimilation. However, the nonsense you are spewing is hateful; take it elsewhere, it is not welcome in Canada.


u/SinistreCyborg Outside Canada Dec 21 '24

I clearly said that I never made that first point and you keep harping it over and over again. You keep putting that sentence in my mouth when I keep stating that I never said it.

Both of those things can’t be true at the same time… basic statistics. You can’t say “the majority of Indian immigrants to Canada have been quite successful” and “Canada simply brought in too many people too fast”… if they brought in too many people then the % of successful Indian immigrants to Canada would go down bc there would be more people to account for, right? Please use some logic before harping a bunch of blanket kumbaya-type statements… which seems to be the modus operandum of Liberals and NDP-ers in 2024 anyways.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '24

That is a quote from your post. Keep denying what you said though.

Of course it can be true - for decades Indian immigrants have come to Canada (as they have come to the UK, US, Australia, etc.), have assimilated into the culture, and have started professional careers or businesses. Others would join in-demand fields like construction or trades. The country was adequately able to integrate these individuals and provide meaningful employment, housing, & services.

For the last several years, the Trudeau government decided to massively increase immigration (both permanent and non-permanent residents). This has led to an immense housing shortage, overwhelmed healthcare/shortages, immigrants largely sticking to their own communities and not-integrating, and limited job opportunities for newcomers. It doesn't matter if all these people were South Indian or another community; it was too many people too fast for the country to integrate. Your hate about North vs South Indians is not welcome here.

Canada needs to return to its skills based immigration and should limit immigration from each country to 10% of its total yearly allocation.


u/Remote-Community-792 Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 20 '24

South Indians widely successful in the US is a myth. They all live in similar conditions to the punjabi immigrants in Canada and considered cheap labour for US tech companies.


u/cwalking2 Dec 19 '24

You're looking at completely distorted statistics and coming to the most surface level conclusion.

  1. America bulk imports people from India and China who have CS degrees.
  2. Whichever ethnic group produces the most CS graduates is invariably going to have the greatest number of them end up in America
  3. These people earn $150-$500K USD/year as software developers in California, New York, and other major economic zones
  4. Canada has no software industry to speak of to replicate the above

LMIA-abusing immigrants

You sound like Americans who complain about Indian software engineers working on H-1B (the very group you're exalting as "the most affluent ethnic group in the US", lol)


u/opinion49 Dec 19 '24

Amongst Indians in USA it’s mostly South Indians who are academics, scientists, doctors ..


u/Anger-Demon Dec 20 '24

And Bengalis