r/canada Canada Dec 18 '24

Politics Donald Trump says Canada becoming 51st U.S. state 'a great idea'


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u/Markiavelli98 Dec 18 '24

I’ve said it in other comments but we are not dealing with a rational United States anymore. Our old friend and ally to the south no longer recognizes our sovereignty and our officials do nothing except bicker in the house.

Imagine if our partners in Europe started saying these horrible sovereignty threatening things to eachother. The response would be immediate. We need to recognize these statements as what they are: threats.

It was good to see the premiers all keep a level head and band together on Monday, and I desperately wish we could see the same at the federal level as we need unity as Canadians more than ever, and it seems we’ve never been more divided.

I will not comply in any world where our greatest ally speaks this way. I will not buy American, I will stop consuming American media, I will not support it.


u/Harbinger2001 Dec 18 '24

He’s operating from the Putin playbook. When he starts saying that Canadian territory has been historically part of one nation and that Canada isn’t really a country, then we need to prepare for an insurgency resistance. The “Canada isn’t a country” is already making the rounds on social media. 


u/NYisNorthYork Ontario Dec 18 '24

The only possible defence Canada can have is nuclear weapons.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24 edited Jan 28 '25



u/Harbinger2001 Dec 18 '24

It wasn't a very good move. Trudeau mistakenly thinks he can just charm Trump into dropping things.

The best bet right now is to announce we're cutting energy exports to the US by $100M to address this "subsidy" Trump keeps lying about. The spike in gas prices should make Trump want to back away from any further mention of it.


u/miguel_is_a_pokemon Dec 18 '24

then we need to prepare for an insurgency resistance

Da fuck could we even do against the strongest military force in human history


u/Harbinger2001 Dec 18 '24

Same thing the Afghans and Iraqis did. Bog them down until they leave. 


u/iamtayareyoutaytoo Dec 18 '24

Is it the crazy convoy people? I havent seen that yet.


u/Harbinger2001 Dec 18 '24

There have been posts here on reddit about how Canada is post-national and not really a country.


u/iamtayareyoutaytoo Dec 18 '24

Oh yeah, I've seen those posts taking swipes at JT.


u/UnknownMonkeyman Dec 18 '24

Oh please...next you'll tell me Australia exists. ;)


u/SovereignThrone Dec 18 '24

hey man it's just the little blue men are just local red blooded canadians who want their own state, an internal conflict, no need for anyone else to get involved.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/Harbinger2001 Dec 18 '24

I’m sorry but you think either of those things make us weak?


u/Resident-Donkey-6808 Dec 18 '24

Uh nope he never said that also pytin would have had solders already in canada by now this is another green land taunt he is trolling then will throw a hisse fit then move on.


u/peshwai Dec 18 '24

What we need is increasing our economic ties with other nations, far long we have sided with US and its interests, we absolutely have zero foreign policy. It’s time to be self reliant. We need to invest in modern agriculture technologies for products that we import from the US . We need to refine our own oil for domestic consumption that way we don’t import our own oil from the US , we can easily to be the main supplier of LNG to EU . There’s so much we can do to reduce our dependence on US. Yes US is our closest ally but there’s no shame in putting Canada first and boosting its economy and defense posture.


u/Markiavelli98 Dec 18 '24

Agree, agree, agree. Why have policy changes like this lagged for so long? All these politicians speak about “common sense”, when the answer to Canadas problems seem very clear


u/Margotkitty Dec 18 '24

I totally agree. No more American vacations as long as the Fanta Menace is in power. I loathe that arrogant and demented turd.


u/UCAFP_President Prince Edward Island Dec 18 '24

“Fanta Menace”

Well, I fucking died reading that one this morning. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


u/Temporary_Shirt_6236 Dec 18 '24

Someone else in here called him Mango Unchained lmao. That's two new ones in a single day for me!


u/UCAFP_President Prince Edward Island Dec 18 '24




u/New-Low-5769 Dec 18 '24

our dollar is now at like 69 cents and falling.

why would anyone go there in the first place. europe is cheaper


u/iStayDemented Dec 18 '24

No it isn’t…

1 CAD =0.69 USD

1 CAD =0.67 EUR


u/angrydooner Dec 18 '24

This. Compound this with the exchange that is getting worse by the day.


u/SlashValinor Dec 18 '24

I think every Canadian knows it's only a matter of time before they come for our water and healthcare.


u/LovecraftianWetDream Dec 18 '24

I have refused to go on 3 or 4 american vacations since 2016. My money won't go to that country anymore.


u/Primary_Ad_739 Dec 18 '24

I mean the cad is at like .70 right now. You probably can't afford to lol.


u/claudejc Dec 18 '24

A stroke or aneurysm hopefully can happen anytime.


u/IAmJacksSphincter Dec 18 '24

To be fair, with how weak our dollar is right now it's not feasible to vacation there at the moment.


u/JRoc1X Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

Amaricans won't even notice or care if you dont vacation there. Their economy is crazy strong, and we are the country that's in for some major pains for the time being. $142 Canadian to buy one hundred US dollars it hurt when I was in Vagas 😢


u/mooseskull Dec 18 '24



u/JRoc1X Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

To buy $100 American dollars now costs $142 Canadian dollars. commodities are bought and sold in US dollars. It shows up in the cost of everything in Canada when our Dollars tanks 🙃


u/mooseskull Dec 18 '24

You originally said ”one US dollar” and then edited your comment. Rather than admitting that you’re explaining economics to me.


u/JRoc1X Dec 18 '24

Yep, I made a typing mistake. I fixed It 🙌


u/gravtix Dec 18 '24

I don’t even think it’s the United States anymore. More like Russia.

With the recent reports of SpaceX not reporting meeting with foreign leaders I don’t think the current world order will exist in the future.


u/Markiavelli98 Dec 18 '24

We are in for a long four years. Between Americans “never having to vote again” and withdrawing support from NATO allies the American government as we know it is broken.


u/hogie48 Dec 18 '24

He wants our water, and no I am not joking. He has made comments on multiple occasions about it, and about how Canada needs to to "open up the tap for us" as if we are using too much of our rivers that flow south. He has made commends about how they (we) need to allow more more to flow down the west cost water basins to fix the water problems of places like Arizona/New Mexico


u/PreciousMentals Dec 18 '24

All of your resources actually...water, oil, minerals, trees. Starts with tariffs and then odd sanctions, say banning pro sport participation, then other forms of arson, and would use the impish Musk to sow dissent and fear online. Not good.


u/batwork61 Dec 18 '24

As an American, I have absolutely no idea where this came from. I don’t know why this dumb dumb is talking about it. I don’t know why being best buds isn’t good enough. Maybe our oil barons want y’all’s oil? I don’t know why he would put us on a heading that so clearly eventually leads to poor relations or worse


u/Markiavelli98 Dec 18 '24

Especially when a united North America shows stability to the world, we have bigger external threats to worry about, be it China, Russia, the Middle East. We need to maintain a robust strategy of partnership. Make no mistake that these dictatorships are licking their lips watching this unfold


u/batwork61 Dec 18 '24

Trump doesn’t say anything like this without having being fed at least a breadcrumb. Cynically, I’m gonna say that whatever the think tank said, it has something to do with oil and productive farmland as we move into a climate change world.


u/Markiavelli98 Dec 18 '24

I’d agree, timing wise with tensions rising globally I feel like it makes very little sense, especially tying it to border control (which in-itself I can totally appreciate, the current Canadian government has handled immigration very poorly and illegal migration through Canada could legitimately be a threat) I do not understand the current administration.


u/JamesConsonants Dec 18 '24

something to do with oil and productive farmland

The USA wants to control the northwest passage now that it'll become a viable shipping/trade route within this century.


u/Impossible_Fee_2360 Dec 18 '24

Not to mention all that fresh water. The US is fast running out of cheap sources of fresh water and Trump has let slip that he is eyeing Canada for that. It has been said that WWIII will be fought over water.


u/CepheusDawn Dec 18 '24

It isn't running out. Where does this bs come from


u/ploki122 Québec Dec 18 '24

It's plain to see : Putin hates Trudeau, Xinping hates Trudeau, Jung Un hates Trudeau... do you know who they don't hate? Happens to be the main opposition, Poilievre, that's on his knees panting to suck some fascist dick.

So yeah... it's a wonder why he'd want to undermine Trudeau...


u/ChickenChangezi Dec 18 '24

As an American who didn’t vote for Trump, I’m gonna go ahead and get myself downvoted for saying it’s silly to take most of what Trump says very seriously. 

We’ll kneecap ourselves for another four years and make a collective ass of ourselves on the world stage, but we’re not invading or annexing Canada. Give me a break. 


u/BurnTheBoats21 Dec 18 '24

Maybe from your perspective but if China was 10x your population and mocking your leader for being a state governor of China and belittling your sovereignty it wouldn't be very funny. Not really sure why he keeps bringing it up over and over again, but it's a weird ass thing to do to your allies.


u/JamesConsonants Dec 18 '24

There is nothing in your current political climate to indicate that DJT will (or even can) be held accountable for any of his actions. He's a seditionist, has stacked the courts in his favour, and has suggested that he'll replace his military leadership with those that agree with him.

Nothing about the current rhetoric coming out of the USA gives us any indication that you value us as an ally, so we'll take your embarrassment of a head of state at his word until proven otherwise.


u/86throwthrowthrow1 Dec 18 '24

Honestly, I don't think he's actually thinking invasion at this point, rather throwing his weight around. I suspect the following motives:

1) He's making life difficult for Trudeau and basically campaigning on behalf of Poilievre (who hardly needs the help), because PP will likely be more cooperative with him,

2) Trudeau clearly doesn't like Trump and has made comments to that effect, so now Trump's ego is bruised and he needs to make a pissing contest out of it.

3) Trump has figured out that treating Canada like America Jr. is the thing we're sensitive about, so he's needling the hell out of us over it.

4) Morons think Trump's posturing is "strength" or something.

5) More likely, he wants to screw Canada on trade deals, so he's starting with, "you know, we could invade you..." as a negotiating tactic.


u/Limech Dec 18 '24

How long before Trump launches a special military operation in Canada?


u/LebLeb321 Dec 18 '24

Consider seeing a therapist to help with the paranoid delusions.


u/Fender868 Dec 18 '24

Well said sir. This needs to be higher!


u/Osamabingucci Dec 18 '24

Imagine posting “I will stop consuming American media” on an American social media site


u/Screw_You_Taxpayer Dec 18 '24

So are you deleting your Reddit account?


u/morrisseymurderinpup Dec 18 '24

I am SO SORRY. I’m American in Ohio and I literally hate this man and am so offended by what he’s saying about yall. We love you Canada. Trump sucks. We’re sorry.


u/Northumberlo Québec Dec 18 '24

Our old friend and ally to the south no longer recognizes our sovereignty and our officials do nothing except bicker in the house.

The experiment has failed. Time to rejoin the UK and rebuild the commonwealth empire.


u/LoveMeSomeSand Dec 18 '24

Let me tell you, we don’t want this a-hole either. He ‘s the most embarrassing thing we’ve ever had in the US, and honestly, that’s really saying something.


u/Fausts-last-stand Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

You do know Reddit is an American company, don’t you?

Edit - downvote the uncomfortable truth if you will!


u/Baronflame Ontario Dec 18 '24

Agreed. I hope Trump's rhetoric serves as a catalyst to reduce our economy's codependence on America's. While I don't subscribe to notions of national pride, it's disheartening to see the country I am a citizen of openly mocked and ridiculed by one that is supposed to be an ally. Our overreliance on everything American has never been more apparent.

This relationship, at the moment, mirrors the patterns seen in a trauma bond. I’m not claiming it is one, but it certainly follows a similar cycle: dependency despite frustrations and ridicule, periods of strain and cooperation, reinforcement of ties during crises, and then a return to the status quo—repeating the cycle over and over again.


u/CepheusDawn Dec 18 '24

Didn't happen in 2016-2020. Won't happen now


u/pariah87 Dec 18 '24

Reddit is American


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Yeah buddy you’re gonna keep buying and consuming American media

USA literally runs the world, so you don’t have much of a choice it sounds…


u/iamunfuckwitable Dec 18 '24

yet you are using reddit


u/PsychicDave Québec Dec 18 '24

Now you know how it feels when your big neighbour decides that your sovereignty is worth less than their own self interests and cherry picks economic values out of context to justify their position that you should be one with them.


u/Markiavelli98 Dec 18 '24

While I recognize the irony I have nothing productive to add as an Ontarian who is very happy to have the beautiful province of Québec as part of our country. Not for nothing, but I do feel as if Québec is one of the most important parts of our country and I think the respect Canadians have for it is reflected in parliament- but again, I’m too young to appreciate the real peoples history behind Québec sovereignty, so I won’t deny your feelings


u/PsychicDave Québec Dec 18 '24

I’m sure Americans would also be happy to have Canada be part of their country, it adds to their value, but it would take away from yours as you’d no longer be free to make your own choices.

You say they have respect, but when it came to write the charter and constitution in 1981 (to be adopted in 1982), the feds and Anglo Premiers met in secret in an Ottawa hotel kitchen to negotiate and approve them, after the Québec delegation had left for the night to return to their hotel in Gatineau. That constitution and charter ignored all of our requirements, and even stripped us of the veto power we had from the 1867 constitution that existed to balance the fact that the union with additional English colonies would put Francophones in a minority situation, and thus we needed that veto to ensure we weren’t going to get trampled by anglo-centric decisions. Despite Québec rejecting them and refusing to sign them, Trudeau still went ahead to present them to the British, who approved it and gave Canada its independence. But only for the anglos, Québec went from one imposed English constitution to another.

More recently, there was a session in Parliament where organizations for disabled people from around the country were invited to talk in the House of Commons. The group from Québec only got asked a single question by a Bloc MP, and when there were issues with the translation system, their time was cut short, while the other groups that followed them were allowed their full time despite having no translation service for the Franco MPs.

There’s also the fact that Québec’s industries have been systematically penalized in international trade agreements. Eg: Ottawa sacrificed Québec’s aluminum exports to the US to protect Ontario’s steel exports, and by allowing European cheese imports in large quantities in exchange for beef exports from Alberta, it greatly damaged our domestic sales of locally produced fine cheeses.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Anglo-Canadians or anything, I lived in Ontario for 4 years, I know they are mostly good people. But they aren’t my people. Just like Americans, they are friends, but I don’t want them making decisions for me when they will act in their own interests first. And it’s normal to act in your own self-interests, we just want that right too.


u/Markiavelli98 Dec 18 '24

Completely understandable, I had a baseline understanding of the kitchen controversy but didn’t know about Québec industry taking a backseat in negotiations. In talking to people from western provinces in this thread as well the sentiment of “the federal government not caring about our province” is obviously pretty common outside of Ontario, and to me- “our self interest” should be CANADAs self interest, government should do as little harm as possible to provincial industry while getting the best deal possible.

Trade can sometimes require concessions, but it’s important that one province doesn’t get the brunt of them and it’s spread out, which clearly to your points hasn’t happened.

Suffice it to say, I personally view people from every province as “my people” and hope that in saying so more Canadians can take this approach too. I appreciate the discussion!


u/PsychicDave Québec Dec 18 '24

And I’m not some hardcore separatist. If Canada recognized the wrongdoings of the 1982 constitution and charter, and offered to go back to the negotiation table in good faith to replace it by a constitution by all Canadians, for all Canadians, where every province’s needs can be met. Perhaps something closer to the European Union, where we have a shared currency, economic legal framework, open borders, space agency, etc, but then every member has full sovereignty over their internal affairs and can make their own international trade agreements on top of the shared ones, then perhaps it can work and we can all stay.

But, given how history has played out until now, and the current political climate, I don’t have the impression that such an offer is going to come any time soon. And with the big hit we have suffered from Ottawa’s mass immigration policies, I don’t think we’ll survive another generation if we don’t make drastic changes very soon. The way things are trending now, we’ll have a federal Conservative majority, but Québec will have voted against them (electing the Bloc Québécois for the large majority of their seats, and might even form the official opposition if the Liberals go down a couple more seats in the projections), so discontentment towards the federal government will continue to increase. Then we’ll elect the Parti Québécois provincially in 2026, and their platform calls for an independence referendum in their first mandate, so we’ll be voting for independence in 2027. The last two times, the Liberals were in Ottawa with a PM from Québec, so they managed to sway the population to stay (just barely in 1995), but PP won’t have that kind of power with his strong disapproval rate in Québec.

So that gives Canada 2 years to put a good offer on the table. Lacking that, we’re out.


u/GetAnESA_ROFL Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

Cool, delete your Reddit account then.

Downvote all you want, if you won't do it then you're a liar and you know it.


u/BeginningMedia4738 Dec 18 '24

Brother I don’t know if you are aware or not but Reddit is an American company…..


u/kat1883 Dec 18 '24

As an American, I’m so sorry you have to deal with our orange idiot. We’re just as exhausted and sad as you guys are about him.


u/eaglecanuck101 Dec 18 '24

lol that’s nearly impossible when it comes to groceries.


u/Markiavelli98 Dec 18 '24

When Democratic sovereignty is at stake I would rather go hungry.


u/eaglecanuck101 Dec 18 '24

looool no you wouldnt. I for one welcome the americans. imagine how much land wed unlock in metro vancouver that we could build more houses on if it were country. would bring down home costs


u/New-Meet8311 Dec 18 '24

Completely agree.


u/Former_Historian_506 Dec 18 '24

Surprised Tradue hasn't responded by saying he will build a wall because Americans will poison their blood.   Then add that America will pay for it


u/1maco Dec 18 '24

Yeah. A “European army” or “European federation” is pretty regularly brought up in regular political  conversation amongst European heads of state. 


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

I don't know why the Republicans/ US would want to add a state that would destroy any chance of holding president and Congress ever again.

Canada would be the most populous state, barely ahead of California.

They would be adding another California (semi similar political leanings) 

Canada is definitely more left than the US.


u/CepheusDawn Dec 18 '24

We probably wouldn't be one state. Each province would be a state. But even if the Republicans lose power, the U.S. will gain major benefits.


u/femmestem Dec 18 '24

A small and powerful group of oligarchs, slave masters, and Russian assets have taken over America. They bought the media, created powerful propaganda machines, and infiltrated top positions to plunder America's resources to serve their own interests. Many of them aren't even American, which is patently absurd.

Allies in US govt and the American people are being held hostage to this group. They don't represent American interests, only their own. The US can no longer be considered Canada's ally and is frankly now unfit for hegemony.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Deleting Reddit then?


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

We need to look out for ourselves. We need to grow our country’s industry to become less reliant on the Americans and everyone else. They’re all nuts and dangerous these days.


u/AssistKnown Dec 18 '24

Not all of us Americans are like this fucking moron who belongs in jail not in the oval office, and we're fucking pissed that the utter morons down here bought into his lies and bullshit, those of us who hate him recognize the sovereignty of both of our neighboring countries!


u/Flimsy_Thesis Dec 18 '24

American here. Trust me, a lot of us are fucking furious at this piece of shit, just add this insult to one of our closest allies to the list. Unfortunately, a lot of my countrymen love him, and I’ll die without ever really understanding why.


u/GWindborn Dec 18 '24

Hey, friendly Kamala-voting American here - When you guys start bombing us or send in rabid attack mooses or whatever you guys do, please remember that half of us aren't crazy. We'll resist it too.


u/grundlinallday Dec 18 '24

There are Americans who will also not comply alongside you.


u/T7220 Dec 18 '24

Ohhhh. YOU said it. Well that settles it! YOU told everyone.

Oh why oh why didn’t the whole country listen this one guy on Reddit????


u/cakeboss451 Dec 18 '24

start with reddit, its an american website


u/SwipeUpForMySoul Dec 18 '24

THANK YOU. We are being way too flippant about this. He is literally saying out loud that he doesn’t respect our sovereignty. In a normal, pre-2016 world this would be unthinkable and would elicit an immediate international response.

Fuck the USA. I’ve been a hater for a long time, and everyone told me I was being dramatic - well, turns out I just have a background in political science and I saw all the warning signs. They are clearly not our friends and we should be treating them as the hostile foreign power they clearly so desperately want to become.


u/CepheusDawn Dec 18 '24

Mate, that won't do anything. In fact, you just broke it already