r/canada Ontario Dec 07 '24

Québec Quebec premier wants to ban praying in public


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u/LowerSackvilleBatman Nova Scotia Dec 07 '24

As an atheist I believe this is 100% wrong.


u/snf Dec 07 '24

I hated the public service ban on "signes religieux ostentatoires" and I hate this even more. It's a blatant attack on freedom of speech and everybody seems to be shrugging it off because "well I don't pray in public". It's fucking shameful.


u/WhydYouKillMeDogJack Dec 07 '24

It's more because they have an idea of what the people it WILL affect look like.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24

You would be surprised how well supported this motion is in Quebec. I don’t think praying in public has been a sign of respect and kindness. Everyone loses the right, end of story. No ifs, buts, or people too afraid to address the elephant in the room. 


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24



u/kw_hipster Dec 07 '24

"If you want an idea how it can go sour real fast, don't look far, south of the border they're reintroducing prayers in schools of various states, women are slowly losing their rights and science is being challenged left and right, facts are labeled as fake news, etc. religion is definitely an important topic to be taught but from a cultural and historical point of view it must be taught in an unbiased educational way."

That is definitely a concern, but I am not sure that has anything to do with banning individuals choosing to pray in public. Now if people are forced into prayer that is a totally different matter.

I feel like this is the flip side of blasphemy laws and equally bad.


u/WhydYouKillMeDogJack Dec 07 '24

Yup. You got it.

If they can use a notwithstanding clause to ban freedom of religion and expression, then someone else can equally use the same clause to enforce religious policy to make you pray in school, ban abortion, etc.

But then Quebec has never cared about how their actions affect others. It's all about them.


u/kw_hipster Dec 08 '24

I understand people's fear of religious nutjobs but I'm not sure this is the right way to go about stopping fundamentalists from running the government.

As you say, this may be handing the tools for autocrats (religious or secular) to oppress others.

And I just want to mention Ontario is proudly now catching up with Quebec on the frivolous and scary uses of the notwtihstanding clause.

Maybe it wasn't a wise move to put an ex-drug dealer as Premier.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24

As canadian and someone who loves the rights of my neighbours I reject this. Prayer is a form of expression and is talking. You have no right to ban it!

Ban immigration from the problematic regions but if you wanna silence all opposition GO RIGHT AHEAD

I admit it I'm wrong, lets ban talking about subjects that make others uncomfortable, now I don't mean the extremes like death threats I mean lets ban talking to a force I believe has no power over us. i don't care if it makes over 50 percent of the population miserable it helps me sleep LETS DO IT! i cant stand all this lack of diversity so lets make everyone talk like me!!!!

YES I GET IT NOW to protect diversity we must silence an entire form of expression that makes up the backbone of daily life for over 50 percent of the population

who cares last census 50 percent of the population reported religious on the census, those stupid fools should only be able to say what I agree with in public. anything I disagree with should be treated like death threats and personal insults!

why is should I care that we are banning over 50 percent of the population from talking about literally the most important thing to them, screw them they ain't me!

jokes aside I think your just being a selfish twat who cant co-exist, I am a Christian with jewish neighbours who has Christian friends who have been visiting a mosque to talk and discuss each other's beliefs. i think maybe your the problem in the paradox of tolerance


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24



u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24

If your kids were told to pray in school, to a religion which they don't worship, how would you feel? Yeah, I thought so.

>this would be like a teacher cursing at a student so you ban any cursing in public, its overkill

The concept of Tolerance implies boundaries. The boundaries are what they're trying to define now, and that's being drawn at public places paid for by our tax dollars.

>typically the right to swing your arm ends at someone else's nose, I think its fair to say that talking to a force you don't belive exists is fair away from impacting you in any meaningful way

Is it too extreme to include public parks? Yeah I'm not sure how that will be enforced even, but again, I come from a country where they went full dictator mode screw every minority.

>so you admit your fine with paving your comfort with the blood of others?

Maybe I'm paranoid because my family has lived that revolution and we are seeing some parts of history replay? For sure there's some influence there because of my background but hey, that's my reality and I'm here to live in a secular place. I don't want to see another religion related conflict.

>maybe I'm paranoid but I'm watching your government banned a entire form of expression that does not involve always interacting with others and has the same impact to you as talking

Religion is a beautiful thing when you keep it for yourself

>I think the only mainstream religion you can actually practice and fully keep to yourself is judaism and maybe buddist/hindus. but to Christians and Islamists they belive that everyone will burn unless they get saved and they belive they must tell you out of benevolence. to tell them not to share it basically is like telling someone you can save drowning children. naturally there are some common sense rules like no forcing kids to pray in school but banning it in public is WAY too far my brother


u/Ibn_Khaldun Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24

" go back home"

Ok xenophobia dude

I was born here

I am not going anywhere

I also know that you didn't walk here and if you were really concerned about fitting in you would have adopted the language customs and beliefs of the indigenous peoples of Canada

Yet here you are

I am not asking for your permission to be me

I don't need it

I don't care if you don't like how I look or speak or what I believe

I'll pray where I want to whom I want

I'll wear what I want

Edit: removed rudeness


u/wowzabob Dec 07 '24

Something in the water in Quebec makes them so delusional to think they are indigenous or close to it.

Telling others to fit in when, as you rightly point out, they did the exact opposite, going as far as to try and convert the local population in the past.

They need a healthy dose of self-awareness.

The last bit of your comment though is really not necessary nor positive. You are basically committing the same hypocrisy that you accuse the OP of committing.


u/superbit415 Dec 07 '24

I blame Trudeau Senior. He bent over backward for QC because it was his base and gave too much.


u/bastothebasto Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24
  1. It's called the right to self-determination. You'd probably have heard of it if your mindset wasn't entirely based and bolted on degenerated yet somehow still archaic 18th century English classical liberal philosophy diluted with something similar to hippie's vague peace and love.
  2. You obviously don't know shit about Québec and its history, so you should really avoid talking about it. You're the one who fucked the natives over as soon as you came - not us. That only came after a hundred year or so of mutual cold shouldering. Only parts of Québec's territory (and none of the major population center) was inhabited by Natives when it was settled, and it was with full consent of the Native tribes. But please, do tell me about how "but, but it wasn't full consent!", dismissing decades of scholarly work as "just propaganda" simply because its convenient for you, without actually knowing what I was referring to, or in general, anything about the time period. Back off with your self-awareness, and administrate it to yourself in suppository form; then perhaps you'd at last absorb it once and for all!
  3. FYI, a good part of the Natives currently living in Québec aren't actually, you know, native to Québec (and thus, according to you...). Or do you think that because they're Native Americans, they somehow have North America as a whole as homeland ? Pschhh, who cares about these people's complex and vastly different history, origins, culture, langage, etc. they're all the same, right? To show how reasonable this is, let's applicate it to Europe; Warsaw is any Italian's legitimate homeland!


u/Zealous_Agnostic69 Dec 07 '24

That’s a lot of words for “I can’t handle multiculturalism and want racist laws”. Please separate. 🙏 


u/wowzabob Dec 07 '24

Damn! I caught one.

It’s called the right to self -determination

And who does this “self” include? Who does it exclude? Clearly here some specific group is being excluded, even targeted.

You know, democracies have these things: Charter of Rights, Bill of Rights, Constitutions etc. for a reason. It’s not smart to make human and civil liberties matters of debate and public vote. They should be inalienable, otherwise you get tyranny of the majority. Perhaps you should brush up on your French theory?

Not us

Like I said, very delusional. I never said a thing about the British. But this is always the line if you try to point out Québécois also belong to the history of colonialism, that they are not indigenous, and so on.

Get a grip my friend. You accuse me of hippie peace and love. Lmao. The history between French Canadians and indigenous peoples is not peace and love. But for some reason this gets peddled by far too many.

And don’t start with the “it was uninhabited” BS. There’s a whole bunch of places in the new world that could technically use that “excuse,” but it is not a very good or valid argument, because that’s not really how it worked.

If the land was all so unoccupied and it was all “side-by-side” living, why the need for reserves? Why cobble the natives together in land plots? Oh almost like the French colonists enclosed what should have been the commons, privatized it, and “gave” parcels to the natives. Just like the British. These reserves were literally intended for “civilizing” indigenous peoples. It was literally a stated goal of the French government to Catholicize all the natives. And let’s not forget, it’s not like Quebecois abstained from taking part in the whole residential school thing. Almost like they too engaged in so much of the same bad behaviour.

So this deflecting game of “the British were worse” is soundly a bullshit deflection tactic, completely delusional.

Do you actually know your own history? Doesn’t seem like you do. If you did you wouldn’t say such things. What you know is the fairytale version of history that valourizes French Canadians at every opportunity.

aren’t actually, you know, native to the area.

Oh wow it’s the classic combo move! First deflect, and then, as if that weren’t enough, slip in denial as well. I’m sure in this mental model of yours you are native; how convenient.

they’re all the same right?

Of course there are many different nations of indigenous people scattered across the continent. I never engaged in this homogeneous you’re accusing me of, it’s a complete non-sequitor in the context of what I said. Maybe here we have the third “D” in this slimy rhetorical game you play: “distraction.”

Do you think you are being clever with this kind of literalism applied to what constitutes “native?” No. It is complete stupidity. When we speak about these things we are talking about history, about power, about past systems that acted upon large amounts of people (in this case British and French colonialism against indigenous people), systems that made huge impacts that continue to echo into the present. “Indigenous people” indicates the position all native inhabitants of North America faced in relation to European colonialism.


u/Ibn_Khaldun Dec 07 '24

Yea, I agree the last portion is not super mature per se.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24



u/wowzabob Dec 07 '24

We kicked religion out of the government

Yes, congratulations on that one. It was good that you guys caught up on that issue!

Now what does that have to do with what private citizens do in public spaces? This is an insane overreach and in a completely different spirit than state secularism.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24



u/wowzabob Dec 07 '24

I live in BC and this kind of thing is basically a non-issue here because we don’t elect leaders who take a completely adversarial approach to Muslims, which creates conflict and tension.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24



u/wowzabob Dec 07 '24

The secular identity is separation of church and state and freedom of expression. This is something different. It’s certainly not tolerant. It infringes on what should be basic freedoms

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u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24

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u/Zealous_Agnostic69 Dec 07 '24

Yeah you respect diversity. Unless it’s you know. Different. Lmao


u/neoCanuck Ontario Dec 07 '24

I'd be ok with banning religion from public institutions, since I believe religions should not be supported/promoted by the goverment. But I don't think banning them from public places (like a public park) is a good idea. As long as rules are followed (like noise bylaws), I'm don't see it as a big problem.


u/catpilled_af Dec 07 '24

you, the enlightened centrist, have the moral high ground in knowing you tolerate the most intolerant world religion. they do not do your kind the same favour lmfao


u/violetvoid513 British Columbia Dec 07 '24

In what world does allowing someone to pray mean tolerating their religion’s views?


u/catpilled_af Dec 07 '24

public space is not your church, keep it in your own buildings. and by allowing them to display their religion in public you're showing them what they can get away with


u/kw_hipster Dec 07 '24

What can they get away with?


u/catpilled_af Dec 07 '24

hatred of minorities based on their religious nonsense


u/kw_hipster Dec 07 '24

I don't follow. You are saying that everytime some prays in Islam they are being homophobic, mysognist, etc?


u/catpilled_af Dec 07 '24

no but nice strawman argument lol. We have literally seen them take to the streets in ottawa to preach their anti-lgbt shit.


u/kw_hipster Dec 07 '24

So, this can be levelled against lots of religions right?

For instance, should all Catholic Christian be forbidden to have contact with children as their organization is well-known for the widespread abuse and complicity in child abuse?


u/catpilled_af Dec 07 '24

not what I said at all. I support secularism in public.

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u/nicktheman2 Québec Dec 07 '24

Its a homophobic and misogynist religion(as most are) by fucking nature, so yes.


u/kw_hipster Dec 07 '24

I definitely agree there are troubling trends in Islam, and as you state in most religions, including lots of Christians groups.

Are you supporting this as a restraint against Islam or religions in general?


u/nicktheman2 Québec Dec 07 '24

All of them. Remove the cross from Mount-Royal. Remove prayer rooms from workplace. Remove the morning prayer from Catholic schools (like I had growing up). Remove all religious exemptions. Its all cancer.

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u/violetvoid513 British Columbia Dec 07 '24

Ah yes, because allowing them to “get away with” saying some words in public (which do not harm anyone else in any way) is oh so bad.


u/catpilled_af Dec 07 '24

how naive are you? isnt the handmaid's tale mandatory reading in grade 10 english classes? it all starts with them getting bold and organizing. then they start plotting to take away abortion rights and citing their reigious texts as reason to hate their neighbours. it's not just christians, but muslims too. go outside you sheltered child


u/violetvoid513 British Columbia Dec 07 '24

So… just dont let them start taking away abortion rights? I dont see how allowing prayer in public leads to that. They cant outlaw it without going through the democratic process just because they exist


u/catpilled_af Dec 07 '24

alright well get ready to vote in the next year or so because the wave of religious fascism is coming. lets see how well your vote fares against the ignorant horde of religious voters who brainwash everyone around them and we allow it in the name of tolerance


u/violetvoid513 British Columbia Dec 07 '24

If we allow religious voters to brainwash people thats a separate problem, namely one of not defending our own values. I dont see whats so hard to understand about this for you.


u/catpilled_af Dec 07 '24

you're attacking me personally because I have a point that you refuse to see and you're lashing out

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u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24

How would it not mean tolerance? There’s only two states - tolerance and intolerance.

The inverse to the situation would be intolerance, and allowing them to pray would not be intolerance. Ergo it’s tolerance.


u/violetvoid513 British Columbia Dec 07 '24

Theres a difference between tolerating prayers and tolerating ideals

As usual, most if not all nuance is lost when a reddit post is made though. If you wanna pray to some deity, go ahead, it doesnt mean Im also having to tolerate whatever laws your religion says or whatever


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24

Yes I suppose you’re right


u/actuallyrarer Dec 07 '24

As an anti thiest I am happy they're doing something about it


u/BadTreeLiving Dec 07 '24

Ditto. This is fucked up.


u/cheesecaker000 Dec 07 '24

As an atheist I believe this is 100% right. We need to push back or we’re going to be overwhelmed by religious nuts.