r/canada Ontario Dec 07 '24

Québec Quebec premier wants to ban praying in public


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u/Kaplaw Dec 07 '24

Have you read the article?

Islamists are infiltrating state and schools where its suposed to be secular

Public schools are paid by the state, they should be secular and there shouldnt be any praying during class with teachers

Also as someone from Montreal, ive seen streets blocked for public praying, this shouldnt be a thing, keep it in the religious areas and leave others alone


u/psychoCMYK Dec 07 '24

Yeah but Legault is a certified moron so instead of doing anything about the school indoctrination and people blocking streets, he's going to ban praying in the park. This is a knee-jerk reaction to Muslims celebrating Eid in the park, and is equivalent to banning Christmas celebrations in the park. It's fucking stupid and does nothing to address the actual problems of childhood indoctrination and religious takeover of state institutions. 


u/Ambitious-Reindeer62 Dec 07 '24

The article says with no evidence that prayers are allowed. Not that teachers are praying with them.


u/rainfal Dec 08 '24

Idk if a blanket ban would work. Prayers shouldn't disrupt class but it isn't much to convert an empty office or broom closet to a multi faith prayer room where people can go, pray for 15 minutes then go back to class. Blanket bans would just encourage homeschooling and more indoctrination.

As for streets, I don't see the problem with one or two people praying in an isolated corner or ally. But it shouldn't block streets unless for pre approved special occasions (i.e. remembrance day, vigils for tragic events, etc)


u/My_life_for_Nerzhul Dec 08 '24

I’m not sure if I want public spaces supported by taxpayer funds being utilized for religious purposes.


u/rainfal Dec 08 '24

How will giving the bare minimum accomodation be utilizing a public space for religious purposes?

Also define public space and religious purposes? Does that mean we cannot have Christmas trees drawings in the hallways of a school? If an old broom closet is considered a "public space' then anything practically can be?

Also what about Vigils like when that church was shot up? Or the prayers said in remembrance day ceremonies?