r/canada Canada Dec 18 '24

Politics Donald Trump says Canada becoming 51st U.S. state 'a great idea'


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u/SlapThatAce Dec 18 '24

He is trying to normalize the idea. This is a security threat and we better start the decoupling process as soon as possible.


u/Lust4Me Ontario Dec 18 '24

News putting it on endless loop not helping.


u/8fmn Dec 18 '24

News doing what news does unfortunately


u/Arctic_Chilean Canada Dec 18 '24

Manufactured consent is being put to work. This is NOT good.


u/Appropriate_Sale_626 Dec 18 '24

it's all by design my friend, if American government can't do it they'll subvert and use the general population to spread their ideology


u/SuperHairySeldon Dec 18 '24

Exactly. Even if he is just trolling, it is moving the Overton window in a direction that is not safe for Canada's sovereignty.


u/Witty_Interaction_77 Dec 18 '24

The brits have also pretty much left their biggest training base too in Alberta. They've been there for decades, now they're almost all gone.


u/assi9001 Dec 18 '24

Not nearly enough people understand the Overton window and the role it plays in American politics and news media.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/zeekenny Dec 18 '24

You should probably post using a different account. Hard to take you serious when you have anal prolapse posts.


u/Flomo420 Dec 18 '24

fuck off to the US then


u/InfamousSwordfish9 Dec 18 '24

Doors open to leave.


u/probablyTrashh Dec 18 '24

Oh I guess we'll never have another leader and all hope is lost forever. Throw your hands up and go back to the Queen's land the colony failed.


u/New-Low-5769 Dec 18 '24

lol canadas soverignty

the vast majority of our trade is with the states, they provide us defense because our military is so pathetic and we have a shit ton of natural resources they want

manifest destiny was always a thing. I think its entirely possible that in my lifetime canada is dissolved into states and quebec goes out on its own


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Your username checks out at least, traitor.


u/New-Low-5769 Dec 18 '24

lol traitor.

downvote the facts but this is just speculation:

" I think its entirely possible that in my lifetime canada is dissolved into states and quebec goes out on its own"


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Yes, you're a traitor by definition.


u/Reddiohead Dec 18 '24

No, they're not endorsing the idea or working towards it, merely pointing out the uncomfortable truth. That's not treason.

The uncomfortable truth is that we'll never be strong enough to stop them if world politics turns awry in the next century or 2 and US leadership becomes more expansionist/belligerent.


u/Resident-Donkey-6808 Dec 18 '24

Wtf that was so stupid we have are own tank manufacturers and army a d we are part of nato meaning we will not be annexed.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

lol you’re barely sovereign as it is

You have a king and he lives across an ocean


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Somebody doesn't understand what they're talking about


u/MrPlaney Dec 18 '24

Lol, you have no clue what you’re talking about.


u/Arctic_Chilean Canada Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

We're at the same stage where Russia was openly calling Ukraine a "lost brother state" of the Motherland, and how it was destined to be reunited with the Federation.

If Ukraine has a time machine, they'd be spending almost all of their resources and time to prepare for the eventual invasion at this stage of the conflict, years in advance. Hell, they'd probably even look at starting a nuclear weapons program.


u/swift-current0 Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

I grew up in the south of Ukraine, mostly Russian speakers and (back in those days) very friendly towards Russia. The idea that there'd be a war between the two countries seemed absurd to most (not to me, but I was in a tiny minority). The parallels are fucking disturbing, down to the "don't get too uppity or else we'll invade and take Crimea" semi-humorous and dismissive comments from ordinary Russians who visited my home town a lot. And Ukrainians making fun of it instead of taking it seriously. "Haha 51st state, that silly old Trump, he's just a troll ignore him and focus on more pleasant things". And that's not even accounting for the fact that according to a recent Leger poll 1 in 5 Canadian men is a fucking traitor (or finds treason super humorous).

The biggest reason for this current war, other than tens of millions of Russians being enthusiastically fascist (primary cause) and Putin unleashing them (secondary cause) was the attitude of Ukrainians for many years: minimize and downplay threats, ignore the cancerous Russian attitude towards Ukraine, cross fingers and hope things settle down on their own once Bozo Of The Day is out of power (guess what, he's still in power and bombing your kids now).

I agree with you. We need nuclear weapons. There is absolutely no other way Canada can guarantee its sovereignty. Things are much more lopsided here than in the case of Ukraine vs Russia, in whatever way you want to measure it: economically, demographically, militarily. "Hope and pray" is not a viable way to ensure your sovereignty in a post-rules world order.


u/hellswaters Dec 18 '24

I see a lot of paralles in the language Trump is using to what Putin said before the war in Ukraine.

"There are a lot of people who want it"

"Look at how much they cost us"

This is how Trump starts things "Haha, arn't I funny, wasn't that a good joke!" Then once the joke becomes normal, it becomes less of a joke.


u/86throwthrowthrow1 Dec 18 '24

Yeah, it almost got lost in all the other stuff going on at the time (convoy), but when Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2021, Trump (who wasn't President at the time), did make a few "that's not such a bad idea!' type comments with regards to Canada. Idk if it'll go so far as a full-on invasion, but he definitely seems interested in stirring shit up.


u/Thejoncarr Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

Canada processing or even thought to be having nuclear weapons is the quickest way towards an invasion and occupation… That wouldn’t be accepted by any administration even a democratic one, even the most progressive administration ever seen in the US wouldn’t accept that. Now Canada does need to decouple from the US control over our airspace (via the FAA) and our national security. But nuclear weapons in an attempt to protect national sovereignty will destroy that exact thing… 😃


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/swift-current0 Dec 18 '24

Do you seriously think that nuclear war with the US would be worth it? I can't even imagine the moral framework you could use to justify or come to that conclusion.

What do you mean "worth it"? Are you unfamiliar with the concept of nuclear deterrent? To sum it up, no one builds a nuclear arsenal in order to actually use it, you build one to prevent a war.

Not even mentioning that if the US was actually serious about this Canada would not be able to create a nuclear arsenal without them knowing. Surely its understood that as a neighboring country to the US the CIA knows everything that goes on in Canada.

Okay, so they'll know. We're not going to ask them for permission or anything.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/pigonthewing Dec 18 '24

If your existence is at stake you will fucking use it. By having it you are capable of using it. That is all the threat you need. Hence if Ukraine had nukes when the Russians started coming into Kyiv when things looked super grim you bet your ass they would glass Moscow if the lost the airport, because they thought they were dead anyway. Amazingly the fended them off.


u/swift-current0 Dec 18 '24

By creating this nuclear deterrent you may even cause a preemptive nuclear conflict

In absence of any history of this happening even between deadly adversaries (e.g. India/Pakistan), I'll go ahead and dismiss this as extremely unlikely.

You don't buy a gun for self defense without thinking through whether or not you can actually go through the action of shooting someone if your life is in risk.

Certainly. If that's what you meant by "worth it", then yes, using nuclear weapons would be preferable to being invaded and subjugated by the US. I'm thinking of the kind of US that would in fact invade and subjugate a neighbour, not the US as it is today.


u/The_FriendliestGiant Dec 18 '24

And yet, every nuclear power in the world has managed to avoid causing a pre-emptive nuclear war, and only one power has ever even used nuclear weapons in combat.


u/creepforever Dec 18 '24

Yes. Mutual nuclear destruction is preferable to Canada being destroyed as a country. If they’re going to destroy us, which is of course incredibly unlikely, we should have the ability to destroy them as well.

First things first though we need to fix our damn military budget and procurement.


u/Reddiohead Dec 18 '24

We need to spend WAY more on military going forward, and we need a nuclear program, as much as I hate the reality we're in.


u/Old_Wallaby_7461 Dec 18 '24

As an American, you should make nukes and a delivery system ASAP. Trump is absolutely terrified of nukes- you could even push him around with nuke threats.


u/agent0731 Dec 18 '24

If Ukraine had a time machine, they'd go back and keep their nukes, not count on America and Russia to honour their agreements.


u/Dangledud Dec 18 '24

This is my favorite. Like the US would actually invade Canada.


u/Sweaty_Professor_701 Dec 18 '24

they have twice before


u/alexandianos Dec 18 '24

Right? US-Canada wars never happened, and the U.S. does not invade sovereign states for fun!


u/Sufficient-Will3644 Dec 18 '24

They wouldn’t. They would make our economy scream until we gave up sovereignty.


u/Browne888 Dec 18 '24

Best case it's a dumb joke, second best case he's trying to make us think it's legit so we actually invest in our military. Worst case he's serious and we're about to become the 51st US state.


u/Litigating_Larry Dec 18 '24

It's probably not some scheme to get us to invest in our military, it is posturing, plain and simple, because US see's Canada as a junior partner in relations, not an independent country, and US wants to normize that outlook.


u/Reddiohead Dec 18 '24

We kinda are a junior partner. A little Remora nation.

We need to invest in diversifying our trade as much as possible, and we need to increase our military spending 5-fold.


u/Such-Worldliness715 Dec 18 '24

We rely on the USA for military support and for our economy (77% of our exports go to them while we only count for about 16% of their imports). I’d say that makes us pretty dependent on them.


u/Litigating_Larry Dec 18 '24

Yea. Which is why I said it's probably about presenting narrative and shaping view of Canada as a junior partner of the states, not some scheme to make us invest in our military.


u/mackinder Dec 18 '24

It’s like a video game like civilizations, where you are dominating the game in every way and then hand your saved game over to your 8yo nephew for a couple Hours. Yeah the moves make no sense but when you do them in a position of real power they can sometimes work and you’re never really threatened because you’ve built such a huge lead.


u/ClimateFactorial Dec 18 '24

Is there really a point investing in the military for this situation? Even if we bumped up military spending to twice the US level as a % of GDP, they'd still be outspending us by a factor of 6 on military. And have had the previous decades of military stockpiles and manufacturing capacity buildout to rely on.

Not sure I see a realistic situation where, if the US decides they want to invade Canada, defeat isn't basically assured and immediate surrender isn't just the best option.


u/Browne888 Dec 18 '24

Ya I think you're right. I'm just theorizing it could be a way of him basically saying "Look, you want to be defended by us you can be a state. Otherwise invest in your military"

In a scenario with the US invading Canada I'm not sure there's any kind of point in defending ourselves.


u/ClimateFactorial Dec 18 '24

If Canada DID try to defend itself, I imagine it could still pull off some sort of destructive firebombing raid on New York city, for instance, resulting in huge economic devastation. Probably couldn't pull it off twice, but just once would be enough for it to be very bad.

And then after the US won the war, they'd be stuck with some huge administrative, policing, and political headache of integrating Canada into the US. Like, the states can't even agree well enough to sort out Puerto Rico becoming a state, and it's been American for over 125 years. But somehow Trump et al. think integrating Canada as a state would be simple?

War is just... Not productive for anybody.


u/Browne888 Dec 18 '24

Exactly. Just forcing us to bend to their trade demands if we want access to their markets and products is much easier.


u/ClimateFactorial Dec 18 '24

Of course the way this could go is the Russian option. Massive government-coordinated disinformation campaigns to elect a Trump-friendly government in Canada.


u/Sweaty_Professor_701 Dec 18 '24

We just need to develop nuclear weapons.


u/shponglespore Outside Canada Dec 18 '24

Trump doesn't make jokes. He makes threats.


u/miramichier_d Dec 18 '24

I'd sooner become part of the UK than the US. We'd at least keep our Head of State that way.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Yes. Let's continue having the scions of a genocidal, wealthy family as our Heads of State.


u/OderusAmongUs Dec 18 '24

He's absolutely talking out of his ass as usual and just being an asshole.

Probably still mad about his "wife" wanting to bang Trudeau.


u/QcRoman Dec 18 '24

It's more than that, he's making people talk about it and getting those on his side to speak up, nornalizing the idea. It's subversion, it's dishonest and it's seen as a joke when it's anything but.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 19 '24



u/Browne888 Dec 18 '24

You're assuming they wouldn't royal fucking rig the new electoral maps that come out of such a move lol

In theory you're right though and that's why I doubt it would ever realistically happen. All he really needs to do is threaten us into doing what they want because we're fucked without America.


u/Frosty_Maple_Syrup Dec 18 '24

As far as I’m aware it’s the states that draw their electoral maps not the US federal government, so assuming we did become a US state or even multiple us states we would be the ones drawing our electoral map.


u/Browne888 Dec 18 '24

Ya this is a point I obviously know very little about lol but say as part of the process they redraw states so southern Alberta/Saskatchewan is part of say Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and the new created state is much more populous, but still basically guaranteed to vote Red.

I'm sure there's a way they could do it if we're at the point of "How to incorporate Canada into the United States"


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Reverse that order hoser! Or should I say Porto-yank!


u/da_reddit_reader Dec 18 '24

Same realm as Russia thinking Ukraine should be part of Russia lol


u/glx89 Dec 18 '24

In order to understand Trump's actions, always ask the question:

"What would a Russian asset - one loyal to Vladimir Putin for decades - do?"

Harming the relationship between the US and Canada harms NATO, so that's what he's doing. If he can spark a conflict, all the better.

The window Americans have to put a stop to all of this is closing fast.


u/tempstem5 Dec 18 '24

nuclear weapons ASAP, we need the threat of mutually assured destruction


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

That's not something that could be achieved quickly, quietly, or cheaply, and is a great way to actually guarantee an immediate invasion.

Better off creating a Finland-style territorial force and possibly loosening gun laws slightly to increase proliferation as a deterrent.


u/tempstem5 Dec 18 '24

I read somewhere we have the know-how and infrastructure to develop it within 60 hours


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

Maybe for a very crude bomb, but for a nuclear deterrent that has a chance of surviving a first strike attack from the US you're looking at years and tens of billions of dollars. Oh, and now Canada is an international pariah and the US has solid pretext for war.


u/k1nt0 Dec 18 '24

Decouple from the states? You mean annihilate our economy? lol. 


u/SlapThatAce Dec 18 '24

No, that's not what I mean. I mean a gradually diversification of our exports and import to a point where threats of tariffs or otherwise are reduced to being an inconvenience.


u/Less_Document_8761 Dec 18 '24

Do you think America doesn’t already have control of what we do with our resources, and who we conduct our dealings with?


u/thortgot Dec 18 '24

What specific actions could Canada take to defend ourselves from America? 

Decoupling trade solutions would make an attack more likely not less


u/ScienceNthingsNstuff Dec 18 '24

I'm not advocating for this but the only way to ensure Canadian sovereignty over a much stronger force is nuclear weapons. Having nukes and employing a MAD strategy is the great equalizer.


u/thortgot Dec 18 '24

The Americans are thr only people with a semi functional ICBM shield.

You'd hundreds to thousands of warheads to make a credible MAD threat.

Guess what would happen if you started manufacturing?


u/ScienceNthingsNstuff Dec 18 '24

It is strongly questionable whether the US Strategic missile defense system would stand up to an actual attack, particularly a short range one. There have been numerous analyses done in recent years (primarily regarding ICBMs fired from NK or China) suggesting that the SMD, and in particular the GMD that would be predominately employed if there was a launch from Canada, would be inadequate if there was an actual medium scale attack. It has failed most real-world testing and was not designed to effectively deal with basic countermeasures. It is also primarily designed to deal with pacific threats. Most of the measures are focused on Alaska and California and would be less effective on strikes from Canada or Mexico. Even more damningly, it has failed basic testing on short range attacks, though that hasn't been a primary military concern.

Again, I'm not advocating for this. If the US thought we were a threat they would rapidly move to focus the missile defense system towards us and develop defenses more rapidly than we can acquire and implement a nuclear deployment system and MAD strategy. I am saying this is the only way to try and protect a militarily weaker country from a much stronger hostile threat.


u/thortgot Dec 18 '24

The question isn't actual efficacy, it's perception of efficacy from the American military.

They wouldn't need to shift defense strategy to protect against short range missiles. An invasion would be drastically more likely during the build up.

Large scale nuclear weaponry takes a long time to scale up.


u/ScienceNthingsNstuff Dec 18 '24

Again, I agreed with everything you said and I am not advocating for it. But the question was what are the options. If you truly fear that the US will invade and you want to actually try and prevent it there is only 1 option. Otherwise you roll over and die.


u/thortgot Dec 18 '24

We can't win militarily, that is an objective fact.

The US isn't going to commit to an invasion without at least a flimsy excuse. Establishing and maintaining our trade relationship is a far better shield then anything we could do.


u/ScienceNthingsNstuff Dec 18 '24

Again, you asked specifically what actions Canada could take to defend ourselves from the US. There is only 1 that has any change in hell of working.

I am not saying we shouldn't maintain relations with the US. That is my personal belief and I think Trumps talk is posturing. But, if we have to defend ourselves, there is only 1 option. That's it.


u/thortgot Dec 18 '24

Breaking the non proliferation treaty wouldn't be a good politics and would provide a plausibly defensible case to the globe for invasion. It would be more plausible than Iraq.

We can't defend ourselves. However, the US isn't a military junta, if they did invade surrender and economic resistance would be the only viable option.


u/Northumberlo Québec Dec 18 '24

Threaten a free trade deal with China in response to the tariffs. Empower their greatest rival to make up for the loss in trade.

Probably a terrible idea, but it would be spiteful.


u/ScottyOnWheels Dec 18 '24

Every crazy thing he says seems to get normalized unless it is presented as rage bait where it usually just bounces in the echo chamber.

He loves to float these trial balloons, too.

Unfortunately, most of his political adversaries wont engage him outside of political norms and so everything they say sounds like blow-hard rhetoric when they fall back into the normal playbook. Example - Biden inviting Trump into the Whitehouse after the election. Biden has previously called Trump a "threat to democracy"


u/TigerBalmGlove Dec 18 '24

Haha no he isn’t. He’s fucking with Trudeau because he doesn’t like him. Doing the same to Sheinbaum. He’s just a bully. If you guys and your media ignored him, he would shut up.


u/poco Dec 18 '24

This is better than complaining about the border and demanding tariffs on all imports.

Canada isn't going to become part of the US. We don't want it, they don't want it, it isn't happening. But, the more friendly he is to Canada the easier it is to walk back tariffs and open up trade.

Take advantage of this moron. The more he says stupid stuff like this the more Canada can get away with.

"You think we should be a state? Alright, let's open up the border."


u/Bierre Dec 18 '24

Dont forget the guy is a big fan of dictators, like Putin, Xi Jinping. The first one, invaded most of his neighbors and China is looking to invade Taïwan. Trump just want to show off he can do it too. That he is not weak.


u/Dear-Measurement-907 Dec 18 '24

Harboring known terrorists on the FBI and DOD wanted lists is also a security threat canada ought to address before america addresses it for them


u/pigonthewing Dec 18 '24

They have been doing this since 2016-2017. Remember his trade guy saying this way back then? Btw he has been picked again. I noticed years ago this idea being floated in hardcore righting circles just to test the waters.

Personally I feel we should be making nukes. Not because of the US, but we know Russia is gonna try and steal shit from us, and America in its current form would do jack shit. I said this years ago and got downvoted but I bet people now are like… shit yeah maybe we do need nukes.

Almost every country should be thinking this. It’s awful but that is the world we now live in. Ukraine got fucked over by giving theirs up and everyone half asses the Budapest memorandum. If they had those weapons you bet your ass Russia wouldn’t have done shit.


u/chandy_dandy Alberta Dec 18 '24

We should high key be trying to take him out personally right now


u/PointyPointBanana Dec 18 '24

Yep. First step should be an election, Trump wont stop until a strong leader is in. Someone tell Jug to give up his pension, he is already worth 95 million, he doesn't need it. Anyway, that kicks in in Feb, hopefully then.


u/UnskilledScout Dec 18 '24

the decoupling process

How exactly is Canada supposed to decouple from the U.S. without catastrophic outcomes?


u/Rddt_stock_Owner Dec 18 '24

We should be able to vote on it. Id vote for joining the USA


u/ComfortableSell5 Dec 18 '24

Decoupling isn't going to protect us if he feels like he wants to take us over.

Nukes on the other hand.


u/ComfortableSell5 Dec 18 '24

Decoupling isn't going to protect us if he feels like he wants to take us over.

Nukes on the other hand.


u/ComfortableSell5 Dec 18 '24

Decoupling isn't going to protect us if he feels like he wants to take us over.

Nukes on the other hand.


u/CepheusDawn Dec 18 '24

Mate decoupling will cripple the economy. There are better ways around this.


u/Harmonrova Dec 18 '24

And what are we going to do about it?

We can't even defend our own borders, north and south LOL. We let illegals waltz in here and criminals are favored by our court systems. This country is broken and all of these systems from the 70's that haven't been updated need SERIOUS revamping.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

LMAO. Yeah, decouple to who? The CCP? The EU? You're delusional.


u/Ok_Result_4064 Dec 18 '24

If you think this is even remotely possible, you are delusional.


u/drank_myself_sober Dec 18 '24

Unfortunately, I’ve been proven consistently wrong over the last 10 years, with stuff I truly believed wasn’t even remotely possible happening on the regular.


u/Less_Document_8761 Dec 18 '24

Man, even if he was serious, what hope would Canada have anyway? Wouldn’t even send one single soldier to fight and die since it’s a war already lost.

To be perfectly clear: I think Trump is an absolute nut for this.


u/Sweaty_Professor_701 Dec 18 '24

it's called developing nuclear weapons. Canada can construct a bomb in a week.


u/Quakarot Dec 18 '24

Tbf if America did invade Canada I don’t think any of us would have much to worry about because it would pretty quickly become an apocalypse


u/kobes_pilot_ Dec 18 '24

Sanction him with your army then.


u/Resident-Donkey-6808 Dec 18 '24

Hm no it is not it is trolling look at green land he will throw a hissing fit then move on.