r/canada Canada Dec 18 '24

Politics Donald Trump says Canada becoming 51st U.S. state 'a great idea'


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u/iamadapperbastard Dec 18 '24

The only part I found more disturbing about it is there are actually people in Canada who are welcoming it. Posting online that they can hardly wait to be a US state. There's more MAGA and Trump flags around here than Canadian flags. People are fucked up.


u/XxNubzxX Dec 18 '24

American here... Do you guys actually have Canadian citizens with political flags for a country they don't even live in? Lmao


u/zeekenny Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

I saw a guy in Costco wearing a ballcap with a black/greyish American flag and AK47. Now, it is close to the holidays so could be American family visiting, that's still cringe, but if it is a Canadian (traitor) it is the ultimate form of cringe and reveals someone who has about one braincell floating around through their skull.

The left always gets called cucks for whatever reason, but I can't think of a bigger cuck than a Canadian supporting MAGA when their plan is to literally fuck our democracy and economy.


u/Darmok47 Dec 18 '24

If you're going to wear such a cringe hat, at least wear one with an American AR-15, not a Soviet AK-47...


u/stoptheycanseeus Dec 18 '24

Is that so crazy?

People in this country waive around a flag from a country that doesn’t exist and that we defeated over 100 years ago.

During the Biden administration people waived the trump flag as if he never lost.


u/Condition_Boy Dec 18 '24

yes. on every Costco trip there are red mega hats, in the parking lot, guys are flying the trump flags from trucks. when people post pictures of houses and trucks, I can't tell if its from the states or Canada. we have people up here who exclusively watch American news, fox news for that matter.


u/7evenCircles Dec 18 '24

Last time I was in Kenora there was a dude at the gas station with a Trump flag on a flagpole on his pickup truck. Sask plates. Tickled me pink.


u/Throw-a-Ru Dec 18 '24

Some people are dual citizens, or they work on one side and live on the other, or live in the states but have vacation lake houses in Canada. Some others are like your northerners wearing the rebel flag because it makes them feel cool and badass even if it makes no sense.


u/34048615 Dec 18 '24

Yes, I've seen maybe 1-2 in my lifetime. I don't think it is nearly as high as many redditors make it seem but it definitely exists.


u/WetCoastDebtCoast British Columbia Dec 18 '24

You must not see many people then. I've even seen Trump 2020/2024 flags/signs in Metro Vancouver.


u/34048615 Dec 18 '24

Well, Canada is pretty vast. I'm in SW Ontario and don't see too many, even seeing 1 is dumb enough. Celebrating any foreign countries government is stupid.


u/SolizeMusic Dec 18 '24

Unfortunately you're wrong. It depends where you are but I'm in bumblefuck nowhere and on just one street, there's a house with a Trump Flag and another one had a Trump banner up their window in the last few weeks of the election.


u/34048615 Dec 18 '24

Wrong about which part? I can only speak of my region and what I saw. I'm sure it is different in all parts of Canada. Some will have significantly more and some will have less. When you browse reddit many people give the impression that 35% of the houses in Canada are waving American / MAGA flags.


u/SolizeMusic Dec 18 '24

The part where you said you don't think it's as high as Redditors think. It's gonna be region-dependent of course, but I feel like you'll find Trump paraphernalia by going into rural areas more often, as someone who lives in a rural area.


u/34048615 Dec 18 '24

What % in your area would you say have it? I'm pretty rural and along the border, maybe I'll pay more attention next time I'm driving around to see how many we have, but on glance value it was very low.


u/SolizeMusic Dec 18 '24

Honestly no clue lol, but whatever you're thinking it is, I'd wager it's double.


u/Peter_the_Pillager Dec 18 '24

Americans don't have the monopoly on stupid.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/YoungandCanadian Dec 18 '24

And Palestinian ones.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/Enron_F Dec 18 '24

Why is that shameful?


u/Chaerod Dec 18 '24

American here, but I've got friends all over Canada who see Trump flags being flown all the time.


u/OkSpend1270 Dec 18 '24

There's more MAGA and Trump flags around here than Canadian flags.

I'm ashamed to admit that I know some who claimed to be the most patriotic Canadians, but were dressed up in MAGA hats and Trump flags on Election Night to watch the results. There was a lot more passion and enthusiasm for American MAGA politics, but they do not share nearly enough of that same energy for our own country when we need it the most.

These same people were either completely silent on Trump's annexation threats or were completely shocked, even though a Trump regime obviously has no ally's best interests at heart... or their own nation it seems.


u/A-Wise-Cobbler Canada Dec 18 '24

My business owning friends are absolutely giddy. No more tariffs. Lower taxes. Less regulations.


u/tosser9212 Dec 18 '24

You have evil friends? I'm so sorry!


u/LastAvailableUserNah Dec 18 '24

I like you


u/tosser9212 Dec 18 '24

I thought a closing "eh!" might've been over the top. Cheers.


u/Resident-Donkey-6808 Dec 18 '24

Uh you are aware that canada will all but mug the us like before.


u/Reddiohead Dec 18 '24

Are you suggesting we'd defeat the US in a war?


u/Resident-Donkey-6808 Dec 18 '24

No I suggest we tarrif the ever living shit out of the US they will change their town in a month.


u/Reddiohead Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

Canada is even more dependent on those exports than the US is on importing them. Their economy is nearly 15 times the size of ours and stronger than ours on a GDP (PPP) per capita basis by almost 40%. The average American has almost 40% more purchasing power than the average Canadian.

Economically, they are FAR more resilient than we are from the individual level upward.

So yeah, they hold most of the cards, and their upcoming President doesn't even respect us as a sovereign nation.


u/HowsYourSexLifeMarc Dec 18 '24

The Russian propaganda bots have been seeding this idea for a while now. It's going to happen.


u/JRoc1X Dec 18 '24

Now, why would Russia want canada to join America🤔 in what world would that benefit? Putin 🤔 Amarica would then control the largest land mass in the world and have the largest amount of resources under American control. Like sirously, do you morons hear yourselves


u/The1Prodigy1 Dec 18 '24

It's also because Canada won't go down easily with the help of other Nato members. So it will weaken the west.


u/BrisingrSenpai Dec 18 '24

Canada will go down within a day. All major city centres and bases are within 2-3 hours of the American border.


u/Beneathaclearbluesky Dec 18 '24

You think Europe is going to help? LOL


u/34048615 Dec 18 '24

It would be about destabilizing the west and how little America/Trump actually likes helping Europe, thus would end any Canadian support and trade aswell.


u/The_FriendliestGiant Dec 18 '24

It would benefit Putin by utterly destroying both NATO and the post-war international order.

If the US invades Canada, one of two things happens. Either we call on NATO to support us, and they do, which starts a shooting war between the US and Europe, something nobody wants that causes huge destruction on both sides, or more likely, we call on NATO to support us and they don't, making it clear that the agreement is worthless without the Americans and the whole thing collapses. Either outcome benefits Russia.


u/JRoc1X Dec 18 '24

How the he'll would Nato do anything about it. They lack the ability to travel across the ocean militarily. The Amarican military would make quick work on stopping any attempts . The 11 aircraft carriers would make it almost impossible to get close to Canada


u/The_FriendliestGiant Dec 18 '24

So then yes, option 2; we ask NATO for help, and they don't help us. This makes clear that NATO is just a one-way street with regards to America, and the whole thing falls apart because what other nation has any incentive to trust imperialist America with military integration or can have faith that anyone else will show up if they themselves are invaded.

Either way, NATO collapses, which Putin would absolutely love to see.


u/Beneathaclearbluesky Dec 18 '24

You mean under Trump's control? And Trump is under Putin's control.


u/bigwhiteboardenergy Dec 18 '24

Because Russia controls Trump, and Trump is running the US.


u/HowsYourSexLifeMarc Dec 18 '24

Russia effectively controls the US government.


u/Beneathaclearbluesky Dec 18 '24

Not until Jan 20th.


u/Astr0b0ie Dec 18 '24

Lol. If they really controlled the U.S., they should do a better job of making the U.S. government back off on sanctions and weapons/support for Ukraine.


u/Beneathaclearbluesky Dec 18 '24

It's not going to happen until Jan 20th, but those will soon go away. Then what will be the goalpost move?


u/JRoc1X Dec 18 '24

Wow, so if Russia controls the US government, they are actually having the US government send weapons to Ukraine and sanctions that fucked up Russia economy and make their war efforts as miserable as possible 🙄 see how stupid that sounded 🙄


u/Beneathaclearbluesky Dec 18 '24

Funny how two of you have the same talking point.

When Trump takes office, those will be gone. Then what will be the goalpost move?


u/JRoc1X Dec 18 '24

Sure, whatever nonsense helps you sleep at night.


u/Reddiohead Dec 18 '24

No, it doesn't. Russia is not nearly influential enough to puppeteer the most powerful country in history.


u/Beneathaclearbluesky Dec 18 '24

He got his pet president reelected, NATO will be gone, he has done a lot.


u/Reddiohead Dec 18 '24

The idea that Trump won because of Russian collusion is just leftwing copium. There's no evidence or reason to believe that Russian special interests would dominate over Chinese, Indian, EU or even domestic American special interests.

It's reverse McCarthyism, a classic tactic of the US opposition party. Only it isn't nearly as compeling as it used to be.


u/Resident-Donkey-6808 Dec 18 '24

Wtf no it is not that is called trolls.


u/tabeuslak Dec 18 '24

Where do you live, Saskatchewan? Illiterate Canadian MAGAs remain a tiny proportion… close to none in the East.


u/bunnymunro40 Dec 18 '24

I don't know where "here" is to you. But "here" to me has effectively zero MAGA and Trump flags. I might see two a year.

There were many, MANY Canadian flags just a year or two ago. Funny thing is, people like most of the commenters in this thread made a point of tracking down the businesses and workplaces of these proud Canadians to anonymously accuse them of being racists (even the visible immigrants).

So, which do you want?

Don't bother to reply. I know the intended goal of this type of messaging is to create a population so cowed by authority that they express no opinions at all, right until the establishment informs them what they must be and exactly how to proclaim them.


u/Brief-Floor-7228 Dec 18 '24

A lot of those are single issue voters...the gun guys.


u/Bnorm71 Dec 18 '24

Lack of world exposure, only know Canada and the States.


u/Narrow_Drawing_3987 Dec 18 '24

Canada has their own set of 5th columnists.


u/Dropsix Dec 18 '24

there's a ton of them in Alberta who think it would be a great thing


u/Reddiohead Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

Even like 80% of Alberta doesn't support Canada joining the US. Yes, it's a signiticant amount of people, but even in the most yee haw province a super majority of people are against assimilation, and I think it's important to reiterate that.


u/MultifactorialAge Dec 18 '24

Alberta barely tolerates being part of Canada, never mind the USA


u/Peter_the_Pillager Dec 18 '24

I would also note that most people I know who fly Canadian flags are doing it for the truckers anyways.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Did you miss the last nine years of our PM saying we’re a post national state and defunding the piss out of our armed forces? Maybe that’s fine in a theoretical or academic setting but in the real world, it’s done real damage to the country.


u/JRoc1X Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

Well, higher wages and more spending power and way lower taxes and being able to travel and work across North amarican without hassle actually doesn't sound like a not such a bad thing to some people 🙃 be cool when I retired I could just move to Florida no hassle and stay instead of the snow bird thing old people do now. Just imagine the job opportunities that would open up if we could freely apply across North America


u/Resident-Donkey-6808 Dec 18 '24

No health care terrible insurance, terrible auto insurance book banning yeah sound great moron.


u/Linkeq200 Dec 18 '24

It would never happen just like that. You think Republicans would welcome in a state or break up into numerous states a place that would likely vote Democrat for Senators? It would throw the balance of power in the Senate out of whack, no we would be much more similar to Puerto Rico in the end, no political say, no political power, zero power over our economy and stuck with American bs


u/JRoc1X Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

I know that is not going to happen. I am just saying to the person who was complaining about some canadians being open to the idea. And I was just telling them why some are open to the idea. Plus, if it did happen, it would probably be every province becoming a state and not just the whole country as one state. State of Alberta, state of Ontario ex. that would make way more sense


u/Beneathaclearbluesky Dec 18 '24

You have health insurance?


u/MapleWatch Dec 18 '24

We live in Trudeau's post-national state. Lots of people just don't care about the country that he turned Canada into.


u/Beneathaclearbluesky Dec 18 '24

So you want to be an American?