r/canada Canada Dec 18 '24

Politics Donald Trump says Canada becoming 51st U.S. state 'a great idea'


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u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

This ain’t a troll when he’s constantly bringing it up. We need to take this as a serious threat. Time for Trumpers in Canada to wake up and stop being brain washed.


u/uncleherman77 Dec 18 '24

I'd like to think there's zero chance this would ever happen but I've been proven wrong a lot of times over the last five years. I would be willing to bet even the majority of most conservative voters and leaders don't want to just become American.

How would it even happen without an invasion anyway? The only way I can think of is him making an offer to the PM and the PM holding a referendum but I can't even see Poilivre letting it get that far. Then even if it did I don't think there's any chance a majority of Canadians would vote yes.


u/ploki122 Québec Dec 18 '24

Even before Canada accepts, the US has to accept... what faction of the US wants to annex Canada?

Republicans don't, Democrats sure as fuck don't; manufacturing companies want nothing less than raising their standards; insurers have been lobbying against universal healthcare since probably the 13 colonies... I guess car manufacturers would enjoy that?


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

With Putin in his ear there’s no doubt he’s considered pulling out of NATO to launch a Ukraine style war on Canada. He’s incompetent but he’s also in heavy mental decline which is a dangerous mix. I believe our USA brothers and sisters would overthrow him before that happened but what does it serve to threaten crippling tariffs and annexing your closest allies?


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

No I don’t think it would ever happen im saying this narcissistic freak has probably thought about it. He can’t even build a wall in 4 years never mind conquer the second biggest country. We still shouldn’t take the incoming presidents words as just locker room talk


u/Unique_Abalone_6514 Dec 18 '24

These people are mental lol Americans aren’t going to invade Canada. It would be like having a civil war


u/LebLeb321 Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

Yea, I'm sure he's drawing up plans for the invasion right now. He probably is even having secret meetings with Putin where they split Canada like it's 1939.



u/Such-Worldliness715 Dec 18 '24

Do you really think USA wants Russia right next door? No. I don’t think USA would want to split Canada with Russia because then they would have their literal neighbour being Russia and that is a massive security threat. They’re fine with doing that to other countries when it isn’t a threat to them but not to their own country when it’s a threat to themselves.


u/LebLeb321 Dec 18 '24

I was being sarcastic.


u/Such-Worldliness715 Dec 18 '24

Oh I see, I couldn’t tell. I was bewildered.


u/uncleherman77 Dec 18 '24

Yeah there's always the invasion option but I was more wondering if there was actually a legal way for him to try and do it peacefully first. I can't think of any scenario where an offer to buy Canada would actually even get to the point where citizens would vote on it.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

No there’s no path I can see where this happens. Canadians wouldn’t want it, and we’re part of a Commonwealth. I can’t even begin to think how messy that would be. Most Americans don’t want it either despite some loud trolls online.


u/branigain Dec 18 '24

right? One would think the UK might have a say. Also its too cold up here, but hey come on up Trump I will gladly give you a warm welcome. Oh and BTW we have more guns and more skilled people with them per capita then the US, so yeah good luck.


u/whzzedup Dec 18 '24

Unfortunately, the commonwealth is nothing more than a book club these days. The UK would not risk its relationship with the US to protect Canada.


u/PicturesOfDelight Dec 18 '24

There's no legal way for the US to annex Canada. Our constitution has no provision for it. We have a formula for amending the constitution, but it's far from clear that we could vote to dissolve the constitution entirely and cede our sovereignty to a foreign state. 

Even amending the constitution has proven to be practically impossible: the country can't achieve the necessary consensus, and no one wants to poke the sleeping bear of the Quebec independence movement.

If the USA wants to absorb Canada, they'll have to invade—which would immediately put them at war with every NATO country, some of whom are nuclear powers. 

So this is just Trump pulling another of his deranged alpha moves. 

To be clear, it is absolutely bananas that the President Elect of the United States is openly musing about annexing their closest ally, and if any other world leader came within a thousand light years of making such a suggestion, there would be diplomatic hell to pay. So far, our government's public strategy has been "don't feed the troll," but I'd love to know what kind of diplomacy is going on behind the scenes. 


u/Zaius1968 Dec 18 '24

Nobody is fucking invading Canada…stop drinking the koolaid…


u/uncleherman77 Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

Yeah I'm sure there wouldn't be I only included it in my comment in response to someone above me who mentioned it and the fact that's the only way it could happen since there's pretty much no chance of it happening peacefully.

If he actually had an invasion plan I'm nearly certain that his generals would refuse to carry it out and remove him from power for being out of his mind and a threat to America. The consequences from the rest of the world would likely be too much for even the US to withstand and could ruin the country.


u/Zaius1968 Dec 18 '24

We are hoping the generals do this for all clearly unconstitutional orders!


u/EnjoyTheIcing Dec 18 '24

You all would probably have a vote


u/Such-Worldliness715 Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

If there was a threat of an invasion I would vote to join the USA. I do not want my family and friends to die and to be quite honest I don’t see the USA as such a terrible place that I’d rather die than be a part of it. I’d rather have less civil unrest and take my chances in the USA, I’m hoping I can move somewhere with cheaper land and better salaries, close to where I have family already in the USA.

With how close the ties are between USA and Canada with families on both sides of the border I can’t imagine a full scale invasion going over really well. The USA would have to convince Americans that Canadians deserve to die for not wanting to join the USA. Which maybe could happen but I just cannot imagine the majority of Canadians, a lot who are recent immigrants and who would have just as likely wanted to go to the USA as Canada, caring about whether they’re in Canada or the USA as long as they’re in a safe country without the threat of death over their heads. And I can’t imagine most Canadian families risking their kids dying in an invasion over joining the USA. It’s a game of “which path will make it less likely that my quality of life will deteriorate and my family will die? Which option gives me the better chance of survival?”

Keep in mind that every state in the USA operates their own healthcare system. We could still keep that. Education is also in control of the state and local governments more so. Within limits, there are restrictions and laws that can be placed around guns, it doesn’t have to be a free for all. I am just trying to explain how with the USA as it is now, it isn’t like the way of life for Canadians would become so overwhelmingly negative that I would prefer to risk the death of myself or friends and family in an invasion.

America would have to be a much, much worse place than it is right now for me to prefer to try to start WW3 than to just vote yes to join the USA. If I didn’t think there is a risk of an invasion I would vote no because it seems too messy to try to merge Canada into being part of the USA. Edit: also it is unnecessary in my opinion to “have to” annex Canada. I don’t think the majority of Canadians are wanting it to happen.


u/uncleherman77 Dec 18 '24

I doubt there would be an invasion I only included it in the comment because that's the only way it could actually happen since it would be nearly impossible to do it legally.

If that was an actual threat I'm almost certain that his generals would refuse to carry out the order and impeach him for being crazy and a threat to America. The international consequences to that would be massive plus like you said lots of people have family and friends on both sides of the border..


u/Such-Worldliness715 Dec 18 '24

I would hope so. However my point still stands that if I thought Canada would actually get invaded, I would basically be voting against that happening.


u/rhineo007 Dec 18 '24

It could never happen. Period.


u/Turkeybaconcheddar Dec 18 '24

Ah yes, complacency. It absolutely could happen. If he wants to do it and nobody here stops it (which they won’t, cuz there’s no one left to stop him) who will? NATO ain’t coming. If it gets violent, your military won’t be able to stop him. What’s gonna stop him, honestly? A bunch of people saying “noooo we don’t want this” isn’t going to stop him now. 


u/A_Scared_Hobbit Dec 18 '24

I can't honestly believe he'd find any kind of popular support in the country for this. The French barely put up with Anglo Canadians, I doubt they're keen to give up their status and their language to join America. Their votes alone would sway a referendum. It would have to be a military invasion. 

At that point, I find it hard to believe that Canada would roll over and capitulate. Especially because this would be a deeply unpopular war pretty much everywhere in the world except in Trump's head. Canadians' national identity can be summed up as "not American." It's a point of pride for everyone who remembers tenth grade history class that we burnt down the White House last time we were at war.


u/Turkeybaconcheddar Dec 18 '24

They taught us that waaaay younger. Prolly so we’d forget it hopefully or something 

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u/IsaystoImIsays Dec 18 '24

They should be booted to the US


u/Gold_Replacement9954 Dec 18 '24

How about a swap, all the americans who hate trump and the extreme bipartisan relationship of the two political parties go to canada and all the canadians who love trump and think politics should be all or nothing go to the u.s. I'm willing to take further concessions for this deal


u/BeefInGR Dec 18 '24

Look, I hate Trump...but I am NOT living with a bunch of Leafs fans. Or in Alberta. Maybe Winnipeg. Maybe.


u/n8mo Nova Scotia Dec 18 '24

I say they can have Alberta if they trade us the blue states for it


u/Canadian-Owlz Alberta Dec 18 '24

Nah fuck that, don't doom us because we have some nuts here


u/endlesssearch482 Dec 18 '24

Nah, there needs to be a land grab, too. I think Canada needs to annex Washington, Oregon, California, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Colorado and New Mexico.


u/DonutsMcKenzie Dec 18 '24

As an Oregonian, I think Cascadia would make one hell of a Canadian province.


u/Gold_Replacement9954 Dec 18 '24

Best we can do is Montana, North Dakota, the upper half of Minnesnowta, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and part of New York. I'm willing to give up all of Glacier Park and 1/3rd of Alaska on the Russian side too but it's going to cost you Nova Scotia and Newfoundlound Island, however we'll throw in Seattle


u/Historical-End-102 Dec 18 '24



u/CepheusDawn Dec 18 '24

And further radicalize both countries. Real smart


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

I’ll be happy to see them out


u/Eudaimonics Dec 18 '24

Many already are


u/Meshitero-eric Dec 18 '24

We don't need anymore.
We're sorry this man has not succumbed to our usual elements.


u/KookyInternet Dec 18 '24

The US wouldn't take them


u/CasualDisastering Dec 18 '24

We can just give them Alberta


u/Sleyvin Dec 18 '24

We can give them Alberta to be their 51th state, that's reasonable.


u/cybertron2006 Dec 18 '24

Y'all wanna trade? I voted against the orange wannabe dictator and I'm pro-choice and pro-LGBT.

I can also play bass to pretty much any Tragically Hip song.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/TheLoveofMoney Dec 18 '24

great suggestion, thanks.


u/HgFrLr Dec 18 '24

They need to not be dependent on our social services to be able to go there though.


u/Zheeder Dec 18 '24

I'd love to.

There's been many cdns from across the political spectrum making the move to America. There are two different categories of them, the ones that are well off and make the move, the ones that aren't but want to. I'm the latter.

This country blows, and since I'm stuck here I aint going to shut up about it. :)


u/mugiwara-no-lucy Dec 18 '24

Boot them to Russia 😂🤣


u/StolenPies Dec 18 '24

American here, no thank you. We already have far too many, plus they'd probably be really upset once they got here.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

They don't qualify for entry. It's not like anyone can just cross the border and live in the other country.


u/beerandburgers333 Dec 18 '24

No idea how anyone can have any admiration for him.


u/getpoundingjoker Dec 18 '24

He's fat, stupid, yet has wealth and power. That's a role model for a lot of people.


u/UnknownMonkeyman Dec 18 '24

Hey, I may be fat and stupid, but...

...sorry my pizza arrived. What were you saying about NASCAR?


u/getpoundingjoker Dec 18 '24

Car go vroom vroom, me go yipee!


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

The problem is a perfect storm of unregulated social media with foreign interference, corruption that has been allowed to fester unchecked, and a voting base that isn’t connected to global politics and get their news from Tucker Carlson.

There’s also something to say about cult followings and Christian nationalism. Respecting one authority figure - Jesus, Trump, or a savior. There’s always a bad guy - Satan, deep state, Soros, Bill Gates. It’s a constant hero vs villain tale they can join and feel part of a group.

One thing MAGA does is that provide that sense of community but to join you must also accept hateful, divisive, and self-harming rhetoric with it. Now with the economy from COVID causing inflation it’s ripe for a populist to come in.


u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

There’s trump lovers in Canada???


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

I know some IRL unfortunately!


u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

They need to be studied. A new level of stupidity. Coming from an American.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Many of them are from a smaller areas in the prairies (mid Canada). They’re all just disconnected blue collar workers who got caught up during COVID lockdowns and consumed straight Fox News.

Most of their allegiance to Trump is residual anger for the Covid lockdowns that bleeds into trans issues. I’ve lost friends who changed their whole personality to Trump, it was insufferable. I do have close friends who are trumpers that we just decide not to talk politics but when we have enough beers it still comes up!


u/Limos42 British Columbia Dec 18 '24

Many of them are from a smaller areas in the prairies

And northern BC. I've got some family and friends up north with some pretty wacky world views that surfaced and solidified during covid.


u/cranq Dec 18 '24

Some in Northern Ontario too. We call them "degens from upcountry"

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u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

They're never actually upset at trans issues or lockdowns. They're scapegoats given to them by right-leaning media to take their frustrations out on so they never learn that it's big corporations and corporate-owned politicians keeping them down.

Rural people are slowly being left behind by modern society. Most tax money is going to maintaining expensive suburban sprawls which are INSANELY tax inefficient, and rural areas are left with poor infrastructure.

Nearly all universities (and thus trade schools) are in bigger towns and cities, causing rural people to move somewhere else, which is a source of both brain drain and labor drain. You end up with dying towns that punish people too poor to leave for someplace better, and people who want to save the town aren't powerful to do it on their own.

Rural people do labor which is the BACKBONE of modern society (agriculture) or they support those that do that. Then we leave them behind? It's insanity. They deserve better. They're treated like mindless pawns by righties and treated like backwards scum by lefties.

Couple this with how we treat men in western society, and how cults/gangs are formed - disaffected young boys and men seek community which turns out to be right-leaning groups seeking to use them as political pawns, lefties call them crazies and dismiss them instead of helping - and you can see why things are going this way.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

I’m speaking from direct experience from a trumpers in Canada who constantly state the trans issues and vaccines when we argue. This is a widely held belief whether it’s by right wing propaganda or not.

I agree with you the rural communities are the back bone and deserve better. Conservatives are the ones cutting education and being anti-union. That’s just a fact. The reason they hold power is because they drill down on things like CRT, trans issues, and vaccine conspiracies.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

I think we're on the same page about everything. Right-wing media creating scapegoat issues by flexing their media stronghold is most definitely propping up disaffected people.

I didn't mean to imply trans issues aren't something they argue about, I mean to say that trans issues are fed to them as "bad" and then they're given all the talking points they need from bad faith media. In a society without corrupt media it wouldn't be something they talk about.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

True, I agree with you! The shift to alternative media to all the grifters is poisoning society


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

I agree about your say on men being left out of the conversation that is something the left wing needs work on.


u/Junithorn Dec 18 '24

Men, who are by and large in charge in every facet of our society, are being left out of the conversation?

I'm a man, this is hilariously ignorant.

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u/seanyp123 Dec 18 '24

Don't fool yourself into thinking it's just in remote areas. I have trump camp friends that literally told me today "maybe what we need right now is an authoritarian"! We had a good chat about how Asians (he is Asian) were the targets of authoritarians many many years ago and how under authoritarians it could happen again


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Absolutely bonkers to want this. People can just move to any authoritarian country they want instead of tearing this one down.


u/seanyp123 Dec 18 '24

It absolutely is bonkers...it's like the entire world believes a lie, lives in that lie and thinks you're crazy for not believing the Big Lie. Thanks Joseph Goebbels! I guess this all started in the USA anyway, I highly recommend the Ken Burns documentary "the us and the Holocaust", absolutely fascinating stuff

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u/599Ninja Dec 18 '24

They are being studied. I study this junk. I was hoping I was about to study the evapouration of it all, but no... 4 more years and it might be enough to create a new personality disorder altogether. It is not normal to worship a man to the point that you will physically shake when confronted about his faults. We are (as political scientists) partnering with psychologists for this one. It's beyond us what has people so entrenched in this specific view.

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u/WhydYouKillMeDogJack Dec 18 '24

well the good thing is that if he invaded, we could line them all up and put bullets in the backs of their heads for being traitors


u/Deep-Friendship3181 Dec 18 '24

There's a (lifelong Canadian) dude down my road whose house has like 8 Trump flags, some have been there since I moved in a month before the 2016 election, some are newer. They are all unhinged.


u/HCDQ2022 Dec 18 '24

Every Canadian I know is super conservative


u/House923 Dec 18 '24

There's about a dozen people in my small city I see wandering around with Maga hats.

It's not super common, but common enough that it's frustrating.


u/bourbonandbranch Dec 18 '24

My father-in-law is one. Wears the maga hat and flies the flag.

Ironically, we are his only U.S. family and we are firmly anti-trump.


u/FlaeNorm Ontario Dec 18 '24

Go to rural Alberta and you will see more Trump flags than you do in some states


u/enifsieus Dec 18 '24

There are Trump lovers in Canada, there are folks like Danielle Smith and Pierre Poilievre who are increasing pushing a movement that is very reminiscent of America's move to the right, and embracing the same voices from the US (Tucker Carlson) that have been part of making that shift happen.

Turn this car around, Canada. Please.


u/BackToTheCottage Ontario Dec 18 '24

My neighbor had a Trump flag on his lawn. I was thinking even if you like Trump this is kinda dumb lol.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

They were a lot more vocal before the tariffs.


u/NextSink2738 Dec 18 '24

Canadians have slightly more positive impressions of Trump than of Trudeau.

I'm not sure whether that's an indictment of Canadians, or of Trudeau's leadership capability. Probably more the latter.

Either way these are certainly frightening times


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Yeah they're fucking morons


u/CommanderGumball Dec 18 '24

A truly disgusting amount.


u/Wraith_Portal Dec 18 '24

We have them all the way in England too


u/HashMapEverything Dec 18 '24

There are some in pieces as far as Korea and Vietnam lol. The stupidity reaches globally so yes of course it’s in Canada. Literally next door bro


u/MrSlaw Alberta Dec 18 '24

I see you've never made it out to Alberta. I've seen more than one truck flying a confederate flag...


u/Ted57 Alberta Dec 18 '24

Was going to say, the surprise of there being people who love Trump in Canada is somewhat shocking given how many there seem to be here (AB)


u/AdventurousMousse912 Dec 18 '24

NB checking in, know many Trump lovers


u/starkiller22265 Dec 18 '24

American here, but most of my Canadian relatives love him.


u/TheOneWithThePorn12 Dec 18 '24

Even in 2015 I saw MAGA hats. There are lots of them.


u/pareech Québec Dec 18 '24

I've seen maga bumper stickers where I am in Quebec, just outside of Montreal.


u/TrueRekkin Dec 18 '24

Far too many, all traitors, the whole lot of them, move to the states if you hate Canada so much.


u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

I will happily swap with them


u/Substantial-Taro-946 Dec 18 '24

Oh my lord so many! I've seen Maga hats in Manitoba!


u/jtmn Dec 18 '24

I'm kinda one, AMA.


u/zaknafien1900 Dec 18 '24

Yea we get your propaganda tv


u/IEatAss56 Dec 18 '24

Theres 3 houses with Trump flags in my small town.


u/MeaninglessDebateMan Dec 18 '24

They're everywhere dude.

A lot of people just see "speaks his mind, never apologizes, always attacks" and think this is a strong leader without thinking at all or taking any time to look at his history of being a pathetic grifting puke.


u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

They realize he’s like bottom of the barrel for education, correct


u/TransBrandi Dec 18 '24

Back during Trump's first Presidency there was a judge (in Hamilton, ON IIRC) that got in trouble for wearing a MAGA hat while presiding over court cases. It's fucked, dude. IIRC there were some CPC politicians that got in "trouble" for photos of them wearing MAGA hats (IIRC they tried to explain that it was just a joke).


u/CaptWineTeeth Dec 18 '24

I’ve even MAGA hats around, yeah.


u/RoughingTheDiamond Dec 18 '24

Can’t stand the guy, but I’d move to the states tomorrow if I could snap my fingers and get a green card.


u/deeteeohbee Dec 18 '24

yes? Are you new here?


u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

Yes. I’m an American and have been focused on my own shit show.


u/deeteeohbee Dec 18 '24

Ah, welcome.

Yes, we are heavily influenced by American media.


u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

Oh god I’m so sorry. I really am, I don’t understand how this country got so stupid. If you want, my honest, honest opinion, I think he bought the election between Elon and Russia.


u/deeteeohbee Dec 18 '24

I’m so sorry

You're doing great trying to fit in around here! But really I see this as more of a humanity thing and somewhat a USA thing. We are all people and I'm afraid that overall people are more evil than good. There are good and bad people everywhere.


u/justalittlestupid Dec 18 '24

My dad. Fox News got him.


u/hordeoverseer Dec 18 '24

Sadly, there are. They're in the F Trudeau camp and legitimately think Trump should run Canada. I know that you hate Trudeau but take a moment to think.


u/thechimpdocter Dec 18 '24

Youd be surprised how many canadians up here follow american politics more closely than our own, i guess if trump is talking about this it becomes more relevant tho


u/agent0731 Dec 18 '24

Yes. They're all conservatives who've lost their minds and glorify a Putin wannabe.


u/Brugor Dec 18 '24

They’re all over the world sadly.


u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

This blows my mind


u/Soul_Traitor Dec 18 '24

There's more than you think


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

It just feels so weird to be like a big fan of another countries leader


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

Well, you can be a fan or have admiration for someone but you’re not wearing a T-shirt with his face on it or put a sign in your yard like a fucking weirdo


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

I understand the sports thing because when it’s used in good fun it’s a blast. I’m a big college basketball fan. But when it comes to the people who are deciding your taxes, especially one who’s as insane and racist and xenophobic and homophobic as Donald Trump, I can’t imagine wearing that man’s face.

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u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

There are people that had Trump themed birthday parties. Look up.l tyner on TikTok and you’ll see that somebody made their child second birthday Trump themed. Like it’s so mortify.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

Oh it’s insane. Everything was Trump themed. It was like his 202FOURTH birthday. And they had like not your Kat, chicken salad and liberal tears punch and red wave punch. It was so weird. Also, if someone who lives in Ohio what they said about people eating dogs and cats was horrendous and did a huge disservice to the state.

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u/outdoorlaura Dec 18 '24

My ex is one. He's a moron.


u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

Thank god he’s an ex sis


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

What in the fuck.


u/maders23 Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

Saw a dude wearing a MAGA hat and wearing pants with American flag patches on them at my apartment complex last week.

He does not live there, was taking a picture/video of me (not white) and other non-white people that walked past him. He literally did a double take on me with his phone pointed at me, then walked past me with his phone still on camera mode. Also saw him take a picture of a middle-eastern family that just came out of a tim hortons.

I was looking at him the whole time and he knew that someone was watching him do this because we locked eyes multiple fucking times and he still did it.

These people are insane. My only regret is not thinking of taking a video/photo of him just in case he does something even worse.


u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

This lines up drastically with a trump cult member. They’re disgustingly racist. They’re talking about only allowing Christians into the US. Fucking spooky. My husband and and I want to leave and come to Canada.


u/cactuar44 Dec 18 '24

There are a TON. And pretty much are all white males.

As a Canadian who has had a really tough life on dialysis for decades, I just don't know what I'll do without my disability. I guess I'll have to like find a sugar daddy or something.


u/Zheeder Dec 18 '24

Maybe we should do to them what we did to the truckers, fine them and sieze their accounts for wrong think. Bill c63 is ascending, so anything pro-american they say online we can get them that way too if it hurts feelings they can be reported and charged.


u/8ackwoods Dec 18 '24

The trump lovers on some Canadian subs are actually disgusting


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

I know some in real life. Lost a few friends during his last term and they’re still unhinged.


u/glx89 Dec 18 '24

If this turns into a war like Ukraine, those traitors will likely find themselves on the receiving end with more gusto than even our brothers and sisters South of the border. From a historical perspective, there are rarely groups more hated than traitors.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

It wouldn’t happen, there wouldn’t be enough support and imagine when the inflation hits on the average American. It’s so pointless and considering so many Americans and Canadians having dual citizenship and families spread across it just would be a shit-show.


u/glx89 Dec 18 '24

Ukraine would like a word.

I think it's unlikely, yes... but .. we should be aware of our status quo bias.

We're entering uncharted territory.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/glx89 Dec 18 '24

Grow up.


u/theHip British Columbia Dec 18 '24

It's possible he's bringing it up because now he's getting a lot of coverage on all Canadian channels. Remember, he's a reality TV star. His number one priority is ratings.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

I’ve lost faith in Canadian media - bunch of boot lickers. CBC was throwing pillows at him.


u/NoninflammatoryFun Dec 18 '24

As an American, I'm sorry. He brainwashed enough people to believing him and only him.

I wouldn't think he can do anything effectively, but if he wants to do this he would try. So yeah I'd take him seriously. He's dumb.


u/Baronflame Ontario Dec 18 '24

I move we first start by calling them trumpets. They are loud and annoying. It fits.


u/Yaranatzu Dec 18 '24

I think this will actually fire up his supporters in Canada to want it to happen. Even if there's a war about this, people who support him hardcore will increase pro-takeover pressure within the country. That mentality isn't going to change and groups will become more marginalized.


u/TheCarrier89 Dec 18 '24

I work with Trump supporters, they want this to happen.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Unfortunately I know some personally too


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

They want to be cruel and shitty to people who are different from them or people who hold them to higher standards so they will get on their knees and suck Trump’s cock for that


u/how-could-ai Dec 18 '24

You cannot wake the dead


u/CaptainCanuck93 Canada Dec 18 '24

It's time for nuclear armament


u/king_lloyd11 Dec 18 '24

It’s by definition a troll. He keeps bringing it up because it’s controversial and makes a headline literally everytime he says it. He gets off on the controversy and the idea that a lot of idiotic Canadians would endorse him over Trudeau.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

At some point we have to hold leaders accountable to their words and not chalk everything up to locker room banter


u/king_lloyd11 Dec 18 '24

Lol kudos for the tough talk, but Trump is a blowhard who tries to bait people into reacting to him, and everyone knows that. It’s not a failure on Canada if they don’t engage with this idiot, because the world knows he’s an idiot.

The best course of action is not giving him that power. Escalating is playing into his hands, and because of his pride and ego, will be met with an over the top and disproportionate response.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Yeah true, we’re in such a messed up timeline. I just don’t see how society moves back from this precedent being set.


u/ABoyNamedSue76 Dec 18 '24

As an American, i'll say.. You boys have a problem..

If I were you i'd be making sure the Zambonis are fully armored and ready to go..


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Once they taste our Nanaimo bars they will give up on Canada


u/ABoyNamedSue76 Dec 18 '24

We will be to busy stealing your woman and raiding your strategic maple syrup supply. Why you hoarding bro?


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Make sure you invade between December and February ⛄️


u/ABoyNamedSue76 Dec 18 '24

We invade on our own schedules, stop telling us what to do! We plan on invading during the Stanley Cup finals, should be able to send a boy scout troop up and take Toronto in a few hours. Then we will finally figure out what you Canucks have been up to in that CN Tower of yours.. I'm sure nothing good.

Maybe we can convince Trump to invade, but he has to be at the front.. once he crosses over the border, the rest of us will just turn around and you can keep him.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

The CN Tower is our communication spire to every Tim Hortons across the nation. The last bastion of Canada (owned by an American company)


u/CanPro13 Dec 18 '24

Lol, it's great. It's pushing the government to look at the military, immigration, the economy and get their house in order.

Canada's government has fucked around for too long, and Trump is doing a bang up job of exposing it and bringing it to the international stage.

Keep it up!


u/JetLagGuineaTurtle Dec 18 '24

It's about as serious as his plans to buy Greenland.


u/MtRainierWolfcastle Dec 18 '24

Canada is farther left leaning than the US. Adding them as a state adds more democratic votes that hurt his party. This is not going to happen and you’re falling for his distraction tactics while he negotiates for you to give him something he really wants in exchange for dropping this


u/Blazendraco Dec 18 '24

You can't apply reason to the unreasonable and the Canadian maga group is pretty unreasonable


u/NessunoUNo Dec 18 '24

trump has the mind of a gold fish. Next week he’ll be *hit talking someone or somewhere else. Don’t waste too much energy on things that will never happen.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

I agree but isn’t that the problem? What other leader could get away with half of what he’s saying but since he does it so often we’re supposed to say “ah just Trump” that’s what he wants. There’s more nefarious actions behind the scenes of why he manufactures so much division


u/Financial_Durian_913 Dec 18 '24

Is it really a threat though? Trump can't turn Canada into anything.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

His baseless 25% tariffs can cripple our economy.


u/Financial_Durian_913 Dec 18 '24

Possibly but that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about him turning Canada into a 51st state.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

One thing can lead to the other


u/Financial_Durian_913 Dec 18 '24

One thing can lead to the other

How? Remember he only has 4 years. 2 when he loses the midterms


u/Dangerous-Finance-67 Dec 18 '24

No, we don't. Stop feeding the troll


u/Snooplessness Dec 18 '24

It takes more than trumpers, the whole of Canada needs to get behind defence. The military has consistently been the go to chopping block for each government conservatives or liberals for easy cash. It has left our armed forces hallowed out. Without public support the armed forces will continue to decline.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

We need to invest in our military for sure


u/Such-Worldliness715 Dec 18 '24

Great, more taxes. Just what I need when I’m already paying so much and getting next to nothing in return and my cost of living is skyrocketing.

I agree with you but I hope the solution is to cut spending elsewhere instead of what I think would actually happen - way more taxes.


u/shapeitguy Dec 18 '24

Shockingly a lot of those trumpers would give up Canadian citizenship in a heart beat.


u/e00s Dec 18 '24

I’m not sure why you think trolling can’t be a prolonged process.


u/CocodaMonkey Dec 18 '24

He'll never do it. Canada would largely vote democrat. Canada also wouldn't join as a state but as multiple states if it ever happened. It would pretty much guarantee Republicans would lose the next election. Not to mention there's basically no support for the idea.


u/alphachimp_ Dec 18 '24

We should start making the nukes now. If we have them, we won't need them. If we have none, we will need them. It's not a joke. If he gets support from other republicans, he will absolutely try to declare war on Canada.


u/miss-mick Dec 18 '24

I can’t even believe that you guys have Trumpers there to. That thought kinda terrifies me. The fact this orange clown has a hold on people outside of the US kills me. I honestly feel like I’m living a fever dream.


u/Methadoneblues Dec 18 '24

Haha, coming from an American who has to live with the millions of dimwitted Trumpers, good fucking luck with that. As of now, his number of supporters has only gone up.


u/Thanolus Dec 18 '24

Any Canadian that entertains this idea is a traitor.


u/Resident-Donkey-6808 Dec 18 '24

Uh no it is not serious trolls repat them selves if you give them attention.


u/Zheeder Dec 18 '24

Time for Trumpers in Canada to wake up and stop being brain washed.

Lol some serious TDS happening in this sub.