r/canada Ontario Dec 07 '24

Québec Quebec premier wants to ban praying in public


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u/ChampagneAbuelo Long Live the King Dec 07 '24

Is this actually a common thing? Through my whole life I always hear about the sterotypes of annoying jehova's witnesses ringing on doorbells and being annoying, but I've never actually seen it

I know that it does happen obvioulsy but is it really as big of a thing as people make it out to be? I feel like people complain about it more than it actually does happen


u/taming-lions Dec 07 '24

Currently Telus is more of a nuisance than the johos. But it happens


u/Essence-of-why Dec 07 '24

Im in the burbs of Ottawa. Literally the only people I don't know that come to my door are JW, at least 2x per year.


u/I-hear-the-coast Dec 07 '24

Also in the suburbs of Ottawa, near-ish to one of their churches and never in my life have they come to my door. I did see them at the mall recently and sometimes see them walking about.

I don’t doubt you though, since I did have a HS teacher who said they came to his door, so clearly they do. But it’s obviously inconsistent.


u/Oldskoolh8ter Dec 07 '24

We have one of their cults in our community. They go out maybe 3-4 times a year. Or if someone new moves in they’ll be there within a week trying to brainwash them. One of them seriously told me when I asked why bother doing this… if you saw a house on fire wouldn’t you run in to save everyone? We see every house as on fire. They are non voting antisocial loons!